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@hyper-neutrino Haven't heard to it yet, but I'm sure it'll be music to my ears :P
@Bubbler Cool challenge, looks good to me
@lyxal It better be a perfect tree
@user it's for an assignment, so I do not control the shape of tree
Binary trees need binary treehouses ;)
Wait no
Hm, pressing the up key in the message box lets you edit your last message
@emanresuA that just sounds like a linkedlist with extra steps
@user Oh btw, if scratch isn't blocked (which seems likely, it's a school) it has some epic games
Also, I can probably pirate one or two games off other sites if you want
(as in copying the source code)
@user well, have you listened to it :P
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Recursive Stalin Sort
man vs code has all sorts of funky macro names in it's autocomplete dictionary for c++
_GLIBCXX_USE_C99_INTTYPES_WCHAR_T_TR1 is the longest I've found thusfar
Autocomplete do be like that
@emanresuA Good idea
@emanresuA Thanks for offering, but I’m not that starved of simulation :P
@lyxal Are you using Tabnine or smth?
@user no
Q: How many values of this type?

BubblerBackground The number of values for a given type is called the cardinality of that type, and that of type T is written as |T|. Haskell and a few other languages have a certain set of enum types, each of which has a small finite number of values (the exact names vary, so this challenge uses some a...

@NewPosts Bah, always blame ""eval is not allowed" is not allowed" :(
yeah sorry i'll post an actually interesting solution in a bit
No need to be sorry, I totally expected an eval solution coming anyway
ahh just remembered parsing brackets is kinda cringe so nvm i'm probably not gonna bother; too lazy to lol
time to make a golfing language speciically to solve parsing problems
I did consider alternative syntax in place of function brackets, but I was afraid that it might hurt the challenge's accessibility (and people mostly would do charsub followed by eval anyway)
Meanwhile I just noticed that the second letter of each constructor is unique
I think I've just proved myself in circles...but I'm not entirely sure. I think I (re?)discovered something interesting relating to the Collatz Conjecture
Basically, if there was any number that would result in the same number after some amount of iterations, that would disprove the collatz conjecture since it'd be an infinite loop that doesn't go to 1.
But I thought of something interesting relating to that
Although I'm almost certainly wrong
Wait no I think I'm wrong
@RedwolfPrograms Wait actually I don't know now
Oh hey, it seems you're proving the exact same thing I am, just in a presumably different way
I did it with some really basic algebra, which is why I think I'm probably wrong
Basically, any cycle would look something like x=ax+b, where a and b are initially 1 and 0 respectively, and you can either divide both by two, or multiply both by 3 and add 1 to b
I just assumed for the sake of simplicity that a is greater than 0 (since halving and multiplying by three could never make it negative) and b is greater than or equal to 0 (since adding one and/or multiplying/dividing can't make it negative, either).
Looks fine so far, assuming a and b can be rationals
If you do some rearranging, you get a <= 1 and b < x, which makes sense (multiplying x by a number higher than 1 will never make the two sides equal, same with adding a number greater than or equal to x)
And...I just realized where I did things wrong :p
? lol
I'd assumed that as b approaches x, b / (1 - a) would consistently either increase or decrease, in which case b / (1 - a) would be x, and since b != x, it'd never be true. But that doesn't work.
Yeah, that's kinda nonsense
Yeah I have no idea what I even wrote down
I need to think about it again
Note: my proof does not eliminate the possibility of having a Collatz cycle outside the infinite tree
@Bubbler Isn't that... kinda obvious? How do you have a cycle in a tree?
Otherwise I've earned some kind of award already (or more likely some other smart people well before me would have solved it and it wouldn't be a conjecture anyway)
@emanresuA There is exactly one possible cycle (1, 2, 4) in the tree, which should be handled manually
(aside from that one)
No, by definition it is only called a Collatz graph, and a tree is formed by removing all edges that go back to some parent. I'm proving that there's actually only one such edge.
Oh, nice.
2 hours later…
@Adám and dinoux ;)
Out of interest, where does the name dinoux come from? (and how do you pronounce it?)
I read it as "dino" but I figure that's probably wrong :p
@RedwolfPrograms @PyGamer0 Your brother came up with it, right?
Wait...you can get an RSS feed for chat messages matching a search query
For example, chat.stackexchange.com/feeds/search/dinoux is a feed with messages in TNB containing the string "dinoux"
Just how much are you going to abuse this?
So...they have RSS feeds for chat search, but didn't take the time to make chat search work
@emanresuA yes
more specifically i was reading the C programming language book
i saw d, i, n, o, u, x as to be used in format strings ig
i showed the sequence to my brother and he said it would be a nice name for my language
I forgot the formats other than %d and %x/%X
So can I call your language dxX instead?
What about %c?
@RedwolfPrograms pronounced as: die - nooks (@emanresuA style) or di - nox (how i pronounce it)
@emanresuA ig
Who uses %c anyway /s
wait lemme find that sequence again
@RedwolfPrograms lol
Unfortunately feeds are slow so it'll probably just spit out a bunch of lols every hour or so
Zoom auto-captions working extra hard to transcript my lecturer
Bames Nond's having a stronk, call a Bondulance
> The conversion characters d, i, n, o, u and x maybe preceded by h ..........
@lyxal captions are the funniest thing in classes
ma'am is now mom
so everyone calls their mother
@lyxal what did you leacturer actually say?
@lyxal [substitute] the x point into the function and you can get straight away from the function the area value
@PyGamer0 ^
@lyxal ash boy lol
i will now refer to x as ash and a point as boy
@RedwolfPrograms almost
it's integration
CMC: so kids given the ash coords and the y coords, find which quadrant (numbered from clockwise 1-4) the boy lies in
Oh no we have get had a malfunction
Basically every second sentence gets screwed up
@RWP are you making a language?
i mean @USR
We have lols!
united states revolts :P
The lol feed has been updated
oof the lecturer just started shipping functions together
we're in for some steamy calculus fan-fic now
@RedwolfPrograms it cant catch unicodd lóls
@lyxal I want to reply to this with some relevant math puns but unfortunately I think it'd be a little too NSFW :/
At least in the direction I was going to take it 👀
@RedwolfPrograms no, it's for all SE
Your lol feed caught a non-TNB lol
Oh huh, I did the search for dinoux as TNB-only
then maybe it is and the feed is accidentally all SE
@RedwolfPrograms zoom captions beat you to it
No, the lol feed was intentionally all of SE
@RedwolfPrograms Bot time!
Hello, I am new user and i am wonder:
how do you guys come up with scoring systems for challenges that arent just "shortest code"
im trying to finalize my sandbox draft so that it is more approvable but i rlly dont know how to approach the score formula
Don't try to use a formula, it is impossible to balance well
If you have two kinds of scores in mind, you can make one the primary score and the other a tie-breaker
If it doesn't work, then probably your challenge as a whole doesn't work very well
See y'all tomorrow o/
(More arms stolen)
I have a little secret to confess
the arms and other body limbs I showed you were never actually stolen
they were all mass produced in a factory
so by stealing them from me, you're actually committing the crimes
Nuh uh, you made us believe they were ours
It's all about intent
something something arms dealer
@RedwolfPrograms so that y'all'd get arrested for limb stealing
all part of my elaborate plan
We acted under the belief that they were our arms though!
I'll get my lawyer to handle this, he has many more heads than usual
@RedwolfPrograms twas all a lie! (except for the IRS investigation though - turns out our tax evasion was more extreme than I thought)
in that case, i will ask which is better: https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/23941/107310?
high priority: iterations; low priority: shortest code? or vice versa
This would be a good question for law.SE, but I'm pretty sure IRL taking your stuff back if you've been told by the owner it's yours is fine, as long as you don't commit other crimes in the process
alt: should i just require it go on theoretically infinitely
But anyway, gtg o////////////
(me waving with 0 arms)
@thejonymyster iterations seems like a good scoring count
well thats two people including myself so im going with it
Ok sure
thtat sounds good
To me, looks good to post.
oh, awesome :-)
primary = iterations, tiebreak = code golf (of the first program I think?)
Just maybe tidy up a bit first
actually thats another thing i was wondering
@emanresuA of course
Also, would you allow infinity iterations or not?
i wonder if itd be good to score based on shortness of /all/ iterations
@Bubbler That's probably where the tiebreak's going to come in as soon as someone figures out how
Which should be fairly easy
yeah, which is why im wondering if i should just enforce infinity
Shortness of all iterations would heavily depend on the shortness of the first one anyway, and if you allow infinity then the former is not measurable (but the latter is)
Can someone check the CV queue? There's a review there that I'm not sure about
or i could have the answerer calculate the slope of their bytecount / iterations
no uh
shortness of iteration one then, yeah. i just wont enforce infinity since once someone gets it, it Will be enforced
plus for something like a non tc lang itd be fun to see how far it can get
pro-tip: require non-empty quines
@thejonymyster In some, it might be possible. There's probably a way to do it with HQ9+...
because otherwise, there's an easy win:
A: Program that creates larger versions of itself (quine-variant)

DennisGS2 (8636bd8e), 0 bytes This prints a single newline, which prints two newlines, which prints three newlines, et cetera. Try it online!

@lyxal That doesn't work, or at least not simply...
Since you need to print all preceding programs
is empty quine not already on the standard loopholes list
but yea empty program wouldnt work because the new program generated would output the same thing
and itd be only 1 iteration
since like
if you wanted to say "the program is empty, and the delimiter is newline"
Or you can require that all generated programs are different
this is not necessary
because programs which are not different do not generate different outputs
if your program is "f" and it prints "f f"
Oh right, that doesn't work anyway
for posterity,
the second program "f" would also print "f f"
im not sure if thatd be 1 iteration or two though
Check out the last lol in the list
What is that room?
uhh link pls
oh my god
@emanresuA it's just an autogenerated comments-to-chat room name lol
btw does anyone have a better name than "Iterative Quine?"
i feel like that basically gets the point across but idk
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterIterative Quine? Create a program which prints itself, followed by an additional program. This additional program should print the first program, itself, and then a third program. This continues until the nth program, which prints every program in order up to itself, but fails to print a successo...

is this Sufficiently Cleaned Up?
if so, im gonna post to main site
question: do i need to apply the tags myself? im not sure what to put besides maybe quine and code-golf
if it isn't shortest
for sure
right, right
@WheatWitch Do you think it's possible to make a Lost polyglot?
i am feeling very lucky >:)
..how do i add tags btw haha
sorry caps locl
Just above the review/post butto
ah, that isnt in the sandbox
got it, ty
For the sandbox you can add [tag:tagname] in the markdown
i don't think you have enough rep lol
@emanresuA i did find that in the guides on the side
@hyper-neutrino haha its probably for the best
yeah you post in the sandbox as an answer and to main as a question so things don't line up. one of the many reasons a better sandbox feature would improve so many things
Q: Iterative Quine?

thejonymysterCreate a program which prints itself, followed by an additional program. This additional program should print the first program, itself, and then a third program. This continues until the nth program, which prints every program in order up to itself, but fails to print a successor. All programs o...

any last minute edits i should make?
Get rid of the ?
i put it there since isnt an iterative quine supposed to like
come back to the original program?
stack exchange has a habit of appending the ? mark after question titles for some reason... I'm surprised to hear that this was intentional though lol
i also thought itd spike intrigue....
like an ellipsis..........
i feel like a score of infinity should be possible here
it def is
not particularly good at quines tho
i know how to do it for the like js brand cheating quine
where a function prints its own code
thank you everyone for all of your help :-)
10 minutes and no answers.. oh i must be a failure
Oh i am just joshing :-)
@thejonymyster no, you aren't just joshing :-)
you're thejonymyster
that's an easy mistake to make for new users, claiming to be someone they aren't
usually, they'll claim to be the moderator JoKing
"joshing" is new.
someone already commented saying the scoring system is bad haha
hopefully my cheeky little comment doesnt come off as mean spirited.. i even gave it a smily :)
well, no sense in obsessing over it all night. Goodnight all
When you try to run Vyxal in Python 2
And now it's completely cursed
Does anyone know how to run Vyxal locally???
@thejonymyster damn, i actually had this prepared for the next time someone made a name joke
@emanresuA lost is frequently a polyglot with Klein just incidentally
Or at least can be rotated to make one
What about with a non-2d language?
Q: adding characters to sting using algorythm

somebodyThere is only a character at the beginning of the string. After that, every step at the beginning of the string with more spaces is added the next character in the alphabet. 1.a 2.bab 4.dcdbdcdadcdbdcd so i want to make algo that follow the rule that adding logically these characters make the st...

Such spelling!
Also how the numbering skips 3 and adds to the confusion
algo was the U.S. president right?
I feel like it's a troll
it's not the kind of absurd incompetence that a troll would mimic
it's just close
They use 'sting' not once but twice, while also using 'string'; they misspelt 'algorithm', they have weird capitalisation and they can't count.
The bit before the code block is correctly punctuated, spelt and capitalised, the bit after is all lowercase and a mess
It feels like it was written byy two different people
the grammar is wrong everywhere though
@emanresuA python vyxal.py <filename> 'flags' input input input ...
CMC modulo inverse that will take less than 60 seconds on 500 digit integers
Is modulo guaranteed to be a prime?
that is given x and m,return a so that a x mod m == 1
Assume x and m are coprime
Answer: use extended Euclidean GCD
@Anush dCode's calculator and the python port runs pretty fast
@Bubbler wow
Do you have a particular language in mind, btw?
Maybe we need an LLL challenge
Lol, then the port should work as-is
I was wondering if you're trying to do it in C/C++ or something, in which case things go wacky
@Anush Wdym by LLL?
@lyxal Oh, '
Wait no, Vyxal.pyn't
in Dinoux Room, Oct 1 at 13:36, by Aaron Miller
This isn't the room I clicked on
@emanresuA python -m vyxal
Actaully, that might work
Works but doesn't let me pass flags
python vyxal/__main__.py?
-m should have no problem accepting args

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