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My friend paid my other friend 30 USD to do a project for him, I told him I would do it for 25 and landed the contract
I also sold the school staff wifi password for 5 dollars, but obviously I only had one sell
It was that phase where I would do anything for money
@Quintec Adulthood?
@Mego Fair enough... I would clarify that to say anything illegal, but I worry you would have the same response... :P
@flawr I sold people tickets for a school raffle and "forgot" to give the money and tickets to the school. Basically, I scammed people at the local cafe for about 20 bucks
@Quintec My lawyer has advised me not to repeat my joke
Must be a large amount of illegal activity to be rich enough to have a lawyer on call
@Quintec My lawyer has also advised me not to comment on this :P
@Mego How about a small amount of a million dollars for me to go silent about this ;)
How do I retract a reopen vote?
cast a close vote afterwards
@JoKing I think clicking the reopen button again will do it
That shows a popup for Nominate this question for reopening?
@JoKing then isn't it already retracted? hmm
@ASCII-only But hovering tells me I've already nominated it for reopening...
guessing you've already refreshed multiple times
@JoKing link to the question?
the question in question
Q: Number and decimal to array without strings

guest271314Write a function that takes input as an integer, or decimal number and outputs an array containing the integer or if a decimal number includes the last integer and decimal separator portion of input set as a single element with remaining integer and decimal portions of input set as adjacent eleme...

I'm getting really confused while trying to ask about the rules of the question. i.e. What the hell does this mean?
i mean, we can always reopen and immediately reclose
@JoKing you can take the ten downvotes to be other users confirming the question is bad/confusing
GolfGlyphStringFunction is a new one to me
I think he is trying to forbid golfing language builtins
I think it's more golfing string builtins...
It's just amusing the way he put it
in Discussion on question by guest271314: Number and decimal to array without strings, 2 hours ago, by guest271314
@Adám Am not concerned with "down" votes. Am trying to break down an integer or decimal number into into lowest integral parts, with the fractional part preserved at that place in the output array - without using string methods. If you have further suggestions, kindly post them here and will edit the question.
why not just put a 10 where the decimal is
this guy is disqualifying the majority of statically typed languages
How do I quote something?
@JoKing arrow on the left - right click and copy link
or, click -> right click "permalink" and copy link :P
in Discussion between Jo King and guest271314, 14 hours ago, by guest271314
@JoKing In fact: Needs more "downvote". If only to demonstrate how the "community" you refer to expresses itself. Would prefer an answer to the question. That is not presumably forthcoming
@Quintec the > markdown quote needs a space after it
> Oh ok
This user has consistently been causing problems complaining about "the community"
in Discussion between Jo King and guest271314, 15 mins ago, by guest271314
@JoKing While we are "expanding" and "collapsing" "time" in constant time, we want to graph each decimal digits to formulate logic; machine learning, if you will.
my brain is dying. help
in Discussion between Jo King and guest271314, 13 mins ago, by Jo King
But it doesn't explain anything, you've just pulled out random words and put quotes around them
read that :P my brain is just dying trying to figure out how it's humanly possible to come up with that sentence
omg, I think he's trying to tie this challenge back to the previous closed challenges he's done
they sound like a markov chain bot :|
@JoKing wait what? link pls
in Discussion between Jo King and guest271314, 1 min ago, by guest271314
@JoKing If we start a timer at a 123 we will eventually get to 321at b. If we have x total solutions we know are in that range, we can change the frequency of the timer, multiplied by several variables, in parallel, to "find" all solutions in constant time, without comparisions. We have several variables; we are charting a fuzzy logic map where we can use decimals to get "close" to the actual solution. The closest that can compare to is compound interest with additions
Maybe? the 123 to 321 certainly sounds familiar
in Discussion between Jo King and guest271314, 1 min ago, by guest271314
@JoKing The rule is either. The language is clear: "or"
Yeah my brain is dead
The challenge is completely screwed and unrecoverable by now, but still... I'm consumed by the need to know what could have been. Or at least getting my quota of internet arguing for the day
Gotta love internet arguing
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámSplit and recombine a number This code-golf challenge has two related parts. Your task is to write two functions/programs as per the below specifications. You may share code across your submissions, the submissions may call one another, and you may even submit a single submission which handles b...

Looks like someone else should rewrite the question from scratch
though the "Do X without Y" part is still... uncomfortable?
@Bubbler Just what I posted?
@Quintec Exactly.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerIs this quadrilateral tangential? code-golf geometry decision-problem math Related: Is this quadrilateral cyclic? Background A tangential quadrilateral is a quadrilateral which has an incircle: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/images/eps-gif/TangentialQuadrilateral_1000.gif Examples include any ...

2 hours later…
I discovered Manjaro Linux today. It's based on Arch in that you get access to the AUR, get a rolling release, and the latest version of everything, but not like Arch in that it comes with a DE and drivers preinstalled.
This is like the most perfect thing
Q: Splitting The Bill

Vedant KandoiTask Given the names, the amount they had to pay n and the amount they actually paidk, find out who owes whom how much. Rules Input and output can be in any convenient format. n>0 and k>=0 and both will be integers. There will be at least 2 inputs. Names can be a string of any length, will ...

@Neil oh yeah have you seen the 65 byte tribute to stan lee i posted
@Pavel you just discovered that
took a while :P how long have you had arch installed
I'll probably wait until the holidays to try it since I'll need to be sure I have a usable system until then
@ASCII-only I use Fedora, actually. I've never seriously considered arch.
Mm, I do like dnf though...
I love this account
@Pavel I think Arch doesn't come with a DE?
one more
ok i lied this is the last one for real
@user202729 It doesn't even come with a display server
But Manjaro does
Ah, ok, I thought its' the reverse.
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerOctonion multiplication code-golf math complex-numbers Background Octonion is a further extension to the quaternion number system. An octonion can be written as $$ x = x_0 e_0 + x_1 e_1 + x_2 e_2 + x_3 e_3 + x_4 e_4 + x_5 e_5 + x_6 e_6 + x_7 e_7 $$ where \$ x_i \$ are real numbers and \$ e_i ...

@Neil nvm, forgot i already mentioned it before, ignore me
@EriktheOutgolfer disappointing. you no longer belong in PPCG :P
@DJMcMayhem it's 14 more than i have. unless you count the languages i worked on too, in which case... 9 more? huh, i've worked on more than i thought
1 hour later…
@ASCII-only yeah but it a) still doesn't beat Bubblegum b) wasn't an interesting golf so I didn't update my answer
1 hour later…
Q: Is this number a hill number?

u_ndefinedA hill number is a number that has the same digit in the first & the last, but that's not all. In a hill number has the first digits are strictly increasing, and the last digits are strictly decreasing. The largest digit can be repeated. Here is an example of a hill number: 12377731 | 1237... ...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lirtosiastConjugation in Real Life code-golf string In @Adám's Dyalog APL Extended, the ⍢ (under) operator means conjugation: apply one function, then a second function, then the inverse of the first. It's fun to think of real-life actions in terms of conjugation: A problem is transformed by g into ...

2 hours later…
@ASCII-only ask Conor :P
(the answer will have "less" instead of "more"...)
@dzaima When using reflect in Canvas it also transforms dots (".") to single quotes ("'"). What would be the easiest way to leave dots as is, but reflect any other character (like slashes) by default?
@KevinCruijssen which reflect?
quad-palindromize with 0 overlap
@KevinCruijssen no idea ._.
@dzaima Is it somehow possible to manually replace all quotes with dots after the reflect?
@KevinCruijssen also no idea .__.
being able to add custom reversing rules was once on my todo list
Hmm ok. So you haven't had any answer in the past where you didn't want to reflect the single quotes? Or you simply refrained from posting in those challenges due to the restriction?
this works, but not for canvas objects ಠ___ಠ
@dzaima Yeah, I saw that replace in the docs. But as you said, it unfortunately doesn't work for canvas objects :( I guess there also isn't a toString to convert the canvas object to a string, and then apply the replace?
@KevinCruijssen probably. I've also thought about having a way to mark what's user input so it could do fancy reflections while keeping portions intact but that'd be way too complicated to add on and would have to wait for canvas 2 or whatever
@KevinCruijssen Canvas automatically converts a multiline string to a canvas object, there's no concept of a multiline string in canvas
hmm how should work if the replacement is of different shape than the thing to replace
Hmm, hadn't thought about that..
also i really should've had a way to convert a canvas object to an array of lines, since the opposite is often implicit
i mean i guess even erroring is better than not having the builtin at all
Probably yeah ;) You could add a note in the docs that it only works for substrings / characters of the same length when replacing in the canvas object 'string'. If anyone tried to use a different length replace, just throw an error ;)
Ah well, in any case, it isn't possible now, so there goes my 1-byter for the challenge. ;p
ok :P
also should these be replaced. how about replacing " " with "." changing the background.. many questions
Not sure about all the edge cases. Never posted an answer in Canvas, but I've seen plenty from you. And changing the background would be a nice option I guess. :)
@dzaima oh right it kind of needs to because of empty chars in the canvas itself
@KevinCruijssen there
no idea if it works with strange origin points but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@dzaima Ah nice. :Didn't knew you went right to it to implement it less than 1.5 hour later. :D
@KevinCruijssen well i have been annoyed at that not working before but was too lazy to actually implement it :p
@ASCII-only or drag&drop the permalink :)
@flawr or drag&drop the arrow
I wasted so many clicks!!!!!!!!
@flawr thanks for the Nandgame suggestion, my work day has never been less productive.
@J.Sallé no problem :)
Q: Puzzles based on arranging boxes

Soumee I have found out the 'initial' arrangement as given in the answer. However, I can't solve the 'rearrangement'. I have started with A: Block no. 5 remains at original place. Thus, A stays at original place. Then I go to B: Swap positions with block no. 5. So A and B swap positions. Then I com...

@primo how did you do Happy Numbers
lookup table?
Q: Can we use theoretically-impossible functions?

l4m2Title may be hard to understand, so an example: If a language claim to have a busy beaver function BB:unsigned int -> double, and works fine(always return Infinity when input is a bit larger and output exceed 1e+310), can we use it as one?

2 hours later…
@KevinCruijssen I wouldn't call "mirroring vertically", since it's mirroring horizontally and appending, so it's more like palindromizating
and the acts on the just ed value (and leaves it on the stack), implicit output is what takes care of printing the result of ║↷↷
I finish a test and check on the chess, and Caruana has blown his lead! aaaarrrrggggghhghhhh
Kinda mad
Q: Compound interest with additions

guest271314You have been given the charge to calculate the current balance as of the day that you perform the calculation for 330,000 individuals who worked for an average of 30 years spanning 300 years where the initial principal was 1 with an addition of 1 per day and interest rate set at 3%. You initia...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

kungfusharkmAkE a StRiNg EpIc code-golf string Now that the meme is mostly dead, we can have this challenge. It's pretty simple: take a string (either as stdin or a parameter to a function), and change the case to alternate capital and lowercase letters, starting with lowercase. Examples: "Hello, World!" ->...

Q: Tiny, Tiny "Hello, world!" - an adventure in small executables

Antonio PerezThe challenge: Print Hello, world!. Shortest executable wins. Criteria: Your program must compile into an ELF x86-64 executable that prints Hello, world! to the screen. The executable must return 0 upon success, and it must run without error. Provide the source code, as well as the commands ...

Q: The Hungry Mouse

ArnauldSixteen piles of cheese are put on a 4x4 square. They're labeled from \$1\$ to \$16\$. The smallest pile is \$1\$ and the biggest one is \$16\$. The Hungry Mouse is so hungry that it always goes straight to the biggest pile (i.e. \$16\$) and eats it right away. After that, it goes to the bigges...

@dzaima Fixed. Thanks for the clarification. :)
@J.Sallé :| it can't have taken more than an hour though
@dzaima huh, Charcoal and Canvas are surprisingly similar
@dzaima :|
@ASCII-only don't worry, there are a couple dozen other problems like that :p
@EriktheOutgolfer ?
Q: Are any languages restricted from producing JSON?

guest271314Are any languages restricted from producing valid JSON output?

@dzaima and then there's me. implemented some Wolfram Language and thsn just gave up
and now i'm working on the second (yes, second) attempt at porting to JS
and turns out one of the most vital commands was broken for like... a year? more?
Powershell has too many ways to make a string, goodness.
@Veskah like?
" ", ' ', @" "@, @' '@
In regards to the Make an Illegal string challenge
@KevinCruijssen :O nice, your 14th charcoal answer
@Veskah eh, if you count those as separate then it's a lot fewer than perl
Fair enough.
Java has way more than that xD @Veskah
@Quintec huh?
@Quintec if you mean functions that make strings, no. only string literals
Alright, I fixed it
I think
Heh, fixed something that shouldn't be able to be ran
@ASCII-only D: which one?
@Downgoat reflectmirror
oh yeah @Downgoat i should really improve charcoaltutor, but idk how
maybe try to get the user to do some simple challenges?
@ASCII-only ooh good idea
@Downgoat mind being lab rat test subject QA
@ASCII-only In software, all 3 of those terms are interchangeable
yes, of course. but QA has the fewest negative connotations to a reader that is not as well versed in software :P
time to login to hackmd account i haven't touched in... basically half a year
@ASCII-only ok :3
ok. the challenges Charcoal was based on are here. should i use some of these?

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