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Just cloudy at the moment
Same as HN's description actually
it's supposed to rain tonight, tomorrow, the day after, and friday
I have blue-grey-pink sky
and then sun/clouds on saturday, and back to rain on sunday and monday
Welcome to TNB @AaronMiller!
Welcome to The Nineteenth Byte, @AaronMiller!
ninja'd :p
Get ninja'd :P
ninja'd :P
@Wezl Isn't that just TNB but with less people?
@RedwolfPrograms maybe
except discussion about CGCC is off-topic
(general discussion is fine)
So the direct opposite of TNB :P
granted, TNB is hardly a discussion about CGCC itself either.....
Case in point :P
but it is on-topic, if it ever comes up
CMC: Given x and y, calculate gcd(gcd(x, y), lcm(x, y))
right but still there are a few annoying messages daily, reminding me of the existence of main
Isn't that just gcd(x, y)?
@RedwolfPrograms shhh :P
gcd -- three bytes, probably mathematica or some other language if it's greatestCommonDivisor
if you really want the exact calculation ignoring the fact that it's gcd(x,y), it's ggæl in jelly i think
since it's a 2,2,2-start in a dyadic chain, it starts with value equal to GCD
Aww, I just drafted a challenge then realized it was basically just simplifying fractions :/
then matches the 2,2-rule and GCDs the value with LCM(left, right)
CMC (a better one): Given a list positive integers, return the maximum gcd of all pairs (no replacement). e.g. [9,2,3,4,5] -> 3 (gcd(9,3))
unfortunately cannot use gþµFṀ because then it will GCD each number with itself, which would just be the same as
@hyper-neutrino Jelly really needs a single byte version of /€
I should really switch the argument order for combinations of n items
CMC: Randomly shuffle an array
How did you have enough time to copy-paste that?
from random import *;shuffle
ṁO in Ash
I had just opened the atoms page by the time you posted that
@cairdcoinheringaahing ctrl-N + type "atoms" -> open the bookmark + search "shuffle" + copy + paste
Why not just AltGr + ., X
because my keyboard layout isn't right for that and also i don't memorize jelly atoms
US EXTD layout FTW
@RedwolfPrograms Because if I could type Jelly atoms, none of y'all could step to my FGITW game :P
i just have en us and jp mozc, maybe i should get extd US so i can be super speed
i don't remember which atoms are which symbols though
i mean the whole point of the Jelly code page is that it's all typable with US INTL/EXTD :p
i just remember which functionalities exist and what to search for to get them
I can remember most of the atoms, but I'm awful at finding them
I always go "I can just scroll, it's slower to Ctrl-F", then spend a minute scrolling :/
I accidentally rediscovered how to simplify a fraction
ayy nice
I was thinking about how you can divide x / y by finding all of the factors in x but not y
Reminds me of when I first started JHT and came up with a 20 byte program to simplify [a,b] (representing a/b) :P
Then I realized that'd be the numerator and what's left is the denominator
i remember the good old days of having way too much time so i was able to learn jelly and spend a good amount of time practicing in JHT and having leaky and eric help me
No offense to Leaky or Eric, but I keep discovering their old Jelly posts and, at least for a while, they really weren't good :/
I need to write a program for the final exam for my computer science class, but the only requirements are that it has to use at least one function (?) and I somehow can't think of anything
i mean, jelly is a rather hard language to learn IMO :P
@RedwolfPrograms write a function to randomly generate a valid function
The number of superscripts, ©® and ¤ were crazy :P
@hyper-neutrino Yeah, and their more recent ones are much better, but it was just crazy to see "jelly, 25 bytes" by Erik and "Jelly, 12 bytes" by Dennis that was just the same but tacit
i think i tended to use a lot of superscripts and totallyhuman tended to use a lot of $. or the other way around
until we got better at the whole tacit thing. and also the 3- and 4-link combinators were added :P
Ɗ and Ʋ are life-savers :P
@RedwolfPrograms What do you mean by "use at least one function"?
Like, the program has to have at least one function f(x, y) { } in it?
You have to have at least one (in their words) "subroutine" that is used in the program
As long as it does something it's valid
Ackermann function maybe?
wow, CGCC chat: the one place on the network where people will do your schoolwork :P
For anyone who's interested, Peilonrayz and Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ have been elected over on CR (I recall some of y'all voted)
Oh, I didn't even notice that Vogel stepped down so it was 2 seats
@hyper-neutrino Take a look at how it played out
Peilonrayz was initially 3rd, but managed to beat both Mast and pacmaninbw on the secondary votes
Ah, that's interesting to see
Peilonrayz beat Mast by a margin of .27 of a vote :O
oh wow...
@RedwolfPrograms We've got climate change
@Wezl Wait really? Could y'all find a power series for $\ln(x+1)$ please? :P
make that a CMC and people will solve it
that's the harmonic series
I understand the mathematic :P
CMC: Power series for not $\ln(x+1)$ centered at $c=0$. Please also provide the interval of convergence. :P
@hyper-neutrino Lol wasn't expecting someone to actually answer that
i mean idk what your school policy is, if you're allowed assistance i would be willing to help as in offer advice rather than just give the answer :P
Thank you for helping me participate in academic dishonesty /s
@user Try calculating the continued derivatives
Oh that's a good idea
@user I'm surprised that's homework for you. When we started doing Taylor series, they just gave us a list of commonly used series, and that was one of them
They haven't started calling them Taylor series yet (although Maclaurin series were foreshadowed)
I might have missed this one in the video explaining it, though, I'll have to check again
CMC: Download the testing app Texas uses for its state tests, enter my name and password, and answer all 50 questions about (subject) correctly :p
(For legal reasons that's a joke)
CMC: go back in time and do my MATH148 questions so i didn't get a shitty mark on it :P
CMC: Steal my identity and take on all my legal obligations while I disappear to a beach in the Caribbean :P
How much rep can I get from you for that? I'd like at least +100 :P
I'll happily award a +250 bounty :P
Throw in some imaginary brownie points and you've got a deal
Where are my bounty and imaginary brownies?
they'll arrive in 4-6 business days
I'm not sat on a beach in the Caribbean yet :P
It's too late now
I sat on a beach in the caribbean once but they got all mad at me for bringing my nukes
A bunch of scary submarines showed up
You should have disappeared to the Caribbean right after we made the deal - that's when I temporarily stole your identity and took on your legal obligations. Unfortunately, you chose not to go there, so now your identity and legal obligations are back, along with a bill from an Indonesian casino :P
Also the pacific missile testing resort in Hawaii isn't as good as the reviews said, the service was awful
They were really rude
would like to bring some attention to this again: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/22177/…
this should be a pretty quick change so i can probably do this soon and unfeature it
@hyper-neutrino Pretty sure I pinned that :P
well, the transcript still says I pinned it, but chat says it is not pinned
@hyper-neutrino You can do both?
also am i not supposed to be able to cancel stars
You're a mod
oh wait, i must do it from the starboard
can't do it in chat or via the transcript :/
For some reason, you can't cancel from the message itself :/
i wish you could do stuff like this from the transcript. otherwise you have to join the room which announces your presence (it's also why when linking problematic things in TL i have been instructed to link the transcript rather than the room, which i forgot about once)
I just don't mind "announcing " my presence. It's not like anyone's going to make any judgement on me entering a room, and if they do, so what?
TL is different tho
i mean, canceling stars isn't really something for which you need to really worry about people knowing that it's you who did it
i wonder what the (public) room with the highest ratio of mod activity (as in messages) is :P
Hyperneutrino's domain?
Probably the Math.SE Mod Office
oh, true
Teacher's lounge - 100%
> public
Not public
Also, ß is really bad at figuring out the arity of the link it's on :/
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

A usernameSwap encoding iteration count fastest-code In this challenge, I asked you to implement swap encoding. Swap encoding is an encoding method where you iterate through the string, reversing substrings between identical characters. The basic algorithm is: For each character in the string: Check: Does ...

Q: Is anyone else familiar with the game 21 ? Everyone playing stands in a circle. The aim is to count to 21. The first person says "1" and people continue from there. If anyone says the same number at the same time, the number resets to 0. The person who says 21 is "out". Last person out loses
I vaguely remember playing a game like that sometime
Sounds like the opposite of blackjack
(btw it's also a basketball game, but I think that one's different)
Sounds like it could be a KotH
Guess what I'm writing up rn :P
Someone: Says literally anything
Redwolf: Sounds like it could be a KotH
That reminds me, I haven't worked on Hunter-Gatherer in a while :(
I am way too busy
There's an optimal strategy to that game, though
(unless you're shaking things up, of course)
@user "I just golfed a byte off this answer!" "Sounds like it could be a KotH"
@user What's the optimal strategy?
Ash (haven't seriously worked on it in nearly a month), Hunter-Gatherer, my game, school, various programming projects, the blog, the chat bot for the Guild, etc.
Too much stuff to do :/
I think whoever goes first can make it so they always win
How? The entire game works on people not speaking at the same time as you
Oh wait, wrong game
Yeah, it's not the "count up to 3 more numbers" 21
Strategy just in case anyone makes a KotH about that (apparently whoever goes second wins)
This one should be more interesting
Maybe I should just make a userscript that blocks me from CGCC for a certain amount of time each day :p
I already made one that makes me wait 40 seconds first, but that just made me more inefficient because I suddenly would get patient
Just use Lyxal's userscript but with a higher probability of getting rickrolled
Eventually, you'll associate CGCC with humiliation and stop coming here :P
Maybe I'll just add a really scary looking timer at the bottom of the page whenever it's focused, and once that timer reaches zero for the day I'm blocked until UTC midnight
How do you make a userscript block you from a site?
Just document.write("no")
Actually I'm going to go make that
It could actually work
Is there any way to find your first message(s) in chat?
I don't get SE chat. Searching for b yielded messages that didn't contain a single b, while searching for a yielded 0 messages.
I've been trying that too
I think they filter a and the
So that's why I only have 7 messages containing the most common letter in the alphabet
(or, since I pretend e doesn't exist, t?)
t works out great - I get 13 pages of results
Same here
34 pages for me
24 for TNB only
I don't know what's up with e
Too yellow to show itself! :P
Oh I just realized all my bolded messages were showing up for b because HTML (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Wow, I had no idea chat search was that bad
This might be my earliest in TNB
@cairdcoinheringaahing laughs in silver 4 but all of my friends are gold 4 because none of them ever play ranked with me and i can't find the will to climb alone
I think this is my first message in chat back in November, in the APL Orchard, before I became active in TNB
I had 800 reputation when I posted my first (known) message here
Ugh, I want to write up my koth idea, but koths are so much effort :(
Not if you automate it with the API
No, writing the koth is effort
This one seems fairly simple, though
Just link to this conversation and add no additional explanation :p
I'm struggling to decide between the input being just n (the highest count), the list of the last round's counts, or the entire history
The entire history would be good
Reduced knowledge is also interesting sometimes
Lets you analyze other bots' strategies
Btw any feedback? Is there any way I can make it more interesting?
@AaronMiller I just wanted to say thank you for all the issues you've been raising in Vyxal lately: where others may dread bug fixing, I appreciate that someone is actively looking to help improve my language. Keep the issues coming I say!
@RedwolfPrograms decaying averages have their uses too you know
@Lyxal No problem! Also, I just spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out what was going wrong with the Ė command before I realized that it returns 0 after executing the passed string. Is that intentional?
Yes, it is supposed to return 0
Because the string executed impacts the stack anyway
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingCount up to 21 21 is a game my teachers had my classmates and I play in order to kill some time. The game works as follows: All contestants stand in a circle. The aim is to count to 21, one by one. At any time, any player may begin the counting by saying 1. The plays then continue the counting b...

Although perhaps it shouldn't actually return 0 to the stack. I think I will change that
CMC: Given an integer \$n \in (1,2,3)\$ and a list L, calculate the decaying mean of L. The different values of \$n\$ should correspond to different Pythagorean means (arithmetic, geometric, harmonic), you may decide which n is which
What does CMC stand for?
VTC as unclear: define "decaying mean"
@AaronMiller CMC = Chat Mini Challenge
n = arithmetic, L = [1,2,3,4,5] -> 4.0625, n = geometric, L = [1,2,3,4,5] -> 3.7884, n = harmonic, L = [1,2,3,4,5] -> 3.35664
@Bubbler "decaying mean" means that you calculate the mean of the first two elements, then the mean of that and the third element, then that mean and the fourth etc.
Why n in 1,2,3 instead of just 3 distinct values?
It's a CMC, plus that could lead to people saying "takes the code for arithmetic as input for that etc."
Otherwise I can take three values as lambda x,y:(x+y)/2, lambda x,y:(x*y)**.5, lambda x,y:2*x*y/(x+y)
Pretty sure that's a standard loophole tbh
* Wezl hates 1-based indexing with a passion

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