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Any feedback for this?
(I think I can still write ~5 more challenges around Conway's works.)
1 hour later…
From the start I already dislike Conway-related challenges. They are either too trivial (e.g. Conway's Monster) or requires answers to be in a specific language I don't know (e.g. Collatz in FRACTRAN).
@petStorm The following series will be neither of them, so you might like it.
Awesome! There's finally a new challenge.
But, uh, it's off topic. So I can't answer it.
Q: Acyclic orientations of an n-dimensional cube

mscroggsTake an n-dimensional cube (if n=1, this is a line; if n=2, a square; if n=3, a cube; if n=4, a hypercube/tesseract; etc), and give a direction to all of its edges so that no cycles are formed. I want to know how many ways there are to assign these directions that give results that are not rotati...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mscroggsAcyclic orientations of an n-dimensional cube Take an n-dimensional cube (if n=1, this is a line; if n=2, a square; if n=3, a cube; if n=4, a hypercube/tesseract; etc), and give a direction to all of its edges so that no cycles are formed. I want to know how many ways there are to assign these d...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

petStormA065825 code-golf sequence arithmetic Given an input integer n, output the n-th item of A065825. Procedure You take an input n, e.g. 9. Then, we try to find the smallest number k that satisfies this procedure. We assume you have already looped from 1 to 19, and k=20 (it's an example). 1. Ge...

CMQ: Is adding a tag like enough to say a challenge has an objective winning criterion, or does it need to explicitly state the winning condition within the challenge text?
is self-explanatory enough (because we have an array of default rules without explicitly mentioning them). Other tags, e.g. , , need more context and especially how to measure a submission's score.
@Bubbler thanks!
Q: Conway's $1(0),000 challenge

BubblerBackground This challenge is about A004001, a.k.a. Hofstadter-Conway $10000 sequence: $$ a_1 = a_2 = 1, \quad a_n = a_{a_{n-1}} + a_{n-a_{n-1}} $$ which starts with 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, ... John Conway...

@petStorm ^ A real challenge for you.
@Bubbler So, uhh, you caught me red-handed. I won't answer until others have posted an answer...
Though I'd label it as hard, but then the difficulty scale on CGCC goes like easy, medium, hard, insane, OMG, legendary.
An OMG challenge is one that Obviously Medium-Graded.
hi all
bye Anush
that sounds like a threat! :)
@Bubbler Be nice!
I am writing a NFA to DFA conversion challenge but I think there is a really fun version of the challenge too.
subset construction seems very suitable for code golfing.
@Bubbler Looks like you're still here.
You caught me!
Powerset is binary enumeration.
Probably you'll need with randomized input/output size ratio.
@Bubbler yes and no
@Bubbler it is possible to construct NFAs that have that property. But in many cases you don't get anything like that explosion. In general, I am interested in the speed as a function of the output size.
@Bubbler I have a series of NFAs of growing size. I can have those as tests
That sounds interesting.
I/O format is answerer's choice?
I hope so! I am making it on sandbox at the moment. One issue is how to check correctness of the output
@Bubbler The input can't be as they need to use my test inputs
unless they want to convert them themselves
I guess rigid I/O is OK in this case because it'll make testing against test-battery easier (and we're not golfing it).
But you'll still need to test if two DFAs are equivalent modulo state labels (or ordering)
@Bubbler yes.. I am not sure how to do that.
do you know?
A: Equivalence between two automata

GuyA different, simpler approach is to complement and intersect the automata. An automaton A is equivalent to B iff L(A) is contained in L(B) and vice versa which is iff the intersection between the complement of L(B) and L(A) is empty and vice versa. Here is the algorithm for checking if L(A) is ...

Match the start states and recursively match the states that are reached from the same transition, until all transitions are covered.
The answer is wrong if a contradiction is found, correct otherwise
what about taking the complement and intersecting?
I guess that's similar
My answer doesn't work I guess
that looks like another nice question for this site
Yeah, complement and intersect sounds easy enough, especially because we'll be testing DFAs
I may need some help with my sandboxed question when I have done this draft
Q: Create pixel art!

DionThe task Given an image as input, your task is to do the following: Resize the image so it is At least 2 times smaller, but still has the same width/height ratio Each RGB pixel in the newly resized image must be converted to a 3-bit color, so there are 8 different possible colors: Red ...

@Anush What I would call "the subset construction" always has 2^n states, and is fast to compute wrt the size of the output. I guess you want the reachable part of it, or maybe any DFA that accepts the same language? In the first case, you can check correctness as suggested by @Bubbler. Also worth considering: are the states required to be numbers? Consecutive ones?
@ChristianSievers Yes. I was just going off some video lectures I watched where they described computing the reachable part I suppose. They just called that subset construction
@ChristianSievers The states should be integers. Consecutive would be great but I don't know how much difference that makes. My main concern is the checking code though for the output. Does it help us to have the states consecutively numbered?
Q: printf(): why not showing output of 2 printf()?

Nikhilesh Puthalinclude void increment(int *p); int main(){ int a=10; increment(&a); printf("%d",a); return 0; } void increment(int *p){ p=p +1; printf("%d",*p); }

I don't think it helps testing. It avoids just encoding the subset as number-as-bitset, but maybe that isn't a bad thing. I guess doing that helps less than I first thought.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnushConvert NFA to DFA as quickly as possible. Input Your input will be an NFA. In order to be able to test your code, it needs to be able to handle an NFA in the following format. This is taken directly from GAP (and slightly simplified). Automaton( Type, Size, Alphabet, TransitionTable, Initial...

@Anush You keep mentioning this Seviers person. I'd really like to get to know them.
Using gap format of course automatically gives consecutive state numbers.
sevischool.com Sevi is a person.
Then who is Seviers? The people who are called Sevi.
I know Sevi. Haven't thought about her for a long time.
Really sorry! I make that mistake a lot :(
2 hours later…
where can I put test cases that are a little too big to paste into the question?
(The last message before mine is 13 minutes away.)
@petStorm what is the largest you can paste there?
@Anush I don't know, you can at least paste a 58304-byte text there.
@petStorm maybe I need gist
does it really never expire?
Exactly, it never expires.
I'm trying to post a 1048576-byte text over there...
good luck!
Now it still hasn't loaded...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

my pronoun is monicareinstateImproved image sampling popularity-contest graphical-output image-processing Quoting from the ImageMagick documentation of the very simple -sample resizer, "You can think of the image as being divided into an array of regions, and one pixel from each region is selected for the resulting image". ...

where can I upload a 30MB text file to link to? Or a 6MB compressed text file I suppose
@Anush Github Gist?
@Adám hmm.. I am confused what the limit is
I am trying that now
oh I see.. I should be using git from the command line not dragging and dropping
Q: How many fingers does bad pianist need?

subdermatoglyphicChallenge Premise Bob is a novice pianist who can only play sequences of single notes. In addition, he does quite an interesting thing: for every note after the first, if it's higher than the previous note was, he uses the finger directly to the right of the previous finger used; if lower, to t...

I don't understand gist. I just want to add files to gist.github.com/Anush-ccgc . I am guessing I should clone it first but how do I do that?
@Adám any idea?
@Anush This?
Q: How do I count C64 BASIC score?

PkmnQSo I recently posted 2 answers on C64 BASIC. I first counted it in characters, but after reading more about how the Commodore 64 works, I decided to start counting it in bytes. But there were already 2 answers before that counted the bytes as characters, not bytes. Should I use characters, or ...

@Adám the secret seemed to be to clone over https
@Adám are you able to download my files using gist.github.com/Anush-ccgc/2fa45d31934e7b7062a6140d634c79fa/… ?
Well, GitHub is unstable rn. Maybe you uploaded a bit too much?
ah it was going slow
I don't think it was my fault :)
I just want to be able to give a link people can click on
3 hours later…
I will pose a question about testing if two DFAs are equivalent tomorrow. I don't quite have the energy today. But it should be fun :)
the main problem is the need for a strict input format so people can run the tests
I am not sure how to get around that
@Anush Yes, but the files look a bit odd. /k\d.?fa/ ?
1 hour later…
You mean the filenames are odd? @Adám
@Anush yes.
Ah ok. I will explain those in the question. Does APL have a function for NFA to DFA conversion?
@Anush I've never even heard those terms. Had to look them up.
@Anush APL certainly doesn't have any built-in function for that. But could you write one? Probably.
Cool. My challenge I will hopefully pose tomorrow may be more suitable as it will be code golf
Does anyone know how to create a TIO permalink that doesn't use the cached result?

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