typically I reject them because if it's unclear, the editor may not understand the author's intended meaning, and their fix could very likely go against the author's intent - clarifications should be requested and suggested in the comments
does anyone remember if there was some script so that I can click a button to see the bytecount of each language and its rank in a code-golf challenge?
for example, does 67 fit within n=2? it's unambiguous what that would display as, but the no-overlapping rule makes it seem like it might not be allowed, but 1 was never mentioned to be a special case by the author even though the example case implies that. so i'll leave it on hold
Given two lists of strings where each string is of length 50 and each list is also of length 50 generate the shortest regex you can that fully matches all the strings in the first list and does not match any of the strings in the second list.
Your score will be the average lengt...
When Alice was touch typing on her QWERTY keyboard (Figure 1), she accidentally shifted both of her hands rightwards by one key, so q became w, w became e, etc. (p became [). Spaces were not affected because the space bar was quite big.
Your task is to help her fix her message using the shortest ...
spent too long forgetting how y is meant to be used
y doesn't appear to run in parallel - 1,2,2,3y1,2,3,4,5 will give 3,3,3,4,5 whereas 2,3,1,2y1,2,3,4,5 will give 2,3,3,4,5 and i got tripped up by near-correct behavior on the test case I was using since I had a list of pairs, lol
Uh oh, the person who made the original edit I didn't like just made another one to fix a small thing and they have 600k rep and probably saw my edit messages lol
This stupid chrome bug is interfering with my newest language's interpreter. Finally a bug that's not my fault, but for some reason it's more annoying :p
It was also unbelievably painful to discover...you can't log states between operations like you normally would, because that makes it inexplicably work again