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seems to be 12 in Charcoal
only 1 answer?
It's probably print(string) in most practical languages.
Or some minor variation to triplicate one of the lines.
@AdmBorkBork I endorse this message
f" {'_'*9}\n{f'|{' '*9}|\n'*3}{f'|{'_'*9}|'}"
String interpolation hell right there
A: List of bounties with no deadline

lirtosiast200 rep for a low-entropy maximal discrepancy-2 sequence Compress a maximal discrepancy-2 sequence is about compressing a particular discrepancy-2 sequence. Maximal discrepancy-2 sequence with minimal entropy is about finding a maximal discrepancy-2 sequence that's easier to compress. This bou...

1 hour later…
damn wrong paste
@dkudriavtsev oh hey you are back
> Formerly Dmitry Kudriavtsev, wat, Check Out Tomato, Mendeleev, MendeleevLemon, Alt-F4, Down Wat.
How'd Tomato go
it hasn't had a commit for over a year
i need to finish that sometime, it's a fairly simple language
2 hours later…
hey did somebody invite me to this chat? any reason why?
You're a cool guy with cool opinions?
yeah but I'm like in here semi-often and I know I'd been here in hte last 2 weeks
6 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

maxbPrime containment numbers The \$n\$th prime containment number is the lowest number which contains the first \$n\$ prime numbers as substrings. For example, the number \$235\$ is the lowest number which contains the first 3 primes as substrings, making it the 3rd prime containment number. It i...

Is it just me, or does it feel like there have been a lot of fun challenges in the last two days?
@El'endiaStarman I tried to answer this question using this query on TNBDE, but it throws an error (that doesn't seem to come from the SQL), do you have any idea what is happening?
@Riker I'm sure someone did:)
I couldn't ping you and I recently discovered that feature, but didn't know it was anonymous.
@maxb what have been your favorites?
@Anush Number in number squared and Self contained powers I'd say, but I'm a bit biased since I only code in MathGolf nowadays.
I am hoping to write a challenge about reading images of integrals soon
which will be mathgolfey
ugh, Windows rebooted without warning to install updates again...
@Neil use linux
a) technically, not my pc b) for one project, need to be able to compile app on all three major desktop platforms anyway
@Neil I have recently started turning my windows machine off during the nights (electricity isn't included in the rent anymore) and the worst thing is when Windows doesn't update even though you turn it off and then on again later, but you have to click "Update and reboot"
that's probably because you're actually hibernating it
@Neil No I click "Turn off computer" (or whatever the correct option is, my system language isn't English)
yes, but Microsoft changed that to hibernate by default
@Neil Though I'm running Windows 8.1, so I'm probably the one to blame.
@Neil Oh, that could explain the behavior
yeah, starting with windows 8, microsoft added "fast boot" (renamed to "fast startup" in windows 10)
it logs you out, but then just hibernates instead of shutting down
weird, the rep indicator says I got 101 rep recently, but no indication as to why I would have anything that wasn't a multiple of 10
@Neil No accepted answers, or upvoted comments?
@maxb Comments don't get rep.
@Neil On which site?
@Adám There goes my plan of beating Dennis in overall rep...
@Adám the rep indicator includes all sites, afaik, but in practice I only get rep here and on main
but the only rep in the popup is for accepted answers
@Neil Seems like an off-by-one error, as your actual rep time-lines don't have anything non-10 in the last couple of days.
@Neil I recommend getting the pro versions of windows, they grant you a lot more options
The Windows fake reboot is one of the stupidest ideas I have seen
Q: sed to PCRE with fewest possible characters

guettliI want to list all systemd services which start with ntp. This would be a valid solution: systemctl list-units -t service --full --all --plain --no-legend | sed -nre 's/^(ntp[^ ]*).*/\1/p' ntpd.service ntpdate.service But in my real use case I need to support PCRE instead of starts with...

@Neil does it say where you got the rep? I just thought of the 100 rep bonus that you get when creating an account on a new SE site (once you're a trusted user), with the initial 1 rep that you also have on any site, which would result in exactly 101 rep.
struggling to compile unison statically!
@maxb I thought about that too, but Neil hasn't t joined any community for almost 2 years.
@flawr It, uh, worked immediately for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe you were seeing the query timeout?
morning/afternoon folks
@Skidsdev Hi.
@Anush Sounds like some boring work with OCR library...
@El'endiaStarman crap, that was the wrong link!
@El'endiaStarman I tried this query
@flawr Nice hat.
@AdmBorkBork Thanks!
It's important to stay warm at this time of the year.
It is hand made!
Warm and festive.
@flawr I hadn't noticed before, but is your avatar a snake or some kind of monitor lizard?
Both do need to stay warm
@flawr Yep, when I run it, I get what's effectively a timeout. If you see server closed the connection unexpectedly, that means your query is doing too much work.
Ah, thanks for elaborating!
I proposed this challenge earlier today in the sandbox. I have never heard of the sequence proposed before, and I haven't been able to find any information about something similar in OEIS. Has anyone else heard of a similar sequence, where a(n) is defined as the lowest number which contains the first n primes as substrings.
@El'endiaStarman Do you have any suggestion on making this more digestable for the server? I have an idea.
@maxb seems like a lapse if it's not on OEIS, it doesn't look very obscure to think of.
On the other hand I don't think it is really that relevant for OEIS as it is dependent on the base.
(I know that there are many more similar sequences, but I doubt that they have a lot of relevance in math.)
@El'endiaStarman nope my idea didn't work, even if both queries are about limited to one month =/
@flawr I don't think you need to nest those queries anyway. Any reason just one SELECT DISTINCT doesn't work?
@El'endiaStarman I don't know how you'd do that? (The goal is finding the user from within the last month that wrote the earliest message in the history of TNB)
@flawr Oooh, interesting. I have to head out now but I think it's possible to do it without DISTINCT. I can take a stab at it later if you haven't figured it out by then.
@El'endiaStarman I'm gonna give it a try, thanks for the input!
@maxb I have some ideas to solve the problem efficiently, although it's unrelated to the challenge.
And because most solutions are going to brute force, about 10 tests sd be sufficient.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BMOPumping quine radix Tags: code-challenge, base-conversion, quine Some of you might remember the Pumping Lemma for various languages, inspired (you don't need to know them for this challenge) by these I propose the following challenge: choose some basis \$B \geq 2\$ write a program/function ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenCiphers @Sandbox: I have loads of different ciphers stored in a document I once compiled as a kid, I picked a few of the ones I thought were best suitable for challenges (not too trivial, and not too hard) and added them below. Not sure yet whether I'll post all of them, or only a few. Any feedb...

@user202729 If I post a fastest-code version, you might be in luck. I tried to make my program a bit better by checking permutations of primes and removing digits, and it ran quite a bit faster.
uh why does chrome think java 12 is malicious
@dzaima java... 12?
Anything not known to be safe is dangerous?
@user202729 usually it gives a warning about it not being safe, but in this case i had to explicitly go to the downloads page and click trough a scary "Even if you have downloaded files from this site before, the site might be temporarily unsafe (hacked)."
@dzaima google wants you to use golang instead as part of their master plan to take over the world
@user202729 Or.. really interesting and challenging work :)
@El'endiaStarman I think it doesn't need DISTINCT at all, but I though it whould speed things up a little bit. Dropping them doesn't seem to help either.
CMC: Implement A(x), where A(x) = x - sum of the squares of x's digits. Examples: A(10) = 9, A(950) = 844
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenCiphers @Sandbox: I have loads of different ciphers stored in a document I once compiled as a kid, I picked a few of the ones I thought were best suitable for challenges (not too trivial, and not too hard) and added them below. Not sure yet whether I'll post all of them, or only a few. Any feedb...

lame APL, {⍵-+/×⍨⍎¨⍕⍵}
@NewSandboxedPosts Woah there
Whoa, NSP, you ok?
They're all the same post, as well No, they're not
4 messages deleted
@DJMcMayhem Wait, that was right!
@cairdcoinheringaahing #-Total[IntegerDigits[#]^2]&
@Adám but pointless
No, each one was a different challenge
Well, Kevin was certainly prolific in posting to the sandbox
I didn't realize that since the onebox was the same for each
@cairdcoinheringaahing but the oneboxes were all exactly the same, ≡ pointless
Can mods undelete a message?
Unfortunately no. :/
At least, not that I know of
@cairdcoinheringaahing PowerShell, 51 bytes, takes input as a string Try it online!
@dzaima Shorter, and more interesting: ⊢-1⊥×⍨∘⍎¨∘⍕
@cairdcoinheringaahing dzaima/APL, 10 bytes, based on ^
@Adám lol I was literally about to post this
Granted, I was having trouble because I forgot the after the
Q: C++ Program that involves pointers

James PeñafielWrite a program that prompts a user to input a list of at least 6 integers. After the numbers are entered, the numbers should be printed on the screen. Then, the program should prompt the user to modify the list of numbers one at a time until they decide to stop modifying (Use a while loop do ...

@NewMainPosts I like the "Note: You must use pointers --- you may not use arrays" as if there's a difference in C++
Yeah, I'd assume that the homework is asking for a dynamic array rather an array on the stack
I don't understand the "plz send teh codez" askers ... like, what are you going to do for the rest of your professional career? Ask everything on SO?
@Neil My guess would be that you downvoted an answer some time ago which was now deleted, giving you back the 1 rep it cost you back then.
Maybe the people who actually desire an tech career and the plz send teh codez askers aren't the same people?
Or they're just extremely short-sighted. Who knows.
Fair point.
@AdmBorkBork Actually, I think a significant number of professional coders do exactly that.
@AdmBorkBork as a professional coder: Yes
Really? The number of SO questions I've asked because of workplace code in my entire career probably fits on one hand
(But that's mostly because I'm afraid of SO)
Right, someone has generally already asked the SO question.
yeah I think I've maybe asked 2 SO questions myself, ever
Before I head over to SO, I'm confused about some SQL and how to properly write it such that it's not invalid.
  (SELECT i.attr FROM i)
FROM (SELECT * FROM RealTable) i
The context is some massive awful megaquery but that's the shortest example I can find where it's not working
i doesn't appear to be in scope in the inner section
@Blue Why not just SELECT i.attr FROM RealTable i?
It was part of a more complicated thing involving functions, but I worked out I didn't actually need the inner select
I like how SQL is always in-your-face with its commands. Like, OK, calm down some there, SQL.
@AdmBorkBork you mean because they're all caps?
@Blue shouldn't SELECT be followed by some attributes instead of a table?
I'm not sure, but I think SELECT (SELECT i.attr FROM i) FROM ... doesn't work
You'd need to have something like SELECT attr1,attr2 FROM ...
but now you have something like SELECT sometable FROM ...
It does work because I was using it before I added the FROM
maybe a bug, but I think it shouldn't work that way, but maybe someone with more SQL knowledge can answer this
It might be implementation dependent
I'd expect that level of abuse to be implementation-dependent
but do you agree that (SELECT i.attr FROM i) is a table, and not a list of attributes(=column names)?
That depends on the number of results
What I want (full)
  RPAD(i.ProductID||',', 2+(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(i.ProductID)) FROM i)) ||
  RPAD(i.ProductDesc||',', 2+(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(i.ProductDesc)) FROM i)) ||
  '£'||i.TotalValueSold padded
      'ProductID' as ProductID,
      'ProductDesc' as ProductDesc,
      'TotalValueSold' as TotalValueSold from table(sys.odcivarchar2list(1))
    FROM ProductInfoFinancial
  ) i
GROUP BY i.ProductID, i.PRODUCTDESC, i.TotalValueSold
But SELECT MAX(LENGTH(i.ProductID)) FROM i doesn't see i as a valid table
@flawr sorry, I have pro, and I have set it to warn before rebooting to install updates, and sometimes it warns me, but usually it doesn't
@Laikoni ooh, nice thinking!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Charcoal, 10 bytes: I⁻NΣEθXIι²
@Neil hm strange
not really strange... stuff doesn't work all that well in Windows 10 nowadays
yep, unfortunately I'm too much of a creature of habit
/me searches, clicks through up to the fifth page, adjusts search criteria, clicks through up to the fifth page, repeats .... le sigh
(1,3) days 'till hat season.
QUestion: is there a spike of activity during hat season?
,(select top 1 max(len(z.caption)) as wubble from NodesData as z group by len(z.caption) order by wubble desc) as wubz

I tinkered using the DB I have access to but this seemed to work. Disregard the dumb names
For reference, this is what I got for 5 records. Size is length(caption), wubz is the line above
size wubz
39 39
35 39
34 39
32 39
32 39
1 hour later…
@Veskah I tried to do away with the select but then the order by got in the way - I've solved it now in a hacky way
@Blue I mean, my way was pretty hacky too (I think. Not sure how shite it is in the grand scheme of things)
I don't like really long queries now :P
Just gotta use like 8 stored procedures
I've not used any yet

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