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Any feedback for this and this?
2 hours later…
Bruh. This was locked as non-competing by a mod even though it is.
@Doorknob ^
@Lyxal That's pretty weird - rolling back an OK post to a vandalized one :/
4 hours later…
and locking
as you can see, my username has been reset to the default. I looked at the exact time, and that happened 2 minutes and 5 seconds before Lyxal's post got reverted to a vandalized version and locked...
2 hours later…
Q: Bracket counting

Leif Messinger LOAFI was working on a project, and I needed to parse an object from the website's cookies. It looks a little something like this: object={"bruh":{"yeet":"bruh"}};otherGarbage=Y2xldmVyIHlvdQ;... What you'd normally do is split the cookies by semicolon, but my object has semicolons in it, so I though...

On a different note: any feedback for this
@Lyxal Raise a mod flag to get the lock removed. Catija is usually one of the best mods on the network, they probably just made a mistake
@cairdcoinheringaahing I already did, but thanks for the advice anyway
Q: Diophantine Approximation: find lowest possible denominator to approximate within given precision

StefChallenge Given a number x and a precision e, find the lowest positive integer q such that x can be approximated as a fraction p / q within precision e. In other words, find the lowest positive integer q such that there exists an integer p such that abs(x - p/q) < e. Input The pair (x, e) where ...

2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

640KBFirst and Last capitals Write a program or function that takes an non-empty string of printable characters and returns the first and last capital letter A-Z (ASCII CP 65-90). If there are no capitals, return an empty or falsey result. If there is only one capital, it should be returned for both...

3 hours later…
@DLosc I'm planning on learning Charcoal.
Do you mind I add a few more changes to the Pip documentation to make it clearer how to use the functions?
It's taking me some trial and error to figure out some things, so I might make it easierr
@DLosc speaking of charcoal, I have a lot of questions about how to use it.
7 hours later…
@Razetime That's cool!--but I probably can't help you much there. I was involved at the very beginning of the language, but it's changed a lot since then. Neil would be the best person to ask, I think.
@Razetime Are you thinking of the operator list? Yeah, if you've got ways of clarifying the descriptions (while not making them too long), I'm all for that.
In re: your comment on this solution--yeah, I've tried a few ways and couldn't find anything shorter yet.
Some other 10-byters:

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