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Q: Generate the shortest regex to match these but not those

user197974Challenge Given two lists of strings where each string is of length 50 and each list is also of length 50 generate the shortest regex you can that fully matches all the strings in the first list and does not match any of the strings in the second list. Scoring Your score will be the average lengt...

This question was closed as unclear without any of the voters leaving any comments as to why they think it is unclear.
I think that maybe we should help the OP here make their question clear.
I feel like it can be reopened
See the comments underneath Neil's answer for why I voted to close. The OP hasn't yet responded to Neil's second question (I VTCed before they'd responded to their first), which I feel impacts on the potential validity of answers
But isn't Neil's second question about Python? The OP said that they want Javascript's flavor of regex
I think they use the same flavour of regex. It may still be a valid concern regardless.
Javascript's flavour has a similar thing, no? .test, .match and .search right?
I think what is important that it is to be clear to OP, what steps need to be taken to reopen this.
@cairdcoinheringaahing In any case, which method is used doesn't impact the regex itself (as long as ^ and $ are used)
I feel the OP should give people a way to test their regex instead of making them write their own programs though
If the OP clarifies how exactly the generated regexes are matched against the input, I'd be happen to VTRO
Pending my meta question on if, when & how we reset Language of The Month, does anyone have any suggestions on how I could get more attention on Japt? Both in number of users and number of +1s.
More detailed explanations, perhaps?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

bigyihsuanPacking Boxes into a Truck You are a package handler for Big CompanyTM and your job is to load boxes into a truck. These are special, stretchy trucks: their length can be adjusted at will. But stretching trucks are expensive, so keep the truck lengths as short as possible! The Challenge Write a f...

> stretchy trucks
I am a little sad about the lack of answers for my bounty but maybe I should be happy that everyone is so rich they don't need internet points
It's probably because it's too hard/cumbersome
Now, if you were offering real money...
Surely internet points is all we need :)
It's really not hard to translate one of the answers to C
But maybe no one in ccgc knows C?
@user what is the minimum you would accept?
I think I would do it for 10 dollars
Don;t offer money for people to do stuff here :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am not going to!
Where can you offer money for people to do small coding jobs on the internet?
(this is just for interest. I don't have any money to give)
fiverr is one that I know about but there are probably others
whether or not people could actually do semi-complicated algorithms is another thing though lol
I doubt any such site would produce good results. There's always someone willing to spend their time for money and most of those people are more likely to take the money and do a crap job than actually care about producing good results
@rak1507 ah :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing sounds terrible
yea I feel like anyone smart enough to do a decent job probably has a high paying job and doesn't waste time doing things for like $5
fiverr is a funny name in British English as it means 5 pounds Stirling which really isn't much for a job
Hell, if you offered me $100 to create a sorting algorithm for your app, I'd probably just spend 5 minutes creating a dogsh*t efficiency algorithm (or just use a builtin) and take your money
Eh quicksort is really quick to implement
I think "a fiver" in English here can mean 5 dollars too (usually a single bill) but I'm not sure if it's that commonly used. I think that's the point of the name though.
And more than fast enough for most vases
@cairdcoinheringaahing surely that's a general problem with any service provided
@cairdcoinheringaahing or do bogo sort :P
Monkey sort?
@N3buchadnezzar not for me :)
If you are sorting integers you should really always use radix sort
I don't understand why that isn't common knowledge
@N3buchadnezzar Bogosort is faster to implement
@Anush Deppends on how close they are to being sorted
And don't people mostly sort integers?
probably because most people just call sort(...) and don't study all the different types of sorting algorithms necessarily
especially for someone like me, who never bothered to learn about proper sorting algorithms
The best algorithms uses a mix of algorithms based on a number of things, usually switching to insertion sort when the inputs gets small enough
I know bubble, merge, insertion and bogo, and even then, if you gave me 5 minutes to code one of them, I'd choose bogo every time because it's quicker
@N3buchadnezzar I think they just assume you are not sorting integers for some reason
i doubt anything i implement is gonna be faster than python's built-in, otherwise they'd have implemented what i make
But yeah, I guess most people dont care to sort out, how sorting algorithms sort out their inputs
@hyper-neutrino that's not right really.
qsort in C is really slow
Python uses timsort, an hybrid sorting function
also I only really know quick sort (and only barely), merge sort, insertion, selection, bubble, bogo, and i might be able to guess how to implement radix sort if i'm lucky
tbf the reason I never bother to learn how sorting algorithms work is the same reason I use golfing langs: if the builtin works, why reinvent the wheel? I'd prefer to just use the builtin in a more complicated program
@hyper-neutrino right. I guess I just think languages should offer intsort for the common case where you have integers
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's only if it's fast enough for you
@cairdcoinheringaahing Figuring how the algorithms works can be really useful for figuring out a language / raises understanding of something
I use golfing langs, I don't care about "fast enough" :P
@hyper-neutrino they are not hard
Eh, implementing A* or Dijakstras or any other sort of algorithm is much easier if you have tried implementing the easier ones
@cairdcoinheringaahing I thought you might have two hats :)
the main reason I learn algorithms is for competitive programming, and I'm not going to waste my time learning sorting algorithms when I have all sort of other ds / graph algorithms to learn or dp to practice
@hyper-neutrino fractional knapsack!
but yeah, if you're expecting all sorts of algorithmic stuff to be "common knowledge" and everyone to care about maximum speed, this site isn't really the right place to look
Quick sort is incredibly easy to write though
@Anush I code for fun, and when I code for fun, I use golfing langs. I have literally no use for "fast algorithms", so long as they're short :P
@N3buchadnezzar I'd have to remember how it works first
@hyper-neutrino I have seen amazing answers here from experts in low level coding and algorithms
@hyper-neutrino they don't care about coding
@cairdcoinheringaahing :)
I love trying to do things as fast as possible, but yeah its two very different hats. You have short and fast.
well of course, but I can find people who play real golf here, doesn't mean this is a place to look for stick-hit-ball golf people :P
@Anush Code Review doesn't care about coding?
and then people like ngn try and do things short and fast ;)
@N3buchadnezzar that is true. When code really gets optimised for speed it often gets longer and longer
@cairdcoinheringaahing :) I meant the CS ones
if I can save a byte and make my program go from linear to factorial exponential I will
@Anush I'd do it for anything upwards of like 13 dollars
@hyper-neutrino s/I will/I have and will/ :P
I have never used codereview. Do they answer questions about code speed?
@user me too!
@hyper-neutrino :)
@hyper-neutrino "My program takes longer than the heat death of the universe to run, but I can prove that it will return the correct value"
@Anush Great, can you also write my college essays for me? :P
@user Anything? How about... making your code longer???
@cairdcoinheringaahing I might try it! But the clever people are on ccgc :)
@Anush Yes, but they also bully you for writing shitty code.
@N3buchadnezzar Those are rookie numbers :P
@N3buchadnezzar sounds bad
@user :)
Like not using docstrings, not following the common style guide for the language, bad variable names etc.
@N3buchadnezzar If your program only takes longer than the heat death of the universe, you're doing it wrong
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was talking about the amount, not the task, but sure, I can whip up a functiontodoquickselectandotherstuffwowwhatadescriptivename for you :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not if it saves a byte ;-)
@user I have to be able to do it first!
@Anush They don't bully you, they help you fix that code
@user ok
I have a program on this site that only finishes on TIO for an input of 1, 1 (input = pair of naturals) :P
It is a mix "everything you do is bad, here is how to fix it" :P
@N3buchadnezzar I mean, the second part is all that matters, right?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Those are rookie numbers
Well, just being presented with a better solution is not that great either. You need to be aware of why your implementation is subpar
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good answers on CR do that
We have had geniuses of code speed here. There was a challenge about computing the "hafnian" where the code seened to be faster than a published paper about making it fast
also speaking of CR
That's from a different, but still inefficient, answer of mine :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Those are rookie numbers
@hyper-neutrino Thank you, that was me.
I found it by looking at your profile :P
Kaseorg (?) writes amazing rust answers
Apparently it got into trending, and seemed to upset people at other SE communites :p
@hyper-neutrino Thank you very much, I never realized I was hanging people the wrong way before
Don't underestimate the coding skills of people on cgcc
You've said "Those are rookie numbers" 3 times now.
Those are rookie numbers, you should pump those up :P
@N3buchadnezzar We're great at upsetting other SE communities with our titles here :P
3 times? Those are rookie numbers :P
We used to have a Nim genius
I hope we can get Julia genius soon
To the point where we've had multiple MSE questions complaining about us :P
I mean, the titles haven't been the only thing... :P
Wait, really?
If that is not the definition of madness
I thought Arqade or IPS would be more controversial
@user I will raise my hands and admit I can't always be arsed including explanations but, when I do, I do make every effort to make them as detailed as I can. But I do also recognise that I'm pretty much just writing those explanations for myself so please do post a comment asking for clarity if anything in my explanations is unclear.
@Anush I mean they built a programming language for game of life, just to implement Tetris
Oh, IPS straight up got blocked from HNQ once I think.
@Anush yea well all the smart people have basically left
@rak1507 That is why they are smart
wdym I'm still here
@Shaggy I can't speak for getting more users, but I upvote any answer that was done while sloshed :P
@hyper-neutrino Really?
@hyper-neutrino Yep, thanks to Twitter
@rak1507 where did they go?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, Shaggy's the user who writes answers drunk, right? :P
@hyper-neutrino Proper order. That that site exists at all is a damning reflection of modern society.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, Twitter, the paragon of reason and rational thinking.
Ngn is very clever if golf crazy :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, so you're the one responsible for the vast majority of my upvotes! 😂
@Shaggy Well, I can't say I don't relate to golfing after a few :P
I just glanced over at IPS and jeeeeshhh... I dont judge other communites but yeah
I prefer the atmosphere here =)
@Anush absolutely true, very clever, he's smarter than me :)
@Shaggy Every single question can be answered with "Talk to them like a mature adult"
I like that English exchange basically has a coding part. People ask all the time "how can explain this whole paragraph using one archaic English word"
@ngn :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing In that case, then, you & I very much need to go drinking and golfing together!
The entire site should just be closed as a duplicate of a canonical "How do I resolve a conflict where X happened?" question, with the only answer being "Talk to them like a mature adult"
Not everyone's got great interpersonal skills
honestly "just communicate" solves like 90% of IPS and the other 10% is just "stop communicating" :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Am I the asshole?
@N3buchadnezzar VTC as off-topic :P
@ngn I am still hoping you will add an answer in another language or two to get my bounty!
oh wow, interpersonal skills stack exchange, I could really do with that...
my only answer to IPS is "explain what you did wrong and communicate openly and honestly, and find a common ground" but somehow fluffed up to three paragraphs
@Shaggy I wouldn't consider myself a lightweight, but based on your golfs compared to how much you've said you've had to drink, I think you'd drink me into the ground, and save 3 bytes :P
@user And they're not going to learn them off yhe internet!
@Anush my time is more precious than my rep :(
@N3buchadnezzar English golf!
It's an off-topic question (it was ajoke)
Aug 14 '19 at 17:06, by caird coinheringaahing
: How do I put a table between two people? - Interpersonal Skills
@ngn that is a shame
The conversation was a fun one :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing New winning criteria: number of bytes divided by how many beers you've had!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Even though it's O(n^n^n^n^n^n!) complexity?
@user I am just saying 90% of that reddit community is yes, yes you are.
I can definitely understand not everyone having good interpersonal skills though (I'd only consider mine like good enough, and that's only within the past few years) but from what I know, IPS's content quality ratio tends to be... interesting.
@Shaggy Nice, I get Infinity
@Shaggy From memory, I believe my record would be close to 1 :P
Half the answers are just "just talk it through with them" and the other half are "bro, just stop being awkward / stop having bad interpersonal skills / just be assertive" which are really useless because OP wouldn't be asking if that weren't an issue.
So... If I wanted to ask "can you speed up my working sorting code in C" which site would be best?
But only because someone posted a FGITW-able challenge at 1am in the summer holidays :P
@hyper-neutrino There are a certain type of people who visits CGCC and a certain type of people who visit other SE's
@N3buchadnezzar That, or "I donated to this charity instead of donating to another charity. Oh, and along the way, I also healed a kid in a wheelchair. AITA?"
@Ausername If you aren't running in O(N↑↑N) complexity, your program is too efficient
SO or codereview or somewhere else?
@Anush Probably CodeReview, if you you know actually make a decent attempt at writing the code. Dont clutter the namespace use proper pointer functions etc
@cairdcoinheringaahing True.
@cairdcoinheringaahing A 1 bye Jelly solution divided by 1 beer?!
@N3buchadnezzar that sounds scary
@Shaggy No, I think it was ~5 bytes after 5 beers, give or take 1 or 2 :P
@Shaggy In Jelly you have to drink a beer for every byte you use
@Shaggy "1 bye"? You're only meant to be drunk when golfing.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Those are rookie numbers, if you're not using Conway chained-arrow notation, your program is too efficient
@N3buchadnezzar That'd probably make it make more sense, at least for a bit :P
@user AITA is either "I adopted 13 orphans and cured world hunger, and I solved homelessness, but I was home 3 minutes later than I told my wife I would be. AITA?" and the other half is "I said 79 slurs in public today and murdered 4 people, but I slept in and got to work 3 minutes late so understandably I was upset. AITA?"
only slight exaggeration
@cairdcoinheringaahing Pun intended?
@cairdcoinheringaahing bytes? Or beers?!
@N3buchadnezzar Oh god imagine doing this in Java
I enjoyed github.com/scandum/wolfsort but I just suspect it might be irrelevant for sorting integers
@Shaggy Probably bytes, possibly beers :P
@user That would explain all the horrible Java code ive seen my students write
@Ausername I'm Irish, I'm perpetually drunk!
Bytes for Beers!
The perfect name
Although I tend to switch to spirits after 5 or 6 pints
@Shaggy Lol
someone make an esolang based on alcohol /s
Isnt there the 99 beers on the wall language?
@Shaggy for some reason I keep thinking your avatar is a horse.
@hyper-neutrino Well, there's a furry based esolang I found yesterday, so alcohol might be necessary :P
@hyper-neutrino Someone posted an X byte Jelly answer, but i then 2 minutes later posted an X-1 byte answer. AITA?
@hyper-neutrino I'll drink to that!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Fetlang?
Q: Trolls in our Halls

Shadow Wizard Wearing Mask V2In Stack Exchange portal, it says: Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 112 question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming. We build libraries of high-quality questions and answers, focused on the most important topics in each ar...

@cairdcoinheringaahing there's also a fetish based esolang that's probably too NSFW to even link :P
9 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
OwO what's this? And, more importantly, why?
I'm not sure what's worse, that's its furry based or that it's assembly
@Ausername I have a 500 rep bounty going on what my avatar is and why, specifically, it's significant to me.
radiation hardening challenge: count up while drunk: for the Nth program, N adjacent swaps will be performed. winning criteria is the highest N you can go to such that the Nth program outputs N no matter what swaps are made
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why did I click on that?
@Shaggy I know :P
Both what and why :P
It's a picture of a Marvel comics character who shares your (IRL) name
You have to pay the troll toll to get into that boys soul
@Shaggy Please tell me it's a shaggy dog story :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing The assembly language fur everyone.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nearly 20 years using it and nobody has ever gotten it completely right.
As to why that character is especially important to you beyond sharing your name, I doubt I'll ever know :P
@Shaggy Would I be able to get why its important to you without having met you (i.e. do I need personal information to know why)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's as close as anyone ever gets by guessing but to award the bounty I need the specifics.
I bought a game blind on my switch the other day.It had stellar reviews on metacritic, and I wanted to just play something without knowing anything about it
For legal reasons, I don't actually exist.
@Shaggy Are you married?
Then the game started with a 2 hour cutscene, before I finally decided to look it up. It is a visual novel in game format.. Just straight up a book
@cairdcoinheringaahing Everything you need to solve is available through my presence on this site.
:58515492 lol
you should put this up on puzzling.SE, someone'll have it in like 3 hours :P
Time to find a relation to Japt outside of the language :P
@Shaggy Does it involve drinking or being a rockstar?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, and even my wife hasn't solved it despite me gifting her an avatar that is equally significant to her as mine is to me.
@user Nope.
y'all out here with your meaningful avatars :P
@Shaggy That makes me think my initial guess (that your wife's name is Nia) is wrong :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Nothing to do with Japt either.
@cairdcoinheringaahing her name's not Nia, no, but I'd be very interested to hear your train of thought there.
You smacked your head into the keyboard drunk and magically spelled Shaggy, even with the capitalized S
@Shaggy Nia) would be a fitting name
@Shaggy Does it have to do with the Fin/Peter Noble?
@N3buchadnezzar Oh, my username is a piece of piss to figure out: I look like Norvile Rogers!
@hyper-neutrino Users with gravatars would like a word with you
@Shaggy The Fin (aka Peter Noble)'s wife is Nia Noble
My thinking was that Nia is a relatively uncommon name, you could be familiar with the comic, and so would be aware that The Fin shared your name and that it'd be some kind of "fate"/whatever that your wife has the same name as The Fin's wife
My final bet is that you have sandy-blond hair :P
@user Mother of God, after nearly 20 goddamned years, this is the closest anyone has ever gotten to figuring it out. But, to claim the bounty, you need to tell me why.
@Shaggy You can't truly be Shaggy, he's much more into weed than alcohol :P
> Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 1″
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Education: High school graduate
@Shaggy Do these describe you?
And/or are you from Neptunia? :P
Hey there is a severe Jelly lack of videos on the tube
someone needs to get on that
@cairdcoinheringaahing Only the first.
@Shaggy Hmm, can you survive underwater underbeer?
And I assume there isn't some portal from Dublin to an alternate Earth that only you know about?
@N3buchadnezzar I have a video taking up my Jelly solution to the Erdos-Woods problem posted by caird recently here on my channel and I'm planning on doing an introductory Jelly series sort of like the Brachylog video :P
Obviously, Shaggy is an immortal merman named Finn :P
@Shaggy Is the reason why able to be gotten from your CGCC account alone?
@user Be more literal! Look at some of my solutions, follow some of the links and the answer will slap you in the face. Even if you don't get the actual answer, you'll be getting a bounty for getting closer than anyone ever has.
@hyper-neutrino Oooho
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, not from my account alone, I don't think. But definitely from my posts.
> some of my solutions
One of my youtube videos actually have reached over 1 million views. So am somewhat of a youtube hotshot
You're one of the most prolific posts on the site :P
did you change your name?
@Shaggy ಠ_ಠ I should've shared my discovery of The Fin before user did :P
@Shaggy Mmm, I don't much like being slapped in the face, but I'll dig further anyway :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing You knew it before I did, honestly
(not that I care about the bounty, this is more for the mystery at this point and I don't need the rep)
@Shaggy Does it have anything to do with the design companies (? I believe they're companies) that you're involved with?
At this point, I just know that the explanation is a shaggy dog story with some atrocious pun that will want to make me tear my ears out
@user My screen name is in no way related to my avatar. C'mon, dude, you are so fecking close.
That part was a joke, you've already said your username's based on the guy from Scooby Doo
@user Clearly Shaggy was one of the school children in that :P
@user Stick with the Fin train of thought ;)
Potentially unrelated: Shaggy's question titles are often based on song names/lyrics :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Not often but always.
were you in a band
Tips for golfing in Japt is an interesting song lyric /s
^^ is why I said often :P
is it something to do with wanderers fc
Unrelated, but your online Japt interpreter is really nice
lol, barman, that explains the alcohol references
@user Warmer. Much, much warmer. You just need to connect something very obvious in that profile with something you've already said.
@rak1507 You found my Facebook, then?!
I'd guess that your name is Peter Noble, but that sounds too easy
@Shaggy no, linkedin
*opens Facebook*
It's confirmed: rak is a professional stalker
linkedin seemed like a good compromise between getting useful information and not being too stalker-y :P
Stalking is instagram, Linkedin is business, CodeGolf is life
gtg now, someone please figure this out so I can sleep tonight
@user Fuck me, we have a winner! Dude, I am seriously impressed by that. As I said, nobody has been able to figure that out in nearly 20 years.
@Shaggy Well, if you keep calling yourself "Shaggy"... :P

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