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in Attempt This Online, 13 secs ago, by pxeger
ATO Release v0.1.12: the first release using the mostly rewritten backend!
(I've learnt my lesson, and this time I didn't announce it until after I'd deployed lol)
What is tictac?
Oh, it's your partial function application idea thingymajig
Yes, it's very half-baked lol
ಠ_ಠ Do you have any control flow?
> "𝕜h": (0, lambda: "Hello, World!"),
Totally not stolen from Vyxal
no, vyxal's "Hello, World!" is kH so this is clearly unrelated
@emanresuA ...there's map and filter!
ಠ_ಠ That's all.
Come on, at least make it TC.
@pxeger I can't even get those to work
(honestly I don't know why it outputs an extra 0 at the end...)
@emanresuA ok, added if statements for you!
(only on ato. not staging.ato.)
@pxeger ah, my number parsing is broken lol
A: "Hello, World!"

HydrazerHaifuckqueue, 59 bytes {Hel} $3{lo } $3{W} $1{o} $1{rld} $3{!} $1!!! !!!!!!! !!!!! Explanation: {Hel} -- overwrite top 3 bytes as ascii of "Hel" $3{lo } -- print top 3 items as characters and push ascii of "lo " to the stack $3{W} $1{o} $1{rld} $3{!} $1!!! -- print top 1 item as character and th...

that's an interesting language name
@emanresuA having played with this a tiny bit (I wrote it without really knowing whether/how it would work in practice), it's basically just {prefix notation OR postfix notation}; choose one and stick to it for the whole program or it'll instantly break
@hyper-neutrino quite a clever pun actually lol
Ok :P
@emanresuA Sorry, did you say something?
I couldn't hear you over the wind noise I'm making because I'm fixing bugs so fast
testing in production
@pxeger Strings don't work; at least, they don't print.
@emanresuA ah, you missed the joke. I fixed strings after you said that, and they do now work correctly
2 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino i'm annoyed that it uses a stack and not a queue
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