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@SegFaultPlus4 what am i even looking at lol
@AidenChow intersections
May 10, 2021 at 19:24, by hyper-neutrino
@pxeger that message can't stop me, because I can't read!
Jul 8, 2021 at 6:01, by PyGamer0
maybe same city also
@AviFS flax does :P
The memes page feels like a relic from another time, which I guess it is.
Wordle 257 3/6

@AidenChow ah, you can combine expressions with a comma, thanks
Wordle 257 4/6

@emanresuA 3 < 4
i win
I guessed spoiler before that
@emanresuA is that link a rickroll, because those are banned until monday to let their value increase
It'd be cool to have a new memes page that's up-to-date with Vyxal flags, Wyoming, Arnauld, Lyxal's fridge, Github Perks vs SE Nitro, etc
ooh yes. Isn't there a fandom page already?
Wordle 257 3/6

CMC: Explain Wordle to an alien, e.g. me.
@emanresuA this
@mathcat you can combine actions with commas, but yeah
@emanresuA Mastermind with letters.
@AidenChow but can you have a function, which sets some var to 1 and then executes another command?
@ATaco explain mastermind to an alien :P
@mathcat command as in actions?
no, another function
I am not good at concise definitions.
@mathcat which returns a value
one sec
f(n) would return g(n)
@mathcat i dont think thats possible, because when you set a var to 1 with a function, you are automatically telling desmos that its going to be an action, not a number
but before that, it sets a to 2
@AidenChow ah, ok
And can you stop the ticker with a function?
@mathcat Doesn't seem to adjust A..?
not working
ok time to finish my computer project
I love using Desmos when Programming, especially when I just want to check how a function looks.
type a word, containing 5 letters (letters are glyphs that can be joined to form a word, which can convey meaning).
For every letter in the correct position, the background around it goes green (i.e. if the word was HELPS and HELLO was your attempt to guess the word, then H and L would be green).
For every letter not in the correct position but still in the word, it would be yellow (for example, trying to guess ARISEN when the word is ESCAPE will make the A, S and E yellow).
For all others, it turns gray.
Be interesting to see a Wordle Test Battery Challenge
@SegFaultPlus4 rick.roll
CMQ: Should /s|k/i match ſ and ?
@mathcat not that im aware of, though based on what you want to do, you can use piecewise expressions to essentially stop code execution
because "ſ".casefold() == "s"
something like this, which increments a until it reaches 5: desmos.com/calculator/y1fmfqgn0a
@pxeger That is indeed the behaviour of Dyalog APL but why does regex101 disagree?
type a word, containing 5 letters (letters are glyphs that can be joined to form a word, which can convey meaning).
For every letter in the correct position, the background around it goes green (i.e. if the word was HELPS and HELLO was your attempt to guess the word, then H and L would be green).
For every letter not in the correct position but still in the word, it would be yellow (for example, trying to guess ARISEN when the word is ESCAPE will make the A, S and E yellow).
For all others, it turns gray.
What version of Regex does Dyalog APL use?
someone delete the other one i can't anymore
@Adám because PCRE doesn't do case folding, I guess?
compare /ss/.match("ß")
@ATaco Currently newest PCRE, but we're planning on switching to PCRE2.
Using Regex on Non-Ascii characters is probably a gamble on the best of days anyway
@ATaco Same result, even if we enable UCP.
@AidenChow thanks, piecewise expressions are working
@PyGamer0 Hmmmmmstve.
@pxeger actually, nor does Python (which does match s and ſ)
@Adám checking the unicode flag makes it match
so it must be a Unicode normalisation issue
@PyGamer0 Actually, this is true of a sufficiently large Triangle on a sphere.
@dzaima Aha, thanks! Dyalog always has the unicode flag on.
@ATaco yeah spherical geometry lol
import java.util.*;
class Q3 {
    void which_triangle() {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        System.out.println("Enter 3 angles of a triangle.");
        int x, y, z;       /* x, y, z: stores the 3 angles of the triangle */
        x = sc.nextInt();
        y = sc.nextInt();
        z = sc.nextInt();
        if (x + y + z == 180 & x > 0 & y > 0 & z > 0) {
            System.out.println("Triangle is possible.");
            if (x > 0 & x < 90 & y > 0 & y < 90 & z > 0 & z < 90)
CMQ: Should /[\x00-\x7f]/igu match ſ and ?
These are those edge cases I hope someone else had considered.
case insensitivity is a slippery slope
CMQ: Should /[[:ascii:]]/igu match ſ and ?
Should match tm?
CMQ: Should [[:ascii:]] be equivalent to [\x00-\x7f]?
Per pcre.org:
> ascii character codes 0 - 127
@Adám PCRE seems to say yes
@Adám PCRE says no
Nested if-statement only? So no comparisons! Impossible! ;)
the program is big lol
Wait there's a fandom for the nineteenth byte?
@AviFS had a great teacher when i took chemistry, still didn’t like it because of all the memorization abd exceptions and stuff
Hate vsepr
@emanresuA The best part of that article is the TODO: everyone's favorite comment.
@ophact I made it late last year
@pxeger if ß is just capital ss, then it should match ss
oops wrong message
@SegFaultPlus4 ß isn't capital ss, it is a (lowercase) ss ligature.
is the (uppercase) SS ligature.
what, there is a capital eszett?
@Adám it's still just ss but fancy
it is just err a bit strange
and slows down with x values close to 0
@mathcat change A toA: a -> a + 1/15 and it works
wait that's actually working!!
@mathcat i am have smart
@SegFaultPlus4 Depends. Sometimes, the two are not interchangeable, but rather convey meaning: Paßende (expiration of a pass) and passende (appropriate).
do you write pass with ß?
Isn't it Pass-Ende
i tried doing (2**(2**20)) in python and now i think my PC is burning
@RadvylfPrograms can JavaScript print (2**(2**14))
because Python can print (2**(2**20)) while only taking 5 seconds on replit
@mathcat No, German glues words together, without dash.
and then the double-s becomes ß? nice
@Adám me being a beginner at German be like:
@mathcat you can't beat my school's firewall
nice try
Is it listed as dangerous?
@mathcat i know you tried to rickroll me
but i cannot be touched behind this wall
@mathcat i don't even have to try to not be rickrolled
we did it
Uh, maybe we should put the noise in a vice?
@Adám qué
no entiendo
What? I don't understand.
@Adám translation of the spanish: ^
@SegFaultPlus4 The "nice" alliterations were getting a bit out of hand, so I made a pun while asking them to stop.
how large is python torch library
i have been downloading it for 10 minutes
cries Yes...
@Niko why do you need python for a torch, you just need a stick and a coal oof /s
getting python is easier then getting a stick and a coal
@Niko not for me
@Niko laughs in compiling tensorflow on Raspberry Pi for 40 hours
@Niko The nearest coal is just a few meters away
And sticks are outside
anything can be flammable if you try hard enough
@GingerIndustries You're flammable.
@GingerIndustries burns computer
@lyxal incoherent screaming
@GingerIndustries excellent
@lyxal screaming stops
Not excellent
rick astley ascends from the pits of hell
burns rick astley
See now that's just silly
rick astley burns you
@PyGamer0 it is what it is
It do be like that sometimes and you just gotta accept it
an enormous vat of pudding upends itself without warning
Jon Skeet banishes rick astley to the shadow realm
@GingerIndustries blows up the moon and sets the sun on fire
Turns off improbability drive
Normality has been restored.
@Niko imagine your computer BSoDs lmao
@GingerIndustries Completes breathing cycle
I think you're right
Therefore, anything you can't cope with is now your own problem
I literally searched for wifi and wait for dependencies to download for a whole hour
@GingerIndustries I don't want you to be my problem though
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
@GingerIndustries you said anything I can't cope with is now my problem :p
oops wrong room lmao
it's finally going
but i also have no time left
@GingerIndustries I saw you edit the bath emoji into a person in bath emoji and it was hilarious seeing the person just materialise
@lyxal you mean people don't magically teleport into unoccupied bathtubs?
what kinda bathtubs you got in Australia
The kind where people descend slowly from the roof
of course
have you considered the hypothesis that you are taking hallucinogens?
Hypothesis is false
@GingerIndustries No, halloween is in October.
@GingerIndustries The real answer is that it's 12:21am
And that I should get going
o/ nerds.
@lyxal 12:21 on 12/21/2112
sytty caps lock
> sytty
Let's play a fun new game I just invented: Emoji Charades!
You make a sequence of emojis and we try to guess what the hell you meant
A movie about Gandalf going to a library with a monk and Satan
👨‍🦲->that's voldy
A movie about Gandalf trying to find a book to exorcise a small child?
Harry Potter?
A movie about Gandalf in a library with Voldemort
Easy one: 1️⃣9️⃣🍴
Are you going to eat 19 people?
19 o'clock?
> (I) [...] give [...] up
-rick astley
The Nineteenth Bite
wait why fork?
oh bite
Royal wedding?
Q: Output a random unary string

pxegerYour task is simple: output the letter x a random number of times. Every possible length of xs must have a non-zero probability of being output. Of course, there must be some lengths whose probabilities tend to \$ 0 \$, in order for the total probabilities to sum to \$ 1 \$, but all must still be...

1️⃣9️⃣ 👋🍵
19th bakery?
Ninteenth Cake Slap
@Adám A book about a royal wedding
Lord of the Rings
@Adám a nature documentary?
Waterworld movie.
you could probably make this into something like Wordle
one of these gets posted a day and you have to guess what it is
I think we've already now established that emoji are not a viable form of general communication.
I am not sure how to implement classes in Etch
Just don't
It's a golfing language, right?
Etch is a general-purpose lang
okay, then.
You can implement them as functions that return something similar to JS objects
My current method is to make a Class class that extends the Context class
And by the way, make sure you tell your parser very clearly what you want to accomplish, so it doesn't make the same mistakes it made before.
@GingerIndustries Class class?
because classes are pretty much contexts with some extra stuff
What's the Context class?
@ophact a class that handles things like local and global variables
@GingerIndustries APL is much better: ¨∊∪←=⊢2⍝∧?* is "Each member of the union gets equal right to comment and question power"
@Adám but I'm not using APL
Why not?
@GingerIndustries but you are APL
shit misunderstood the context
No worries.
wait why does GitHub have a response to the war in Ukraine
TIL that GitHub calls its employees Hubbers
@GingerIndustries even SE has a response, so ...
I may have screwed up big-time
I did
by accidentally deleting a bunch of important files
including pretty much the entirety of the replit running machinery
okay, I think I fixed it
how to classes
tbh the Class class should be a metaclass
what I want is to call a function in the metaclass when a function is defined in the normal class
okay, figured it out
Jeez $15 raspberry pis are going for nearly $100 on Ebay
chip shortages go brr
Q: Gambling with an Alien

GrogerYou met a 4-th dimensional being who challenged you to a game of dice. The rules are simple: each player rolls 3 6-sided dice and takes the sum of each combination of 2 dice. The player with the highest sum wins. If the first-highest sum is a tie, consider the second-highest sum, and so on. Your ...

Russia's slowly achieving their goal of linking up Crimea with the Donbas :/
@RadvylfPrograms sell some of yours
first test of my janky-ass metaclass python module loading system
Wow, we have a lot of bounties running at the moment
it loaded without crashing
this is very sus
there's the error I was expecting
@pxeger I am here to flood the bounty economy
Daily Octordle #38
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beat that
@SegFaultPlus4 very difficult, awesome solve
I have successfully created a way to make Python modules which can then be used with Etch
epic gaming
now what war crimes will you commit with this power
while Rand:yn;{s+="x"}
:out s;
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bgil MidolNumber Chance KoTH king-of-the-hill python Introduction Bots return a random number 1-100 (inclusive) to index into a larger list of 1-6 numbers. The large list will look something like this: 1,4,2,3,5,6,2,2,1,4,4,3,5,6,6,3,4,... The length of the large list is 100. After a turn, the large list...

9️⃣8️⃣ BLARE - NUDGE
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Q: Draw an ASCII pencil

sinvecTask is pretty simple. Your program should take a number N from 1 to 20 and draw the following ASCII art. When N=1: _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_|_| \ / \-/ v When N=2: _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |...

@RadvylfPrograms neither ATO nor TIO trust the compiler
@RadvylfPrograms it is exactly like that for ATO
ATO uses containers, just much more lightweight and closer to the raw Linux API than all the Docker abstractions you might be used to
TIO uses containers, but only a mount namespace
so not really fully isolated
it uses Linux Security Modules (specifically via SELinux) for most of the sandboxing
@pxeger Yeah, I realized that but it was too late to edit
@pxeger This kinda makes it sound like the abstractions are to make things easier for me, rather than the people who need a way to add languages without needing to know how the sandboxing works in any amount of detail
hmm, yeah
OCI containers are perfect for that, since it's a nice and standardized format, and there's tools like Docker that make them easy to work with
Do you know what exactly the incompatibility with (e.g.) the Haskell Docker image is?
No, but since gVisor only implements 260 out of 348 syscalls, it could be (thinks for a second) 88 different things, even assuming all of the syscalls are perfectly accurately implemented
does strace help?
or maybe gVisor doesn't implement the syscalls needed for strace, which would be ironic and annoying
Haven't tried
Even the official Java image has issues, which you can see when you run anything in Java on RTO (find_vma failed or something like that)
The only real alternative to gVisor I can find is Nabla, which:
> Our initial experiments show that this Linux VM is capable of running multiple unmodified binaries from Alpine (like python, nginx, redis), and can boot in 6 milliseconds (to our knowledge, this is the fastest); albeit with some limitations: PIE executables only, and no forks (processes are emulated using vforks).
"Multiple unmodified binaries" isn't particularly confidence inspiring :p
> PIE executables only, and no forks
"some" limitations is a bit of an understatement
(good luck using shell scripts without forks!)
> Hubber
Wait so they call their users "Hubbers"? (ninja'd)
who decided GitHub users need a denonym?
I'm innocent
Gitters sounds weird
or Gubbers
"our users" doesn't though :p
well yes
Firecracker definitely seems like it'd be the best option, but it's not an option with the hardware I currently have
@RadvylfPrograms no, their employees
Somehow, I am getting very frustrated by this.
@RadvylfPrograms just get Dyalog to sponsor you and then you can afford better servers
I say that like it's easy
Problem is, this isn't a monthly/annual cost. It's up-front.
@RadvylfPrograms how much would they cost?
Working that out now
If I bought it new, about $4k
So uh...yeah no
where do we get $4k
patreon clearly
Even refurbished these things are crazy expensive
better question: What's the minimum hardware Firecracker can run on?
Okay, closer to $1500 if we do a slight downgrade
that's better
$500 with some further downgrades
what are the stats on the $500 one?
Checking now
just ask for it for your birthday!
actually "hey mom I want a server rack for my birthday" sounds a bit odd
Found a really good one but the processors are from 2013, and Firecracker wants 2015

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