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Q: Elevator sequence

BubblerTotally not inspired by Lyxal repeatedly mentioning elevators in chat :P Challenge In short: simulate some people filling up an elevator and then leaving it. The elevator is simplified as a grid, where each person can occupy one cell of the grid. The height and width of the grid is the input para...

Redwolf did 3 meta posts presenting stats, and didn't apply to any of them ಠ_ಠ
instantly banned :P
Hey, I care an irrational and stupid amount about proper tagging :P
@NewPosts flag as spam y'all
> Must be hyper focused
Everyone ignore HN, then they can't hire anyone
Also who on earth thinks "I want to pay somebody to write quality code" and looks here
@RedwolfPrograms Haha, true
sorry, what room am I in again?
I also had to double check the room name once or twice, haha
@JoKing Off-topic conversation definitely isn't something uncommon here :p
NGL, I very much want a parallel TIO where it's literally just AIs chatting, trained on what each user says in here :P
I was working on a room for bots only but it froze since I was busy :p
@cairdcoinheringaahing something like r/subredditsimulator?
Exactly like that
Shame that got shut down tbh
Lyxal has access to GPT-3, maybe we could try to set something up :p
Someone here needs to get a job in an AI- related company, then use their powers for good :P
Now that I've almost finished by chatbot library, it shouldn't be too hard to connect that to even a mildly powerful AI
@RedwolfPrograms remember when I said I would pause my age to let you catch up?
@lyxal You didn't get older without me did you D:
@RedwolfPrograms sorry, but yes
This is so sad. Alexa, play Despacito.
I know I was a part of this discussion, but I think it's best if you all start discussing something else (or nothing if you want). You can move to a different room, and one of the other ROs can move this conversation over, if you want. But here is not the place for such discussions, especially when they aren't leading to anything productive
I think I'm going to second this.
@RedwolfPrograms Why do you say that, that seems to be precisely what is said here. By tying "ethnic cleansing" to the intent of the group/empire committing the act, you're allowing those that act with force to establish cultural, ethnic, or racial homogeneity to exist outside of "ethnic cleansing", because your predicating the application of the term on the intent to exterminate.
Give me a second to move stuff.
yes please
Y'all can continue here and I'll just move the entire conversation into it.
I'd maybe rename that to something a bit more specific
we can always reuse for later stuff
We can have a TNB fork room for sensitive discussions like some other site (RPG?) does
Quite a few sites have those tbh :P
It can stick around, worst case scenario is that we'll move messages there next time
I just don't want this to be a room with lots of active discussion that isn't messages being moved in
@cairdcoinheringaahing I will gladly go along with your guys' decision, but I don't see that there's anything unpleasant. Feels to me like a pretty typical conversation about something which isn't easy. And I wouldn't personally have called it political.
I'd rather political discussions be avoid in contexts like these as well but I'd rather we have an opt-in sensitive room rather than an opt-out discussion in the primary chat room.
That's fair.
Which is the philosophy behind the other secondary rooms across the network, I believe. At least, RPG's is for this reason.
@ISupportTheBoycott Do you want to move over? I don't see you there.
I keep typing out responses and getting ninja'd because mobile is crap ಠ_ಠ
@RedwolfPrograms if you pay for it, sure :p
We haven't really needed one so the room will probably freeze and that's fine. But if there are ever sensitive or heavily loaded topics being discussed, it's at least a target for y'all to move it into since right now the only targets we really have a create a new room just for that purpose or trash rooms. Just ping me if it's needed and has frozen.
Any name suggestions for the secondary room in that case? And before anyone suggests it, no, it cannot be called "The Twentieth Byte".
Thanks again, hyper!
How about The 666th Byte?
Petition to rename this room The lyxal.age th room for the next year :p
"The Nineteenth House"? Play on the fact that the "House of X" is a common political debate arena
That could work, yeah.
@lyxal Happy Birthday? :P
Or sad birthday, whatever you're into.
@cairdcoinheringaahing correctamundo :p
everyone's having a lonely birthday these days
@lyxal Happy Birthday! :p
@JoKing Not when they're active on TNB :p
@JoKing Can't be lonely when you're with 21 of your friends :p
Dang i got fricking ninja'd
I've still got about 3 months :p
A few weeks here :P
Honestly, if someone just collated the 10 or so messages out of the ~30k I've sent here, they could very easily steal my identity just on the information I've randomly said here :/
Hopefully my new laptop should ship in the next week or so, then I can get to work on hunter-gatherer, my language ranking scheme, and the chat library
Fun fact: OpenAI can turn JavaScript into python
Also fun fact: it can create JavaScript one-liners
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean my full name, date of birth, age, and approximate location are all here lol
I don't think I've given out full name, exact dob, or location beyond vague geographic area
I can't get doxxed if I leak it all myself :galaxybrain:
@RedwolfPrograms What's the chat library? The TIO thing?
I am a 97 year old man who lives in a pineapple under the sea. My name is Spongebob Squarepants and my DOB is 01/02/03 :P
@AviFS A library for making SE chatbots
Feel free to dox me :P
CMQ: Sentences that you want to have a colour for
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh I will!
@RedwolfPrograms No way, that's way cool!
@lyxal GPT's not replacing me is it >:|
@cairdcoinheringaahing it rhymes
@lyxal whaaaatttt?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
Is there any rhyme or reason behind the color choice?
@lyxal How about the color of "a six legged goat two feet north of a cedar tree marking the location of fourteen priceless gems in a barren savannah at midnight under a half moon"
Pretty sure that colour is one of the colours of the biblical angels, fully trancendal and shit :P
@RedwolfPrograms #000
@cairdcoinheringaahing came back!
Of course. They saw a six legged goat two feet north of a cedar tree marking the location of fourteen priceless gems in a barren savannah at midnight under a half moon, and just had to know what color it was
Twas black
I keep trying to leave but sleep is always staying two feet ahead of me :/
Just do what I do. Lie there and then think about something and then realize how late it is and you have to get up early and you're tired and if you don't fall asleep you'll feel awful and panic and you have to go to sleep but you have to fall asleep and you're too busy thinking about that to fall asleep
Knowing me, it'll hit 6am, I'll decide to just pull an all-nighter and then I'll fall asleep and sleep til 4pm :/
@lyxal bluen't
@AviFS what copypaste
most work on the CGCC blog happens separately i.e. people write parts of articles and generally don't modify the same file
@Razetime Sure, but we want to see what you have in order to contribute!
you can see that when i commit it
also there's the blog chat to check progress
@JoKing #00b3ff
Which funnily enough is blue
No sense of irony smh
(gpt3 that is)
@Razetime Where?
@lyxal Reminds me of when they were training IBM Watson to compete on Jeopardy!--one clue was about a non-dairy creamer, and Watson confidently responded, "What is milk?"
@DLosc tbf I don't know how I'd respond either. Most probably "what is almond milk?"
Well, the clue was more specific than that. I don't remember the full wording.
I think it was some specific brand.

 CGCC Blog Chat

For discussion around CGCC's site blog and for drafting the posts
@lyxal Did some stuff - try typing in constants (1-chars included) / digraphs.
@Ausername very cool and epic
Also fixed two or three bugs
So what now?
CMC: Implement a binary tree
you need to write your CMCs better man
Hiya! We just finished in the other room
@PyGamer0 be
CMCs need a bit more care
Recursive Z-matrix is nice
I think it's pretty straightforward and well specified
@Ausername looks good to go
oh no, floating point challenges
this one'll probably favour languages with builtin rats
time to bring out the from fractions import*
or see if M has enough built-ins to solve this
Arnauld already has a JS impl lmao
@Ausername For better testing, could you include the list of the first 20-or-so terms?
@Razetime Yeah
@Bubbler Give me five minutes to recreate my reference implementation.
what do we do with v == 1, since you only seem to specify v < 1 and v > 1?
disclaimer: idk if that's possible
@Ausername just use this
Done anyway
probably not optimally golfed but i just made it in the last like 3 mins
CMQ: Operator for representing powers? here is the operators that are already implemented
@PyGamer0 what's your codepage
oh wait is it tihs
and you're asking for new characters?
yes for powers
what do × and * do?
Q: Print this sequence I just made up

A usernameTo get this sequence I just made up, which will subsequently be referred to as TSIJMU, consider the harmonic series: \$ \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{3} + \frac{1}{4} ...\$ But what if you only add a term if it doesn't make the sum so far over 1, and otherwise subtract? Let's see an example here, starti...

@hyper-neutrino multiplication and reverse stack
@Bubbler Yep
ah. i would've suggested * for power and multiplication sign for multiplication but oh well
@Bubbler what is Z3?
maybe use up-down arrow for reverse stack?
@hyper-neutrino hmm ok
I always assign a codepage before starting on mapping elements / implementing lol
Quick proof (depends on a theorem? conjecture?): For any n, there's a prime between n/2 and n, which appears exactly once in the denominator and therefore cannot be cancelled by other fractions before n, no matter how they're added or subtracted
@hyper-neutrino APL pilled
@Razetime what
i am just going off of what jelly uses lol
Jelly borrowed from APL lol
well yeah
@Razetime this z3
oh, great
a solution to your hamiltonian levencycle problem should at least be able to generate upto n=3 , right
basically a constraint solver that performs insanely well
@PyGamer0 wait why are the ascii chars not in the ascii range?
@Razetime yes
will the constraints change if someone figures out one above 3
that question also looks good to go, +1
^*6 too - i always recommend mapping codepoint 32 to 127 *126 to space to tilde, just for convenience with other things
tilde is 126 btw
@lyxal wait they should be?
Not strictly necessary, but it can give some unnecessary confusion
Not necessarily, but it makes life a whole lot easier
@lyxal how?
codepage index and ord/chr will be the same for 32..126
Also, polyglots with utf-8 languages
@hyper-neutrino oh yes why didnt i think of that
also you probably want your newline at 10
Also, include something like assert len(set(code page)) == 256 once you have a complete code page
oh yeah i could do that too
my newline is at 127 and codepoint 10 is lowercase beta
@lyxal what about assert len(code_page) <= 256
is it just me or do we have a particularly significant influx of new languages?
@PyGamer0 the point is to make sure your codepage has exactly 256 distinct characters
if you have fewer, you probably added duplicates, and if you have more, you probably just mistyped or don't know how to count
@PyGamer0 pain
you either failed to map some bytes and will run into issues later or have dupes which will cause pain like lyxal said
I've been caught by that issue with vyxal quite a few times
To the point where I hate anything that requires fiddling with the code page
so then how do i implement sbcs when i habe done the code page
Check encoding.py in the vyxal repo
And then look for the code for the v flag in Vyxal.py
@lyxal when is that called
Towards the end of Vyxal.py
Line 3130
Had to wait for my mobile browser to actually load the page properly
@UnrelatedString @lyxal
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
1_  \n
2_     !  "  #  $  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /
3_  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;  <  =  >  ?
4_  @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O
5_  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  \  ]  ^  _
6_  `  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o
7_  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  {  |  }  ~
is this right?
@lyxal why almost?
\n should be at 0a
Unrelated String meant 10 in base 10, which is 0a in hex
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
0_                                \n
2_     !  "  #  $  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /
3_  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;  <  =  >  ?
4_  @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O
5_  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  \  ]  ^  _
6_  `  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o
7_  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  {  |  }  ~
now ?
@lyxal oh
@lyxal so in the remaining spaces i can fill the rest of the chars?
@hyper-neutrino i wonder if vyxal was partially/primarily responsible for this :P
@PyGamer0 yes, and if you have any characters that have some logical order, like °¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹, i'd recommend putting them in a block as well
it's always an unpleasant surprise when that happens to come up and oops they're on the other side of the code page
if you have any characters that can't be used during base decompression (for example, in yuno and jelly base 250 literals, «»‘’“” have special meanings and therefore can't be used), putting those at the end saves you trouble
@hyper-neutrino that, and a bunch of new users joining TNB
both internally and in using it
@hyper-neutrino perhaps
@UnrelatedString that's one thing i hate about ASCII TBH; () are adjacent but {} and [] aren't and like ಠ_ಠ
but the bit math with capitalization is really nice
also `/\`
@Razetime true
markdown go brrr
@hyper-neutrino bit math?
@lyxal the 32 bit is on for lowercase and off for uppercase for all 52 letters
@hyper-neutrino ah i see
so capitalization can be done with x | 32, lowercase with x & ~32, and flipcase with x ^ 32
oh this is good
I can claim that according to youtube analytics, only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed
@lyxal ?
@lyxal oh so you are telling everyone to sub like the green homeless telletubby
@PyGamer0 yes
my watch time by subscriber is just under 69% non-subscribed
(68.4/31.6 unsub-sub ratio)
@hyper-neutrino nice
i feel like the overwhelming majority of my channel's videos are either unlisted or ancient
i have 4 public and 12 unlisted videos lol
okay who tf is watching my videos with dutch subtitles?
i have "about 109" overall and... 103 public? i definitely have waaaaaay more unlisted than 6
now it says "about 130" lmao
"about 160"
me when total of 290 views
also i think this is counting the videos that are not only unlisted but blocked globally for copyright violations
thanks sony
Q: Stack Exchange API Sandbox (dwarf edition)

AJFaradayTesting ground for the answer importer on this proposed challenge (dwarf edition) https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/23556/16824 please do not answer this question

@UnrelatedString wow that is a lot of videos lol
it's all 0 effort stuff
@NewPosts answers question to epicly troll (not)
@UnrelatedString well same and i only have like 4 lol
@lyxal "Oops, I thought this was the Sandbox"
ok the two explanation ones maybe weren't that low-effort
like all of it is download video > run script > occasionally debug script because i suck at video processing; possibly give up > upload video
@hyper-neutrino wat is ssn
u said in youtube
check your notifications
oh Social Security Number
i was going to say that as a joke
Can anyone guess how it'll work?
@hyper-neutrino i replied to that
I don't see it there.
ah, it's been held for review
probably because youtube thinks you leaked your private info and blocked the comment
since card numbers are meant to be 16 digits I assume this isn't real
@hyper-neutrino idthinkso
wait lemme check
please confirm that this is not your real information
where's that luhn challenge
because if it is I have to purge it off SE and potentially ask a CM to kill the image from the server as well as block your comment
how long will i have to scroll on that challenge for a tio link
now give me free vbucks @hyper-neutrino
lol u removed it i was joking
who would put their real info
... I already pinged a CM
please don't joke about leaking PII because I have to take that extremely seriously
someone who doesn't know what a ssn is perhaps
@hyper-neutrino k
anyway, I approved your comment in that case
@PyGamer0 You weren't joking, you were PyGamer0!
(lyxal please back me up on this)
@Ausername oh yeah i am
This is correct ™
@lyxal This is wrong ™™
Wait, what are you now?
A username has full authority as granted by me to correct people claiming to be JoKing
@Ausername a bot
@lyxal i said i was
It's really surprising what bots can do these days - they can talk, rickroll, moderate, even build other bots!
no JoKing
no not him
@PyGamer0 this
It's a long joke.
It's really not.
I once said "I was joking" and lyxal said "You're not joking, you're hyper-neutrino" because I am indeed not Code Golf user Jo King, but rather hyper-neutrino.
And then people thought that was funny for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@hyper-neutrino I would contend that
I don't think anyone has ever actually found it funny
fair enough
I think it is really cool when people's names (at least in short form) turn out like that. Jo King is actually called that IRL.
Sep 30 '20 at 1:05, by HyperNeutrino
Easy solution someone upvote it and someone else downvote so the asker gets a rep increase but the score doesn't change :P (disclaimer yes I am joking please don't do this)
There's another APLer called Raymond Cannon. He goes by Ray Cannon. Coolest name ever!
first recorded instance of this "joke". dates back to right after the election...
@Adám unfortunate that i have quite an uninteresting name in this regard :p but that is cool
Yeah, my name is pretty boring too. My first name is impossible to shorten, and no nicknames have ever caught on. (Longest lasting one was "Hairball" when I was in high school.) And my last name is impossible to spell. At least my full name is unique.
> sigh it's been forever since I've used this, but it's time to bring it back
@Adám Your full name isn't unique, it's Adám Brudzevski!
(+ middle name(s) that I don't know)
@pxeger Case in point: You spelled my last name wrong.
@Adám I was going off how it's spelt here (just noticed that includes your middle name lol)
My legal name (as in my passport) has both first, middle, and last name spelled wrong :-(
Hey there @LeakyNun! Been forever since I last saw you here.
[ appears you were here yesterday. I missed it though :( ]
@pxeger I don't really use my middle name (which is my mother's maiden name). It is generally spelled Gall which in English is a bitter digestional liquid. The spelling in my passport is slang for a girl (female equiv. of "guy") which I am not. And in Danish "Gal" means "Crazy".
that's a bit of a pain lol
Someone suggested to my father that he shorten the family name to "Brud", but that means "Bride" in Danish.
    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
0_  ī  ō  ṭ  ©  ®  ×  ÷  »  «  ⁇  \n ∧  ∨  ¬  ⁅  ⁆
1_  ⇅  ≠  ≤  ≥  ⊥  ⊤  ⊢  ²  ³  √  ∛  ½  ¼  ¾  ±
2_     !  "  #  $  %  &  '  (  )  *  +  ,  -  .  /
3_  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  :  ;  <  =  >  ?
4_  @  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O
5_  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  [  \  ]  ^  _
6_  `  a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o
7_  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z  {  |  }  ~
here it is
I would recommend making a separate room for this or linking to a gist; code blocks are quite long and you've pasted several already
@PyGamer0 What about 128–255?
especially if you paste the full codepage (ninja'd ^)
@hyper-neutrino ok

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