remind me to put ™ in the perhaps code page so i have an excuse to have a bookmarklet for it so i don't have to constantly copy paste it from somewhere
Unrelated String: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems.
lyxal: Weight loss? Drink water.
user: Clear skin? Drink water.
Radvylf: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Sandbox overflow
Your task is to output a square sandbox of size n+2 with / characters in the corners and | for the sides, and - for the top and bottom, with n**2 layers of sand overflowing out of the sandbox of width n+2
Spaceship gunner
Your task is to output a spaceship of size n with n shooters/guns and n bullets for each gun
If n is odd, you must output the guns every even numbered row
If n is even, you must output the guns every odd numbered row
All rows with guns must have n+1 # cha...
Radvylf: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
user: Well, that would such because you can't microwave metal.
lyxal: Good morning to everyone except these two people.
@emanresuA I guess C++ and Java take some role in evolution of languages, so I guess I wouldn't have got things like Rust if any of those didn't exist. So I pick PHP
also jQuery is so easy to reach for when I need some cheap dom hacking
@DialFrost Simple ascii art challenges are very similar to each other by default. I have no problem with them (people seem to like solving simple challenges), but I don't like seeing similar challenges too often.
So I'd say: post one, wait for ~a week, and post another
Also in sandbox overflow, you say "and - for the top and bottom" but there's no - at the bottom in examples.
@DialFrost And "Too easy" challenges are fine (as long as it's not a dupe). Actually I'm against making things harder for the sake of difficulty, because such a change often makes it just more tedious, not actually harder.
If you think about it, a good answer will maybe get +5 and a good question +20. I don't post that many answers or questions, how am I earning 2k a month?
@emanresuA Me: +9 for trivial answer, +8 for answer made after extremely long thinking, +3 for answer that took lots of planning, +5 for answer that ports other answers
That extremely long thinking answer only got +8 because of a bounty put on the question. Before that, it was +4
Let's say I have this graph:
2 3
\ /
\ /
I can represent it in 2 ways:
A list of connected vertices. [[1,3],[2,4],[3,4]]
A boolean matrix which shows where edges are:
c |1 2 3 4
1 |0 0 1 0
2 |0 0 0 1
3 |1 0 0 1
4 |0 1 1 0
----- or -----
@PyGamer0 No. But Windows+. then the Ω category (at the top), and the Ω sub-category (at the bottom) gives you λ as the last character on the second line.
with open(urfile) as u:
for i in range((len(u.split("\n")//50)+1):
k = open("a"+"a"*i+".txt")
k.write("\n".join([next(u) for i in range(50)]))
/ATO/code: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `break' /ATO/code: line 2: `while true; do let n++; head -50 > $n.txt; if [[ $(wc -l < $n.txt) -lt 50 ]] break; done < in.txt'