It now only forwards traffic to sites that are actually blocked, and if it detects a site isn't blocked, it just forwards it to a socks proxy on the same machine (effectively removing the proxy entirely for that site)
Repeat List Until Longer
The Challenge
The challenge is simple: given an input list a and another list b, repeat a until it is longer than b. Call the repeated list ra. Then the following condition must hold true: len(b) < len(ra) <= len(b) + len(a). That is, a must not be repeated more...
Daniel, about the same age, I was asked to leave class for claiming that pi is not 22/7. The math teacher said that 3.14 is an approximation and while some people falsly believe that pi=3.14 but the true answer is 22/7. Years later an Israeli newspaper published a story about a person who can memorize the first 2000 digits of pi and the article contained the first 200 digits. A week later the newspaper published a correction: "Some of our readers pointed out that pi=22/7". Then the "corrected" (periodic) 200 digits were included. Memorizing digits of pi is a whole different matter if pi=22/7. — Gil KalaiMay 11, 2010 at 5:45
@RadvylfPrograms Fun. I think the optimal example is one that takes a while to guess, but somebody does guess it and then everybody else goes "Ohh, yeah"
It's too easy to pick something obscure that no one will ever get.
Thanks to emanresu A for suggesting this.
The challenge is simple: Given a number \$n\ge 1\$ , output that generation of ಠ_ಠ faces, where each generation is two of the previous one joined by an underscore.
In: 1
Out: ಠ_ಠ
In: 2
Out: ಠ_ಠ_ಠ_ಠ
In: 5
Out: ಠ_ಠ_...
more like, if you make several barely-founded assumptions about what inspired a poorly thought out plot point, treats it as: - literally unreadable - completely obsolete and orphaned - implicated in a plan for world domination
> This type of attack reflects traffic off vulnerable servers to victims, amplifying the amount of traffic sent in the process by an amplification factor of 220 billion percent in this specific case.
So the second most boring kind of CVE, but still something
Remembering back to some of my earlier messages reminds me of how there was a time where I'd insert a space after the colon that you see when replying to someone to indicate a reply but not ping them
Inspired by this
Your task is simple, output the following string
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \
Trailing spaces are allowed
This challenge is quite dumb and probably wont receive good feedback b...