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@NewSandboxedPosts Short time in the Sandbox, but thinking about posting in an hour or so. Any final feedback?
TIL: Search for "test patterns" on Netflix, you get some kind of internal test stream
2 hours later…
@mınxomaτ I get that it is suitable for all audiences, but why is it considered "drama"‽
I don't know what you mean, I find it riveting. Can't wait for season 2.
@mınxomaτ I can access all 4 seasons.
damn geo restrictions ^^
S4E1 is very special.
I wonder who the little girl is.
She seems to be in every episode except S4E1, and then at the end of S4E5 she just disappears!
My family has been in the photography (and painting before that) business for ~150 years. I've seen many of these test card images over the years, and I'm convinced the humans in them come from a different dimension. There's something off about them.
Whoa, that's some seriously scary stuff right there.
You're right, and that website, archimediatech.com… something seems off there too. It redirects to something completely unrelated. What in the world are they up to? Nothing good, that's for sure.
SCP for sure.
@mınxomaτ Hey, have you seen Example Show? It has way more action than Test Patterns.
I've seen The Big Bang Theory, which seems to be some sort of AI-generated sitcom. It doesn't work very well yet, I don't think the model got the fundamental structure of a joke. More training might be needed.
@mınxomaτ I'm serious. Look at all this content Creator created!
@RedwolfPrograms Looks cool, though I lament that the instructions aren't really that mnemonic. Do both .[ and [. mean the same thing?
@JoKing Yes. The instructions actually kind of can be mnemonic:
=] looks sort of like an arrow, pointing to where it pushes
=[ looks like a fork, and fork is like conditional
]. and [. are like pushing 1 and pulling 1 from the value
Oh wait, .[ would be increment and [. would be decrement
If the flat side of the bracket faces inward, it's increment
5 hours later…
@DLosc (couldn't ping you so am replying to your last sent message if that's fine) I recently discovered tinylisp, do you plan to add (read) or does it already exist under a different name?
Q: R - function with matrix argument returning doubled odd elements

MattexIn R, I am trying to impletent matrices as arguments in functions to return another matrix with the result being certain matrix elements modified. In R, can you create a function 'double_odd' of which argument is an integer matrix x returning a matrix same size as x with all its odd numbers doub...

@Riker @betseg /r/boottoobig/
Change the username to "Alice" and anser all of those Alice questions. That would be hilarious.
@RedwolfPrograms i don't know what happened here or if my interpreter's incorrect, but it doesn't look like addition
3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlipTackWho's next to me in the queue? Preface Problem 4 in the 2019 BMO, Round 1 describes the following setup: There are \$2019\$ penguins waddling towards their favourite restaurant. As the penguins arrive, they are handed tickets numbered in ascending order from \$1\$ to \$2019\$, and tol...

@dzaima The 0 shouldn't stop on the ==, and I made a few mistakes in the design
the [] in the 4th column 3rd row to the bottom should be a ][
and the [= in the 8th column 3rd row to the bottom should be a =[
I also need to make the top droppers in columns 3 and 15 drop continuously...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FlipTackTimes have changed! (pun intended) Preface As mathematics progressed, mathematicians agreed upon the 'order of operations', to prevent mathematical expressions from becoming ambiguous. Given the expression \$7 \times 6 + 5 \times 3\$ we know to first evalulate multiplication, giving \$ 42 +...

@RedwolfPrograms ah okay. In that case, what should happen here - should the 0 at == stay there after the 1 passes over or not?
Yes. ==, =[, .., and =. don't interact with falling packets
sorry, this. air doesn't push packets :|
In this case, it would output whatever's on the right (1). I've found this really useful in ternary operators, like in the lowest 3 rows of the add program
so a [] if given things from both sides just reflects them back
No, it would drop them. You'd need something underneath it like [[][]] for that
@RedwolfPrograms then from where does that arbitrary decision of 1 come from?
Oh, I thought you were asking if [] on its own would reflect packets back
With a ][ underneath, it would output the left one on the left and the right one on the right
something's still wrong
2 hours later…
@dzaima =] ignores upward-moving packets
And the ][ should send the packets upward
@RedwolfPrograms oh yep, a typo
@RedwolfPrograms which ][? though with ^ fixed, it's successfully outputting 12 (so 1 too little) for 5+8
this shows the packets not moving up at the ][ on the lowest row, 9th column
There might also be an off-by-one error, should be easy enough to fix
@RedwolfPrograms but the ][ is getting packets from both sides, which (as far as i could tell from the discussion above) should reflect both back
It would send it up
The only difference between one and multiple packets is that multiple will split to the side when picked up by the opposite dropper/elevator
@RedwolfPrograms oh, so there's extra state for specifically elevating/dropping with multiple in the same space?
Yes, it's sort of like two packets side by side
To fix the off-by-one error, I'll replace the =] in the first column with a [.
@dzaima I'm considering making EOF -1 instead of 0, so programs can safely handle null bytes in input. Outputting a negative number could do nothing, helping with cat programs
This would be the new (padded) cat:
[] ]= []
=] ]] ].
   ][ ][
What do you think?
@RedwolfPrograms makes sense.
also now addition works. time to implement program editing & golf that down
What language did you make your interpreter in?
@RedwolfPrograms Processing, decided to go all-out OOP
I should have mine finished soon, in JS
It consists of 6 for loops per cycle, and stores packets in the state of the units
I might port it to a lower level language when I'm done
afaict there's no way to have infinite storage (besides bigints..) - do you have any plans for that?
Not really, I can't think of a way to implement that in a way which doesn't make the language ridiculously easy to use
@RedwolfPrograms if you want hard-to-use, you could just go the route of self-modification (or extension in this case) :D
I've thought about it, but I'm not sure how I could get that to work. I've only got 1 more operator to work with (=.)
Limited memory isn't too bad, brainf*** only has 30000 cells in most implementations
@RedwolfPrograms make it take in 2 0-3 inputs which represent a new pair of chars to add (adding new columns in the last row, new row when last is full is a possibility). Does add major asymmetry though
Well there's also the .= operator
Although I think I'm fine with limited memory...brainf***, conway's game of life, the waterfall model, etc. all have finite memory and work OK
Self modification is cool, but I don't really think it fits here
@RedwolfPrograms most moderately complex BF programs assume infinite memory though (here you'd need to actually build how much memory you want to have), GoL doesn't have limited memory at all, and The Waterfall Model is based around the idea of infinite precision (afaict)
GoL has memory limited to the size of the program
Well, I guess it could just make a bigger memory thing...
But you could just state "this block of units needs to be infinitely repeated"
@RedwolfPrograms which is exactly what you'd have to do. It's turing-complete after all
@RedwolfPrograms hm, that might be interesting here
just repeat the program vertically forever
I'm sure there could be relatively small thing that emulates a stack/queue/heap
And infinitely scaleable feed tapes should be fairly easy
Is it still turing-complete for a language to have infinite memory for a program of infinite size?
@RedwolfPrograms yeah, that's just an implementation detail
I think it would be easy to have a set of vertically stacked memory cells with an elevator at the bottom, and each cell decrements the value sent up until its zero. Then, that cell pulls/pushes a value and drops it down. That could be split into cells probably about 5x8 or so and stacked indefinitely
One change I kind of want to make as well: container units (==) will always have a value. When pulled, it would be set to 0
That way, ternary/not operators are possible in infinitely tall programs
Or maybe that could be the purpose of the =. and .= operators...outputting a specific value (maybe 0) when pulled
2 hours later…
@flawr "i am slow worm, I move lot slow, but when I want, i can go go go" - a poem
1 hour later…
@Riker <3
1 hour later…
Q: How divisible are you?

caird coinheringaahingYou are to create a program which, when given a positive integer \$n\$, outputs a second program. This second program, when run, must take a second positive integer \$x\$ and output whether \$x\$ is divisible by \$n\$. Or, that an integer \$a\$ exists such that \$n \cdot a = x\$. However, for ea...

Q: The strange ordering of Sharkovskii

ZgarbIntroduction In this challenge, we will be dealing with a certain ordering of the positive integers. The ordering goes like this: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ... 2*3, 2*5, 2*7, 2*9, 2*11, ... 4*3, 4*5, 4*7, 4*9, 4*11, ... 8*3, 8*5, 8*7, 8*9, 8*11, ... 16*3, 16*5, 16*7, 16*9, 1...

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