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and you can reduce the intermediate value by doing %p inside the loop
I think I got the answer
Nope, not right :/
So if I understand it right, you have to use the other public key instead of 7 to get the encryption key?
With the loop size you get from the first?
uh no. you just take (other public key)^(loop size)
And modulo 20201227?
That's what I meant
function pow(n, x, b) {
  if (x === 0) return 1; if (x === 1) return n % b;
  const next = pow(n, x >> 1, b);
  return (x % 2 === 1 ? n : 1) * next % b * next % b;
this took too long
oh. then yes
Oh I was still using 7 as the initial value lol
Still not right though :/
Here's a screenshot of what I'm doing
(152... is the other public key and 441... is the loop size)
yes and
Not sure why that's wrong
if loop size is 1
and subject is 2
what does this return
and is 2^1 equal to 4
:P rip
So form starts as 1, right?
off by 1 again
either that or i starts as 1 or < loop_size - 1
yeah, it must be initialized to 1
form starts as 1 yes
Still wrong :/
it's explicitly stated in the problem
@RedwolfPrograms if this is wrong it's likely your loop size is also one-off
you do increase the loop size by 1, yes?
damn, ninja'd
Okay I tried it with 7 and messed with it until I got the original pubkey again, it appears I did something truly special...an off-by-two error :p
ofc now I have to wait 5m to submit it
Not like it matters since my day 23 still isn't done
well, you have the time to do that while you wait xd
Definitely haven't spent 1h on it already lol
(not so) surprising fact: 80% of the people who solved d25p1 solved d25p2 (which means they all solved every problem)
> You have 3s left to wait
Got p1!
I just need to do day 23 tomorrow, or maybe now
and you're still below me (though I'm 99% sure it'll be reversed as soon as you solve d23)
im still below hyper or something
and tck
and barely behind manish
i'm just second to doorknob and i don't think anyone else can pass me? idk
well, tck is a global ranker, so :/
well i'm only global 4 behind him lol
that's insanely good overall
In day 23, do they mean "the cup labeled 1" or "the first cup in the list"?
> under the two cups that will end up immediately clockwise of cup 1
the cup labeled 1, obviously
wish i actually took this seriously earlier on; i missed 4 days effectively lmao
again. it's a circle
there's no first cup in the list because that "list" is a circle
and you can start anywhere on the circle
Just making sure I wasn't crazy lol :p
Okay I feel like it's not 9
three of my corners are in the same place
how the heck am i earning so many hats by not going on SE sites???
i turned hats off cuz i kept getting spammed with like 4 hats a day just by existing
out of secret hats i have vexillilogist, balalaika and mariachi
isn't vexillilogy like
flags? i don't remember
or maps
@HyperNeutrino maps are cartography
I don't think I understand how linked lists work
Specifically moving items around
oh wait im dumb
@RedwolfPrograms [a.next, b[2].next] = [b[0], a.next]
@HyperNeutrino yea dont u deal with cartographers all the time
well i have been working on the cartography table a lot but i don't talk to the cartographers much recently
@ASCII-only Wait what's b[0]?
I think we're using much different implementations lol
visuals are best for thinking about linked lists
draw a chain of boxes and arrows, and think about where you break it and re-connect it
and then translate it to code
I'm now getting around 300 billion instead of 9
Still wrong though
at least it shuffles things well
My current logic is basically:
var old = nexts[find[dest]];
nexts[find[dest]] = n_1;
nexts[current] = current = nexts[n_3];
nexts[n_3] = old;
Where nexts is an array of next indices and find is just the index of the dest label
i still advise strongly against using indices.
they're literally just dead weight
What are the alternatives?
it's a linked list
it's a linkedlist the point is that indices aren't a thing. it's just overcomplication especially with circular
@RedwolfPrograms just store a hashmap/array of next values
like a[x] = y means y comes after x
Oh yeah. Wasn't sure if that would work but I guess it makes way more sense than what I'm doing now.
I finished!
Thanks for the help with linked lists, and all of AoC in general really :p
nice job, you win
 1) 2605 *************************  tckmn
 2) 2494 *************************  hyper-neutrino
 3) 2392 *************************  Manish Kundu
 4) 2390 *************************  somebody1234
 5) 2324 *************************  anna (AoC++)
 6) 2298 *************************  RedwolfPrograms
 7) 2253 *************************  UnrelatedString
 8) 2234 *************************  pppery
 9) 2233 *************************  Bubbler-4
10) 2123 *************************  ngn
oh no, last :)
the ranks are pretty much settled
i did so badly
When UnrelatedString and pppery finish day 20 they'll probably pull ahead
yeah, except that one
oh no
it is on
in like two hours when i figure out day 20 :P
I spent 5 hours debugging the stupidest bug ever, by the time I actually got the image put together I was so excited I couldn't even type for like ten minutes :p
I'm quite satisfied with it, given that I used a new language and I had to constantly go through the docs to find the things I need
except for totally missing day 13, of course
I got 5 top 100s, which I guess is ok for my first time
how the heck
I'm quite satisfied because this is my first AOC
i think i've done every year lol. maybe missed one in between but i think i did 2015
not that i was any good at it, but
SE chat suddenly decided not to autoscroll and it is annoying me so much
 1) 3221 *************************  tckmn
 2) 2763 *************************  hyper-neutrino
 3)  434 *************************  Manish Kundu
 4)  376 *************************  somebody1234
 5)  232 *************************  pppery
 6)  170 *************************  UnrelatedString
 7)  162 *************************  RedwolfPrograms
 8)   90 *************************  Bubbler-4
 9)   90 *************************  ngn
This one is sorted by global score
@RedwolfPrograms refresh ezpz
Probably what the result will be when they finish day 20
it was a single blow - i got score 90 on one part of one problem and 0 on all others
@HyperNeutrino im lazy so i did this year without a lib lel
lb'd 9 times
so how many people got in the global leaderboard?
although most of them were terrible (<20)
2 got on global leaderboard
cutoff is like 600 global score
10)   83 *************************  Jonah
11)   33 *************************  anna (AoC++)
We have 11 users who have nonzero global score
i wonder if most top rankers use some sort of library or template or if they're just fast lol
@HyperNeutrino well betaveros is just fast i think?
library would be op af tho
Thinking of two CnR challenges
idk if i should even bother making a template for next year
73) 808 Jay Foad (AoC++)
I guess at least one player is using vanilla APL to go this far
@Bubbler this man is so fast it's unfair
it's helped me a few times and tbh it's probably not worth starting without a clear mind
AoC being over is such a relief, I was kind of stressed about getting day 23 done lol
cuz tbh every time i start i always start streamlining my thoughts into how my template can optimize my code
my entire body shivered every day as 2PM came close
probably I shouldn't go for a competition like that
where the heck do u live

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