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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

And all I was trying to show is how you can use getters to make x == 1 && x == 2, so whether I used window or global or globalThis or with is totally irrelevant and this just comes off as y'all trying to act smarter than everyone else
JS is kinda cursed in that way, yeah
Just under 20 thousand years. Peanuts.
You've got to admire the precision of that estimate, though.
I mean, just (unpredictable) leap seconds will throw that way off.
15 hours ago, by emanresu A
> delete your computer because it uses macOS and macOS is bad
it's just 37 minutes now, but don't you think Apple should detect when it's about to show an unreasonable estimate and replace it with whatever the previous estimate was?
15 hours ago, by emanresu A
@emanresuA lemme just expand this screenshot slightly for you, one sec
Why would you run a macos emulator if you don't like macos?
Also, how much disk space does that thing take up?
So I can decide exactly how much I don't like it, of course!
Isn't that illegal?
@emanresuA 6.8GiB so far
@Adám I am secretly the Queen of England; neither criminal nor contract law applies to me
Oh, OK.
Can confirm, pxeger knighted me when we met :P
I think it's only a breach of Apple's EULA, not the actual law
If Apple decided to sue me, they would create a PR shitstorm for no gain
I have no intention of ever buying a mac, so they're not losing any money
@UnrelatedString It lets you pretend objects have fields when they're really nullary methods
@user For example, you could do class Foo { private var actualField = 3; def field = actualField }
doesn't quite work
@pxeger Unfortunately, too many companies report "losses" as this
No way the IRS (or whatever thing their country has) is going to let that go though
@pxeger "I had no intention of ever buying that movie, so MPA has no claim against my torrent download!" Yeah, let's see how that holds up…
I don't give a fuck about the law, I'm talking morally
@hyper-neutrino Thank you for being my trusty SCAPDFATIAT.
Someone Copies And Pastes Data From A Thing Into Another Thing
I hadn't seen that xkcd :P
It's today's I guess
that's understandable, since it's only yesterday's
@user ah, and there's a distinction between functions taking no parameters and functions taking an empty parameter list (though i do find it funny that there's a further distinction between functions taking an empty parameter list and functions taking a single parameter of unit type)
that's pretty nice actually
@UnrelatedString that means f vs f() vs f (), right?
@pxeger 1. Pirate a game 100,000 times. The video game company instantly looses 6 million dollars. 2. Offer to buy the company and take on their debt for free. 3. Delete all the copies of the game from your harddrive. You are now a millionaire.
lol I've seen that one too
@pxeger f vs f() vs f(())
oh, ruby would let you do f () for the last one
(() == nil)
In haskell 2 and 3 are the same but 1 is different.
I wonder how many different ways languages make distinctions.
I don't think there'll be that many that distinguish 2 and 3
Whitespace-sensitive function calls are not that common
3 is a syntax error in JS
really? I thought JS was supposed to be whitespace-insensitive
I think 3 here is f(()).
@pxeger Iirc, you can use new lines instead of semicolons in JS.
@wizzwizz4 well, yeah, with that one exception
At least I was considering the 3 options to be 1 f, 2 f(), 3 f(()).
@emanresuA no it isn't?
> f = () => 0
[Function: f]
> f ()
f(()) was 3, right?
let's say it's 1 2 3 4 f f() f () f(()), ordered so as to not suggest that 4 would be f((())) which i really hope isn't distinct in existing languages
@UnrelatedString in non-C-family languages where ( isn't for grouping, the last might be different
it would definitely be distinct in a lisp but the function call syntax is different there anyhow
5 mins ago, by Unrelated String
@pxeger f vs f() vs f(())
just a miscommunication of numbering
Wait so lisp distinguishes all 4?
Only because it has a different syntax.
@UnrelatedString Yeah a big part of that is so you can differentiate between nullary methods that are pure, like fields (stack.peek) and nilary methods that do an action (stack.pop())
So is f() treated as just one symbol?
Well yeah all languages have different syntax.
I think it depends.
no i meant the f((()))
@pxeger You'd need parentheses around it
@user are they really called "nullary" and "nilary", or did you actually mean to write the same thing?
They are lol
Or maybe it's the other way around, I can never remember
Wait yeah it is the other way around
that's stupid
i was about to say you probably got it right because nilary could be read to suggest taking an argument of nil
@pxeger I checked, and apparently it's two.
@WheatWizard i think all of the lisps i'm familiar with tokenize such that f() and f () are the same
@UnrelatedString yeah that's what I expected
@UnrelatedString Yeah the I always remember it is that if you asked for the argument list to foo.bar, it would be null -> nullary, but you have to account for Odersky occasionally doing stupid things, making it nilary and the other one f() nullary
f() is f (), and f(()) isn't permitted because you can't call ().
f '() would probably work though
or at least in a context where it tries to eval (())
@wizzwizz4 well that's still a different behaviour...
Couldn't you have '(f(()))
Only three, though.
8 mins ago, by Unrelated String
let's say it's 1 2 3 4 f f() f () f(()), ordered so as to not suggest that 4 would be f((())) which i really hope isn't distinct in existing languages
@wizzwizz4 Wait would it work if f is a macro?
exactly yeah
@user I think macros still need to be in an S expression.
Ok so JS is 1: function, 2: function called with no params, 3: ditto, 4: syntax error? Am I getting that right?
macros aren't macros if you don't try to eval them in an s-expression iirc
it's just a meaningless atom
@GingerIndustries Trying to find a language where they're all different.
@wizzwizz4 so a language where the code "f", "f()", "f ()', and "f(())" each does something different?
got it
@WheatWizard Wikia?
Where's this from? Wikipedia?
I'm keeping a chart in my wikipedia sandbox.
none of them work in APOL because f is the for-loop instruction
Or malbolge
None of them work in x86 assembly either.
f is the only one that works in Jelly I believe
@WheatWizard In Scala, f could be just the function f, it could be a function call without arguments if that's how the function was defined, or it could be a function call to a function taking only implicit arguments :|
@Adám xD
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because ) is undefined behaviourt
took me a sec to remember what that was about
In Brain-flak it's 1: nothing; 2: The value 1; 3: The value 1; 4: Push 1
@emanresuA Because ( is undefined behaviour
) is just a chain separator
I remember that now, got mixed up
Although its really because ( starts a new chain (due to UB), and ) ends that chain, and you can't have an empty chain with )
Wonder if there's a mainstream language where () and ( ) are distinct
i thought it was something shallower with the regex parsing
@user Bourne Shell?
> regex parsing
@user well, speaking of jelly
Nope, it attempts to pop from the empty list of chains
f, f(), and f(()) matches any occurence of the letter f
f () matches the string "f<space>"
as in i thought (qu were a shallower issue with the regex parsing which is why i was surprised that ()( is illegal
HTML? They all print different literal strings :þ
@pxeger Huh, so it's discarding a value and making arrays
C has the same behavior as JS.
@UnrelatedString Not so much an issue as UB
JS has a lot of C syntax in it
Interestingly tho, while () errors, doesn't
@WheatWizard can you extract a different behaviour using macros? I don't think so, but maybe it's possible
i think that's because it doesn't try to actually pop the chain
@pxeger Probably.
evaluation of the whole program can handle empty chains, applying quicks not so much
@UnrelatedString Yep, it only tries to pop the chain if it involves a quick acting on that chain
And ) is implemented as µ€
@WheatWizard oh, can you use the fact that #define f () is different to #define f()
clearly the only way to fix this is to make a new language where it works
Not sure if this is what you meant
@user not sure i'm seeing distinctions there
I mean you could potentially make it do different things, but this just shows it compiles
presenting: f()
it's deadfish but:
f = i
f() = d
f () = s
f(()) = o
capital F between commands
actually no capital f
f()fff ()f ()ff ()f()f(()) prints 288
fff ()f ()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f(()) prints 0
can someone make an interpreter?
Working on it right now
The matching's tougher than I thought
Oh true lol
I was using regex
ok this stupid website's password requirement is actually so stupid
no symbols besides _ @ . -
or spaces
needs at lease one number and one capital letter
except it doesn't require at least one lowercase letter??? so i can just use only uppercase
CMC: write a program that outputs truthy if input matches password requirements and falsy otherwise
actually lemme write that into an actual question rq
@GingerIndustries Interpreter
(Transpiles into Vyxal)
@emanresuA nice
@emanresuA of course
@emanresuA It doesn't work correctly
(`ġ` is the deadfish commmand set equivalents in Vyxal)
fff ()f ()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f()f(()) should output 0 but in your interpreter I get -17
@GingerIndustries Wdym?
Idk what I did wrong there, one moment
deadfish math is odd
@hyper-neutrino I assume you mean SE?
@GingerIndustries no, the website for my physics course
@hyper-neutrino alright
also, the way the grade is distributed, you can do none of the assignments and your final accounts for 100% of your grade
and the assignments are paywalled
what the actual fuck is this shit
like, many courses have mandatory course materials that require you to buy them independently, and that's fine
mostly because those are easy to pirate
but it costs at least $50 to get access to the site hosting the assignments, which isn't bad compared to the tuition but still, feels wrong to me
@hyper-neutrino I'm working on turning those requirements into a challenge but I'm worried it's too trivial
fffff ()f ()
@GingerIndustries better?
@emanresuA nope, f()fff ()f ()ff ()f()f(()) should output 288 but outputs 32
@ThomasWard waves back
@ThomasWard insert ocean joke here
@GingerIndustries puts Ginger in the ocean for reasons on one of the backed up cargo ships waiting in LA harbor for the past 110 days to actually unload cargo
@ThomasWard ಠ_ಠ
it's better than being in siberia in the frozen gulag :P
at least it's warmish :P
@pxeger i'm leaning towards not possible, but you can make f(x) different from (f)(x)
@GingerIndustries Oops
since the space matters in the #define but the actual syntax for expanding the macro doesn't care about space
I modulo'd it by 256 instead of resetting on 256
@hyper-neutrino do you need some tea to calm thyself? o.O
@ThomasWard ಠ___ಠ
@GingerIndustries (ಠ益ಠ)
@emanresuA nice
tbh we should add this to the tnb wiki
just wanted to stop by and say hi is all :)
y'all are good company :)
@ThomasWard we're flattered
hello redwolf, we made a programming language
Oh no not again
just realized it could make a funny trivial brainfuck derivative too
of course there's no naming conflict with the deadfish because we can just call it f ()
@UnrelatedString that won't cause confusion
@UnrelatedString even better: ̍f()
f() is pronounced "fracket"̒, ̒f() is pronounced "frackit"
idea: language where the only command is "ಠ" and you change what it does by adding diacritical marks
@GingerIndustries then f is pronounced "frack", and f(()) is pronounced "itt"
@pxeger no, f(()) is pronounced "frackeitakit"
@GingerIndustries ಠ_ಠ
@emanresuA that just prints "_"
hello world in ಠ: Hello World!ಠ
I need to write up a spec for this, one second
you use ̀ for math, and ̲̠̄̅ for operations
underscore between instructions
actually, ಠ can't have diacritical marks
CMQ: I need a character that supports diacritical marks to use in Diakrit
Just use a space
just looking throuh the comments on the xkcd X comic, and saw this thing
I don't know what to think
Hello world in Diakrit: Hello World!
1 + 1: 1 1 ̀̄
I thought Jelly and Vyxal were unreadable, but I think that Diakrit takes the cake in that category
@GingerIndustries that's just an expression-oriented language. The feature exists in Ruby, Haskell, Rust, and many more
@pxeger ಠ_ಠ
now all we need is for someone to make a Diakrit interpreter
once I figure out the spec
Print hello world forever: Hello World!̆̀ ̆
@GingerIndustries That's just poorly formatted
Q: Mutually recursive lists

Wheat WizardLet's define a simple function \$f\$ which takes an integer and produces a list: \$ f(n) = [g(1),g(2),\dots,g(n)] \\ g(n) = [f(0),f(1),\dots,f(n-1)] \$ We can then calculate the first couple of values for \$f(n)\$: 0 -> [] 1 -> [[[]]] 2 -> [[[]],[[],[[[]]]]] 3 -> [[[]],[[],[[[]]]],[[],[[[]]],...

@GingerIndustries No, that would be Unreadable
@RedwolfPrograms This time I ninja'd you
Rickroll through text, how cool is that?
> Non-Image content-type returned
all i see is Non-Image content-type returned
It's a reverse-rickroll :p
We all expect to see rick astley but instead get an ordinary link
wus popping y'all?
G'day mate
Wait no
G'joink mate
How do you do fellow kids code golfers?
Tfw you try to install something you really need for RTO but it just doesn't work
What is it?
googles it
It just won't work on my server for some reason
Because you're not Australian
That's why
yVisor might be what you want
It's for sandboxing OCI/Docker containers
> y_setattr_patched() takes 3 positional arguments but 24 were given
@lyxal I could probably be the father of most active people here ;-)
@Adám just adopt 24 code golfers lol
@Adám For a second I interpreted that as you having a lot of kids, brainwashing them to like code golf, then spreading them across the world, after which some would join CGCC lol
Wait I might've stumbled across the cause of the issue
@hyper-neutrino Wait really? It displays as a (really bad) rickroll if I click on it
@user ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i see just that text on both ff and chrome
Does it load for you here?
Okay, rebooting...
It's working!
I had to revert to cgroups v1
Have you got to language setup yet?
Language setup?
@emanresuA ah ok, noted ! _^^;
i just figured it was just something that didnt need elaboration since it was like, a typo basically
but yes i will just comment then (-0-0)b
I mean to me the edit seemed fine shrugs
@Adám The average age of TNBers is one of the lowest of most of the main chat rooms, I believe
makes sense
NP/SP/OSP drag that average down by a lot though ;p
@RedwolfPrograms Adding languages
I've got JS added from the old install, I need to write the start.py file now
I'm also currently getting the symlink set up so the testing site will work
Still alive an' kickin'
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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