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Obviously I can just upload it to some other site, but ideally it should stay on PPCG.
well chat would work
but probably in the sandbox
Yes, where in the sandbox?
the sandbox chatroom :P
This person is not in chat.
i mean link to the chat message
Also, no. This needs to be a post, not chat.
And chat is not properly multiline.
This reply needs to be a proper post, which I can link from a comment reply.
yeah don't think we have that yet, might want to ask a mod or something if that's something we would want to have
Fine. I'll just upload it on an external site and link to that.
hackmd :P
That's far from ideal though. It should have an edit history like PPCG posts, and this way, it will not.
Okay, hackmd maybe.
But really, it should stay on PPCG. It belongs paired with the post it's replying to, and should stay that way for the forseeable future. Put it on some external site, and there's no such guarantee.
CMC: given a question title, how many ways could that question be closed (not counting duplicate)
i.e. does this title fit under "too broad", "unclear", "off-topic", "opinion-based"
"How do I improve my golf game?" could be off-topic or too broad, maybe opinion-based
meh that's actually on-topic imo (for meta at least), but yeah def fits all on main
@ASCII-only I think I sent it already, let me send it again
@MilkyWay90 btw checked with that new bruteforcer for 0-2b, 10-12b, 20-22 and 30-32b. no luck, i'd think you need a smarter method
2.9878b, 12.9051, 22.8978, 32.8904
@Riker I meant the question the meta question was about (I cannot view deleted posts yet)
@ASCII-only Did you mean the brute forcer for my programming language
@MilkyWay90 yes
@ASCII-only Oh yeah, I discovered that was terribly slow
Is the old bruteforcer
the faster one
Q: Are esolang design questions on topic?

p.s.w.gSay I'm designing a new language for golf or some other esoteric purpose, and I'd like feedback on some design concepts. I feel posting this on SO, Programmers, CS, or pretty much any other site on SE would likely just going to get down-votes or at least side-eyes. Even if not, I think I'd likely...

1 hour later…
@MilkyWay90 as in will never terminate :|
@MilkyWay90 started bruteforcer, cya in a couple of hours :P
@ASCII-only So I ended up just putting the explanation of his answer into my own answer. That seemed the best way.
But if I wanted to explain someone's answer and didn't have my own answer under that question, that clear-cut solution wouldn't exist. I'd either have to create an answer just to explain someone else's, or link to an external site.
I want to make a language with interesting theoretical properties (like termination checking, advanced type inference, etc.).... I'm jotting down ideas/references here: hackmd.io/5zN2ZccfTnKtGXWDexfDGA?view
@ASCII-only You could make the maximum seed less
as in change for i in range(1000000...) to for i in range(1000)
3 hours later…
Best of PPCG question: Which categories should be accepted this year? The top 11 seems reasonable to me, so everything up to and including "Most helpful commenter" (which is at +10, the next proposals having <6 votes). Is that ok?
Actually, we've gathered 8500 rep in bounties, so should all categories with a positive score be included?
If we go with all 14 positive score categories, we need 7000 rep so we'd still be left with 1500. However, it won't be enough to reward 2nd places as proposed by DJ.
@MilkyWay90 why would i do that...
@MilkyWay90 i removed the max seed completely
However, if we go with the top 11 (10+ votes), we've got enough rep left to award 10 300 bounties for second places or 12 250 bounties.
@Deadcode well this is why edits are a thing :P but yeah maybe the author of the answer might not react positively to it
i can offer some rep
@PhiNotPi define advanced type inference (also are existing dependently typed languages not good enough :P)
I'll post the Nominations post for Best of as soon as people decide how many categories to accept ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Q: Superpermutations

Anonymity FirstIntroduction You're a criminal tasked with stealing some secret plans from the new tech startup Dejavu. You sneak in over the back wall, but find a door that requires a pin to open it. You recognize the make of the lock and know that it takes a 5 digit pin using all numbers from 0 to 4. After ea...

@ASCII-only Yeah, I mean he seems to have reacted positively to my explanation now, but I think it's overly aggressive to make a big major edit to someone's post.
Or even a minor edit, really. I would be very hesitant about when to use this power.
And I think writing explanations for other people's code should become an official thing here. I'm thinking of making a Meta post about this.
If you want I can embed your explanation in my answer, crediting you. That would probably look cleaner than the current state of things.
Hmm, @Deadcode
@Grimy Hi :) Okay! Didn't want to do it without your permission.
Q: Hamming numbers

grokusGiven a positive integer, print that many hamming numbers, in order. Rules: input will be a positive integer such that n <= 1,000,000 execution time must be < 1 minute This is Code Golf, shortest code wins

Q: Find the largest value of power.

fR0DDYSome numbers can be represented as perfect powers of other numbers. A number x can be represented as x = base^power for some integer base and power. Given an integer x you have to find the largest value of power, such that base is also an integer. Sample Input: 9 Sample Output: 2

Huh, what a coincidence. I was just looking for Hamming number questions... when you have a hammer, you want to find a nail.
My algorithm failed to be optimal for "Is this number binary-heavy?" but Grimy's solution gave me an idea to make it better. (It still won't be optimal for that problem, but may be for another.)
@Deadcode yeah, generally it's only used to fix formatting/make a challenge clearer
@NewMainPosts oh? not inspired by standupmaths?
@Grimy Should I overwrite your explanation though, or append mine below it?
Overwriting is fine
@Grimy It feels more awkward to do this :) But I will try to make it natural
I can do it if you want
@PhiNotPi "The termination and typing guarantees will be a direct result of syntactic constraints on the language in combination with fully-automatic and decidable type/termination checkers. Minimal type annotations." - I think Idris theoretically could do this, but type inference is just too bad for performance to merit putting in Idris
@Grimy Done!
Q: Finding "sub-palindromes".

EelvexThe shortest code that finds all unique "sub-palindromes" of a string, that is: any substring with length > 1 that is a palindrome. eg.1 input: "12131331" output: "33", "121", "131", "313", "1331" eg.2 input: "3333" output: "33", "333", "3333"

2 hours later…
Q: In the function variable value not saving [lua]

Biplob SDpicapp1 = 0 function picapp(a, t, p, c) if a <= 0 and skp == 0 then toast(t) if applist:exists(Pattern(p)) then click(c) a = 1 skp = 1 end end return a end skp = 0 picapp((picapp1), "1 app not complate", "1.png", Location(2...

1 hour later…
@MilkyWay90 why have a limit on maximum seed to check anyway
@MilkyWay90 399
Q: Heart-shaped quine

MartmistsAs you may or may not know, Valentine's day is getting close. So today, my task for you is: Write a heart-shaped quine Rules: Code should look like an identifyable heart shape. It doesn't have to be perfect, but make sure it resembles a heart as close as you can Standard Quine rules apply (no...

1 hour later…
Q: Best of PPCG 2018 – Now Accepting Nominations!

Don't be a x-triple dotYou have chosen the categories for PPCG's "Best of 2018". We're going with 14 categories this year. Since all you amazing people have offered up a collective total of 8,500 rep in bounties, we can include all categories with a positive score. So here is what we'll do: I will post one community w...

@Dennis @Mego Maybe remove the "Best of … Categories" from the starboard?
O_O I just realized who this x-triple dot guy is
Can mods remove comment upvotes?
@Quintec Not the greatest nickname change we've seen on this chat, which is saying something… looks at Calvin's Hobbies
Q: Parallel accounts (Day 2)

Luis felipe De jesus MunozChallenge Taken with permission from my University Code Challenge Contest After finishing her studies a couple of months ago, Marie opened a bank account to start receiving the payment of her first job in town. Since then she has been performing a few transactions on it. Her first payment was ...

CMC: Given a string consisting of slashes and backslashes, make them into a Unicode staircase. E.g. "//\/" gives:
Wouldn't step on that
@Fatalize Your user picture is what it ends up looking like when stepped upon.
@Adám Awfully lazy Pyth solution, 22 bytes
Pyth, 22 20 bytes: j_.e+*dy/k2b.iQm"┌─┘
Anybody able to find a 0-byte solution?
@EriktheOutgolfer Sorry for the late reply: Input rules changed for the python interpreter a bit..
It's now like the left handside, so 5A + 3B
Or as two separate args: 5A and 3B: TIO
@ASCII-only Where does it depend on sort order? I try not to sort any rules which have I/O :S
I'm solving xchg rax,rax's puzzles by hand with only the manual. I think i've gone insane
@BMO Updated the readme
This morning when I drove to work, it was -22 C out :|
+32 here at the moment, and it's been raining all week too
By the way, @mods can the nominations post be featured instead of the call for categories, please?
@Don'tbeax-tripledot Featured where?
@Don'tbeax-tripledot Ah, I see. Does that tag have any effect? It says
> A question with this tag can be seen on the main site in a special sidebar in the questions list and when viewing individual questions.
but I don't see the call for categories in any of those places.
Are you on mobile or desktop?
@DJMcMayhem Desktop (FFQ/W10)
It's just a bug then. For some reason, the sidebar has always been really bad about updating the featured posts. It should be right where the sandbox shows up
It looks the same for me. Like I said, it's a bug
Jan 30 at 20:24, by DJMcMayhem
That's what you get for deciding to live in Antarctica
@Adám Not without deleting the comment
Q: Optimised way to compute dot products of a single vector with row vectors stored in an array

Can Hicabi TartanogluThe most efficient method to compute dot products of a single vector with row vectors stored in an array. [2, 4, 1] <dot> [[5, 3, 2], [3, 3, 5], ..., [2, 2, 1]] Result: [[2, 4, 1] <dot> [5, 3, 2], [2, 4, 1] <dot> [3, 3, 5], ..., [2, 2, 1] <dot> [2, 4, 1]] I mostly want to see how it could ...

@NewMainPosts What is the result with inputs [2, 4, 1] and [[5, 3, 2], [3, 3, 5], [2, 2, 1]]? Is it [24, 23, 13]?
@AdmBorkBork Yep
2 hours later…
@Adám tryapl.org, 0 bytes
@lirtosiast Bingo!
@BMO you can golf 0C+0_ to _ and remove +C... :P (yeah, including the +0_ part makes it not work)
@Adám not sure if what you're probably thinking about really counts as 0 bytes...
@EriktheOutgolfer Why?
@Adám well, not entirely sure if I can omit the ]box on -trains=tree
(except of the online interpreter, of course)
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't think you can. The correct answer is as stated by lirtosiast.
@Adám oh, so you really thought of tryapl.org... :P
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes, indeed. Input by input-field is valid, so is output in graphical window, and tryapl.org is clearly a capable enough (albeit quite limited) programming language (as defined by its implementation).
@Adám didn't we abolish the requirement that a language must be a "programming language" by our definition anyway?
@EriktheOutgolfer Only for KC, I think.
@Adám hm, I think that the rule was in effect for non-KC challenges in the distant past, but we've practically reached consensus that the rule doesn't apply at all anymore... let me check
Q: Do submissions have to be answered with a programming language?

Nathan MerrillWe've got various answers strewn across meta that tell different stories: On the standard loopholes, we disallow answers that aren't programming languages. This appears to be the most definitive answer of the lot. It has a vote count of 16/-8. However, on a question that asks "Should answers ...

@Adám the loophole is +7, the abolition is +21, while the other answer supporting the rule is at -10
@EriktheOutgolfer OK, then it is definitely valid.
@Adám didn't question that lol
@Adám i don't know whether I'd count it as valid as TryAPL.org cuts out lines of output at just 10 lines
@dzaima sounds like a machine limitation (although intentional) to me, since it theoretically works
@EriktheOutgolfer I don't think 10 is a big enough number to be a machine limitation
well, it's surely an arbitrary number in the server, but, from what we can see, the language just has an output limitation, and the solution theoretically works (even though there's no code)
Man, coming up with new challenges is difficult. A few that I've just thought of would be closed as duplicates of challenges from 3+ years ago.
hence why we encourage upvoting good challenges...
Yep hapoened to me
maybe we got bored of it?
it's not like anything has actually ended regarding that
@AdmBorkBork My deadline-less bounties have the side effect of bringing up old challenges, that then receive a lot of new answers.
@dzaima Not always:
CMC: shortest APL expression causing tryapl.org to produce more than 25 lines of output.
I think that qualifies?
> [...16 lines of output ...]
this is the suppression we're referring to
OIC ... I just did 25 and copied/pasted here
that's what I get for not testing
I have 26 0⍴0 so far
502 Bad Gateway
I broke tryapl :-/
Yah, I get no output
26 empty lines
Oh, lol
26 1⍴0 puts zeroes in the lines
@EriktheOutgolfer Not for me.
@Adám well, yeah, it does suffer from a restriction... :P
@AdmBorkBork Hm, do you know what you did to cause that?
@EriktheOutgolfer Right, but how do you overcome that?
@Adám obviously, my 26 0⍴0 version still works :P (strange, I thought that the 1 version worked too)
this works...
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, now that you did that, I realised what I did wrong. I didn't think of that. What I had in mind what something more like:
Yes, it can be done.
@Adám this surely doesn't look like it can be done in less than 7 bytes...
@EriktheOutgolfer No, you did win with the empty lines. I hadn't thought of those.
CMC: shortest APL expression causing tryapl.org to produce more than 25 non-empty lines of output.
3 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
this works...
@EriktheOutgolfer That's 25. I said more than.
@Adám well, in that case... hm
@EriktheOutgolfer Let me know if you want help.
Anyone know a fancy math term for a number that's the product of distinct prime numbers
E.g. 30 (2×3×5) but not 18 (2x3x3)
@Adám ]help ⌺
@EriktheOutgolfer That was what I intended to give you as a hint. Now find an APL expression which does the same.
@Adám without using the nonexistent ⎕SE? :P
@EriktheOutgolfer I didn't mean to call ⎕SE.UCMD, I meant use the same trick as ]help uses to bypass the restriction.
It is a little Easter egg I built into TryAPL.
Q: Indexing the Extended Fibonacci Numbers

DJMcMayhemYou've probably heard of Fibonacci numbers. Ya know, that integer sequence that starts with 1, 1, and then each new number is the sum of the last two? 1 1 2 3 5 8 13... And so on. Challenges about Fibonacci numbers are pretty popular 'round here. But who says that the Fibonacci numbers have to...

@NewMainPosts My first challenge in like 6 months...
@Adám hm... can't seem to find it...
@EriktheOutgolfer There are no real tricks involved. The output handler simply looks at the output, and if it fulfils a certain criterion, then it is allowed to span as many lines as it wants to. Just look carefully at the ]help outputs and do some experimentation…
@Adám yeah, isn't working...
@EriktheOutgolfer Nope, that isn't it, but keep going.
@Adám that was my 1st though, but either copy-pasting the output still collapsed it :|
@dzaima How did you copy-paste multiple lines?
ooh got it
@EriktheOutgolfer so you see ^ it is for real!
@Adám hm, depends on whether @dzaima actually tried it
@EriktheOutgolfer @dzaima could post a screenshot of the result with the expression scrolled away. Can of course be faked, but still.
@Adám it's not that I don't believe you either way...
no 1 at the top? hm...
@EriktheOutgolfer That's just padding.
@EriktheOutgolfer no, it's just off-screen
@dzaima Yes, that's it. I can see on that screenshot that you actually found it and didn't fake it.
@Adám just wanted to make sure :P
@Adám meh, no more mood for that
I guess it shall remain a secret. Afaik, only three people in the world know about it.
@Pavel square-free
I'm guessing that the reason 26 0⍴⍬ works is because of the same easter egg?
but those are empty lines
@dzaima Yes, unintentionally. You can guess the logic.
@MilkyWay90 260
@BMO where? check my add two numbers comment. oh also check this out, i linked some things i worked on there
Q: errors in c++ complex library

XiaotaoWhen compiling a c++ code on my macOS high Sierra and Mojave, I got a lot of errors relating to the c++ complex library. Does anyone have any ideas on why is this happening? Appreciated very much. BTW, I have tried many version of different compilers, including gcc, gcc-6, g++-5 to g++-8. The err...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BeefsterForward-Reverse Even-Odd Quine code-golf quine Write a program that takes a single integer as input. If the number is even, output the source code. If the number is odd, output the source code in reverse. Happy golfing! Shortest code wins!

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