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@ASCII-only thanks for the tip, I knew I was overlooking something...
1 hour later…
@LeakyNun k7: *?-1
You know you're bad at programming when a program in BF doesn't work the way you thought it would
I'm not sure if I agree with that statement... BF is a turing tarpit for a reason.
@MilkyWay90 You're good if it does what you want, you're not necessarily bad if it doesn't
i recommend step by step debuggers like this one
I'm going to try making a KotH challenge
It's to play a tournament of 21
Like RandomBot vs. AiBot then EvilBot vs. Goodbot
and AIBot wins and EvilBot wins and they play each other
and EvilBot wins that match
And let's just say that AIBot made a bet of $1000 dollars on his first game
and $100 on his second
So AIBot made $900 dollars
But EvilBot made a bet of $100 on the first game and $200 on the second
So EvilBot made $300
So although EvilBot won the tournament, AIBot made the most money, so AIBot wins
21 is basically a solved game, though.
As in, given that you've made a certain bet, it's known exactly what moves to play to maximize your chance of winning that hand. All of the interesting strategy would be in the bet size selection.
@JoKing step 1. make a program to increment the current cell. step 2. +. step 3. congratulations, you're good at BF now :P
4 hours later…
hello all
6 hours later…
Q: java puzzle 2D grid and scanner

james1979A farmer wants to reorganize the crops growing in his farm. The farm is in the form of an N X M grid with each cell in the grid being a square plot. Each plot has to be planted with a variety of crop. The farmer has 26 varieties of crops that he can plant. The plant varieties are represented by l...

Oh no!
The New Main Posts removed their post!
How will the bot get money?
@ASCII-only Um...
That is not how coding in BF works
most of my "coding" in BF is done by script
@primo Ah, I see
Anybody have an idea for a programming language?
I am going to make one based off of the youtube channel pamtri due to demand of my friend
i'd like to make a stack based version of ferNANDo
@primo Esolangs is taking a long time to load
nevermind, it loaded
Just my internet connection
where every variable is a stack, accessing it pops from the stack (or zero if empty), and assigning pushes to the stack
@primo Wow
That'd be hard to program in
Aka a good esoteric programming language
How did this get 10 stars
one of my favorite solutions: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11240/4098
inquiring minds want to know? ;)
o_shi- i'm_paper i'm_scissors
o_shi- o_shi-
Okay, I'll try programming in FernNANDo
Don't spoil anything for me
o_shi- = NAND(i'm_paper, i'm_scissors)
@primo Yeah, I saw the esolangs page
in short, if it rolled a q, reroll
(from p, q, r, s)
I'll make a cat program
Is this on TIO
pretty sure
I found it
uses my hello world too :D
Okay wow that is hard
I am ready to suffer by making a programming language out of this
Okay I got one part of it done
Every program must end with "s a n, t i a g o"
Oh god
How does my friend watch all the videos that pamtri has made
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JonahThis is a post to pre-test for a duplicate question before I spend the time to finish the full post and add test cases. So, have we ever had a question for a "snake rotation" of a matrix? For example, snake rotate this matrix: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 by 3: 13 14 15 1 ...

Is there a C-style language where c+++++c will parse as (c++)+(++c)? I vaguely remember a StackOverflow question about this that I can't find.
@xnor I saw an SO question about while(x --> 0)
Where it was actually x-- > 0
As in "decrement x is greater than zero"
Here's what I've got so far
@MilkyWay90 The classic goes-to operator
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

xnorEvaluate C−− expression parsing Your goal is to a evaluate an expression in "C−−" (not this one) which uses only the characters are C and -. C is an variable holding an integer whose initial value you're given, and the - symbol is used in many ways including as a decrement operator: C-- decrem...

@Mego oh, that's what it's called
@Riker I'm glad this wouldn't happen with you because you have laser eyes: reddit.com/r/FindTheSniper/comments/bci5b8/find_the_big_cat
1 hour later…
Idea for a KOTH, based on the St. Petersburg paradox.
The St. Petersburg paradox or St. Petersburg lottery is a paradox related to probability and decision theory in economics. It is based on a particular (theoretical) lottery game that leads to a random variable with infinite expected value (i.e., infinite expected payoff) but nevertheless seems to be worth only a very small amount to the participants. The St. Petersburg paradox is a situation where a naive decision criterion which takes only the expected value into account predicts a course of action that presumably no actual person would be willing to take. Several resolutions are possible. The...
Imagine a game where you have a 50% chance of winning $2, a 25% chance of winning $4, a 12.5% chance of winning $8, etc. What is the fair price for the playing game? The expected value is infinite but in reality most people would only be willing to bet a few dollars to play it.
what do you bet?
So maybe what we can do is have a bunch of bots play this game, except there's an auction process. Whoever is willing to pay the most money gets to play the game. And so each round you have to decide how much you want to bet.
@EriktheOutgolfer The "paradox" is in the question of, given this payout table, how much should someone be willing to bet?
I guess "bid" would be a better term
@PhiNotPi so, you have a 1 / 2 ^ n chance to win 2 ^ n dollars, with n ≥ 1?
No, a 1/ (2^n) chance to win 2^n dollars.
well... will the currently highest bid be available to every bot?
and how many ticks of the highest bid remaining unchanged until the auction closes?
also, how many $ does each bot have to start with?
I feel like a strategy of bidding the maximum amount plus one if your own bid isn't the maximum already will always win
and this will always end up with all bots bidding the same amount, so then the lucky bot gets the cash
I don't think the probabilities will really matter that much, especially if the starting amount is <$2
I could give bots like $20 to start out.
that kinda changes the game
I'm not sure what you mean by "will always win"
I guess that depends on the <$2 starting amount case
The "lucky bot" might end up bidding the full $20, to have a 50% chance of winning $2 (losing $18).
so this is really a bravery test
Yeah. When you bet high amounts you have an extremely low chance of making money (losing = nerfing your ability to place future bets). But you want to bet high enough that you will actually get to play the game.
> you want to bet high enough that you will actually get to play the game
actually, as a bot, if you are at a high enough position already, you might want to "keep safe" until the other bots catch up, so you bid just $1
or even $0
I'm talking more about the case where there isn't a runaway winner already.
hm, what happens if two bids are tying? I feel like that's possible, two bots bidding at the same tick
I wonder if I could use a Vickrey auction... just to make the auctioning process easier. A Vickrey auction is when everyone submits a sealed bid, and the winner pays the price of the second-highest bid.
doesn't resolve the tying bids issue
Regardless, there is still the question of resolving ties. There will definitely be ties, resolving them randomly is probably the only way to go.
Is King of the Hill KotH, KOtH, KoTH, KH, KOH, or KTH?
I always write KOTH but most people write KotH.
@PhiNotPi I see
@EriktheOutgolfer Oh
you can see a few usage samples over there, but the exact capitalization isn't really a strict matter
I think it's KotH
@PhiNotPi hm... so a game might not be able to be reproduced exactly
Articles, F.A.N.B.O.Y.S. (coordinating conjunctions), and prepositions aren't capitalized
It can if a random seed is used... it's pretty normal for there to be some element of randomness. I'd be wanting to run a bunch of games anyways.
And I normally don't see lowercase words in acronyms
@PhiNotPi make sure to print (and accept as input) the seed then ;)
Therefore, King of the Hill should be abbreviated as K.H.
Speaking of running a bunch of games... there's the question of long each game should be and how the results should be merged.
I guess the game ends when everyone except one bot is at $0?
There's no way to ever force anyone to lose money.
then when does the game end?
I think the winner should be the bot with the most money
At a fixed number of iterations
I'm talking about the end condition, not the winner here... a "fixed number of iterations" might restrict some approaches, but it doesn't sound terribly bad
@EriktheOutgolfer But the fixed number of iterations is completely arbitrary
if there is one
When it comes to determining the overall tournament winner, I could either (1) average the finishing place of the bot across the many games, or (2) average the bot's ending cash across the many games.
or add up the finishing places, and the lowest (or highest, depends on how the winning places are ordered) sum wins (no need to average, as the order will be the same as summing up)
I'm thinking (1) because it will do things like encourage losing bots to take bigger risks and encourage rich bots to "play it safe" and not bet much during the final rounds.
wait, do the bots know about the previous rounds?
@PhiNotPi I see
that's not usually how KotHs work...
I'm referring to "rounds within a game"
theoretically, a $5 bot can win over a $3T bot in one turn
so yeah, it does make sense to play only one game
The $5 bot will probably not win in an auction against a $3T bot.
if the $3T one bids $2 and the $5 one bids $4 and n = 100, well... :P (yeah, too rare)
Q: Delete a node in the link list

Sana Abida Abida AminI am doing my assignment where I was asked to create a menu driven dictionary in which a user can enter or remove the word. I have created the method however, for removing method it checks for the word until it removes something. Then every time it's removing even though the element is not in the...

@flawr so am I lol
good thing I have thomas ward approved™ lazers
1) they're "borg implants", not "lazers" 2) he removed them... :P
If I come across a question that is literally impossible to answer, what should I do?
Q: MacGyver's Second Toolbox

Sriotchilism O'ZaicIn this question each answer will get a "toolbox" that can be used to construct a program/function. The toolbox will consist of two things: a list of programming languages a list of valid characters You must write a valid program/function in one of the languages provided using only the chara...

I explained why it's unanswerable in a comment a few months ago
Q: Is a proof of impossibility allowed as an answer?

Stephen LeppikI was thinking of a proof of impossibility for a long-running unanswered question on this site. By a proof of impossibility, what I mean is a proof that no possible answer can solve the challenge. When I polled chat for other interested fellows, one response was this: unfortunately, I don't t...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiAn Auction in St. Petersburg king-of-the-hill Setup Mysterious packages are up for auction today. These boxes are unique in that their values are not known until they are opened, and when they are opened, their values follow a unique distribution: probability value 0.5 $2 0.2...

@Mego Does that apply even to questions that had several valid answers but managed to end up in a provably unanswerable state
@pppery I would think so. If a challenge can't be answered, then it's acceptable for an answer to be posted that proves impossibility. Then it can be locked with the wiki answer lock, so no more answers can be posted.
A: MacGyver's Second Toolbox

ppperyThis is impossible Going through all of the languages in the langbox: The tcl programming language consists of words separated by spaces. The space character is not in the toolbox, so no valid programs can be written. Str programs by default transform input. In order for them to do anything wh...

OK, I posted a "this is impossible" answer
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Pikachu the Purple Wizardcode-golfmath Challenge You will be given an input represented by x, which is a string containing at least 3 characters. It will consist only of the standard numeric characters, 0 through 9. Your job is to find how many right triangles can be formed with the given numbers. Rules Numbers must...

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