@MilkyWay90 I don't have the rep to comment, but in actual BCT, the 10 and 11 commands are two characters long
it wouldn't surprise me if this modified version is sub-TC, although I'm not sure; it might be possible to use some sort of multi-stage process for programming in it
blame SE for putting the permissions in the wrong order; I decided to stay below 15=upvote, as it's too easy to upvote by mistake and accidentally get badges for it
and I'm trying to avoid badges because they're permanent marks on an account you can't get rid of, and that makes me uncomfortable
I completely reset the settings on my browser-with-JS-enabled every now and then, so using userscripts here is awkward
the other reason to not vote, btw, is that I have a deleted account which made a huge number of votes, and I don't want to accidentally vote twice on the same post (which would be fairly easy given that there's no record remaining of where the original votes were)
Can we expand the definition of pristine-programming to include any sort of code modification? Basically, such that for a question defined set of possible modifications, the original program must work correctly, but all subprograms will error.
Write a program that takes two integers in the range \$0\$ to \$255\$ inclusive, and returns whether the binary forms of the numbers are exactly one bit different.
For example, \$1\$ and \$0\$ have binary forms 00000001 and 00000000, which are one bit apart. Similarly, \$152\$ and \$24\$ are 01...
Rando Expo Stringo Combo
Essentially, let's sandbox a sensible version of the 'to string or not to string' kerfuffle, with added formulae.
Le challenge
Given an input of characters (or whatever), return a string (or whatever) constructed of a random combination of a subset of the characters in...
Compute the order of a Rubik's Cube cycle without trivially counting them
See: Compute the order of a Rubik's Cube cycle without trivially counting them
I asked this question here the other day and it was closed as being a duplicate of another question which I had already linked in the original...