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Now, how valid is this consensus?
Q: Is "A solution wins if there's no strictly better solution in multiple measures" a valid winning criterion?

BubblerTo cite a recently sandboxed challenge by l4m2: Solution win if there's no strictly better solution, aka. no solution that take less or same amount of items in mapping table, less or same amount of instrucions, and at least one of amounts of items and instructions is less. I understand this...

Although even without that, I have ways to make the winning criteria work.
For reference I'm taking about the sandbox post codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/20687/69850
Something else...
The standard I/O says that printing to an image file is allowed,
but that challenge requires "no additional step".
Anyway I think it's not a huge issue, as they can specify the programming language to be jelly|display or jelly|firefox.
I think that one of the reasons why some people don't review the sandbox is that most challenges in the sandbox doesn't end up being posted.
Are you saying you consider viewing the image to be an "additional step"?
@RedwolfPrograms Op of that challenge requires "must be displayed directly on the screen".
I don't see anything saying that, nor anything about images
> The colored output must be visible to users and no other steps should be needed to decode the output.
That doesn't at all imply that it should be immediately displayed on screen, at least to me
Well, anyway, more votes on the meta post above please.
Any feedback to this?
@Bubbler I remember this from somewhere
illustration is great
nvm I thought this was A000055
3 hours later…
@seshoumara nice one, i uploaded it to anagol, only 27 more bytes remaining!
2 hours later…
Q: Colorize a diff in unified format

DeadbeefIntroduction git diff is a great way to export patches of the source code, and its outputs are colorized if you don't pass extra arguments to it. However, when you want to review the exported file with colored output, it would be pretty hard. colordiff is an option, but it acts like the diff prog...

@user41805 soo, I'm confused..do I still get the bounty?
1 hour later…
@seshoumara yes, but i have to wait 24 hours (a bit less now) to award it
2 hours later…
Q: Can we exclude languages when asking questions?

DudeWhoWantsToLearnWhile code golfing can be fun, there is one thing that ruins it very often (at least for me). And these are Programming Languages, that just take up about 5-10 byte for solving a problem. I myself am only good in C# and Java, so it's quite demotivating to find a short answer, if there already is ...

Aren't we getting too many new users recently?
how can there be too many new users?
isn't more just better?
or do you think they are not real?
So [Minimum cost matrix permutation] is a special-case of Max-2SAT.
can you show how to solve Minimum cost matrix permutation using max-2sat?
Aw, codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/19081/69850 (Bubbler's answer on "Is "A solution wins if there's no strictly better solution in multiple measures" a valid winning criterion? - Code Golf Meta Stack Exchange") got to -1.
Anyway I said I have ways around it.
Ah right, perhaps it isn't possible. thinking
But it might be possible to reduce that problem to Max-2SAT.
well... max -2sat is np hard so maybe :)
@user202729 downvoting without explaining why is the same as not doing anything at all
I don't get why it's at -1
Well. Perhaps.
I think that's actually a good idea.
Anyway, some people may think that "I don't like this idea, but I can't explain why", but...
The people who proposed and required the "serious contender" and "there must be a winning criteria" explains very carefully why they think the site would be a mess without these rules.
Of course, enforcing something will definitely make some people sad, so there should be reason for that.
Enforcing that "there should not be multiple winning criteria" just because someone don't like it is pretty unreasonablable (instead you can simply not participate in these challenges)
About the other thing...
Perhaps it's possible to reduce that problem to MAX-2SAT, assuming that the input size is log of the value.
(in the BF optimizer challenge, the input size is sum of the weight matrix)
Anyone think this could be a fun thing to do over on this site?
@Razetime At least, on that site in particular.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes indeed
The origin of my stupid username is much more complicated than you'd expect :p. I'd change it to my real name but it'd take forever to get used to
Mine is a shortening of a shortening of a shortening of a really cringe username from 5th grade
@user202729 Back to +1 now, but really...
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think it would.
The story behind my username is that I am not creative.
Every other day I'll see someone with the name user on another SE then click on it and realize it's not you :p
Yeah, one advantage/disadvantage of having the username user is that I'm easily confused with other people, and it's hard to look me up.
github username is better
That betrays my real name, though, and is too creative.
Q: Golf this Thumb-2 Constant!

EasyasPiOne thing that is constantly frustrating when golfing ARM Thumb-2 code is generating constants. Since Thumb only has 16-bit and 32-bit instructions, it is impossible to encode every immediate 32-bit value into a single instruction. Additionally, since it is a variable length instruction set, some...

@Razetime Unless it's on Meta. In that case, downvoting without an explanation means "I disagree with this"
Opinions on VTRing this? I think it's fixed now.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Accept one day laterReturn all elements around an index forming sun Define a function in python that takes in a 2D array and a 2D index, and return all the elements of the 2D array that are directly vertical to, horizontal to, and diagonal to the given index, and the returned list must omit the index itself. Externa...

@RedwolfPrograms The issue with that challenge is that it's virtually impossible to specify it rigorously, unless the line drawing algorithms are specified.
(see comment below post)
2 hours later…
Q: How to find sum of product of min value and length of sub list

Python coderI have a list of n numbers. I want to divide the list into sub lists, such as the sub list consists of continuous increasing numbers or continuous decreasing numbers. Then take the product of each sub list's min value and it's length. Finally take the sum of all this product's Input: l = [1,2,6,4...

CMC: ^ assuming no adjacent elements are identical.
Q: The many users of CGCC

caird coinheringaahingWhat are the stories behind your username and avatar? Some users' usernames and/or their avatars have a significance behind them. What about yours?

@Adám That fact that the "inflection points" (e.g. 6 in the example) are in both arrays makes it surprisingly difficult
@cairdcoinheringaahing I.e. a good challenge, no?
@Adám Yep, see my comment below the post :P
Ah right, I didn't read that much into it.
If ÷ is integer division, should 12.5 ÷ 2.5 return 5 (divide as floats then convert to integer) or 6 (convert arguments to integers then divide as integers)?
@Adám Jelly, 21 bytes: Try it online!
1 hour later…
Q: Is it a vampire number?

caird coinheringaahingRepost and improvement of this challenge from 2011 A vampire number is a positive integer \$v\$ with an even number of digits that can be split into 2 smaller integers \$x, y\$ consisting of the digits of \$v\$ such that \$v = xy\$. For example: $$1260 = 21 \times 60$$ so \$1260\$ is a vampire nu...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

binarycatReinvent math The task is simple. Define the basic operators (+, -, *, /) without using them directly. Shortest code wins

What do we typically consider as printable ASCII on this site?
I've seen tables that do or do not include any of the following: tab, carriage return, line feed, space, and even delete (0x7f)
I don't think I'd count newlines or delete, and I think space should be printable, but what about tabs?
A: What does (printable) ASCII mean?

DennisASCII characters are all Unicode characters with code points from 0x00 to 0x7F (both inclusive). Printable ASCII characters all are Unicode characters with code points from 0x20 to 0x7E (both inclusive). This does not include linefeeds. This is consistent with the definition of printable charac...

Oh, thanks. Surprised that's not in the standard definitions.
@RedwolfPrograms Omissions happen. Just add it :-)

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