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@lyxal "I've got a real hankering for a tuna sandwich right about now"
@lyxal "I've got a real hankering for a tuna sandwich right about now"
@OldSandboxPosts Smallest 25 octet number, Redwolf's cat, ?
Apr 5 '18 at 14:00, by New Main Posts
Q: Join up the rooms

AJFaradaySo, here's a map of, let's say, a dungeon... ########## # ##### # ##### ########## ########## ########## ########## #### ## #### ## ########## Let's say that the hero is in Room A (at the top left) and their goal (a prince in distress?) is in Room B (to the bottom right). Our map d...

It's always surprising to see stuff like this
Botz ar speeed
I am proud of you
You have done well
Now I need to include 69 somewhere
@lyxal unfortunately
@lyxal can you have fun of GPT-3?
Q: Find the absolute minimum difference between 2 divided numbers from n

DialFrostInput: <<< An integer n Output: <<< A string A * B Example <<< 12 Possible 2 divisible numbers: 12 * 1, 6 * 2, 4 * 3 12-1 = 11 6-2 = 4 4-3 = 1 4 and 3 has the minimal absolute difference of 1 Therefore, Output: 4 * 3 Order of the numbers does not matter This is code-golf, so shortest answer wins!

hello guys
o/, 2-hour maths test go brr
@lyxal are you active?
Can AI guess my real name?
well for a start it was trained on data from before 2020 so it won't have any idea of us at all
also, it just wouldn't be able to from text samples
ok, noob AI go brrr
github copilot?
Fernando M. Balbuena
not a real name...
i need to show the M
Francisco Manuel Balbuena
@lyxal ^?
Francisco...isn't that a place in america?
It's also a name :p
hence the "san" in "san francisco", which means "saint"
2 hours later…
I think closing (as unclear) needs a bit of improvement. It's supposed to be a way to, often temporarily, put a question on hold to allow it to be clarified, but with it taking 5 votes to close or reopen, it takes too long to be effective as a temporary measure, and there's a risk questions just won't get enough votes to be reopened once fixed. And the word "closed" seems to imply it's either permanent or near-permanent.
All this makes closing feel less like a way to help the OP improve and then reopen their question, and more like a super-downvote or partial-delete-vote. Like, I hesitate to VTC good questions with small but important details that need clarifying, when that's literally the whole point of VTCing as unclear.
do you think weighted close votes would help with that, wherein fewer more experienced users can more easily get a challenge open again once it has been clarified without needing to wait for five whole people?
I remember at one point the text was [on hold] instead of [closed], which sounds appropriate for unclear but salvageable ones
Q: On-hold questions should have on-hold music

msh210Since a closed question is now listed as "on hold" for the first five days, I think the page should play hold music (autostart on load). This feature would supply the following advantages: It would make even clearer to the asker that the question is on hold. It would be an immediate indication ...

and making it easier to close/reopen for unclear makes sense, because we want to prevent answerers from jumping in and then the answers becoming invalid after clarification.
we did decide to keep our 5 votes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i do believe weighted close votes are being experimented with / worked on right now but of course don't take that as official
Q: Advent of Code Golf 2021 is over! (Stats, Hall of Fame)

BubblerAdvent of Code Golf 2021 is over! Thanks to everyone who participated in and/or helped me run the Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. It wouldn't have been so successful without the help of the community. Special thanks Everyone who solved one or more AoCG challenges: 49 users, giving 323 answers us...

ooh. that leaderboard is quite nice
Ooh, my hard drives are shipping tomorrow!
They should arrive Tuesday
@hyper-neutrino Fun part: Python (21 days) wins against all other languages with more solves
with super large margin
Hi guys
@U12-Forward yes
@U12-Forward o/
Wow... New golfer
i did not realize i could singlehandedly close questions
Tells me I am not a golfer
@att As dupes only
it is pretty clearly a dupe, though
Wait... how does xnor not have gold code-golf?
the votes were for unclear
this feels kinda awkward, I definitely didn't intend to unilaterally close it
i'll back your close, if that makes you feel any better
I also agree it should be closed as a dupe
why is it a dupe of a dupe?
I think I've already asked this (I can't find it in the transcript), but I wonder if it's possible to mark two questions as dupes of each other :p
a == b && b == c => a == c
there is exactly 269 conversations for this room
@RedwolfPrograms does not seem to be possible
at least, i tried editing it into the list and it just silently ignored it
Aw :(
I wonder if they took the time to make it detect circular dupes with three questions (x is dupe of y, y is dupe of z, z is dupe of x). My bet is no, but that's probably a lot harder to test.
sandbox.se when
if someone can find me a chain of four questions in a dupe chain i will do some science
that can probably be done with SEDE
I'd write a SEDE query but that sounds like some scary SQL
Q: Repeating slices of an array incrementally

U12-ForwardLet's say I have a list (array): l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] I want to incrementally slice the list into n, n + 1, n + 2 ... chunks. For this array, my desired output is: [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10]] What would be the best way to slice the array in multiple chunks. This is co...

My Q ^
@U12-Forward did you sandbox that?
i almost got it
@NewPosts got it
@NewPosts Kinda a dupe of this, but I don't want to hammer....
@U12-Forward It's not very different and both resolve to basically the same core of getting chunks of certain sizes - The only real differences are the sorting and the repeating of [1,2,3]...
After what pxeger said, I've hammered it.
should I flag comments like this as no longer needed (conversational)?
@U12-Forward Don't feel the need to comment on every answer, it mostly just adds clutter
20k year rep!
@emanresuA isn't that the same as having 20k rep, full stop? lol
(As in not counting assoc. bonus + 1)
ah I see
Whoever VTC'd that tree traversal question from 2011, congrats on finding the world's most unclear challenge lol
That was me lol
It's like someone sent the OP a list of common mistakes when writing a challenge, and they misread it as their to-do list
How did you find it?
@RedwolfPrograms link?
I got this R self-answer, any R guys that know how to golf this?
@lyxal Fabian Balbuena!
CMQ: Opinion on [kolmogorov-complexity] challenges where you're given something to work off of?
what do you mean by "work off of"?
Like the one be where you’re guven vowels of a text and have to output the original
I forget what
Tfw you build a chat client that runs in app menus to bypass screen time limits only to find that the type of requests you’re sending are blocked by it.
oh, kolmo where you're given input but the input is always constant?
could make some interesting ones, I think
@NewPosts lol @ Neil solved all problems in Charcoal (as usual)
sadly I was penalised because the posting time is midnight and therefore I have to be lucky and get in a quick answer or wait overnight before even reading the question
@Neil nice, I got a hat for quoting that meta post
2 hours later…
thank you github very cool
it's still going
Took 7 minutes and 48 seconds but it just gave up
wow matrix multiplications is so easy
i know n×n matrix multiplication (3b1b is amazing)
On the other hand, like everything else with matrices, it takes ages for anything larger than 2x2
> [thanks to] Everyone who posted the challenges at the right time on [bubbler's] off-days
it's free rep what did you expect?
me to not volunteer to tryhard question posting by timing it right by watching the clock so I could get lots of fake internet points? ;p
2 hours later…
And here I was thinking y'all were good people
in flax, 22 mins ago, by PyGamer0
12 Hellos moved to ­Hello Pile
I can't solve one of Advent of code challenges because it's too hard
Can someone help me?
@Fmbalbuena they all are hard
i have 8 stars lol
Can you help me?
I don't understand the challenges
@Fmbalbuena with which one?
@Fmbalbuena i havent solved all of them
someone else might help
CMC: Sort each subarray in the input
But I have to wait 1 year D:
@PyGamer0 Uhhh not now
@Fmbalbuena nah you can solve and submit challenges from previous years
I mean which old AOC
@Fmbalbuena any
But link?
I searched "any" but this is not CGCCSE, it's GSE!
@PyGamer0 There is no AoCG 2020
@PyGamer0 ∧¨ in Extended Dyalog APL and in BQN.
Q: Which Advent is it?

mathcatI know, a bit late. Challenge Your challenge is, given a date, output if it's not an Advent Sunday, or the Advent Sunday of the year. Rules The 4. Advent is determined by the Sunday before Christmas day (25. of December). The 3. Advent is the Sunday before 4. Advent, and so on until the 1. Adven...

1 hour later…
@PyGamer0 Pip -xp, 4 bytes: SN*a (Attempt This Online)
@PyGamer0 And HBL, 2 bytes: *%. which is just '(map sort arg1)
I have come upon a Java library that formats its code with opening braces on their own line
Someone save me please
These people program like they're still in C-land
I see that so often in my APCSA class I'm just numb to it
Wait, is the {} in the switch statements required in Java or are they just sociopaths?
This is only the tip of the iceberg, the formatting is super inconsistent, there's a switch where two of the cases are way off to the left for some reason, all their enums have an int value field even though ordinal() exists, they have weird names like m_controlMode, etc.
@RedwolfPrograms They are sociopaths.
Even if Java required it for cases with multiple statements (which it doesn't), these are just single statements
And why tf does it break out of the switch only to go to that single return? Why not just put that in the default branch itself?
Yeah using a switch statement there is stupid
No using a switch is not a bad idea, it's how they used it
switch(_invert) {
  case None: return false;
  case InvertMotorOutput: return true;
  default: return MotControllerJNI.GetInverted(m_handle);
Eh, I think two ifs would be clearer, but yeah
This was either like...auto-generated by a really badly written bot, or somebody forgot their coffee one morning and really needed it
What I would really like is return switch(_invert) { None -> false, InvertMotorOutput -> true, _ -> MotControllerJNI.GetInverted(m_handle) }
@RedwolfPrograms I assume these are poor C++ devs forced to also write Java :(
A lot of the code looks like they straight up copied their C++ code and made minimal changes to make it more Java-y
c++ doesn't require {} either
Yeah, perhaps they used to have something different and things got messed up during refactoring
Getting creative with their indentation there :P
Hmm, some of these do like they copied stuff and messed the formatting up
wtf, lol
There are so many things wrong with that question ಠ_ಠ
Q: delete by range

Abdo Atalahow i delete by range in this code */ #include #include using namespace std; int main() { FILE *fp, *ft; char another, choice; struct employee { char first_name[50], last_name[50]; int Age; long Salary; }; struct employee e; int xAge; long int recsize; fp=fopen("users.txt","rb+");...

Q: Add a option to migrate SO

FmbalbuenaI found a lot of question that belongs on SO, But i didn't found a option to migrate SO but CGCC Meta. I want a option to migrate SO.

wait, do we not have a migration path to SO???
There is no migration path to SO
@hyper-neutrino tested by flagging the newest open question
@hyper-neutrino why not editing?
@hyper-neutrino ^
@NewPosts This is the fourth time someone's suggested this
because i'm not authoritatively declining it i'm just giving my opinion
but i should just do that
@user return _invert == Default ? MotControllerJNI.GetInverted(m_handle) : _invert != None;
(I don't know the name of the other enum value)
burps hello
@hyper-neutrino might I suggest that you tread lightly when dealing with migration paths?
SO tends to be... picky... :P
We have been against a migration path to SO for almost 6 years now
yep and my opinion is "Keep it that way"
because SO is evil (in a good way) :P
@Neil There are two others (FollowMaster and OpposeMaster), so that branch would have to be at the end, I guess
@user ugh, then maybe _invert > InvertMotorOutput?
or is there code I can't see that handles the two others?
I assume there is? It's C++ black magic though
Even if _invert.ordinal() > InvertMotorOutput.ordinal() would work, but having the output depend on the order in which they're defined is a little sketchy
Oh yeah, for those last two, it looks at the master's GetInverted
Wait, are answers here ever safe?
> You will score 1 point if your system remains uncracked after 7 days.
Given that it foesn't matter if they get cracked after 7 days, they're basically "safe"
@ThomasWard i tread quite heavily towards "don't migrate"
@cairdcoinheringaahing I guess so
help me
i've tried migrating like, once maybe? and it failed :/
every time i ask makyen in TL i usually get "no" for an answer, and i rarely ask because most of the time i can predict the answer will be no
the like, once or twice i've thought something was genuinely migrateable, it had already been posted on SO before posting here :/
> help me
@hyper-neutrino Anything that looks like it belongs on SO is probably written by someone who got banned on SO (and possibly CR,SU,SF, etc) for asking the same thing multiple times.
@hyper-neutrino welcome to my world lol
can you help me to understand AoCG?
lots of those kinds of requests out on Ask Ubuntu, they all get "Post this on SO yourself" comments lol
IMO the only reason to migrate is if the answers are worth moving
in my case on Ask ubuntu it's just the question doesn't match the quality needed for an SO migration
as i said before
they're picky As Heck
lol, yep
sips coffee
> Can you help me to understand AoCG?
leaves that to @hyper-neutrino because
what about it do you not understand
what is there even to understand
"what is AoCG" sounds like the actual question here. hence not understanding what it is, maybe?
Advent of Code Golf
Advent of Code Golf is just a challenge series
They are basically just like any other challenge, but Christmas themed, and planned together
I have to say, I'm surprised I only answered one of the AoCG challenges
I thought I'd done at least 2
@NewPosts I am tempted to create the tag, as it's at least applicable to 3 questions now, and it's very likely we'll have similar events in later years. CMM: Thoughts?
Nah, too much of a meta-tag
hm, I wouldn't be opposed to it
no like a tag for meta
It's like
not a tag for main
> at least applicable to 3 questions now
also caird did [meta-tag:advent-of-code] :p
yeah makes sense for Meta
Yes, for meta specifically, to post questions about such events
just make sure you put a suitable tag wiki in for it :p
I've written over 60% of the tag wikis for meta :P
Q: Schrödinger's cat program

CreaZyp154Sandbox When first run, the program will have a 50/50 chance of doing the following: A cat program A standard cat program: read everything from STDIN and put it on STDOUT (or your language's closest equivalent). Nothing (no-op) The programs just halt (the cat is dead - RIP). The behaviour is pe...

Decent pun but feels like a dupe?
Got +4 in sandbox
Note that it's a "stateful" program
> The behaviour is permanent: Once the program choose between the two options, it should do it no matter how much times you run the script.
And its the only question tagged with both and
Huh, interesting
The meta tag has now been created with a tag wiki :P
I found out recently that Github actions can upload artifacts, it's incredibly helpful
For some reason it wraps them in zips, but that's a small price to pay
what does this mean?
Should this be s/PPCG/CGCC/ed to reduce new-user confusion?
Replace "PPCG" with "CGCC"
s/PP/CC/ed then s/CG/GC/ed
So, y'all know how my latin class has had a lot of issues so far? Well, the teacher sent out an email saying we were expected to finish, at minimum, the first (out of five) chapters by the end of the first semester (plus winter break). This was sent out the day before winter break started. There are 49 assignments in chapter 1, and I have completed 23 (more than anyone else in the class). Keep in mind those 23 were throughout the entire semester, approx. 18 weeks.
I don't think it's worth wasting any of winter break working on these assignments, since I'll still be hopelessly far from finishing the chapter, but my parents keep trying to make me work on it, arguing that it'd be better to have, say, 27 assignments done than 23, while I think that's too small of a difference to be worth ruining my two weeks off. Should I?
Someone can teach me how "\z" works?
What does this do?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
@RedwolfPrograms No.
Help wanted
What's the point of trying slightly harder? You're not going to get in trouble for it - you've done more than everyone else, and it's not exactly a well-organised class.
I mean, if you have nothing better to do over winter break, go for it, you'll be able to relax during class later
But if you have better things to do, why bother?
In fact, the teacher may even cancel the assignments or something. We once had a bunch of summer English homework to do and when the teacher found out almost no one did it, they didn't even collect it >:(

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