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@pxeger Hmm, that sounds like a familiar place :P
Quat Mini Chestion ;)
It may be better to write LYAL CMC to make it easier to search for later on
Hello Zorp.
@Adám Of course you're free to answer it in some other language, but it'll probably be trivial.
@user Yeah, and avoid a new TLA every time.
@pxeger Quat Chini Muestion, Mat Quini Chestion
@Dudecoinheringaahing Three Letter Abbreviation.
@Dudecoinheringaahing Terrible Long Answers
and this system doesn't work for languages with names that begin with C
especially C itself, if that was a LYAL language
@user Well, maybe. Hrmph.
Or when two languages have the same first letter (JavaScript and Java) (not that those will be chosen but you know what I mean)
I'm planning to start a bookmark as some kind of "this was when the event happened", given that it was suggested the message after the pin that we call them QMCs, it should be fine
Good idea
CMC: Longest autological word.
In the future, we can call them whatever works at the time, whether that be LYAL CMC or whatever funny acronym we come up with
@pxeger The top voted suggestion for which this would become an issue is Cascade. Which is highly voted, so... yeah.
@Adám "autological" :Þ
@Adám humongous
I'd say YAML, but that doesn't count
An autological word (also called homological word) is a word that expresses a property that it also possesses (e.g., "word" is a word, "noun" is a noun, "English" is English, "pentasyllabic" has five syllables). The opposite is a heterological word, one that does not apply to itself (e.g. the word "long" is not long, "monosyllabic" does not have just one syllable, “dactyl” is not a dactyl). Unlike more general concepts of autology and self-reference, this particular distinction and opposition of "autological" and "heterological words" is uncommon in linguistics for describing linguistic phenomena...
Does oxymoron count?
@user Oh no, you broke the dictionary.
@ngn That's German ;p
@DLosc german should be considered a loophole for this challenge :)
(Ouch, I can't see – cutting onions…)
Q: Euler's numerus idoneus

Dude coinheringaahingEuler's numerus idoneus, or idoneal numbers, are a finite set of numbers whose exact number is unknown, as it depends on whether or not the Generalized Riemann hypothesis holds or not. If it does, there are exactly 65 idoneal numbers. If not, there are either 66 or 67. For the purposes of this ch...

Related: triskaidekaphobia and Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Whoever named that second one was a sadist :P
Is "quine" autological?
@user Probably just a hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophiliac who thought a fear of long words was silly ;p
Masochist to the to the sadist: Hit me, hit me!
Sadist: NO!
CMC: Tips for hypothetically helping yourself on math tests using less-than-ethical methods?
If you have a calculator that can run programs (e.g. TI-82), write notes in those program files
@DLosc I'm heartbroken that Pip doesn't have auto-complete string terminators :(
@user the thing with maths is, if you're smart enough to cheat successfully, you're probably smart enough to solve the problems anyway
Not necessarily
@Dudecoinheringaahing Good idea, although typing in those is hard :/
@user I just saw a Tom Scott video about that, actually... here you go
@ngn the biggest thing I'd want to cheat on in a maths test is remembering some of the identities
@DLosc That link is too recognizable :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing trigonometry?
What about thelongestwordthatcannnotbeexpresssedinlessthansixtyletters?
@Dudecoinheringaahing That and the various stupid equations they make you memorize
@ngn Standard integrals
oh, that's worse
And things like Stokes' theorem and Green's theorem etc.
Wait, is this standard college stuff or just because you're a math person? Because it sounds painful
Like, I hate not getting the answer correct because I forgot that you're supposed to have a negative sign in front of the identity, so technically speaking, I was wrong
@user I'm a maths person :P
Oh good
I think Stokes' theorem was in the Calc 3 course I took, but it might have been Calc 2
Is Calc 2 multivariable calculus? idk how it works in the UK
I also don't know how it works in the UK - I took an online US calculus course during Year 12 (I think that's junior year?)
I should probably dig up my notes from that in prep for uni tbh :P
12th grade is senior year here
Year 12 is the second to last year, Year 13 is the last year of high school
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm glad you care enough about Pip to be heartbroken. :) That was a deliberate decision, though. It does make the language a bit less golfy, but it's already never going to beat tacit/stack languages with 256-character codepages, so I'd rather not make it (IMO) uglier just in order to lose less thoroughly.
@Dudecoinheringaahing oic
@DLosc Does it really make it all that uglier?
@DLosc Just so you know, CJam and Pyth also have auto-complete at EOF strings :P
@user Not by much. I've mostly become okay with autoclosing stuff. It's compressed strings that I really can't stand...
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm aware :P
I can definitely understand not going for compressed strings, especially if its an ascii-only language
@Dudecoinheringaahing What do you mean, I don't see how "⌋Ød1⍥ǽÅ" could ever be a bad thing :P
CMC: Least readable golfing language?
That's quite subjective
@Adám fixed
@emanresuA Japt
caird would say Jelly is quite readable, DLosc would say Pip is readable, Leo would say Husk is readable, even though they're all unreadable to people like me
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ok, what does DẆḌẒƇṀ do?
Even when I was learning Jelly, it was readable (with an explanation). Like, I could see how H,Z would do H, then Z then pair them. Vyxal, Husk, 05AB1E I can mentally parse, if not understand what the builtins do. Japt just doesn't make sense to me
@emanresuA One of those that have compressed source.
Pip's design philosophy has always been "golf language that works pretty similarly to regular languages that you already know." I don't know that all the features live up to that description, and there have rarely been golfing newbies lining up to learn Pip... but I'm gonna stick to my principles even if they don't entirely make sense. :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Do you mean that the shortcuts are weird? Because other than that, it's a pretty sane language
@Adám Unary.
@emanresuA Get the largest prime that can be made from a contiguous set of digits of the input
Isn't Sledgehammer compressed?
> golfing language
@Dudecoinheringaahing Did you remember writing that, or did you figure it out just now?
@emanresuA Unary is compressed?
@DLosc Unary can be a golfing language
I'd say it's expanded
@emanresuA Figured it out just now :P
Unary is by far the longest language I've ever seen
@emanresuA Sure--so can Java.
@emanresuA VTC as unclear; define golfing language golf
I saw
You had explanation
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ok, what about:
DẆḌẒƇṀ - Main link. Takes n on the left
     Ṁ - Get the largest...
  Ḍ Ƈ  - number that is...
   Ẓ   - prime from..
 Ẇ     - the list of contiguous elements of...
D      - the digits of n
@Adám @emanresuA Stax is my vote.
Thank you chat markdown for that excellent spacing
A: Find the largest contiguous prime in a string

Dude coinheringaahingJelly, 6 bytes DẆḌẒƇṀ Try it online! Takes input as an integer. If input must be a string, then 7 bytes. Returns 0 for numbers with no primes in them. How it works DẆḌẒƇṀ - Main link. Takes n on the left Ƈ - Find... Ṁ - ...the largest... Ẇ - ...contiguous... ḌẒ - ...prime... D...

@emanresuA Enigma machine :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Dammit
I updated my userscript to use the mod-flair class, and now all of the things about it that made me cringe are gone :)
1w11¬$#Ṫ then
Ooh, this is a fun game! Throw some Pip code at me :D
@emanresuA nth number that does not contain 11 as in its digits
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ugh
I'll go find one with some annoying chaining
And... the site's down.
@emanresuA what about some Vyxal code?
If you pick my answers, I'll probably recognise them :P
And it's not
@emanresuA I like how I could directly translate the title into the code :P
And it's down
And it's up
Is the site doing aerobics or something? :P
Go post on MSE and get some rep :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing ẆSÐḟṪȯ$
Asking if the site is down is a sure-fire way to get +30 :P
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 23 at 15:03, by Slate
I think the possum in the server room who keeps it all working had to take a bathroom break.
@Slate Again??? It had a break a week ago!
Well, ya know...
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Aug 23 at 15:05, by bobble
@Slate ... hopefully not on the servers?
Well, now we know why the servers keep doing that :P
@emanresuA Given a list of integers l, keep the contiguous sublists that sum to zero. If the list is empty, return the empty list, else return the longest
@Dudecoinheringaahing Ok I give up
I can read Jelly a lot easier than most other languages :P
Try giving me some Vyxal then
@emanresuA aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, flags=rO
@user Outputs 0
@Dudecoinheringaahing outputs 0
@Dudecoinheringaahing Subtracts double the first item from the rest of the array - that's an actual answer somewhere, something to do with deltas?
Yes that
@AaronMiller I was thinking without input
@Dudecoinheringaahing Fibonorial
Nice :P
@emanresuA ⇩:kakzĿṘ=
Reverse-alphabet-palindrome thingy
I don't remember the exact question
Atbash cipher :P
Oh yes, 'Atbash self palndromes'
@Dudecoinheringaahing Remove non-numbers, get min and max in a list
Aww, I was trying to trick you with an answer that wasn't yours :P
I remember seeing that - it's Aaron's.
It's Underslash's :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Dammit
Link :P
@emanresuA ka3wiṘ,Qλa;b@;<λ;c/
Random nonsense that you just made up
It'll error in at least three different ways
You're calling a nameless function, throwing a much of random lambdas in there, trying to index a liist into the aplhabet, and quitting the program.
Oh I see
Still, that errors because you're trying to index [3] into the lowercase alphabet.
@emanresuA I move that "the aplhabet" become the official name for APL's codepage :D
Oh wait no
@emanresuA No, if you index with a list, it slices
I forgot how indexing works
Prints 'cba'.
How is that even an answer @Dudecoinheringaahing ?
I was gonna say its probably a polyglot
Oh I see
@Dudecoinheringaahing any more?
Should I pick a longer one? :P
I've been trying to limit them to shorter answers
I'll recognse longer ones, probably
@Dudecoinheringaahing go ahead. I can read Vyxal pretty well, even if its not immediately apparent what it does :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing There are a lot of longer ones to choose from :P
Hamming numbers
first n
ƛ₃kf*n₅kb*+∴ (uses 2 flags, lemme know if you want to know what they are)
fizzbuzz thing
I need the flags, it's painful without them
Long one for you: λD→a?+:£ṡƛ¥ġn←aġ+2>;A;ṅ
gtg, i'll be back soon
First number where... Inclusive range from n to n + input... Its GCD with iinput added to n is greater than 2...
It's one of your challenges
You had a bounty for it
OEIS sequence
@emanresuA I've done lots of challenges about OEIS sequences :P
@emanresuA Nice one :D
Ah, the "'coding challenges' sounds like 'I'm programming and I have a problem'" strikes again
"what the hell bro" I think that's the first time I've ever had that as a response to the welcome message :P
Also, what a surprise, they have a single downvoted question on SO, I think they may have been question-banned over there (we can't see if they've got any deleted questions)
@Dudecoinheringaahing Flagged it
Post's been deleted anyway :P
How many does it take to get Q-banned?
@emanresuA It's understandable. Someone's desperate to get help, they think they've found a place to get help, and the response is "No, we won't help you." They try another place, and the response is "No, we won't help you." That would be pretty frustrating.
@DLosc True
@DLosc I'd agree, if the comment was "No, we won't help you" Given the tone of my (auto-)comment, I disagree that response would ever be warranted
rejoice, for I have returned
@emanresuA There's no hard or fast limit, it depends on your recent Q asking record
Ok, how many downvoted and closed does it take to get a Q-ban
They don't reveal that, so that people can't try to circumvent it :P
See this
@Dudecoinheringaahing Warranted, no. Understandable, yes.
You need help. Place A says "Your question is bad (downvotes), we won't help unless you read this list of documents and do a bunch of stuff to fix it." But you need help, and you don't have time to read a bunch of how-tos on using a website. So you try Place B, and you include more of your code this time. Place B says "Your question is bad (downvotes), and we won't help you anyway, have you tried Place A?"
... All of which is the correct response to those two questions, but I don't think it will ever be well-received.
Think about it this way in terms of the people who answer the questions.
They have only so much time, and want to do as much as possible within that time
So they want well-written questions that clearly explain the problem.
@DLosc We've had people respond with "Oh, sorry, I'll post there" after being informed
It takes nothing to be calm enough to respond with some basic politeness, so, no, I can't understand people reacting like that, even when frustrated
@Dudecoinheringaahing Yeah, true, "I don't think it will ever be well-received" is putting it way to strongly.
i'm not fulent on the whole chain here, but... it's not unusual to get 'users' who are 'grumpy' with whatever's annoying them, and they want help and they take criticism / comments as 'direct attacks' and reacti accordingly
"i'm not sure it will be well received ever" is a tad aggressive and too strong thoguh i agree
@ThomasWard Oh yeah, I know :P At times, I've been that user. And I'm incredibly embarrassed about how I've acted in those situations before. I still don't understand it, and I don't understand now why I acted like that
@Dudecoinheringaahing I disagree with "It takes nothing to... respond with some basic politeness." It takes something. Maybe very little. But sometimes you're at the end of your rope and you have nothing left to give. (In those situations, I'd suggest not posting anything rather than posting something rude, of course.)
I think this user was more very confused than grumpy. But the two are not far apart.
@ThomasWard That ^^ "end-of-the-rope" situation is what I was thinking about in my earlier comment.
Not literally meaning "ever"
No need to keep discussing one deleted post :)
It did mean that I'm one step further along in my lost souls cake recipe :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Okay, here's some Jelly for you:
posted on September 01, 2021 by Moshi

Challenge We all know and love the generic sort function, right? However, it only sorts based off one criterion - what if we want more? That's where you come in. Your task is t...

(I don't know much Jelly, so I have no idea if this is easy or hard)
Can I ask how many arguments it's passed?
For a second I thought that'd be the same off-topic post but on Codidact's Code Golf :p
@Dudecoinheringaahing Two
I finally hit 13k!
Good job
I've only gotten to 12800 five times :p
On the dot, too
I'm shooting for a very particular number but by total is currently off by 5 mod 10.
I'm always extremely careful to keep my rep at a multiple of 10
I'll never downvote single answers, unless they're about to get deleted. Whenever I get stray downvotes, I take it as an opportunity to go find a tag to improve.
@DLosc Here's an explanation:
ṀṄ;©®œ^ - Helper link. Takes a list B on the left and a list C on the right
ṀṄ      - Print the maximum of B
  ;     - Prepend to C
   ©    - Save that in the register R
    ®œ^ - Set difference between R and C

Rf@€ç/Ṁ - Main link. Takes A on the left, and L on the right
Rf@€    - Over each element, i, in A, keep the elements of L less than or equal to i
    ç/  - Reduce by the helper link
      Ṁ - Yield the maxmimum
I get and give too many downvotes for that.
But I have no idea what it does all together :P
I had 11111 at one point
@BrowncatPrograms Now that I have far too much rep (IMO), I'd rather use my downvotes as they should be (downvoting posts I don't think contribute positively to the site), rather than worry about my rep
That said, I rarely downvote
I'm just trying to get 20k priviledges
I'm probably going to dip below 14k at some point because jq month
My voting "rules" are pretty simple tbh: I'll upvote if a) I've answered your challenge, b) you've answered my challenge, or c) I really like your post. I'll downvote (and these override any upvote reasons) if a) you've changed your challenge to invalidate my answer (and I mean change rather than clarify), or b) I believe that the site would be better if your post wasn't ever posted
Ooh, I'm 1 day away from Fanatic on MSE, and from Fanatic (yet again) on CGCC :P
My voting rules are even simpler. I only upvote good stuff. And I downvote.
@Dudecoinheringaahing I'm ~70 days from fanatic :P
@WheatWizard I suppose my voting rules are more simple for anyone trying to understand if/why I've voted on something
You could (mostly) track exactly what I've voted for tbh
We've got 10 questions (8 open) in the last 24 hours.
Oh wow
I just hit some odd key combination in Firefox, and n ow my window is the size of a phone
@emanresuA And one of those closed ones just needs clarifying, rather than being off-topic
One of them needs a lot of clarifying though.
OTOH one of the open ones is a question :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Oh yeah, that was me for jq month (totally legit and not just trying to make up reputation for the bounties)
Well, every LoTM needs a tips thread :p
What about 'you can stretch rectangular regions to reshape the number'?
@emanresuA But did you start a jq chat room? 🤔
I think the way to specify it would be to give some base shapes (simpler than the ones given) and say if you double any row or column in place the resutl is the same.
@DLosc No point, no one here knows how to use it
@emanresuA Just as much point as a tips question, then
@Dudecoinheringaahing I don't change how I downvote
Most of the people here never come to chat
Aside from waiting to downvote answers in pairs
There's one answer qualifying for the bounty, which I'll award in two days when the question
's old enough
@BrowncatPrograms Idk, I used to be fairly reluctant to downvote (cause I'd lose 1 rep), but once I hit 30k or so, I realised how stupid that was, and that I should just downvote when I want to
I mean with the staying-at-a-multiple-of-ten thing
@BrowncatPrograms Yeah, it still applies :P I figured that I should just stop caring about rep, including whether or not it was a multiple of 10 (or 5) :P
Until I hit 20k, I kind of like the system I have right now :p
Out-of-context StackExchange comment of the day:
It means that if I post a badly thought out challenge or downvote a bunch of stuff, instead of a number going down I actually have to go out and improve the site a little
@DLosc Hey, I recognize that post :p
Yup :p
I was looking at your profile because of your rep milestone
@DLosc Or 46 clowns :P
@Dudecoinheringaahing Depends how big their shoes are
@DLosc i thought it would be something computer-sciency about trees or graphs :)
@ngn Ha! I'm familiar with that definition of "children," but what about "bones"?
@DLosc if there are heads and tails in CS, why not bones? :)
actually, i remember seeing a challenge here about a hexagonal grid. 3 cells glued together were called a "bone"
i think bones are a thing in rigging for 3d animation
@DLosc I have a not-very-thoroughly golfed solution in 96 bytes that treats 0^0 as 0.
SMH... There's a whole series of functions in the code I'm looking at for work that are named variations on AdressLabel.
I don't know why we have functions to deal with dresses, we're not a clothing company /s
CMC: Load the last 24 hours of cha
@exedraj Did you wash me?
I was that much of a bicycle last night that I don't remember
@exedraj Ok...
10 hours ago, by exedraj
two-tired to continue being awake
Yay, I now have two empty inboxes
I just got an email >:|
Yay, I now have two empty inboxes
I might actually repcap today :P
Having a +9 answer helps
@BrowncatPrograms I can't even imagine. My inbox has 5,562 messages in it. :P
Laughs in 12144
Well folks, have we learned us a Quipu for great good?
Not really :(
How do say widen but in another direction?
like if wide for left to right, ? for up to down?
@emanresuA Anything I can do to help with that, or nah?
@Niko Enlarge, extend, embiggen are all direction-neutral
I'm trying to learn Jelly for the third time rigght now, so nah.
Lengthen depends on context which direction it's talking about
For up to down specifically, I don't know if there's a single word; I'd probably say "make taller"
@DLosc no :(

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