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00:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

Ugh, I burnt my thumb trying to light a cigarette a few hours ago, and it still burns :(
(it's a sign to not smoke /s) well hope it gets better soon :p
Yeah, I know I shouldn't smoke :/
I try to convince myself that I only smoke when drunk (which I do), but that's still too much, given how often I get drunk :(
OTOH, my lectures are going well :D
And tbh, I'd rather I spent 4 years doing stupid shit while my classes go well, rather than do stupid shit and fail my classes
I get that's probably a good message to have starred, but I'd rather it doesn't stay on the starboard if/when I quit
The optimist in me would like to believe that I'm the only TNBer who smokes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm guessing from the silence that I am :(
@cairdcoinheringaahing If you do decide to, good luck!
@RedwolfPrograms Unfortunately, I kind of imagine that I'll keep with my current pattern of smoking when drunk for another few years. Leaving uni might be a catalyst, as it should be a completely new environment, but who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, drinking and smoking are known to go well (or badly?) together (in the sense that people having both have harder time quitting either of them)
Not that I entered this discussion intending to go "deep", but here we go :P
I started drinking properly when I was 15, and smoking when I was 17. Luckily (I guess), I always do them together - I never smoke when sober, as it makes me physically ill. That said, I do like going out and drinking, having a "night out", clubbing etc. which often involves smoking. My rational is that, if there's any time in my life to prioritise having fun over health/safety, it's between 18 and 24, so I'd rather enjoy my life tomorrow, than regret not doing so in 60 years
As things go, I know it isn't the healthiest, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I enjoy my life, so I'd rather keep doing what I do, rather than cut back and not enjoy it
But do you need to smoke and drink that much to enjoy life?
Smoke, no. Drink, idk
I find clubs much more relaxing/fun after a couple of beers, but idk if that applies to life as a whole
I do know that I can spend an evening in, watching a movie/listening to music without alcohol and it be just as enjoyable
Why do you need clubs when you can code golf for equal amount of fun :P
Shorten lines of code, not coke :P
In my defense, I've never done coke :P
If a stranger offers you Jelly, take it :P
@Bubbler Sometimes, I can't solve the code golf challenge. I can always go clubbing :P
Idk, when I stop code golfing for a while I get all shaky and weak. I break into cars to get money for more byte saves. It's becoming a problem.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pepsi fan, eh? :P
Dr Pepper
He keeps prescribing me these weird drugs :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Eww😖
Dr. Pepper's alright, don't actually remember if I've tried coca cola or pepsi
(joking, I mainly drink pineapple juice if I'm drinking something non-alcoholic)
Hi @lyxal, it's time to get caird to quit smoking Dr. Pepper
@cairdcoinheringaahing Tell me you don't dip pizza in it or something atrocious
@cairdcoinheringaahing why tf are you specifically telling JoKing this?
No, just a normal glass of pineapple juice
yeah, very weird
Do you not care about what we all drink, JoKing?
@JoKing If you ever want to meet up and drink pineapple juice, feel free to send me a mod message :P
CMP: Favorite juice?
orange :P pineapple
No I meant for drinking
Wait no
@RedwolfPrograms Isn't that just vodka?
No, just squeeze a potato into a glass :p
(I'm joking making a joke)
(Potato juice would be really awful)
@RedwolfPrograms I could almost feel the gears of your brain trying to come up with something as random/funny as possible to get stars :P
@RedwolfPrograms Honestly, I feel like the best way to improve it would be to ferment it into vodka :P
@RedwolfPrograms Not if you mix ketchup into it. Then it's a smoothie!
Well, it's true that advocad juic isn't actually my favorite, because y'all never did say how to juic advocad
Like, even if you don't drink, vodka > potato juice
@RedwolfPrograms it take thirtee minut and no juic
Potato juice is probably just starchy water now that I think about it
@cairdcoinheringaahing squiz for twentee minut mor
advocad not easy too juce
so try for seve mor minet?
yes use car
I'm waiting for a challenge to be posted, such that I can post "I'm voting to close this challenge because wut" :P
I should 3d print an advacado juicr
why not 3d pint avocad juic
I try alredy. thank.
much easir
because it'll take more than thirtee minut
^ use car
mabe even truk
Do people actually like avocadoes?
Depends on what you're using them for
I mean I doubt anyone sane just sits down and eats some avocado for the heck of it
If anyone was wondering about the outage last night, dw, according to Stack Status, it didn't happen ಠ_ಠ
@RedwolfPrograms I'm using them for eating
@RedwolfPrograms Avocado on toast is apparently nice
Avocado is definitely good with some stuff
BLTs are one
@cairdcoinheringaahing Dunkin's is not very tasty at all
I've heard good things about toast and milkshakes
@RedwolfPrograms The bacon is what makes it for me
BLTs are amazing, avocado ruins a BLT
@cairdcoinheringaahing Interesting combo, gotta try it sometime
i know avocado can find fairly general dessert use but as far as that goes i've only had it in boba tea
Avocado is like me, it ruins everything
@user No, avocado on toast, and adding avocado to milkshakes. Two different dishes
Don't mix avocado, toast, ice cream, milk and blender, please
savory avocado uses go without saying
Oh,I'll try the milkshake. Avocado on toast was a disappointment without lots of red pepper and salt
probably depends on the bread too
Guacamole isn't bad but I feel it's the other stuff that really gives it flavor
but yeah avocado toast does sound questionable
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, I like it on BLTs personally. Any reason you dislike it?
Tbh, I hate avocado
On top of the taste, it just goes bad so quickly
@RedwolfPrograms Avocado bad
i used to absolutely despise avocado but i'm warming up to it
and yeah how fast it goes is a huge issue
Avocado and mayonnaise both completely ruin a dish by being added
what do you have against mayonnaise
wdym? Mayo is awesome, just don't add too much
Okay, I can see avocado but mayo?
@cairdcoinheringaahing w...why is it a tumblr account?
Mayo is 100% necessary on a BLT
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