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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

guess 7, 600/1000
guess 8, 985/1000
for what
semantle 57
what is semantle?
CMQ: What do you think will happen to Wordle and co. in the future?
Wordle seems comparatively boring now that I've begun to play Semantle
@Ginger They will die down eventually
i keep getting 9xx/1000
yes, today's one is annoying
found it in 55!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a JS problem. You have a regex with 11 or more match groups, and you want to surround the first match group $1 with a 0 and 1 (with no intervening spaces):
@Jonah awful hack: Try it online!
@Ginger same thing that happens to all popular things: it'll slowly die out and be replaced by the next thing
@Jonah What assumptions can we make about the string?
@pxeger hahaha wonderful!
@ophact I didn't have any in mind, what were you thinking about?
Replace the space
with an empty string
wanted to know if we could assume the original had no spaces
@ophact No, can't assume that.
No need for first match and blah blah... just use a callback
Yeah 'abcdefghijkl'.replace(/(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)(.)/g, (_,x)=>`0${x}1`) works...
Thanks. I guess the answer is that the problem is outside the "special case" scope of the first form, and must be dealt with using the general case mechanism which is the callback.
You could use @pxeger's hack
pretty clever
Wonderfully clever, but terrible for both golfing and real-life use cases.
@Jonah Here's the actual way to do it: Try it online!
woah what is that <A>
not enormously golfy, but it works
it's a named group
Ahhh... yes. Good call.
doesn't work in IE though ;)
@Jonah 0$011 seems to work.
@m90 that looks like a bug
@pxeger How so? Logically it makes sense to me.
@m90 That feels like "the answer" to me.
because 011 should be either disallowed or the same as 11
And it looks like when parsing replacement strings it's grabbing upto len(max number of capture groups) digits
but doesn't it make sense that if you have 10-99 capture groups, you could refer to any of them by their 2-digit description, so that $01 would refer to 1?
yes, but it feels like $011 should still refer to 11 given that $01 is the same as $1
maybe it is intended then, it makes more sense as I think more about it
If anything, it should return the ninth match
because 0o11 = 9
"yes, but it feels like $011 should still refer to 11 given that $01 is the same as $1" ... I'm reading the rule not as "you are always allowed to prepend leading zeros" but "you are allowed to prepend leading zeroes to give your number the same length as the max capture" so that you can avoid precisely the ambiguity that inspired my question.
Given you can use $<A>, I think the real solution should be $<1>, but that doesn't work
Yeah I agree that should work.
@pxeger sad, it wont work for me
my favorite browser is IE :p
CMQ: Which browser are you using?
Nintendo DSI integrated browser
Microsoft Edge
@cairdcoinheringaahing except Minecraft
@mathcat FF.
@Ginger were you on the internet at all between 2014-2017? Minecraft was not popular at all
@mathcat Ginger Technologies FlashWave(r) Net Viewer for Windows 98
Its made a come back, but it died off for a decent amount of time
@cairdcoinheringaahing hm. I didn't notice
Nobody using AOL?
@Adám AOL is older than most people in this room :P
I remember when ISPs would give away free CDs with dial-up internet software.
surprised nobody is using the Tetris OS 1956 browser™
hello radvylf
@pxeger So for a brief time in 2016/17, people liked AOL more than Minecraft :P
Wordle 281 X/6

Today's wordle was neat
Wordle 281 X/6

> People who haven't had COVID yet probably have no friends, a Korean doctor says.
With a sample size of one I know this to be true :(
11 mins ago, by Ginger
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mathcatPair my brackets Given a string consisting of ()[]{}, print the paired brackets in the same order as they appear in the string. Any opening bracket ([{ can be paired with any closing bracket )]}. For example: ({()[}]] returns: (], {], (), [} Rules A string consisting of ()[]{} should be receive...

976/1000 on my 3rd semantle guess :o
@RadvylfPrograms 2.
I need a hint
@RadvylfPrograms 4-letter adjective
@RadvylfPrograms me_irl
I can't think of any
describes a physical attribute
@RadvylfPrograms synonyms, you'll find it eventually
I've tried literally every synonym the dictionary will give me
Gave up
Dang it the ones I had were super misleading
Not really
^^ same
@emanresuA idk, mine were all like, spoiler, spoiler, spoiler, etc.
I had those too, I got there in the end
It'd have taken me hours
And I don't care that much
You can leave it for a while and come back to it
I started with crazy good luck, I thought, getting a top 25 word in three guesses. Then 80 guesses of near synonyms had me pretty burnt out.
I had nothing negative
CMC: Get a word with negative similarity on today's semantle
> cabinet -0.10
"closet" was my first guess and it had a positive similarity
The wordle people probably have lots of cool data
@mathcat Vivaldi
@mathcat Chrome 99.0.4844.86 (Official Build) (64-bit)
@mathcat Word similarity is weird. Cabinet has other meanings, like maybe a political cabinet, and so does closet, so they're bound to be different
I'm reading about the history of the Ark of the Covenant, and man, this bit seems kinda mean:
> On the way to Zion, Uzzah, one of the drivers of the cart that carried the Ark, put out his hand to steady the Ark, and was struck dead by God for touching it.
"Hang on guys, looks like the super important thing we're carrying is about to fall, lemme just steady it - *smite noises*"
God gets irritable sometimes, just a part of life.
COVID was probably God forgetting coffee this morning
"Welp, better just send another plague at those stupid humans"
@RadvylfPrograms I reckon she was just bored, and hadn't smote anyone in a while :P
@emanresuA The lowest I've got is Cascadia -1.36
surprisingly hard
"Bet you $100 I can hit this dude between the eyes with a lightning bolt"
2 hours later…
tbh if I were a god I'd go around smiting everyone
As long as it were painless and everything
You gotta smite people every once and a while to remind society that you're watching
I solved Semantle #57 in 209 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 8.65. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #59. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 59.25 (996/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@RadvylfPrograms same lmao
1 hour later…
Am I dumb or is there no question here?
tfw you learn about trigonometric substitution, don't need to use it for six months, and completely forget it
Hey, Wolfram can just do them for you irl
It's important to know how that stuff works when starting out but I don't see what one could gain from doing integrals by hand
Great way to stay COVID-free, though
336 on 5th try
@user New exam question style: they just tell you random information, and see what you do with it
@Jonah apparently match groups can be 1 or 2 digits long but not 3, so just use $01
@user Determine who the driver of the train is
new semantle soon
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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