@pxeger I just spent the last 45 mins of my life reading every bit. Thanks for the rabbit hole, that was quite the drama! And no, I had no idea. Looks totally miserable & he only just graduated college! (My age.)
I miss being more active, hope everyone is well! And always feel free to reach out on Discord via dms at AviFS#4576. (I'd share my email but I'm bound to miss your message!)
Somewhat concerningly, I've learned today that the site I usually use to pixelate out phone numbers/names/email addresses in pictures actually leaks quite a lot of information in the less signficant bits
If you pixelate something...it should be solid blocks of color for each pixel. Apparently this site thinks it's fine if they aren't:
@RedwolfProgrammed But you can see the tops leak some information. It's not immediately clear what the numbers would be, but I'm sure you could try pixelating some other numbers and eventually decode it
I have discovered a screenshot on my laptop which is just my google classroom for english class but with "I am the lego movie" edited into the top right corner
Find the \$k\$-th order summary of a number
The summary of a non-negative integer \$n\$ is all digits in \$n\$ in increasing order followed by the number of times the digit occurs in \$n\$.
Some Examples:
n -> summary(n)
1221 -> 2122 (2 ones, 2 twos)
1212 -> ...
After a little bit of Wikipedia reading, I have come to the sad realisation that trick or treating does not actually allow me to epicly prank the people who ask. Supposedly they are the ones who trick me if I don't comply with their request for candy.
There go my hopes of one day being that one guy in the neighbourhood who chooses trick every year before giving out candy :(
interesting - typically, the order is given before the threat; for example, "hands up or i'll shoot" orders "hands up" with shooting as the threat - same with "surrender or die". yet here, clearly "treat" is the demand with "trick" as the threat
CMC: Given a random bit generator, output a random digit 100% of the time with perfectly uniform distribution. Remember to avoid things like floating-point rounding which will affect uniformity.
The goal is to create a generator generator [...] generator generator comprehension in Python.
The generator must be created via generator comprehension.
The following expression must be valid for any number of nestings: next(next(next(next(next(generator))))).
Assuming this is possible (admitt...
I don't think you'll be able to use exactly log2(10) bits per digit on average, and if it is true then you can pick a large power of 2 that is arbitrarily close to a power of 10
which makes the score arbitrarily close to log2(10)
Remove submatrices
Given two integer matrices a and b, your challenge is to replace any occurences of b in a with a matrix of the same size filled with 0s. For example:
a: [ [1 2 3]
[4 3 2]
[3 5 4] ]
b: [ [3]
[2] ]
b occurs once in a:
[ [1 2 3]
[4 3 2]
[3 5 4] ]
Fill th...
Charcoal special-cases AtIndex to return the empty string if the expression would normally evaluate to the null character, which is annoying because other ways of accessing list elements return you the null character (I think it happens because peeking the canvas returns the null byte for the background but the empty string if you peek beyond the current size)
Based on this game.
Description :
Based on Wikipedia's description.
The 24 Game is an arithmetical card game in which the objective is to find a way to manipulate four integers so that the end result is 24.
For example, for the card with the numbers 4, 7, 8, 8, a possible solution is :
anyone tried to make a 2d tacit language? Like APL, but each function acts both {with a left and/or right argument}, and simultaneously {with a "top" and/or "bottom" argument}?
@pxeger Yeah, that was my understanding too, possibly with an added clause that it doesn't need an import statement or other types of "fetching" from a location, i.e. it is instantly available whatever you do.
most modules that have a C implementation include a wrapper, typically like import foobar (Lib/foobar.py) contains import _foobar which has a corresponding Modules/_foobar.c
but there are a few exceptions
@Adám Python lets you directly import shared library files (.so or .dll) just as if they were .py files
with setuptools, pip, and PyPI, nowadays not a lot of packages use that any more
but the only 3rd party example I can think of are Shakti's Python bindings (presumably because they need to stay closed-source)
@pxeger correction: they do, but they don't just give you a so file to slap in your library directory; it's all abstracted away
@Adám I'm not sure what you mean by type signatures
as in, at the Python level? Or at the ABI level?
because there generally aren't Python-level signatures; the types of the arguments are just checked at call time
e.g. for crun, which has a pretty... minimalistic Python API, the function set_verbosity accepts an integer and checks using PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i") (meaning "this argument tuple should contain one value, which should be an integer): github.com/containers/crun/blob/…
@pxeger if there are, like for type checkers like mypy, they'd be provided as "stub files" ending .pyi which contain only the signatures
@Adám Not necessarily. Some languages do have interfaces, header files, etc. and the implementation is elsewhere, but I'm sure there's tons where the declaration isn't in the host language either (I think Scala has some compiletime stuff that you can't find in the actual standard library)
@Anush Protip: Make a sock and give the bounty to your sock, then make the sock bounty one of your own answers
I don't think you'll find + actually declared anywhere, and @main is a special annotation that the compiler recognizes because cala 3 doesn't yet have macro annotations
All variables in this question are integer valued.
4 integers w, x, y, z. They can be positive or negative and will be less than 1048576 in absolute value.
The general solution to the equation.
\$ aw+bx+cy+dz = 0 \$.
The variables \$a, b, c, d\$ must all be integer values.
Output for...
What is the bad science in eugenetics?, I read the wikipedia page of egenetics and I no found a flaw in the part of science. — Erdel von Mises44 mins ago
yeah I haven't really studied or been interested in eugenics but surely there are many more and much better arguments for why it's a terrible idea even if you have no morals
well this is specifically talking about the science; Erdel's previous comment was that eugenics' only problem is morality and current (now deleted) comment is that there's nothing wrong with the science
me: changes the "hyper" part of "hyper-neutrino" user: still calls me "hyper"
@RedwolfProgrammed if I were to VTC, it would be as a "general programming question", because the OP didn't seem like they knew if there was an answer lol
The chromebook I regularly use uses Search key + right arrow to go to the end, and I'm now so used to it that I keep hitting Capslock + right arrow instead of the end key
@spooky-neutrino TIL those exist
It doesn't help that every keyboard has Home and End keys in a different place
I need to get some kind of keyboard that goes on top of the actual laptop keyboard and automatically translates what I press on it to what that laptop wants
lol yeah. i'd always have to use my other keyboard to adjust volume if i didn't want to have to click it on the windows taskbar
@ruse it is; it worked fine actually. it was a second-hand (third-hand?) keyboard that came with my brother's computer when he bought it from someone else who used it before and I took it when I got a PC and he had another keyboard so he didn't need this one
i recently cleaned it out fully. took an old toothbrush and a vacuum cleaner to get all the crumbs and whatever else off of it, it was not a nice experience
the keyboard that came with my pc (don't use it cuz it's one of those flat keyboards or whatever they're called, except to adjust volume due to the lenovo keyboard not having that functionality) actually doesn't even have a right ctrl
to the right of spacebar is altgr, fn, application, and then a key with three symbols, the double angled brackets and the open circle (idk if it's the period or the degree symbol) but when i press it it gives me a backslash ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@spooky-neutrino ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Just an oddly specific thing to have, given that applications have their own help thing and you can just search it in the browser yourself (and "how to get help in windows" is a pretty vague and useless query)
I think old laptops used to have a physical switch to toggle Wifi on and off, wonder why newer laptops don't have that
@ruse My laptop doesn't have a special key with a question mark, but if e.g. I'm in Windows Explorer and press F1, I get Edge with a bing search for "get help with file explorer in windows".
@Adám oh, interesting. i only use the APL combos for things i can't type without them but otherwise i'm just too used to using the normal QWERTY way of typing them lol
Finally, I do tend to only use the APL keys when writing APL. When I write other languages (human or computer) I use the standard locations. In my mind, JS's ternary is very distinct from APL's random function, etc.
@ruse Yes, my father was in computing from the beginning. He always had a personal computer available, from when they became available in the late '70s.
@Anush The most widely observed Jewish holiday is probably Yom Kippur, which has been around way over 3000 years. I don't think I've seen any attempts at commercialising it yet.
@Anush Yes, every Jewish holiday, except for Yom Kippur, has been commercialised.
@Anush Very few people care about kosher food for Yom Kippur. And observance of Yom Kippur is much more widespread than observance of kosher food rules.
Light it up
Imagine you have a grid where some squares are walls, some are empty, and some are lights that shine for arbitrary distances in the four cardinal directions until they meet walls:
#### ####
## L
#### ## #
#### ##L
## L
In the above grid, the lights cover all the tiles. But in ...
Oh. For years, I have been considering telling you what "Anush" means in Hebrew, but thought it wasn't interesting for you. Now I figure you already know.