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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Q: AoCG2021 Day 23: Finding the best seat

BubblerPart of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details. Related to AoC2020 Day 11, Part 2. You enter the waiting area for a ferry, and you see a bunch of people sitting at a bunch of seats. The seats form a grid like this (. is a floor, L is an empty seat and # is an occupi...

> The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed
Probably the trigger here is "best"
reaches for the close button :P
Heh, I just saw this question and remembered that the equivalent idiom in Marathi roughly translates to "elephant fart fart fooss"
nvm, it's not exactly equivalent, but it's a fun one anyway
my rep is palindrome now :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing I find the little ¥oʋƊ in your Jelly answer to be more amusing than it should be
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Challenge
Ah yes "Challenge", very descriptive
mmm yes I have a "bytes" long answer in Language to that challenge
I'm considering answering in language
But it could very well take an amount of time
I think you could save some bytes by golfing
Potentially, you might have to use a few different builtins
Can't wait for person who mains language to come along and reduce the byte count by yes%
I just got IRL spam from a college I really want to go to!
Spam is fun when you want to be spammed
And not one of the 20 schools that've sent me email spam in the last two days
That's not even an exaggeration
@RedwolfPrograms Tell them that if they let you in, you'll improve their email spam so that its less obviously spam :P
But this wasn't email spam! It was actual mail spam!
It means they're willing to spend a whole 2¢ to send it to me
Oh, that's so much worse :/
who even uses snail mail anymore smh
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nah, I only get mail spam from actually good colleges for some reason
So it's fun to collect it
Personally, if I want to "mail" something to someone, I scrunch it up into a ball and throw it in the vague direction of their house and hope
I mean it's kinda cool that you can just write someone's address on a piece of paper, put a sticker on it, drop it in a box, and it'll show up at their mailbox in like a week
Imagine not immediately throwing away spam from good colleges because you know you won't get in :P
@RedwolfPrograms Very convenient for spreading anthrax
@user This is how you get your own personal visit from the FBI :P
Cool, and I was afraid no one would come over for Christmas! :P
Do you think FBI agents prefer chocolate cookies or brownies?
You can put anthrax in both equally well
@user idk but personally I'd rather have a brownie with anthrax than a chocolate cookie with anthrax
I'd rather have a brownie than anthrax
what a coincidence, me too!
Don't ya just hate it when your drink bottle is too big to fit into the drink bottle slot on your backpack?
dammit this isn't vim
usually I accidentally use tmux commands rather than vim commands. Fortunately my browser ignores control-b
@pxeger damn, you were one mod diamond away from shutting down chat smh
does :q do that?
My backpack's drink bottle slot is torn open on the bottom so I have to use my mouth as a container :(
@lyxal it's definitely the backpacks falt
or were you joking
@pxeger No, :q holds no power here, it's a mere emoji
@pxeger Careful...
Lyxal's right here :P
@pxeger If it does, I'm very scared of mods :P
@hyper-neutrino emoticon, whatever
@pxeger No, I've been caird coinheringaahing for the recent past
I was Dude coinheringaahing and Chartz Belatedly, but those were a while ago
@Juantro17 hello there
what are you talking?
Just general conversation relating to the world of code golf
licensed under CC0 if you want it
@Niko Wait you're okie?
How did it take me like a month to realize this
@hyper-neutrino The classic "I wonder what my nose tastes like" emoticon
Imagine if COVID-19 was like DVD-R and DVD+R, where COVID+19 did the same thing but you had to buy two immune systems since they're technically incompatable because sony made one of them
Inspired by the most recent xkcd tooltip
I find it oddly fun to poke around in the inner workings of online interpreters by running console.log(require('fs').readdirSync("."));
You can make a cheating quine in TIO with console.log(require("fs").readFileSync(".code.tio","utf-8"));
@RedwolfPrograms use Zsh, and just do ls :)
Well, I had to do that when I was poking around in ATO :p
there's nothing there, muahaha
it's all hidden one directory up
CMQ: What are your must-have languages for an online interpreter? Preferably less common ones; stuff like JS, Python, Jelly, Ruby, Haskell, etc. are obvious choices
Zsh 5.8
Python 3.10
Ruby 3.0
Node 17
basically I want everything to always be very up to date
Oh, that's a good one
I wonder if things like nvm exist for other languages...that could be an easy way to automate keeping them up to date
rvm for ruby (which I think nvm was based on, actually)
I think there's one for Python but noone uses it because Python's just that good and has very few breaking changes
Python's also very easy to build from source
@RedwolfPrograms Java, C, C++ are very commonly used (unless you're talking specifically for golfing, and even then they're pretty common)
I like Husk and Scala, so those would be nice to have too
Oh nvm you want less common ones
Those are good too though, Scala's one I wouldn't have thought of
Having both Scala 2 and 3, on all three platforms (JVM, JS, native) would be pretty good
How different are the platforms?
Then the various APLs
@RedwolfPrograms Not super different, honestly, although Scala.JS allows some drawing stuff, I guess
Well that's not super useful in a text-based online interpreter lol
Ah ok
There are big differences between Scala 2 and 3 though, it'd be great if you could support both once you have the time
And the good thing about RTO's model is that even if I ignore you and don't add any Scalas at all, you can just add them yourself :p
Wait really? :o
RTO's being designed to be updatable, even in the long-term abscence of its maintainers
And people can add their own esolangs at any time
How would that work? People have access to write to your server?
(They have to go through some approval stuff first of course)
@user There'd be a few ways you can do it, docker images being one
Or, if the language your interpreter's written in is already installed, you can have that language's image call your interpreter
E.g., you could write brainfuck.py, and then just submit it and whenever somebody runs brainfuck code it'd spin up a python instance and run brainfuck.py in it
Everything is, of course, safely sandboxed, so a malicious language wouldn't be able to do much, but there's going to be an approval process
Wouldn't someone be needed to approve PRs, though?
Also, time to go PR a modified version of ATO's Scala image(s) :)
Not PRs, it's uploaded through the site
@RedwolfPrograms Lua. Can't live without it.
@RedwolfPrograms what if it's too big to upload?
Umm...is there a specific languages you have in mind?
Probably vyxal
How big is it?
Last time I checked its 30mb maybe
Probably mote
Those are rookie numbers
The Node image is over a gigabyte
(It comes with a full debian install)
But I more mean generally what if there is a language someone wants to add but can't upload for some reason
It's hard to answer that, there's just too many unknowns
Would there be a way to just link the github/gitlab/whatever repo and have that cloned locally?
Possibly, that's a good idea
@RedwolfPrograms example: someone can't download the language files needed because they don't have enough space on their own computer or they don't want to have the files locally
Also, will there be options to have multiple language versions at once?
I miss TIO. I hope Dennis is doing okay.
@lyxal Yes, definitely
I'm adding a feature where every language can have variants, such as different versions, or CPython vs. PyPy type stuff
Is the intention only major languages, or would esoteric/golf languages be within scope?
All languages will be within scope
@RedwolfPrograms Would there be a limit on how many subversions allowed?
Possibly, but if so, it'll be a large number
Because I know python 3 has quite a few fun little subversions
For common languages like Python or Vyxal, especially if a small linux distro like Alpine is used as the base, I'd probably be fine with close to a hundred
Well dang
Ooh I have a feature suggestion
People can also add pre-loaded examples for languages
Basically the "Hello world" button on TIO but customisable
Ooh, that's a great idea
I was also planning on having an "info" tab along with "run" and "post", for docs and explanations of examples
How about also on screen keyboards for sbcs languages
That could also be a good idea, although it probably won't be in the initial release
Also, customisable themes stored locally with cookies or something
That would be cool
Eh, seems like anyone who cares enough to customize the theme would already have a userstyles extension
Not necessarily
It'd be for people who aren't good with css
Like me
what is xkcd webcomic?
It's what it looks like for the most part
^ funny comic
Please don't onebox that
Just do [xkcd 724](https://xkcd.com/724/)
Thanks, idk why chat oneboxes them so big
what is xkcd?
What do you mean?
what is xkcd???
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but... how does hyper's CodeReview.SE answer about Vyxal have syntax highlighting on the code blocks? There doesn't seem to be any language specification. Does CR try to guess a language automatically?
I thought language guessing was a standard part of SE networks
IDK, I mostly hang out here and on non-programming stacks. Do our code blocks try to guess a language? I've always thought you had to specify one explicitly if you wanted highlighting.
That's the thing though... TIO always inserts the highlighting scheme at the top of languages in applicable answers
Someone would have to experiment
BRB gonna go commit science
Looks like it doesn't guess
I'm pretty sure I remember somebody editing one of my old (pre-TIO) Python answers just to add syntax highlighting
@DLosc The syntax highlighting framework tries to guess the language (from the list of known languages for it) from the given block of code. To entirely disable syntax highlighting, you need to insert a comment line <!-- lang-all: none --> or something
or specify none as the language in the triple-backtick block
But it doesn't seem to do that here
I edited out the default tio highlight rule and now it doesn't have any colour
Idk the specifics, you could ask a meta Q about it
C(R)MQ: How many esolangs have tags on Code Review? I know I've seen questions there in BF, Lolcode, and Vyxal
Just found one for Befunge (with a grand total of one question, plus a question about writing a Befunge interpreter)
One in ><>
I see nonempty tags for ArnoldC, Dogescript, Whitespace (I'm browsing all tags starting from the last page)
That V is not the esolang V, but a practical V
2 questions in Pyth
polyglot is a surprising tag on code review lol
Not exactly an esolang but also TIS-100
Too bad "spl" is not Shakespeare Programming Language
COVID-19 really?
@RedwolfPrograms A word that epitomizes the trouble with English spelling: impinging (especially when you compare it with pinging) :P
you can figure out most pronunciation through tough thorough thought though
@DLosc Went through half of the tag list and looks like that's it - BF, Lolcode, Vyxal, Befunge, ><>, ArnoldC, Dogescript, Whitespace, Pyth
Not bad, not bad
in Advent of Code, 40 secs ago, by hyper-neutrino
yeah i really don't understand how the fuck my code isn't working like i fucking hate coding so much why did I choose to do this with my life
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tshEncode some integers with some others code-golf integer array Input an non-empty array of positive integers. Output another non-empty array of positive integers which encode the input array. Output array should not contain any numbers used in the input array. Output array may have same length or...

AoCG notice: Challenge posting volunteers appreciated for 24th and 25th (details in the link)
@Bubbler i'll take one of them, 24th should work, if nobody else claims it
@Bubbler 25th
Something went really wrong somewhere
@Bubbler i'll take 25
@Razetime You're too late lol (though having a backup is always great)
did not even notice lyxal
When reading this I didn't expect it to be you having posted it lol — emanresu A 18 mins ago
@emanresuA why not lol
Because it's not the type of challenge you usually write, and maybe also 'cos you haven't posted a challenge since July?
ah. well i took the idea from wezl cuz he didn't want to put in the effort to properly formulate/formalize it lol. so yeah, your intuition was right
also huh, has it actually been that long?
oh. huh.
@RedwolfPrograms is this reproducible?
that's not too surprising tho tbh; writing challenges takes a lot of motivation compared to answers (or at least, more than I have)
rot13.stackexchange.com is my favorite site
> You can change the ratio and move the points
Imma change my L to a W
@Bubbler does this need to be pinned, given we've got 2 volunteers already?
@pxeger this can also be unpinned now, since LYaL is over
@RedwolfPrograms lmao yes
@pxeger ah yes my favorite language null null null
and my question is closed again lol
"Randomly choose 2 number" - this needs further specification. Does it have to be a uniform random distribution? Must they be independently chosen? — pxeger 8 hours ago
@pxeger I think adding statistical independent solve this problem?(according to the link)
> Does it have to be a uniform random distribution
uniform statistically independent?
if you just specify that they should be chosen uniformly that's fine
I think the current version of the question ring the bell right?
@pxeger I decided to keep it in case the volunteers failed to show up, so anyone else can catch it and move the challenges
ok i am finally gonna make a flax room
ok so is "flaxing" is a good name for the room?
CMP: Room names for flax?


Discussion about flax. Github: github.com/zoomlogo/flax. Docs: ...
what is sparse(?
i'd advise thinking of one or two less messy replacements because there isn't much to love about the current behavior of ¦
a version which forms a list out of nothing but the elements at the selected indices, applies the link to that list, then masks those back on would probably ideal
would be insanely good for a few string challenges
> string challenges
cough cough there is no strings
@UnrelatedString so basically apply at certain indices
¦ is apply at given indices but it does so by applying to the entire list then masking the before and after together
yeah... like wtf is this lol
same with the at-odd and at-even; they all work like this
@hyper-neutrino is that supposed to replace the items with their length?
nope, it takes the length of the whole list and replaces elements at those indices with that value
it looks like it's supposed to replace items with their length
but that isn't how it's implemented
granted, this is actually fairly reasonably designed because you can just stick a euro after the L and the other way around would not be possible
@hyper-neutrino wait tf?
That doesn't seem very helpful / golfy
i don't think i've found a proper use for that functionality yet
either i just use euro or the thing i do vectorizes anyway so it doesn't matter
sticking a euro after it doesn't always work either because it will then run it on each index and mask, so if there are any errors thrown you can't bypass those
> I won't change my username and avatar in the near future. - Bubbler (Source)
Cat week go brr
Lyxal said the same thing...
But I didn't get elected now did i
True lol
I voted for you
Thank you
But I'm fine with not having gotten RO status
Imo Vyxal's popularity this year seems like a reasonable trade off
True lol. We've had >1k answers and 26 users learnt it, although most of them answered once or twice
Wait 26?
(Note, the one at the bottom is a CW polyglot answer which I edited vyxal into)
@emanresuA how is velay going?
Might come back to it at some point
Vyxal's functions are somewhat less portable than I thought they were.
First world problems: The fan I use has an oscillate button on its remote control but I had it rotated in a way that meant the head wouldn't fully rotate to point at me when automatically oscillating meaning I had to manually rotate it myself
I felt so strongly about ^ that I decided it was in my best interests to tell everyone
Patched the query and there's actually 27+allxy
o/ slep
okay so here's undeniable proof that we are in a society:
'we' can be represented by unicode array [119, 101], where each number is index of character in unicode table
Array [119, 101] has 2 items in it
'in a society' can be represented by unicode array [105, 110, 32, 97, 32, 115, 111, 99, 105, 101, 116, 121], where each number is index of character in unicode table
Array [105, 110, 32, 97, 32, 115, 111, 99, 105, 101, 116, 121] has 12 items in it
Number 12 is even, just like 6 is
Alright, so now 'we' = 2 and 'in a society' = 6
Take a closer look at number 2, which represents 'we'
actually, here's a better proof that we live in a society:
'we' can be represented by unicode array [119, 101], where each number is index of character in unicode table
Array [119, 101] has 2 items in it
'a society' can be represented by unicode array [97, 32, 115, 111, 99, 105, 101, 116, 121], where each number is index of character in unicode table
Array [97, 32, 115, 111, 99, 105, 101, 116, 121] has 9 items in it
Alright, so now 'we' = 2 and 'a society' = 9
Take a closer look at number 2, which represents 'we'
2D car has 2 wheels
A car has 4 wheels
4 is a first non-prime natural number
1 is the first non-prime natural number
0 is feeling unnatural
user image
user image
@Razetime ^
literally me rn
so now when people ask "what's the (raze)time", you can say it's 3 o'apl
@lyxal almost a whole year later and I'm still asking what the hell is this?
@lyxal i see 2x-1
is it two x minus one or two x dash one?
It’s a paraspriye
or a paracute
@lyxal explain
(l)ooks (g)ood (t)o (m)e
i was thinking it was lgtm.com lol
also i have a bot on the flax room
in flax, 58 secs ago, by PyGamer0
PyGamer0 closed PR: #2
it works like a charm
@PyGamer0 the bot seems a little broken
it's seems to maybe be offline
that's not very big shot of the bot to be offline
wdym its online
ii'mma go slee pnow
@emanresuA when are you changing your name to name A user?
1 hour later…
@emanresuA or A Meaner Us.
ok i am advertising flax (the tacit one) on my about on discord lol
good for you
@PyGamer0 Or reuse A man
2 hours later…
@pxeger It happens every time yeah (until I rebooted), I think it's a side effect of when I stackoverflow'd chrome during AoC
Almost everything I tried to do resulted in a segmentation fault or bus error, including closing the terminal lol
@pxeger That null null null null spam was everywhere
A lot of stuff got vandalized with it
At least two posts
Wait that's not really everywhere I guess
All the answers to the nominations thread at the time got vandalised
Okay I have done a shockingly large number of things wrong when choosing hard drives for my server lol
1. They're SSDs and my server does not support SSDs (aside from high end enterprise ones)
2. They're SATA and my server doesn't even _support_ SATA (so no idea how they've worked this whole time)
3. They're like $40 knockoff consumer grade drives, when you're supposed to have special server ones
I mean tbf I set this all up in 6th grade but...how has it worked this long without failing lol
TFW a single drive for your server is going to cost twice as much as the server itself
(It was a used server for like $80 lol)
Oh hang on, that's a scam. They're actually three times more if you get it from a reputable seller.
Guess I'm not setting up a RAID 10 array lol
@RedwolfPrograms Oh dear.
So for a second I was like "eh, it might just be worthwhile to switch to Azure/DigitalOcean at this point" and then I looked at the price for that lol
Looks like I'm going to have to get a job somewhere sooner than I thought :p
Yeah at Azure/DO you pay like $40/TB/mo, so I suppose a one time payment of $250 for a 1 TB hard drive isn't too bad
Should I edit this question to say CGCC instead of PPCG?
Probably not, we have nearly 700 posts mentioning PPCG so we probably shouldn't set a precedent for changing them all
When I flag a chat post as spam/offensive, do I get to specify which one it is?
It just asks you if you're sure, then flags it
If it's a situation where it could be unclear why it's being flagged, a mod flag might be a good idea
Hmm, okay
I mean, I don't think it's a "serious issue that requires moderator attention." Maybe I'll just try telling the person to stop first.
Announcement: I have increased the deadlineless bounty for Pip answers from 50 to 100 rep!
@DLosc the distinction doesn't even matter on the main site. The only difference between spam flags and R/A flags are where they're shown in your flagging history
in fact, unless you're a mod, retracting one red flag doesn't even let you cast the other, lol
CMC: Guess the context of this image
... NFT piracy?
(mostly useless) Hint: An earlier part of the video had the horse dragging the box, which was tied to the back of the horse with a long rope
@emanresuA lol no
@user Watching a video on YouTube.
That is surprisingly good for a computer, though
Q: How do know what i got wong when i ask a question

lnee_94My gramer is pore because of learning disableitys. And my questions get auto flagged as pore a lot with no feedback on how to fix them. What do i do?

1 hour later…
Okay, if you wanted to buy four hard drives for your server, would you buy four new ones, or five refurbished ones?
The four new ones would be just a tiny bit more expensive, but there's the advantage of being able to buy one two pack at first to ensure compatibility
@emanresuA :( Even if their posts are good (no idea if they are because I haven't checked their account), people would probably think "Spam!" first whenever they see that
I don't think hard drives often have a problem with compatibility
@RedwolfPrograms same capacity?
Although this person claims to use spellcheck and got all that wrong lol
Might be a troll
and what filesystem/redundancy system are you planning to use
@pxeger Yeah, they're all 1 TB drives
@pxeger I've got a pretty ancient server, with a pretty cheap RAID controller, so it does weird stuff with unofficial drives
ah, hmm
I'll probably go with a 2-pack for now, and set up RAID 1. If at some point I need better performance and more storage, I can buy another and upgrade to RAID 10.
According to the manual the RAID controller doesn't even support SATA, so I'm a little confused as to how a pair of $40 SATA SSDs has managed to (halfway) work for the last three years
Only SATA? Golly, that's not very Christmas of them. smh should be SANTA
Hmm, but if I am planning on upgrading to RAID 10, it'd be worth going with the 5-pack since I save a few dollars and have an extra in case one fails...
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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