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I have a challenge idea
good for you
my second ever challenge
hopefully this gets to the same level as my first (+12)
it involves this
how do i get to the sandbox
Q: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SandboxThis "sandbox" is a place where Code Golf users can get feedback on prospective challenges they wish to post to main. This is useful because writing a clear and fully specified challenge on your first try can be difficult, and there is a much better chance of your challenge being well received if...

why did a fricking answer get more votes than the parker square question
I don't understand voters
voting is often not rational
@mathcat don't ask me
i have an avearge of 2 o my posts
so i clearly have no idea
(totally not trying to get you parker squared)
Is there a challenge like: "Output the next generation of Game of Life?"
@PyGamer0 there's several
i just want "input matrix => output next generation"
anyone ever used flask (python) here?
@mathcat what do you think of it?
@graffe and uh vyxal gang I guess
@graffe nice
cool... I might learn it
it's really simple
that sounds perfect for me
django and stuff is too complicated for me
@lyxal smh ginger microwave cold food before eating
@graffe it is neat and kinda easy ...
@PyGamer0 cool!
that sounds great
any answers here using pygame zero?
Oooh, looks like this is live
it seems no pygame zero answers??
@graffe what is a pygame (0)
@cairdcoinheringaahing wait what
I am confused
I just refreshed the page and then some sort of dropdown replaced it
I thought testing would only be on SE?
Yeah, I think it's now gone out live to the rest of the network
@graffe no?
and i dont use pygame ... even though my name has it as a substring
:) it's fraud!
i use pyglet ... much easier to learn
that Ukrainian flag challenge is vastly more popular then I expected
because of obvious reasons
23 hours ago, by Ginger
capitalizing on wars for reputation go brr /s
but don't you dare to overtake me on rep
i'm only 562 behind
> only
idk how my answer to my own question got 10 upvotes but it did
@mathcat - idiot not-so-smort-person, 2022
i feel like on top of people wanting to answer it just because ukraine it's also simpler and more permissive than the average graphical output challenge
it's two squares
easy peasy
otherwise I wouldn't have answered in scratch
no offense but
I don't like scratch
I can do that with Unicode:
> The image must be [...] at least 78 by 52 pixels.
- random person
i should probably not be awake now...
Feb 4 at 1:23, by emanresu A
Go to sleep in your fridge, there'll be a lot of white noise.
...and my brother is saying hi
hi pygamer0's brother!
> hi
> how are you
I am doing joe.
> joe MAMA
Mar 15 at 13:38, by Ginger Industries
9 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
1 min ago, by Ginger Industries
not funny

didn't laugh
the quoted messages are my brother's
> hi guise
> i like friends
@Ginger :(
ok im gone
I thought i'd get him
throws powder and disappears
trying to use xgboost for the first time. Has anyone here ever used it?
Lord, forgive me for the thing I have created:
 v ^<x
 vv   ^<3
 vv   ^<5
 vv  ^<15
@ophact The problem is very rarely voters on this site, it's drive-by voting from the HNQs
Oh yeah, I forgot about HNQ.
People see the first few answers posted since they've had more time to receive legitimate upvotes, so they upvote those even more. Answers that look cool to the average programmer also get lots of upvotes regardless of how trivial they are
But if it weren't for HNQ, I wouldn't have known that this website even existed.
I wish there was a requirement that in order to upvote, you need 10 rep earned on this site
That would be very useful.
here's a mirror machine:
Honestly not really sure what the point of the association bonus is
 v    ^<1
 v   ^<0
@RadvylfPrograms It allows you to comment and chat, which is really the only purpose.
that looks wrong because of chat's fake monospace formatting
I think you only need 20 rep on one site to be able to chat on all of them, regardless of the association bonus
So really just commenting
Answering protected questions requires 10 rep earned on this site, so why not for upvoting too?
@Ginger Do you not have chat monospace fix?
57 secs ago, by Ginger
@Ginger How do you do the nesting thing?
send the link of the previous message
You just paste a permalink to the message you're quoting
1 min ago, by Ginger
57 secs ago, by Ginger
Should we really start this again?
if you're going to test it out, please go to the sandbox
Okay, sorry, should I remove the above message?
No, it's fine
a single one isn't really a problem
It'd be a bigger waste of time and space to move a couple of messages than to leave them :p
Yeah, what happened there?
I don't remember it was like this?
Ooh, did we get that change now?
Another step backwards for Stack Exchange UI
I know they'd announced it a while back
First the strange question summaries, now this new sorting menu. What's next?
what's wrong with this sort menu? It's no better or worse than the old one really
Click on it to see the obviously unstyled <select> tag
Well they added padding and rounded corners, but..
that's pretty much it
Who cares? It's native UI, so will have far better UX than any custom component
You can't style the <option>s, btw
This is much more of a functionality change than a UI one IIRC
We just haven't gotten the functionality yet
They didn't have to use <select> tags, which frankly look rather primitive no matter how much styling you add
The old sort menu was just a bunch of buttons
53 secs ago, by pxeger
Who cares? It's native UI, so will have far better UX than any custom component
Styling form elements (aside from buttons) is so janky in HTML/CSS
And the default ones are usually pretty hideous
Soon they'll change the question sort mode (newest, active, unanswered, bountied, etc)
@RadvylfPrograms Especially the <button>
they look like something from the 1990s
That one's a lot easier to customize than the rest, luckily
Radio buttons are unchangeable if I'm right?
But good luck doing anything fancy with ranges, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.
@ophact it depends on browser and OS
I think there might be some like, :-webkit or :-moz or :-ms stuff for some of those, but still
I remember someone saying "let's make custom radio buttons" and I thought he meant applying CSS to the <input type="radio">s, but in actuality, he hid them with display: none and made a bunch of other elements which looked like radio buttons but were just divs or something, and would be filled in when clicked. So cumbersome.
CSS is in huge need of an update
on macOS everything has a consistent theme with the OS UI, because Apple put too much work into polishing it
If a new version of CSS is released, hope they add the option to center a div easily
@ophact flexbox provides a very easy way to do that
I sometimes want to just write * { display: flex; } in my CSS
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EphraimRuttenbergResolve a Super Auto Pets Round In Super Auto Pets, players build teams of animals that face off in battles to the death unconsciousness. Each animal has abilities that affect the outcome of battles, but the main method of resolving conflict is by the pets lining up and attacking each other until...

@pxeger Guess I'll try that, then
@pxeger You're taking that way out of context
It's about how important it is for a site to function with the bare minimum of browsers, especially if the site provides essential services
It's not saying "ugly UI is good UI"
I just think that using a browser native UI has benefits which outweigh "it looks rather primitive"
and that post illustrates the benefits of browser native UI
I don't think it does
v  ^<'^'
The main point of failure with the button-based UI is the JS
@pxeger Perhaps in that sense...
but not from a financial point of view
more primitive = less retention = less ad clicks = less money
Since without any CSS it's still perfectly easy to see what it does
And guess what...you need JS for those buttons to do anything in the first place
Same with the select
Honestly the buttons work better than the select from a bare-minimum-browser perspective
Because you can make them fall back to links without JS
hi would anyone mind taking a look at my sandbox proposal? its the most recent one in here
Looks good, although you might want to rearrange some of the flavortext so that people can more quickly see what the actual task is
I'd be worried this is a close dupe of something, but no clue how I'd search for it
yeah i wouldnt be surprised if the same concept has been done before. tough to search i agree
Q: Calculate the highest possible period oscillator in Conway's Game of Life

SquareootInput: a whole positive number greater than 4 Output: A whole positive number that describes the highest possible period an oscillator could have inside a square space of size (input)x(input) in a "life" grid that follows the rules of Conway's Game of Life. The oscillator never leaves this area t...

this is driving me crazy. I have copied a function and changed its name but it gives a different answer! Could someone please save me! bpa.st/EJLQ
objective3 is the same function as objective4 isn't it??
@graffe is that the original code?
@BgilMidol yes. It's test code that makes no sense to me at all
the same function is giving a different answer
oh I see what I did!
idiot :(
<         "colsample_bytree": colsample_bytree,
>         "colsample_bylevel": colsample_bytree,
thank you so much
that was driving me insane
paste this into anything that can render LaTex and enjoy
what would happen if i sent a message 57 KB long
@Ginger I use IDLE
vscode's python extension is pretty bad for collections of large files
@SegFaultPlus4 it won't let you send anything longer than 500 characters
@Ginger You'll almost never use that lol
@pxeger i tried to quick-send it before it could stop me, but the wall is omnipresent
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah, mine's at +47 right now
@Ginger where is it
@RadvylfPrograms IME, if you understand how one site works you generally understand how the rest work
@pxeger and what language is it
So you'd do better stuff
no idea
I've only had questions closed on SO
(after I came here)
I still don't understand SO
@emanresuA yes, like getting me to 1500 rep
Is this 2d Etch @Ginger?
@emanresuA it's a toss-up between jQuery and C++
Python was built on C< not C++, so that's safe
@emanresuA it's a weird theoretical language I came up with
@emanresuA probably jQuery, tbh
because it kinda spurred the boom of frontend development
and the modern frontend development ecosystem is horrible
@emanresuA SO is a website full of arrogant people
@emanresuA jquery
Although without jQuery, we wouldn't have this
@BgilMidol I agree
so, 1.5 votes for jQuery, 1 for PHP, .5 for C++
Vanilla JavaScript (at least the DOM part) is much better IMO than a bunch of dollar signs
I vote PHP
I love in particular .querySelector(...).insertAdjacentHTML
PHP is definitely worse than jQuery
@ophact actually PHP
Yeah... but it's decreasing in popularity,
that's 2.5 for jQuery and 2 for PHP
but I'd rather erase the effects of jQuery on the timeline than those of PHP
The entirety of front-end web development's scripting stuff, whether vanilla, jQuery, Angular, React, etc., is a huge mess
@SegFaultPlus4 out of 5 or 10 or 20 or what?
@RadvylfPrograms but vanilla is the best out of those
@BgilMidol it is too late to undo this operation
I hate frameworks, except ExpressJS
@ophact out of 5
and if NodeJS counts as a framework, then that's another exception
jQuery isn't particularly offensive, vanilla's just plain awful (but still not too offensive)
@ophact Think about it from their perspective - they're trying to help
If we had a good way to work with the DOM in plain JS half of the world's pain and anguish would be gone by now
They've got pretty bad tools to deal with the huge flow of incoming questions
(Vote limits, which make no real sense on SO)
@emanresuA Yeah, but they downvote questions they don't understand (think a Python newbie downvoting a question about generators because "it's too complex")
@Ginger Uncaught TypeError: Error resolving module specifier “three”. Relative module specifiers must start with “./”, “../” or “/”.
someone star my it is too late to undo this operation message, it'll be funny looking back
@emanresuA lOl
@emanresuA hard refresh
exactly one of my starred messages contains a rickroll, find it
@Ginger restarts internet from arpanet
@RadvylfPrograms What I don't like about vanilla is that the method names are extremely long (addEventListener, getElementsByTagName, etc)
@emanresuA too hard
wait no
no no no
@emanresuA you have confused hard refresh with hardest refresh
@ophact Yeah, that's a big part
I also don't like it when tutorials tell me to use createElement, one of the most ridiculous methods ever created. (The objects for elements are terrible.)
I just insert HTML instead.
@Ginger do not take this out of context
@Ginger Are you sure you've deployed it? I've cleared my cache and hard reloaded...
@Ginger watch me
@emanresuA I am sure
@ophact That's an extremely bad idea
Using innerHTML does all sorts of stuff, like cause performance issues and destroy the state of form elements, that createElement avoids
Not innerHTML
@Ginger [status-invalid-tag]
@Ginger how did u create a tag
but insertAdjacentHTML instead
@SegFaultPlus4 [tag:tag]
[tag:[tag: ]]
3 more upvotes and I'm repcapped
Anyone else get salty when their answer gets fewer upvotes than a worse-scoring answer (in the same language)?
Not always
Perhaps you did the naive way while the other answerer demonstrated an interesting approach (albeit with more bytes)
Getting salty about CGCC kinda goes against the point of CGCC
i only really get annoyed when a port of my answer gets more upvotes
or just in general when I feel that the scores don't accurately reflect the effort/quality regardless of if it's my answer but that's purely subjective
@pxeger Yes
I'm already repcapped and accumulating a couple of upvotes per hour
That SVG answer of mine is ridiculous
you mean the one I disqualified?
That one?
Fine, I'll fix it :P
I was trying to find another emoji that had blue and yellow in the correct places yesterday
for some reason I can't find it
Got deleted
But it's surprisingly hard and I might have to yeet in a transform:rotate(180)
I need to ask more questions
why am I here?
what drugs was the inventor of PHP taking?
all of them
What significance did lyxal attach to this message in this video?
I'm going to say words that have never been uttered in the history of humanity:
> I wish I had windows
(Because it renders emoji like 🥲 with a consistent blue)


Feb 21 at 14:24, 46 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by Ginger

Wait actually... There might be something
Insanely hard to get
500 questions???
nobody has it for obvious reasons
you have to edit AND ANSWER 500 questions WITHIN 12 HOURS
That's unclear
halfway to Popular Question!
You have to edit and answer 500 questions, each pair of actions with no more than 12 hours between them
just need 5000 more people to view
@emanresuA oh
that makes MUCH more sense
they have it formatted a touch ambiguously
@hyper-neutrino would you mind undeleting if you haven't already - I fixed it.
@emanresuA windows is superior
@emanresuA oh
@Ginger [tag:,tag:]
🙇‍♂️ and 👨‍🎤 among others didn't work
🧍‍♀️ had the right colours but the area was just too small
👨‍👧 had a too pale yellow
🐠 was too blurry
🚡has too dark a blue
@emanresuA "too dark a vlue" have you been at the 🚡 or smth
Hm, they shipped the new sorting menu
We were discussing that in some detail earlier, yeah
They only seem to have shipped the UI change
Not the functionality
question, is *a***b** ambiguous as to which is bold and which is italic
surely it's just a b
but without a space
@RadvylfPrograms :|
My raspberry pi alarm clock thingy is mostly working :D
I now have it capable of reading the date, weather information, some random news stories, and any unread emails I have
Have you got it to read your cgcc inbox yet?

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