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Call to arms: micsthepick is playing master in Zendo, and needs more players to continue playing
1 hour later…
@Adám Oh ... that
2 hours later…
@Mego i use ghostery so i don't see the comments. ;)
mini challenge!!! can someone make this python3 program into one line? (without using a semicolon). Or is two lines the limit?-
val = int(100 * float(input("O hai! How much change is owed? ")))
print(val//25 + (val%25)//10 + (val%25%10)//5 + val%25%10%5)
@AshwinGupta Pretty simple using two nested lambdas
oh good thought
btw the context of this is me being extra with CS-P homework.
Actually just one lambda is sufficient
how would you do that?
with one
(lambda val:print(val//25 + (val%25)//10 + (val%25%10)//5 + val%25%10%5))(int(100 * float(input("O hai! How much change is owed? "))))
ohohohoh intresting
but I still have to call the lambda
That calls the lambda in one line, though
i love it
[print(val//25 + (val%25)//10 + (val%25%10)//5 + val%25%10%5) for val in [int(100 * float(input("O hai! How much change is owed? ")))]]
This will also work
hoooh also nice @Bubbler
3 hours later…
Hmm, my sister in law walks around in our house wearing only a thong and a bra. (Not in the living room, but between a guest bedroom and guest bathroom, and they are not in adjacent rooms).
@StewieGriffin And it bothers you?
@StewieGriffin We will need photographic evidence for this claim
I didn't take a photo, but I can inform you that our ceiling and floor look really nice!
@Adam, Well, yes... I have to look away, so I'm walking around in my own house staring at the floor.
@StewieGriffin Are you afraid you'll feel aroused if you look at her? (A noble fear, imho)
Nope... but it's awkward if she looks at me at the same time in accidentally looking in get direction.
@StewieGriffin Why do you think it is awkward?
Because it's impossible to tell if I briefly glanced over at her, or if I have been staring at her 15 seconds.
@StewieGriffin Obviously you think there is something wrong with you having stared at her for 15 seconds. But what kind of wrong? Did you do something wrong towards her?
She obviously doesn't care much though...
@StewieGriffin Exactly, my point. Otherwise she would make sure to cover herself more. In fact, maybe she likes being looked at.
Q: Let's golf a BIBABOBU decoder

ArnauldWhile I was traveling in the future, I noticed a funny game among kids circa 2275. When they don't want their grand-grand-grand-grand-grand parents to understand what they're saying, they use the BIBABOBU speak. Obviously, I couldn't understand anything either with my pre-cyborg era brain and I f...

I'm sure she thinks I won't look or mind, since I'm married to her sister. She's right, and that's why I don't want her to see me looking at her (which could happen unless I'm staring at the floor). So I'm staring at the floor.
@StewieGriffin She's right about what? That you won't look? You take care to look away, so you do mind, right? Personally, I'd be more worried that my wife would dislike my staring at her unclad sister, especially if the sister is younger or (perceived to be) better-looking.
@Mego Can you move from here to this message (except NMP's) into The Awkward Silence?
...or just delete it all together.
@StewieGriffin No, why? I, for one, appreciate that you seek advice about such touchy subjects.
@StewieGriffin This could have the opposite effect if you stare at the floor too much: she could see that as "he finds me attractive and tries really hard to not show it" instead of "he doesn't give a damn about me" if you act as normal
@StewieGriffin If I was in your situation, I would tell my wife about the issue, and ask if all three of us could sit down for a talk about it. Then I would try let my sister-in-law know that I acknowledge and appreciate that she is so comfortable around me, but also try to let her get the idea that she could help me be more comfortable by avoiding appearing in certain ways.
"I would tell my wife [that I saw her sister in her underwears]" famous last words
@Fatalize Sweetie, you know that I love you right? You are, and will always be, the only one for me. Not only that, but I want to make sure I'm never tempted by somebody else. Sometimes, that isn't as easy as it sounds. You see, men tend to have this crazy thing about female bodies, which makes it very hard for us to look away. Unfortunately, your sister feels comfortable going about while dressed in a way that makes me uncomfortable. Do you think we could have a talk with her together?
My wife knows it, she sees her as much as I do. She doesn't think her sister does anything strange or wrong... I just have to endure it and pretend I don't find it weird either, while inspecting the flooring.
@Adám What she understands: "your sister is hot"
@StewieGriffin I mean if she doesn't think it's strange you can just look as normal…
Hehe :-) by the way, it's not a problem.
@StewieGriffin Did you talk about it? Women can be unaware of the effects on men.
or ask your wife to dress the same way and look at her instead
@Fatalize So what? There will always be someone better-looking out there. That doesn't diminish my affection for you.
@Fatalize Clearly, SG is uncomfortable enough to discuss it in TNB.
My wife would just laugh at me and say that I could just look if I wanted to. Not really the jealous type, since she doesn't have any reason to be. Nope, I haven't talked to her about it, but my wife knows very well that all men (even happily married ones) look at other women.
Well just enjoy the view then (if it's enjoyable, that is)
@Fatalize I certainly would feel like I'm cheating on my wife, even if she didn't mind.
Looking at attractive people is normal behaviour, I don't see how that's equivalent to actual cheating in any way
@StewieGriffin all men (even happily married ones) look at other women — no, all men feel tempted to do so, but many are faithful enough to not look.
This blew up... I only mentioned it as a slightly funny thing that occurs in my house at the moment.
Ok, tempted. Poorly chosen words.
@Fatalize normal natural. Being civilised is a constant fight against one's animalistic nature.
@Adám You assume that all men share your definition of faithful
@Fatalize of course, we can't just believe somebody over the internet who says that his "sister in law" walks in "only a thong and a bra", pics or it didn't happen...and better be high-quality pics, otherwise how do we know it's not really somebody wearing beige clothes
@EriktheOutgolfer under multiple viewpoints and lightings too, just in case
@Fatalize No, I didn't define faithful, but rather used it as a continuum, where at some point you cross the look/don't-look point.
I'll have my camera ready next time. "Oh, I'm just taking pictures of the white walls".
@Adám There is no "look/don't look point" to me. I can look as much as I want without being unfaithful
@Fatalize sure, otherwise who knows where in the internet the "pic" is from
I don't remember which religion it was, but one of them claims that a bad thought is equivalent to a bad action. One of Abraham's.
@Fatalize Sure there is such a point, you just hold that it is fine to cross it.
I agree with Fatalize on this one.
@StewieGriffin Orthodox Jews certainly try to stay pure in thought as well as in action, but there is still a difference in punishment for thought vs action.
@StewieGriffin Obviously since you just checked your sister-in-law :p
@Fatalize But he's awkward about it.
@StewieGriffin OK, then use a different word than faithfulness. Maybe exclusivity is better?
You mean I tried in vein not to check her out... :-P
> If somebody goes out dressed in as little as possible, you may look at them as much as you want, as long as you're not touching them in any way on purpose. — Common sense
In Judaism, before marrying somebody, we do kiddushin which literally means to make one-selves exclusive to the other.
Practically, the groom says to the bride, Behold, you are set aside for me!
Do married Jews never look a split second longer at a pretty face (or other body part)?
My wife: "I met Julie yesterday?"
Me: who's that?
@StewieGriffin Do they never? Obviously, humans are not perfect. They should never. Staring for pleasure at even the tip of a pinky finger is strictly prohibited.
Wife: the really pretty one down the street.
@StewieGriffin Your wife is sending you a message, oblivious fool!
@StewieGriffin Happens all the time with me. I don't look at my wife's friends or female family members, and tend to not know their names either.
Jews be like: "I can't take my eyes off of you, beloved wife, you are and will always be the best"
You don't know your wife's friends names? Why?
@EriktheOutgolfer best only one.
On propose?
@StewieGriffin They don't exist to me. There is only one woman in the world.
Hope your mom doesn't read this
What? Really? There are clearly other women... half of the world's population in fact.
@Fatalize She doesn't have the status of woman, only of mother.
@Adám The logics of religious people will always amaze me…
@StewieGriffin Sure, but they are just neutral people that I do not interact with other than for practical purposes.
How about co-workers? Don't know their names either? Don't you talk to your wife's friends?
@Adám so the best, no?
@Fatalize Obviously, I recognise that my mother is a woman. I think you get what I'm saying here.
@EriktheOutgolfer Obviously the best of a set of one element is that element, regardless of the definition of best
@EriktheOutgolfer ⌈/1⍴women
yeah, even if the element is -82788426189 for reasons :P
Aah, my wife is the absolute WORST!
I'm lurking on discord :)
Watching you :)
@StewieGriffin I speak with my female co-workers, but I don't chat with them. (Well, I try my best to politely wiggle myself out if they start chatting with me.)
@Adám I would get what you're saying if you didn't say that you intentionally ignore other women's names, which seems utterly ridiculous at best
I talk to then and interact with them the same way as I would a man. I find anything else to be sexist. Why treat them differently?
@Fatalize Why? If I needed to speak to them for practical purposes (like with co-workers) I would do so, of course, but for those I have nothing to do with, why should I know their names?
@Adám You have nothing to do with your wife's friends? So you don't care about your wife's life?
@Fatalize I have nothing to do with my wife's friends. That doesn't mean I don't care about her life. How do you make such conclusions?
I don't see how you can possibly care about someone if you don't even know with whom they interact on a day-to-day basis
@StewieGriffin My wife doesn't have male friends.
@Fatalize I know loosely who she interacts with, I just don't know their names. E.g. I know that last night, my wife went for a walk with a co-worker of hers. I know where the co-worker lives and my wife has told me things about her. I still don't know her name.
Why though?
@Adám That's just seems like a ridiculous restriction that serves no purpose other than being symbolic for the sake of symbolism. But then again that's not the most ridiculous thing I see about religion anyway
@StewieGriffin I don't need her name. And knowing it would just bring somebody else's wife closer to me.
@Fatalize The purpose is exactly that symbolism. In a sense, I tell my wife that other women don't matter (as women) to me. (Obviously, they may have practical importance as co-workers etc.) And this makes her feel special and appreciated.
"In a sense, I tell my wife that her friends don't matter to me, because they are female".
I don't see how forcingly ignoring other women is more symbolic than not ignoring them yet still being perfectly faithful
In fact, I would argue the complete opposite. You are scarred of "falling" so you ignore them, instead of showing your strength in the face of temptation
So even from a religious "temptation" mindset, it makes no sense
I would feel more special if my wife interacted with super handsome, nice, fun and clever guys all day long, and still wanted to come home to me...
@StewieGriffin Not so; her friends matter to me as being my wife's friends, but in every gender-related matter, they don't.
@Fatalize What does that even mean?
Wife and SIL calling. Will be back.
@Adám read Stewie's example
@StewieGriffin @Fatalize Interaction is a slippery slope.
"Wife and SIL calling" dun dun dun...
@EriktheOutgolfer LOL
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, that sounds ominous. Maybe they do attend TNB after all…
Switches to on-topic mode…
CMQ: How does this sound (ideas, dupes, etc.) for a main challenge? Given an N-dimensional orthogonal (non-ragged) array, and an indication* of which dimensions to reverse, return the array but reversed along those dimensions. * E.g. a boolean list of length N or a list of a subset of the first N indices.
@Adám hm, what if "reverse" could be generalized? also, "first N indices" might not be understood as "first N dimensions" or "first N positive/non-negative integers"
@EriktheOutgolfer Obviously, I'd flesh it out in the post, with examples etc.
@EriktheOutgolfer What do you mean by "reverse" could be generalized?
@Adám Example, please?
@Mr.Xcoder [[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]],[[13,14,15,16],[17,18,19,20],[21,22,23,24]]‌​] and [true,false,true] or [1,3] (1-indexed) gives [[[16,15,14,13],[20,19,18,17],[24,23,22,21]],[[4,3,2,1],[8,7,6,5],[12,11,10,9]]‌​]
@Adám "reverse", in this case, is a function that gets applied to some specific dimensions. what if a (black box) function is accepted instead of being "reverse" though?
Taking a black-box instead seems like an unnecessary complication to me.
@EriktheOutgolfer Would only work if the black-box function was a permutation function. The benefit of reversing is that the order of processing the dimensions doesn't matter.
Re-combination may also work, but only if length is kept.
CMC: Given a list of positive integer of length at least 2, return a (uniformly) random derangement of it.
@Mr.Xcoder Distribution? Do all derangements have to be possible?
@Adám well, yeah, but at least it would focus more on the dimension part
[1,2,3] -> any of [1, 3, 2], [2, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1], equally likely
Oh, I forgot to mention that the list will not contain duplicates.
@EriktheOutgolfer Why? The reason for choosing reversal is that it is a trivial operation (in most languages), so the challenge would be mostly applying the function to multiple dimensions. I'm sure many languages would be excluded (or it would be overly hard to participate) if I required black box.
I agree with Adám, reversal is imo the most reasonable choice.
Black-box wouldn't make much sense alone, unless you want to complicate the challenge and apply the function successively (not simultaneously) on the given dimensions, and account for dimension changes after the func's been applied... Which I don't like, tbh.
for example, if the function is "swap every pair of elements, leave last as-is if length odd", that won't happen
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah, that's a permutation function.
In that case the challenge would have to guarantee that dimensions are preserved => more work => -1 :P
that must be an assumption, as long as we don't want to care about the order of the dimensions
and yes, such an assumption can be defined objectively
@EriktheOutgolfer Sure it can: "The function will be dimension-preserving "
Everything has been handled. Y'all can continue chat. :D
@Mr.Xcoder That's not enough.
@Adám How is that not enough?
@Mr.Xcoder Let's say the black box function adds consecutive integers as it traverses. The structure is obviously preserved, but the order of application matters.
I'm curious, may a challenge require explanation of submissions?
@Adám Are you thinking about this?
@Mr.Xcoder I, I had not seen that. I was just thinking by myself.
Informally, I'd say yes (as in, a rule like that could be formulated as a request). But shouldn't be enforced, in my opinion.
@Mr.Xcoder I've given out electronic cookies in the past. Also, it is hard to specify objectively what an explanation is.
On an unrelated note, I've had many challenge ideas at random times in the last week but forgot every each of them :c
No answers for my CMC‽ But it's so easy :S
@Mr.Xcoder I'm sorry, I did solve it, but then forgot to submit.
@Adám Curios, how many bytes does APL require to output the permutations of a list?
?⍨∘≢⌷¨⊂ randomly permute until a∧.≠⍺ all elements differ from a∘← where a is the original argument.
A-ha. I doubt anybody will submit anything in Pyth, so 4 bytes: Ot.p
@Mr.Xcoder Depends on the APL implementation. NARS has a combinatorial operator, so really only 2 bytes (NARS is UTF-16 only).
@Mr.Xcoder 05AB1E, 3 bytes: œ¦Ω
@Adám wouldn't just work instead of ∧.≠?
@Mr.Xcoder Blog post on the subject.
@dzaima No, gives 1 if any element differs; we need to check if all differ.
ah so this is wrong :|
@dzaima I think so.
1 can only occur as he two last elements, 2 as the first or last, and 3 as the two first.
@Mr.Xcoder ^^^
2 hours ago, by Mr. Xcoder
Oh, I forgot to mention that the list will not contain duplicates.
@Mr.Xcoder that changes nothing about your example being wrong as it already had no duplicates
What's wrong with it?
2 mins ago, by Adám
1 can only occur as he two last elements, 2 as the first or last, and 3 as the two first.
@Mr.Xcoder No [1, 3, 2] is not a valid derangement of [1,2,3] since 1 didn't move.
My definition of derangement is a permutation of the input that is not the input itself.
Should have been more clear.
@Mr.Xcoder But that's not what the word means.
In combinatorial mathematics, a derangement is a permutation of the elements of a set, such that no element appears in its original position. In other words, derangement is a permutation that has no fixed points. The number of derangements of a set of size n, usually written Dn, dn, or !n, is called the "derangement number" or "de Montmort number". (These numbers are generalized to rencontres numbers.) The subfactorial function (not to be confused with the factorial n!) maps n to !n. No standard notation for subfactorials is agreed upon; n¡ is sometimes used instead of !n.The problem of counting...
The CMC uses a different definition, which I forgot to state.
Now move on :P
@Mr.Xcoder Should have been different permutation.
Q: Json,server,Requestqueue,android

Saeedhoseini18I have problem with my RequeatQueue, RequestQueue requestQueue=Volly.newRequestQueue(this); A red line comes under "this" and says in volly cannot be applied. Plz help

@Adám saw a numberphile video about that yesterday, actually.
@Mego Is NSP broken?
I posted
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdámMulti-dimensional reversal Given an N-dimensional orthogonal (non-ragged) array, and an indication of which dimensions to reverse, return the array but reversed along those dimensions. The indication may be given as a Boolean list of length N or a list of a subset of the first N dimensions index...

an hour ago.
The feed seems to have been removed?
> New Bounties With No Deadlines, New Loophole Proposal, New Meta Posts, Newly Featured Questions, New Main Posts
@Mr.Xcoder It does seem so. Any feedback on ^^^^^ ?
@Adám It's removed because it's broken
@Pavel Oh.
SE changed a link format somewhere
And it died
@Adám Taking a look shortly. That said, I kinda want challenges because I'm at 390/400.
@Mr.Xcoder Hm, being an APL kind of guy, I should have that badge, but I'm only at 146/400,50/80. I'm one vote away from , though.
@Adám The wording seems clear enough
@Adám Yeah, that sounds like a badge that would fit you well
I guess APL will win this one
It's pretty difficult in most of the languages I know
Or J, or K, or RAD even (probably not RAD though)
@Zacharý If not RAD, then not K either, methinks.
I'm pretty sure you can do some rank/depth magic in APL
Am I right?
Rank for APL & J, depth for K & RAD.
@Mr.Xcoder My best reference solution so far (I used it to generate the test cases) is 9 bytes.
@Mr.Xcoder And no, it doesn't use rank.
I think RAD might be able to pull some unique trickery with ¨, &, and the interrobang.
._. I'll likely score at least thrice with the method I have in mind.
@Adám Let me guess... axis specification, right?
@Zacharý 🤐︎
My favourite Unicode character U+FE0E — the emoji killer.
Mine is either <CENSORED> or the floating businessman
@Pavel You must have a non-compliant browser.
Crap, isn't implemented in RAD ... no magic trickery for me...
@Zacharý In J, maybe, but it is hard to reverse along the first dimension in using because it has neither nor ¯0
@Adám If a given feature isn't supported by the browsers of the majority of people, it doesn't really matter if it's supposed to be standard.
@Pavel I know, that's the living standard in effect.
Well, I'm happy FFQ/W supports FE0E. Now I just need a plug-in to insert it after all emoji.
I'm pretty sure there does not exist a text rendering scheme that perfectly implements the unicode standard
@Adám And I'm happy for you, but please don't subject other people who don't get FE0E to emoji
@Pavel Ah, right. Oh does one make a zip mouth emoticon?
@Adám Supposedly [-( was used for this purpose but I don't really get it
@Pavel Uh, me neither. I get :-# and :-x but they are not very clear.
sad I missed SG's discussion. just read through it and had some nice laughs
@Fatalize you were on point, my dude
My pleasure
Q: Convert a percentage to a "simple" ratio

BradCYou run a political website, and have determined that people have a better intuitive understanding when the chance of winning or losing an election is expressed as a ratio ("5 in 7") than when it is expressed as a percentage ("71%"). But you also don't want to display confusing ratios like "58 ...

Right tool for the job, indeed.
2 hours later…
@Adám By default, in RAD has the effect of the left operand if there's a domain error. It's either that, or ¯1 is used.
@Zacharý the effect of the left operand?
I just fixed a bug I was stuck on
For 4 days, I achieved exactly *nothing* at work
The fix was to replace `sudo` with `sudo -E` in a place
I didn't sleep last night because of this
@Adám f⍤¯1 ¯1¯1 works exactly like f, or at least it should.
@Zacharý Ah, as stand-in for . However, ¯1 is a valid rank.
@Pavel I have been spending a couple of days on a bug. Had to ask my team leader to do a screen share with me where I walked him through the issue, only to notice I was missing a :Return.
@Mr.Xcoder Orst, 3 bytes ᏌY (by the Wikipedia definition of derangement)
GitHub feature request:
user image
@Mego The GitHub web UI needs a feature for deleting branches
Too many bugs and missing commands for an actual answer to the CMC, though :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Aww too bad :(
CMP: Among school subjects, pick the 2 you find the most related to each other.
Maths and Physics
Or possibly German and French
@Mr.Xcoder English and German
@Mr.Xcoder CS and Math
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was about to say that, because they both are tertiary, but then I thought that linguistically, English is closer to German.
Dynamics and statics
Calc 1 and Calc 2
@fəˈnɛtɪk Different branches of Physics
@Adám The style of learning totally differs between English and German though. The languages may be similar, but lesson content are like cats and dogs
@NathanMerrill Different branches of math
then English and German are both branches of Language
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because you live in the UK.
branch is arbitrary, closed as unclear
Dynamics is the study of moving things and statics is for stationary things. They are clearly completely separate
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was thinking back to high school in Sweden.
@Mr.Xcoder Same as caird, maths and physics.
Biology and Org chem
@Adám I've just finished both French and German for GCSE and the lessons, at times, were so similar that only vocab was different
although I am thinking more of molecular biology than biology in general
@cairdcoinheringaahing Makes sense.
@Mr.Xcoder Philosophy and Religion.
lol I don't "study" either. But I see your point
@Mr.Xcoder Computer Science and Study Hall
@Mr.Xcoder Math and lunch.
@Mr.Xcoder Bakery Science and Fermentation Sciences :v
@Adám That's a very intersting choice. Indeed, there is some deep connection between the path of the hand when one eats sandwiches and the graph of quadratic functions :)
@Adám At our school, lunch is seperated into 3 time blocks: You either have A lunch then Period 4, Period 4 then C Lunch, or Half of Period 4, B Lunch, rest of Period 4
I had Period 4 Calculus and B lunch last year
In the second half of period 4 everyone would be eating since they used their lunch break to just hang out
At our school, lunch is separated into 0 time blocks because there is no lunch lol
How do you survive
@Pavel Huh. That's the only other school besides mine that does that, that I know of
@Pavel We can buy food if we want, but only commercial food (chips, biscuits, sandwiches, ice cream etc.)
A sandwich qualifies as lunch, does it not?
@Mr.Xcoder When do you eat that food?
In our very long 10-minute breaks :/ between classes
For two years in a row starting in a week I'll study in the afternoon (from 2:00pm to 8:00pm), so rip PPCG activity. Used to be at school between 8am and 2 or 3 pm...
@Pavel They're awful (as taste), to be honest... I prefer eating biscuits
Mine also does the A/B/C lunch, but during 3rd period.
@Mr.Xcoder Math + Physics.
@Mr.Xcoder music and painting - they let us "be creative" in both and do whatever we want, so most of the time we played cards :)
@ngn Exact same here, do true!
@Mr.Xcoder what games do you play? we were crazy about belote
@ngn Cool! Mostly Camps, "Macao" (which I think is called Rummy in English) and a very cool game called "Trombon" which I think is not known internationally (I can explain it to you if you want)
@Mr.Xcoder I'm familiar with Macao, it's called the same here in Bulgaria, but not nearly as popular as Belote. I'd be grateful if you can give links or a quick summary of the others.
@ngn Correction: Camps is Kemps in English, Macao is Macau and I'll explain the last one ASAP
@ngn Ok so here is a brief explanation of Trombon. The player count is recommended to lie within 3 and 8 players. All 52 cards are shuffled to the players successively. Then, the last one to be dealt a card starts a game. The gameplay follows this pattern: A player starts by saying <N = number of cards> <card number> (e.g. two queens 2 Qs / two fives 2 fives). They then place N cards face-down on the table. The cards could be of the specified type or could be something else instead.
Wait, the message was too long, let me add more messages :P
If any player (other than the one who just placed the cards) thinks they lied (e.g. instead of 3 fives they placed 2 fives and 1 six), they say Trombon
@Mr.Xcoder Not to interrupt, but are you up for a game of Codenames? I seem to remember you wanting to be pinged
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, I will join asap.
@Mr.Xcoder We call that cheat, or bullshit in England
Then, that player checks the cards – If they are right, the other player must draw the cards back and then the one who guessed right starts another round.
Otherwise, they draw the cards themselves and the round continues from the adjacent player.
When a player has four of a kind in hand they are obligated to drop them. The one who first gets rid of all cards wins.
@H.PWiz Ah, I see. Thanks!
@Mr.Xcoder "The player count is recommended to lie within 3 and 8 players" <-- lies
It's awful with 3
That should have been a 4, typo.
@Mr.Xcoder Thanks! I've never played such a game.
I hope you'll enjoy it if you ever do play
I personally like President (Wikipedia) better, but Cheat can be fun.
Cheat is fun playing with "new" people -- i.e., people you don't know well so don't know if they're lying.
How do I make the terminal be normal again after curses.initscr in Python?
@AdmBorkBork Exactly. I love playing in those circumstances.
@Pavel curses.endwin() I think...
@Zacharý Oh TY
What are you using ncurses for?
Oh god ... ncurses + error screen = bad news
@Zacharý Trying to clear the screen
Unfortunatly curses.endwin() restores the terminal to the way it was before calling curses.initscr
os.system("clear || cls")
@Pavel Unless CMD/Bash is blocked, that should work
Yeah but calling os.system feels like a bad
for i in range(100): print("") :p
Leaves the cursor at the bottom
@Zacharý This fails on windows if COMSPEC is powershell, which it sometimes is, so you're stuck checking os.name
Can some power-shell god tell me a way to polyglot that?
@AdmBorkBork we need your powershell godhood
Hmm, "clear; return; cls"?
IDK if that works in CMD
And I can't check
IDK either...
one sec installing wine
@Zacharý It does not
Hold on ... I'll ask the polyglotters
Maybe if you newline seperate it
Nah, bash'll complain about both return and cls
@Zacharý You can return from an os.system call
Either clear or cls work
So it'll never get to cls
Some for Powershell
Maybe then
@Zacharý THIS doesn't work in CMD either
CMD's || doesn't short circuit
It executes the clear (and fails instantly)
I thought that was the entire point to ||
Well you see, CMD is dumb
Hold on, you're right
It does check if both sides are valid commands though
Basically, in Bash an invalid command is treated as a normal error, in cmd it's considered an "Abort! Abort! Panic!"
Maybe we could do ncurses magic with a 0x0 window or something?
What is this for, anyways?
Nothing at all, why do you ask?
No reason, I think my friend had a similar problem (using C++ though) and just ended up using a bunch of std::cout << std::endls
Q: Square-Random-Symmetrical

DimChtzChallenge Write a program or a function that returns or prints a square-random-symmetrical matrix. Input N: The size of the matrix i.e 6 x 6 Output The matrix. You can either print it, return it as string (with the newlines) or as a list/array of lists/arrays. Rules You need to use at lea...

@Pavel Then we need to find a way to move the cursor to the top.
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32)
There's your C++ solution
@Zacharý ncurses
I'm sure there's a curses port for Windows
I dunno
Does Windows Python have ncurses?
I don't think so
And I remember having a hard time finding (n)curses for windows
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