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Welp gtg nvm
Whew, safe for now. Adios
@flawr what's with all the votes? that's just a fact :p
Q: Make a longer lenguage program

TRITICIMAGVSLenguage is a brainfuck dialect that is notorious for breaking source restriction challenges. That is because Lenguage cares only about the length of it's source and not the contents. First, the length of the program is calculated. Then, said length is converted to binary and left-padded by zer...

3 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tshOne more quine quine code-golf Write a non-empty program (full or function). The program output its source 2 times. And when you repeat its source n times, the connected program output (n+1) times original source code. Example For example, your program is abc123 Then, your program should ...

My quest for a reliable way to buy online services continues.
Paypal was hating on my identification documents so I had to give up on them even though I did get someone to send money.
The only thing I found so far is trading Amazon gift cards but it's pretty crap.
It was less than 50% of the official Bitcoin exchange rate and also the transaction is manually processed so it's slow.
1 hour later…
@BMO oh yeah, one important thing: input/output order should not depend on sort order, but if that's intentional i'm not going to touch it
Q: This ain't it Chief

JLynchDesignsThis is mostly for the memes. I regret existing. Rules No using any of the letters from the phrase "This ain't it Chief." Print "This ain't it Chief." in that exact format Both ' and . can be used No input Use JSFiddle, CodePen, etc. to prove your code works (or a screenshot if needed?) Ans...

@Mego Standard policy on builtins?
@lirtosiast Yep - use them if you want, but solutions without builtins are encouraged
@lirtosiast I usually post the shortest as the code golf entry and a longer one as addendum in a single post, if the longer seems more interesting to me
@Bubbler That's what most people do, in my experience
Thinking of that, I really like this one
and this
Q: Covering a Skyline with brush strokes

user3708963I have come across the following problem in an interview prep collection, but I have no idea where to start or how. Any ideas would be of great help. Thanks.

4 hours later…
@Poke Do you have more information?
@NewMainPosts Would it be ok to rewrite that into a proper code golf? OP is unlikely to ever return here, but if they do, they may see some unearned rep. Would it better to make a new post? How about rights?
1 hour later…
any Haskell experts online rn?
1 hour later…
@Adám It'd be absolutely fine, I think; as the OP has deleted the question it should probably be posted as a new one though.
Q: Find the needle in the haystack

AdmBorkBorkGiven a rectangular haystack of size at least 2x2 composed of all the same printable ASCII characters, output the location (counting from the top-left) of the needle which is a different character. For example, if the following haystack is input: ##### ###N# ##### ##### The output should be 3...

@wizzwizz4 Looking at some more data it looks like I don't actually care about http1.0 traffic (hooray). That being said I'm still noticing some responses that are http1.1 with Content-Endcoding: gzip that do not have a Content-Length header but still manage to not be Connection: close.
Also worth noting that there's a Transfer-Encoding: chunked
afaik in this scenario the server should be sending Connection: close otherwise the client will have no idea when the last chunk has been sent
@Poke Which server?
I control both the server and client in these scenarios but I'm using frameworks which should be doing the right bits
so just questioning odd behavior
Doesn't a gzip stream contain termination information within it?
let me check on that
hmm... after the compressed data there is a CRC and input size which have known sizes
And iirc the stream is read backwards(?) I don't know much about gzip.
well i'll keep reading about this but assuming that's all true, then I guess this behavior is fine
(means less work for me anyway)
time to actually read the rfc
Which one? There are three.
XYZ0, XYZ1 or XYZ2?
(I think you want XYZ1.)
I just happened to open tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1952
according to the wikipedia, 1950 is zlib stream format, 1951 is deflate, and 1952 is gzip
in case you were curious
@Poke Oh, ok. I thought HTTP used DEFLATE.
Erm… I mean, yes I am an expert yes yes yes.
both can be used from what i remember
Well I've been getting pulled in about 12 different directions this morning but I haven't gleaned that there's a compressed block count or termination block or something like that from this rfc
i suspect i'll need to read 1951 since gzip seems to be deflate with some extra header info
Hi all, I've got a question about allowed input and output formats when using Python / NumPy. (Task: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/179351/64514). Is it allowed to assume the input is a NumPy array of characters, i.e "np.array(['#', '#',...])" or would I have to do the "np.array()" call inside my function? And same question but for output: is a np.array containing the result allowed or do I have to convert to standard types? Thanks!
@hbaderts I think that would be allowed. For example, we have various challenges that allow input as a [datetime] object, so I don't see why that would be any different here.
Okay great, thanks a lot. I'll post the answer and see if anybody objects.
Q: Plight of the Concorde

A. RexBackground The traveling salesman problem (TSP) asks for the shortest circuit that visits a given collection of cities. For the purposes of this question, the cities will be points in the plane and the distances between them will be the usual Euclidean distances (rounded to the nearest integer)...

Q: Countries by Area

mdahmouneChallenge Given two non negative integers a < b, output all countries, from the below Top 100 Countries, where area is between a and b: a<= area <= b. Example 147500,180000 --> uruguay, suriname, tunisia, bangladesh 1100000,1300000 --> peru, chad, niger, angola, mali, south africa 1234567,1...

1 hour later…
Q: Minimum-cost flow problem

MegoA flow network is a directed graph G = (V, E) with a source vertex s ϵ V and a sink vertex t ϵ V, and where every edge (u, v) ϵ E on the graph (connecting nodes u ϵ V and v ϵ V) has 2 quantities associated with it: c(u, v) >= 0, the capacity of the edge a(u, v) >= 0, the cost of sending one uni...

A: List of bounties with no deadline

lirtosiast500 rep for a ridiculously huge number There are currently no valid answers to Golf a number bigger than Loader's number. This bounty will be awarded to the valid first answer that either Is under 256 bytes, or Outputs a number significantly larger than Loader's number (i.e. larger than any si...

Q: Generate the k-ary necklaces of length n

PyRulezThe set of necklaces is the set of strings, where two strings are considered to be the same necklace if you can rotate one into the other. Your program will take numbers k and n, and generate a list of the k-ary (fixed) necklaces of length n. Necklaces will be represented by any representative s...

2 hours later…
Given n, what lambda would create g(x)=f(f(f(x))) n times?
What language?
Never mind; solved it.
lambda n:lambda x:(lambda f:f(f))(lambda s,n=n:f(s(s,n-1))if n else x)
That's a lotta lambda. Must be Greekda
I think the parenthesis in front of if should be moved to after x to avoid an off-by-one error, but I'm not really going to bother to check.
@NewMainPosts hm... that doesn't seem to be a programming challenge per se...
@EriktheOutgolfer It's a programming puzzle where the goal is not to produce a program.
more like an AZsPCs puzzle
not sure if that's off-topic though
I've actually never seen a good one posted here before.
there are a few s, that's why I'm unsure
although I don't get why the tag was included in there
or for that purpose
Restricted I can see, the goal is to take 5 minutes
but that's not what the tag means
You cannot submit something that takes less than 5 minutes, how is the time not restricted?
> For challenges with a restriction on the amount of time a submission is allowed to use.
the submission isn't a program to begin with, so it can't take time
would mean that your program (the one that generates the TSP instance) can only take a certain amount of time to run
Oh yeah, and that ^^
Seems pedantic but no skin off my teeth
not at all pedantic, the time restriction of that challenge is completely different from the restriction the tag implies
That's only because the norm is the inverse which is why there's an implication in the first place
the implication is literally in the tag's description
> a restriction on the amount of time a submission is allowed to use
the tag was made because a now deleted user liked the idea
So you generate and submit a data set which is then ran through Concord, the time of which cannot be less than 5 minutes. Sounds like a restricted submission to me. Oh wait, clearly only code can be submitted, my mistake.
the last sentence is false, your submission isn't code
> What is the smallest TSP instance you can generate that takes Concorde more than five minutes to solve?
I know, which is why I called it a data set. I meant only that tag can take code evidentally
uh... what?
You're arguing the tag isn't relevant. The tag only says Submissions have to run in a certain time, key word being submission. The data set must run for 5 minutes, which is what you're submitting (by golly, it's a submission). Why is that not applicable?
Must it be code because everything else tagged is code because 99% of the challenges here are code?
it's a bit of a meaningless distinction in this case, because you could consider the coordinates to be "code" and Concorde to be the "interpreter"
nice constant-output programs you can make in that language... :P

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