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SE Nitro lets you view SE answers in your mind
@taRadvylfsriksushilani completely stupid idea
SE nitro lets you onebox other users' concsiousness
SE nitro lets you skip the Sandbox
@taRadvylfsriksushilani SE Nitro lets you VTC things irl
Jan 6 at 19:39, by caird coinheringaahing
VTC Redwolf as "Primarily opinion-based" :P
As the current possessor of SE Nitro, I can say all of this is true.
@cairdcoinheringaahing *readies Object Obliterator*
It can even frame your challenge you had in mind
and post it in the sandbox
how do I connect half-adders to make a full-adder?
@cairdcoinheringaahing :|
that is unhelpful
Also, you shouldn't be trying to connect snakes together
@cairdcoinheringaahing really
Yes, it's animal cruelty
The and output goes into one of the second half-adder's inputs
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes. It randomly chooses one active CGCC user, goes through their chat messages and comments, with AI it will figure out their most likely response and it will figure out your most likely reply/edit to their comment does the latter 2⁸²⁵⁸⁹⁹³³ − 1 times and then posts the challenge on your behalf to the main site.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what about the xor one?
That's an output
@taRadvylfsriksushilani alright
You should have the first xor (least significant), the second xor, and the second and (most significant).
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I have half-adder 1's and out conencted to half-adder 2's input 1
I'm not thinking
could you make a google draw or smth showing how to connect them?
Yeah, just a sec
Here, this image I stole from google's probably clearer than my drawing ended up being:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani The xnor family :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani okay ig
Turns out I'd completely forgotten how to make a full adder, so I ended up just trying random stuff until I got a layout that worked lol
the problem is this doesn't depict the half-adders themselves, I just want to know how to connect functional half-adders into a full one
you connect the C-out of one adder to the C-in of the next adder
and the Sum bits of each adder form the final output
the first adder always has C-in low
@pxeger i'm only confused abt this part
in the image, the two XOR gates and the two AND gates are from your two half adders
i'm working on a drawing rn
this is a single half adder
^^ that's my current system
@GingerIndustries each S, and the final C, form the output
@Fmbalbuena No need to ping me here about that. I get notifications from GitHub.
@pxeger do the two s's go into another gate?
^ C_i is carry in; C_o is carry out
wait that's not right
@pxeger what were the boxes with 6 connections?
each box is a half adder
@pxeger thanks, this is what I needed
@pxeger this can't be right lol
I've put it as if there were only one input number
add(x) // Adds x
covid has decimated my brain cell capacity
time to build a 16-bit adder
Ben Eater is the goat of explaining computers at the low-level
I need to rewatch the series
CMQ: Are there any ads more annoying than Apple's?
all ads are annoying
I physically cannot understand people who don't use an ad blocker when they're tech savvy
actually impossible to live without one
Nah, I'm fine with ads that just tell you stuff about the company/product. Like, there was an ad for an appliance store after the apple ad and it was just like "come in in the next few weeks and get this samsung washer+dryer combo for $[xyz]" and it's not annoying at all
I'm not much of a fan of blocking ads, esp. on YT
see, I physically cannot understand why you think that
(I accidentally a word)
Because I can't directly pay the people I watch, but I think they should get money for what they do?
@pxeger I like to vindictively report ads on youtube
"Yes, please give me the content you work hard on, but I would rather not pay you because I dislike doing that. Thanks!"
I don't make enough money to support you via Patreon and stuff,so I'll let you get ad revenue from me watching :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani If we want to get deep about it, what actually happens is you end up spending money on phones and washer-driers at Apple or Samsung, a very small amount of which goes to the creator, but mainly it just drives hyperconsumption
I remember seeing a post along the lines of "I wish ads could feel pain when I click 'Skip Ad'"
@pxeger No? What do you even mean?
Watching an ad and buying the product it's for are totally disconnected actions to me
you watch an ad, and you buy a washer-drier (ok maybe not you, now, but clearly people do or they wouldn't run the ads)
For a lot of things, I watch an ad, then make the active decision to never buy the thing
Whoever I'm watching gets money regardless of whether or not I buy the thing being advertised
Watching the ads takes, what, a couple minutes out of my day at most?
so you spend £100 on a washer-drier: £80 on BOM, £10 on profit, and £10 on keeping Samsung afloat
I'm not talking about buying products
I'm talking about watching ads
You seem to be opposed to the very concept of advertising
ok but ads make you buy products
they must do, or nobody would have ads
@taRadvylfsriksushilani indeed I am
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes
Yeah, I think every person the the planet is
But that's not what we're talking about here
@taRadvylfsriksushilani is what?
is opposed to the very concept of advertising?
Opposed to the existence of ads?
right ok
@pxeger No, they do not
@pxeger I have assembled the adder
now what
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I prefer to discover new products by randomly seeing them in a shop, wanting it, not liking the price, then spending a few hours agonising about if I should or shouldn't buy it
or, have celebrities sell them to me through product placement in tv shows and movies
@taRadvylfsriksushilani like I said, they might not make you buy products, but you still see the existence of Samsung washer-driers, and indirectly communicate this eventually to someone who will buy one
If an ad has any influence on what I buy, it's going to be because I had no idea that even existed before, or it's going to be because the ads are annoying so I make a conscious decision not to buy the product
it obviously doesn't happen every time you watch an ad
@pxeger Indeed, that's how ads are meant to work. Why does that matter?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani because this drives hyperconsumption
how exactly do I use my adder
so your watching ads is not at no detriment to you
@GingerIndustries lol sorry we swamped your conversation
this all sounds ridiculously theoretical and tinfoil-hat-y
@GingerIndustries Provide two numbers, and it'll produce their sum
@cairdcoinheringaahing I have 5 inputs, which ones for which numbers
one sec i'll get a screenshot
Watching a couple of ads is not going to have any impact on society as a whole. What you're doing is deluding yourself into believing that you can be part of an indiviudual-based solution to a systemic problem, when all that will really do is cost people you like a couple of cents.
that's the adder
what's the correct way of making modules in node.js? module.exports.name = name every time feels clunky
export for ES6 modules
modules is for CommonJS IIRC
hm. what if i don't want to make my project a module, or should i do that
i require help
If you're using import, don't you have to make it a module?
I used @pxeger's diagram exactly and now I am confused
@GingerIndustries what's the tower thing on the top left?
i'm not, i'm using require now
19 mins ago, by pxeger
@pxeger this can't be right lol
cuz i'm trying to use clear-module and it doesn't seem to work with import for some reason
also, i can't get inline var x = import("something") to work
@pxeger an earlier attempt
@hyper-neutrino I don't think that's a thing
did you mean var x = require("something")?
modules.export is the correct way to export stuff with CJS
So no nicer way to do it unfortunately
no I can't use require when i turn my project into a module
yeah, with require you don't make it a module, but it's still called modules.export
Since it's from before the concept of an ES6 module was a thing
hm, okay
What does clear-modules do?
looking at that adder I get the sense that the full ALU will be a bit... large
it supposedly removes a module from cache
to avoid memory leaks if you repeatedly require a module
Seems like it's probably CJS-specific then, which would be why import doesn't work
hm, okay
if I import the same module repeatedly and the code changes in between, will it change, and do i need to worry about memory leaks?
(for context to avoid an XY problem, I am trying to make a discord bot that does not need to reload to change some commands, so i can keep other commands alive while changing something elsewhere)
@hyper-neutrino Possibly, although even if there were memory leaks, it seems like they'd be like...megabytes at most for JS files
i suppose i could just ignore it since my files won't really be that large probably
I feel like it's probably not an issue anymore with ES6 modules, but Node.js memory leaks are something I know literally nothing about
what would you personally recommend, node.js CJS or ES6 module (ignoring what's more convenient for me)
@pxeger omg pxeger fingertip reveal
@hyper-neutrino not my fingertip, sorry to disappoint
ES6, since CJS is the older method and I wouldn't be surprised if it will be removed at some point in the future
@pxeger so the logic gate things are half-adders?
in that case it seems I built my half-adders wrong
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ah. alright thanks :)
dayum it
@GingerIndustries no, they're XOR, AND, and OR gates
@pxeger I mean the collections of them
i may be dumb but i sure ain't'stupid
@GingerIndustries they're full adders
@pxeger I'm... just going to redesign my system
the damn game just crashed
is it just not possible to import modules from within a function, even using dynamic import?
Wait, is dynamic import() async?
i think so
const { commands } = await import(`./modules/${module}/main.js`);
gives me "unexpected reserved word"
I'll try some stuff, give me a minute. Seems like what you want to do should be possible...you might even just have to resort to fs.promises.readFile and eval lol
SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
    at ESMLoader.moduleStrategy (node:internal/modules/esm/translators:139:18)
    at ESMLoader.moduleProvider (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:236:14)
    at async link (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:67:21)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that sounds very cursed
what are you ultimately trying to achieve?
@hyper-neutrino What's your node --version?
@pxeger make a modular discord bot such that i can reload command groups without needing to bring down the website or affect other modules such as the automoderator
@hyper-neutrino in that case, it might be helpful looking at some existing projects which do the same thing, to see how they do it
otherwise, you could use multiple processes and just completely restart them, but that's not really a great solution
idk where i'd find an example when i can't even find a single other person who's encountered this issue or anything about it online
Works for me
var add = (await import("./add.js")).add; is how I'm doing the import
I mean generally searching for systems written in JS which use plugins like this
@pxeger so are the a's for number 1 and the b's for number 2?
yeah, A1 A2 A3 are the bits of A, and B1 B2 B3 are the bits of B
then the output is A + B
@taRadvylfsriksushilani that doesn't work for me either so
are you doing it in an async function?
How are you exporting?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani export const commands = {...};
in ./modules/test/main.js
oh so I'm guessing you're not still getting a syntax error?
@hyper-neutrino no it's still this one
are you sure there's not an error in the file you're importing?
i hate my life
Are you using nvm? If so, try downgrading to 16.10. Maybe it's a bug?
yeah i had an await call in the module I was trying to import that wasn't in an async function
thanks lol
it's a damn shame the stack trace doesn't include any information about the code i wrote and just points to random points in the stdlib code ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It seems like ES6 modules don't actually have a way to clear the cached imports
it's better than Python, where the way to clear the import cache is like 10000 lines of code messing with private API in importlib
So my advice to use ES6 might not have actually been very good advice :|
well, in theory i won't need to do reimports much
JS and Python should learn from Ruby, where require is literally just a file search, load file, and eval
Even better, it should do it C-macro-style
maybe not
(I'm kidding that'd be pretty cursed)
do it the way Von Neumann intended, and just copy and execute machine code manually
so now i have another very sad issue
the dynamic import works but doesn't update when the file changes lol
do i just read file and eval...
@hyper-neutrino yeah I think that's what redwolf meant by you can't clear the module cache
@hyper-neutrino that's probably your only option I think, yeah
I think there's a really cursed way to do it using URL parsing
But it has a memory leak
oh like adding ? to force it to invalidate the cache?
@pxeger I have built the full 4-full-adder system, what should I do to test it?
i think i'll just read-eval then
before i try that i would like to ask though
or you could have every version as a separate actual copy of the file, and load each one separately
I think CJS (require and stuff) has a way to clear the cache, actually
if the file i read has imports, will that work fine with this?
@pxeger although that does still have a memory leak
So my advice to use ES6 was quite possibly bad
if i can avoid cjs tho i'd like to cuz i am not a fan of spamming module.exports
How much effort would it take to convert things back?
not that much
@hyper-neutrino those imports themselves will still use the old method, so if the file you load is part of like a multi-file plugin or whatever, only one of the files will be cleared from cache
i have barely any code written
You can just do exports I think
maybe restarting the process is still your best option
i just started converting my project from python last night
exports.xyz = xyz works I think
oh okay
if cjs has a way to clear the cache and re-require the file again without using some cursed read-eval system then i'll convert it back
@hyper-neutrino in that case, switch to Elixir, where hot module reloading is a very well integrated feature of the runtime
i'm not sure if I wired the adder system correctly, how do I test it?
@hyper-neutrino delete require.cache[modulePath]
@GingerIndustries just put in the binary for 6 + 3 and check the output is 9 or something like that
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ...oh lol
@pxeger alrighty
aight i'll swap it back then
Ooh, since RTO uses CJS right now, I might actually hold off on switching to ES6
Dyanimcally importing stuff seems like a cool concept
Like, if you could go into the console and do import mods/api.js to add a new API to it
Way overengineering, but fun :p
i assume putting exports.stuff all at the end is best practice?
@pxeger I think it works, crazily enough
RTO's importing and stuff is pretty cursed already, I guess
it's massive but it seems to work
Everything just exports a single init function, that takes dependencies as arguments, puts them in the module scope, and then returns the class for that file
E.g., require("conn.js").init(WS, Actor)
And conn.js's init is something along the lines of (WS_, Actor_) => { WS = WS_; Actor = Actor_; return Conn; }
I think I should make something else that isn't a computer
@Adám When you will edit the size?
@GingerIndustries Maybe instead of trying to do the whole thing in terms of redstone, you should abstract things a bit. Design your logic gates, and design the computer in terms of small logic gate circuits.
@Fmbalbuena Can you add a screenshot to the issue?
Okay, I have an idea for something, and I want to know if there's a name for it.
So, you start by giving everyone an initial trust rating. This is the same for everyone. Then, they all vote on a series of things (perhaps whether or not a comment should be deleted for spam). Then, a consensus is determined using those votes, weighted by the trust ratings (which, for the first round, are all equal). Then, everyone who went with the consensus is given more trust, and all of the voting is re-evaluated with these trust ratings repeatedly.
(And it doesn't even need to be trust ratings, I'm looking for any sort of system where you start with an equal score for everyone and iteratively recalculate those scores)
@Adám ^ idk how to put screenshot in the issues
You know you can press Ctrl+Enter to run?
btw you don't actually need to click any of the buttons in TIO's top section
ctrl-enter or esc r to run, esc s <key> to copy the code in different formats
@hyper-neutrino thanks
@Adám thanks
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ow i could work on this sick 3x3 flush trapdoor
Worst case, one can click the close button.
^ this is pretty cool
Lyxal's fridge probably got destroyed by a tsunami rip
And lyxal too
@taRadvylfsriksushilani lyxal < lyxal's fridge
at this point that fridge deserves to be in the TNB Memes List
No, lyxal > infinity > lyxal's fridge
Idea: Instead of my userscript that plays lyxal's recording of his fridge when you're pinged, it should be a random 1s snippet of lyxal talking
@taRadvylfsriksushilani where's the fridge recording?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Nah, it should play the audio of lyxal washing Aaron
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

user197974Generate Matching Regexes Write a program that takes two lists of strings and generates a javascript regex that fully matches all the strings in the first list and matches none of the strings in the second list. To be specific when for all stings in the first list str.match(\[your-output]\) must ...

@SandboxPosts Im almost positive this is a dupe
Yep, I even remember that wording almost precisely from somewhere
Q: Generate the shortest regex to match these but not those

user197974Challenge Given two lists of strings where each string is of length 50 and each list is also of length 50 generate the shortest regex you can that fully matches all the strings in the first list and does not match any of the strings in the second list. Scoring Your score will be the average lengt...

By the same user
@cairdcoinheringaahing recurrrrrrrsion
@GingerIndustries heh it was the first esolang I made lol
@GingerIndustries hang on I'll get you the google drive link
@lyxal ah yes, your first esolang was one of the most difficult types of esolangs to make
why am I not surprised
I got the implementation in minecraft working using a mod that executes arbitrary python lol
@lyxal todo: make one of these esolangs as an actual Forge mod
@lyxal and I only knew that mod existed because of the time I tried to make an alexa skill that allowed you to change the colours of a Christmas tree in minecraft
But for some reason the skill wasn't sending data to the lambda properly
@lyxal this is an incredible idea and now I want to do it
It was originally supposed to be an actual mini Christmas tree but I got the wrong raspberry pi board
And it was for a school assignment of all things
Even though it didn't work, I got like 29/30 on the assignment
Because it was also about report writing too
that's cool
have you heard of r/cursedminecraft?
I'm a redditor so yes
Ofc I have
I'm making a mod that is essentially "best of cursedminecraft"
@lyxal there was also that one assignment where we had to make an app - we got to choose whether we developed for Android or iOS. Those doing an Android app used MIT app inventor - the one where you did drag and drop blocks - something that's relatively easy and doesn't require things installed
But if you were doing an ios app, you had to use XCode
And of course I was one of two people to choose iOS
iOS development sucks
Can I just say that I had no clue what tf I was doing
@lyxal programmers be like
My Swift was horrible - I had no clue what types were
And the layout was janky af
There was this relative layout system that you could use
I can't remember the name but you specified how far from other things things should be in relative terms
@lyxal ಠ_ಠ
And of course 16 year old me didn't know how to actually use it
what class was all this for?
Information and Software technology
Although the Christmas tree thing was for a class called iStem
But back to the layout thing: all my screen designs were made with this relative position thing but ended up only looking good on a specific screen size
The moment you used a different screen size (i.e you stopped using the iPhone X emulator), things started being unaligned
@lyxal ಠ___ಠ
i've always been shocked by the absence of really good tutorials on Minecraft Forge
It's basically ConstraintView for Android but iOS
i keep intending to make one but just haven't gotten around to it yet
@lyxal speaking of Android apps, the next time I made an app, I made sure to get the relative constraints working properly
Thankfully I had more of an idea of what I was doing - sure Android development is way different to ios development (Java vs swift, different ways of managing resources etc) but I had previous experience of what not to do
hello there
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