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Oh dearie me, this SVM performs like shit.
Guess I'll have to use a slightly larger nuclear bomb for this challenge
1 hour later…
@quartata for mego's challenge?
Dont worry I have numerous backup plans
@quartata btw please upload your dataset :3 im too lazy/dont have time to write reddit scraper :P
It took me 15 minutes to retrieve training data
@quartata that is long time
Not that I don't want to share my data but rather because you'll probably want to do more preprocessing than what I did
Also I don't have access to it right now anyways, by the time I get back you'd have gotten it yourself
@Downgoat 10 of those were finding my API key on an old hard drive
for post in reddit.subreddit("nottheonion").top("all", limit=None)
After logging in
ah shit just realized I have to rebuild tensorflow...
Theano apparently isn't being maintained anymore which leaves tensorflow as the only CUDA supporting ML backend however it doesn't build with CUDA on macOS...
@quartata only preprocessing I'll need to do is load file of data into string because keras has function that does everything
this will be interesting
@quartata what's your % accuracy. Basic Embedding-LSTM-dense classification gets around 60%
on the test set?
or training accuracy?
not testing on that reddit data because too hard to scrape but keras has reuters data and it's still headline classification
...but is it training or validation accuracy
My training set accuracy was about 86%, test set accuracy was about 60%. hence pretty bad
validation accuracy is 57% training accuracy 65% :|
I have something brewing which should be a lot better though
My training set was only about 1000 per class which was small but I was just doing it as a test to see if the data was separable really
answer appears to be no, maybe the embedding sucks but meh
Trying using pretrained layers from a sentiment analysis model
@quartata any recommendations/links? all built-in ones are cnns
Wait, 1D CNNs?
What zoo are these from
I'm going to be posting codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/16755/45941 soon - any final things to fix?
@Mego I used en dashes, but they should really be even longer (—)
@FrownyFrog Please don't make pointless edits
I will
this particular kind of pointless edits anyway
it's too much to give up willingly
Wait are those dashes in the test cases en dashes?
they shouldn't be
test cases were "sanitized"
@quartata No, he edited all of the quotes, apostrophes, and hyphens outside of the tets cases to be "smart" quotes and en dashes.
Oh oh ok
@FrownyFrog If you're insistent on vandalizing posts, I can help you stop
how does that work?
I'm pretty sure NLTK can handle en dashes so it's not a problem but
@FrownyFrog are you serious
it's an honest question
do I lose editing privilege or what
Editing is intended to be used to improve posts. Making unnecessary changes like using "fancy" quotes and en dashes instead of their regular ASCII variants is not what editing is for, and is borderline vandalism.
I'd like to have my edits go to suggestions then
if it's possible
not once you have 2k+ rep
once you have 2k+ rep you no longer propose edits, you make edits
You can't propose suggested edits once you pass the 2k rep threshold. If you want to simply suggest them, leave a comment.
so back to the original question
Mego said he can help me abstain from vandalism
how does that work?
What I meant was, if you are intent on abusing your privileges to vandalize posts, a suspension would be appropriate.
Though I phrased that poorly because I am tired
oyi i'm tired too :p
what @Mego means to say is
if you don't listen to the warning they gave you, Mego and the other PPCG moderators reserve the right to put you in time out and suspend you from the site if necessary, which will prohibit you from doing anything on the site.
I still don't understand if you're talking about a suspension of a certain privilege or all of them
All of them - mods don't have the ability to revoke individual privileges
i see
Q: Help rebuilding Java program using arrays and while loops, do whiles removed

Lonath SenevirathneI'm supposed to be building a program with the same functionality as the previous one, except with the use of arrays and while loops, no do whiles. 1st program - import javax.swing.*; public class ATSEStage1 { public static void main(String[] args) { String kw1; String kw2; Strin...

@quartata is that in response to me
@Mego I have no idea how to solve that challenge without optimizing for the test cases. To be honest, I consider it borderline unclear.
honestly if I make a neural network some may call it "slight overfitting" others by call it "optimizing for the test cases"
@Dennis you're supposed to optimize for the set of all headlines
just a larger set
@Dennis It's not easy, but given that there is a finite-but-large amount of example data from those two subreddits from which I pulled the headlines for the test cases, it's not impossible by any means.
So, I don't agree that replacing punctuation is vandalism. It's not like I'm putting random words into backticks
@Downgoat Not if the network never sees the headlines in the test set. I filtered them out
It's just an improvement that the author may rollback or accept with pleasure
@quartata :| now I feel stupid
@Downgoat Really as long as you're not doing something ridiculous like comparing hashes of the test cases to the hash of the input, I wouldn't consider it optimizing for the test cases. I made that loophole explicitly forbidden in the challenge to make sure that people wouldn't try stuff like that to try to be clever because it's a hard challenge.
@quartata that i am not able to think of trivial solutiosn
@Mego I would be careful there. It would be easy for a net to remember a mere 50 examples
Downgoat's caution is correct. That's why training, validation and test data are kept separate
@FrownyFrog It was an unwanted and unnecessary edit
@Mego Training your submission against a large data set and score it against a small one kinda seems backwards. In fact, the description seems to require a large number of test cases.
@Downgoat for what
@Dennis This is how any ML task goes
@Dennis 50 test cases is large for [test-battery] challenges on this site
@Mego which I can't learn until you rollback
Oftentimes only 5-10% of data goes towards the test set
I have to make it in the first place
@FrownyFrog Do you genuinely believe that such a trivial change was a substantial improvement to the post? Or are you just trolling?
The former
it's a substantial improvement, as long as it doesn't conflict with the author's "vision"
@quartata Assuming I understand the API results correctly, there are 11204 submissions in r/TheOnion, and 340337 in r/nottheonion. That's a far cry from 5-10%.
The notion of editing other people's posts was weird to me at first, but it was encouraged and stuff
Well you want the corpus to be balanced so you probably would not use the excess from nottheonion
Many of those will be reposts
5% of 11000 is still 550, not 25.
And some may just be bad -- voting will clear those out
Also I had additional restrictions: I couldn't choose headlines that would run afoul of SE's content policy, and I chose not to include headlines that concerned particularly divisive current events
The point was that the test set is often significantly smaller than the training set, and even though 50 isn't much it's reasonable enough for this IMO
Some may supplement if they need a validation set for regularization
Given all of those restrictions, 500 or so usable headlines from each subreddit is reasonable
5% your test set, 10% additional for a validation set, 85% training set is a reasonable breakdown, although 500 per class is light for transfer learning
I just can tell my script to fetch whatever number I want though sorting from the top
Split into training/validation and keep yours for test
@quartata since you're doing transfer, are you running on your home computer?
Man, nottheonion is truly stranger than fiction.
> Donald Trump's Hollywood star voted to be removed, rendering him no longer famous
yes, and I don't have a GPU
@quartata what
Not Nvidia
Do you want to borrow mine? I have a 1050Ti that I won't be using for the next several hours - I can run some training sets for you and send you the results
so you're training on a igpu ._.
There's really not that many non-frozen layers here, it's probably already finished by now
@quartata lemme know what ur val gets to
@Downgoat I have plenty of time
CMC: given a series of unified-style diffs (produced by diff -u a b), output a unified-style diff that is equivalent to applying the diffs in order. The filenames and timestamps in the headers are not important, and can be whatever you want. Example: gist.github.com/Mego/c750e1a72568f01a4b375e71cf01ec94
sounds like a certain git builtin
how does one obtain these redids api keys .-.
ha I wonder if you could do a bash + git answer
@quartata It would be far easier to just reduce with combinediff
I don't know that you could get git to work without a base file in a reasonable number of bytes
@Downgoat think it's in settings for your account
@Mego Do we have access to the files a and b?
@Pavel No
Only the diffs for each incremental change
What does -u actually do
@Mego would it be ok if I also did something truly substantial at the same time?
@FrownyFrog It depends on if the changes are useful and wanted
@Pavel Outputs in unified format (the format that git uses)
is that a no?
you're so indirect
Editing other users' posts should be reserved for improvements. Unless you correct actual mistakes, punctuation is a personal choice and should be respected.
And lumping useful and useless edits together means I cannot roll back the useless ones without rolling back the useful ones.
@FrownyFrog Just giving you a yes or no answer wouldn't teach you anything (disregarding the fact that the question can't simply be answered with a yes or a no). I'm attempting to help you learn the appropriate use of the editing privilege.
but I can't know if it was a personal choice
Like, what if a user choose to not include a TIO link on purpose
we sorta disregard that possiblity
If you don't know, it's best to err on the side of caution and respect the author's choices
Then I can't ever make an edit
Which would be alright if I could still suggest one
I should make a new account without all the rep
dumb question: how to get the title of a Submission w/ praw? The model on the docs doesn't appear to have a title field
Good thing I will lose the privilege eventually when we graduate
Some things are obvious, like spelling mistakes. Some things are almost always helpful, like fixing grammar or adding formatting to make the content easier to understand. With other things, you have to make a judgment call. If you're not sure, there's no harm in pointing it out to the author in a comment and letting them choose whether or not to make the edit themselves.
I can't understand that argument Mego
@FrownyFrog you don't ever really want to edit to change the content of a post. 99% of the time you'd want to edit something like a markdown syntax error or something. Trivial edits like a period, or adding backticks, etc aren't really useful and can be counter-productive
you're listing things that are useful
but don't include the one I consider useful and that's it
might as well give a yes or no
Making changes to content to use more-stylized versions of characters is rarely an improvement - most of the time, it adds nothing, and depending on how the content is being viewed, it may actually be a detriment to readability.
I kinda agree with FrownyFrog. Once you make a post, it belongs to the community, so anyone in the community should be able to make an edit you would make yourself. And if I spotted a minor typo in one of my posts, I would fix it.
it's not about typos Pavel
I consider missing a period a typo
not that either
I replace the punctuation marks with another one
' to
I make minor edits to my own posts all the time
@FrownyFrog And that's a perfect fit for one of the rejection reasons for suggested edits. This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.
@Pavel I also agree that posts belong to the community, and thus the community is allowed to edit them to improve them. But changing punctuation to stylized variants is not an improvement - at best, it's a neutral change.
I think it's a neutral change at worst
That's probably the main disagreement
I have a nested array [[a,b,c],[b,c,d]] whats a good way to get all the elements of this 2D array into a set in python without ugly loops
@Downgoat Is it guaranteed to be 2D?
@Downgoat set(sum(..., []))
There was a user on bitcoin SE who made edits that literally put every 6th word in backticks
@ngn what does ... represent?
@Downgoat the 2D array
oh I see, cool
@ngn Set is unnecessary unless he doesn't want duplicates
@Mego well, he did ask for a set
Oh I missed that
That wasn't an acceptable edit, I clearly see that. But what I do is a mandatory edit on Wikipedia
They probably have bots to make these edits in mass
@FrownyFrog Stack Exchange is not Wikipedia
that's not an argument
well mine wasn't either
@quartata what's your output shape. Are you doing a (1,1) or like a (2,1) w/ softmax
> RNN dropout is no longer supported with the Theano backend due to technical limitations
well shit
@Downgoat set().union(*array)
oooh that's nice
Ok so this is why my RNN is performing like crap
generally it gets like 80%-90% classification accuracy
@FrownyFrog how do you type those characters?
this is a battle between the history of typography and the history of computing :)
I dual boot with Windows. On Windows I have a layout where it's Right Alt-[kl;'-]. On Linux, right now, I can't.
Or use an INTL keyboard
Anyway, quote choice is a best a preference, and a worst makes it harder to search
from my experience with APL: people are lazy, they don't like setting up layouts even if it's a few clicks, so I think in practice you can't expect subsequent editors of the challenge to use the typographically correct quotes, dashes, etc
I actively prefer single quotes over angles quotes
firefox considers them the same for searching
Stack exchange search
what do you mean by angles quotes
‘ and ’
how did you even type them
Not « and », which is actually angle quotes. Don’t mind my incorrect name
Using an iPhone
Other forms of quotes break my code, and take more bytes. That’s pretty much the opposite of this community
@Downgoat always 1 output for binomial
Do most terminals support the italics escape code?
Mine doesn't
Neither does mine. So probably not.
maybe though
Small sample size
ok my other terminal also doesn't support italics
But both of them support bolding
If you want italics just tilt your head
@FrownyFrog "Use straight apostrophes ('), not curly apostrophes (’)." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Punctuation#Apostrophes
The "Green means good, Red means bad" styling of that wikipedia page is non-colourblind friendly.
For accessibility, one should avoid relying on colour in an instructional text.
Do they make color braile
@ngn interesting
for the color bling
i had no idea
If not they should
I should patent that idea
A system used by some colourblind people is to add diagonal high-contrast lines to a colour they cannot differentiate.
@quartata what lib are you using for making your model
@ATaco But diagonal lines make the words har to read
@Downgoat keras
:| scikit-learn does not support python 3.7
Color Braile would not be intrusive for people with color sight.
Why do you need sklearn
@ngn if you click on the [c]
you can see the justification
@quartata Theano uses it, and tensorflow on macOS dropped cuda support and I don't like waiting 50 hours for model to train
but the last one argues the opposite!
though it's pretty simple NN should train pretty quickly
@Downgoat Why are you using theano>
> tensorflow on macOS dropped cuda support and I don't like waiting 50 hours for model to train
sklearn doesn't use GPUs
no but theano does
@ngn oh I see, it only applies to the article titles
@Downgoat Why do you need GPUs?
@WW training very slow without
I can't imagine why Theano would need sklearn
OK I just switched to google gpu
People spend a lotta money on EC2s for this which I don't entirely get
@quartata It's not listed as a dependencey
@FrownyFrog there're always pros and cons, the point is to weigh them against each other
@FrownyFrog hm... isn't only the first section about titles?
wow K80...
@ngn yes, [a] goes to the titles, and the justification is at the end after all the stuff that contradicts it
they should do something
quick question: how to shuffle two numpy arrays of same length together? e.g. index X in array 1 & 2 are both shuffled to index Y
like concatzip>
got to 90% accuracy... time to check how much overfitting is happening
though these google gpus are blazing fast
@Downgoat what are the dimensions
What is a shuffle?
(concat .) . zipWith (flip$flip(:).(:[])) ?
ok solid 80% accuracy
is it just 1D
@quartata actually nvm figured out how to do it
numpy.random.permutation of the length + advanced indexing on both should do it
I hate the square bracket spaghetti numpy makes
indices = numpy.random.choice(numpy.arange(data_len),size=data_len)
@WW numpy.random.permutation(data_len)
You do you.
ok I got to 85% :D but overfits after 5 epochs...
@quartata how much data are you doign
well actually, how many posts are on theonion? because I'm taking 1000 posts from each but looks like I only have 1951 data points :/
Oh man are you doing that challenge
I think its a rather boring challenge
Evidenced by the fact that apparently the most exciting way to solve it is to bang a neural net against it.
:| why is that not exciting
Nural nets are fine, but they are very much a hammer, they can be applied to most every challenge. It just means that the challenge doesn't do anything to set it appart from other test batteries.
@WW I disagree but I do think this sort of sentence-classification challenge hasn't been done before and it would be interesting to see how different answers approach it.
just being new doens't amek it good
Oh no, it seems that SE removes the "draft saved" feature.
@FrownyFrog Why? Edit fixing grammars/spelling etc. are ok (unless they're on purpuse)
I think it's neutral.
I said they are neutral at worst (so, possibly good things)
Mego said I should err on the side of not making an edit
it was about a very specific kind of edit
Although, if it's neutral, I have no idea why Mego rollbacked it. Unless somebody has those characters rendered as ⎕.
it was either irrational or Mego knows a reason and doesn't tell anybody
I decided not to make these edits because of Wikipedia policy
which ngn linked
Oh hey, I got Yearling
@FrownyFrog I certainly wouldn't like my challenges to have all quotes/dashes replaced with fancy ones. If I wanted to make another edit to it, I'd either have to use the regular ones, making the post a horrible mess with mixes of dash and quote styles, use the fancy ones, wasting my time copy-pasting them, or revert your edit, which would waste both of our time.
@dzaima noted
yeah I was dumb not considering that
My understanding of when to edit others posts is when you're 99% sure that the author really meant to do what you edited. Though I would also really like to be able to make edit suggestions that the author has to choose to accept/decline
if you did have bots to make those edits like wikipedia it would be fine, as everything would be auto-converted everywhere all the time (well, if SE would have wikipedias policies)
makes sense
but it means we can't truly improve the posts
you actually lose an important privilege once your edits are auto-accepted
or it's not for improvements in the first place
@FrownyFrog you improve the posts if you're sure that if you let the author know that the edit should be made, the author would edit themselves. If you're not, post a comment.
yeaah looking at the privilege page should've been the first thing to do. And now that I didn't think of it I can't blame you :p
I don't understand what you just siad
@FrownyFrog looking at the privileges page should be the first place to look at for finding the rules about editing. I would say it's your fault for not looking there, but I forgot to too
I read that page
It was encouraging me to do the stuff I did
@FrownyFrog I'd argue it'd fall under "trivial edits" - I'd call a couple find&replaces trivial
@FrownyFrog Though I agree, for probable mistakes (or things that could be edited in multiple ways) it would be better leaving a comment. The author alone reviewing could miss a change an edit made (that's why an edit is reviewed by multiple people) that they wouldn't make themselves.
Q: Do we remove "nice +1" comments (pure or variant) on this site?
@user202729 do we? who knows. should we? probably.
Is it just me or can we not start a bounty on this Q by a deleted user?
@SEJPM I have the start a bounty button (or does actually finishing not work?)
@dzaima ahh, nevermind, I was just looking in the wrong place :p
(I thought it was in the line with "edit" and "close" and "flag" and not below the comments)
3 hours later…
@Riker @betseg B288
Q: RTA (Reverse-Then-Add) root of a number

sundarThe reverse-then-add (RTA) sequence is a sequence obtained by adding a number to its reverse, and repeating the process on the result. For eg., $$ 5 + 5 = 10 \Rightarrow 10 + 01 = 11 \Rightarrow 11 + 11 = 22 \Rightarrow 22 + 22 = 44 \Rightarrow\text{ }... $$ Thus, 5's RTA sequence contains 10...

1 hour later…
@user202729 Yes.
JR is having trouble with J's implicit output
@Dennis we need it to do the same thing TIO does
that's what I thought, thanks
1 hour later…
Q: A knight's graph on an N-by-N board

Stewie GriffinIn chess, a knight can only move to the positions marked with X relative to its current position, marked with ♞: A Knight's Graph is a graph that represents all legal moves of the knight chess piece on a chessboard. Each vertex of this graph represents a square of the chessboard, and each ed...

1 hour later…
Can't wait to see how much this picture busts my CSS
#gif #screenshotsaturday http://jezzamon.com/selfdraw https://t.co/5r6FuWLrDF
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nathan MerrillGame of Circles king-of-the-hill This is a hidden-identity game with Detectives and Robbers. You will write either a Detective bot or a Robber bot. All Robbers know the identity of all other Robbers. Each turn, a bot must either: Draw a private circle: The actual circle drawn is public in...

@Mego Kinda weird that your sandbox post was at +5 and then got 3 downvotes
1 hour later…
How can such a large empire have only ~20 common first names
@LeakyNun for some definition of "common", every empire has ~20 :)
@ngn but there are also only ~20 uncommon first names
and they really are all there is to it
My windows machine has decided it will no longer mount drives by itself and now I have to manually go to the partition manager and assign flash drives a letter whenever I want to use them.
Q: Problem with Boost.Asio

xMelloxI’m trying to make CMakeFile and include Boost.Asio but that doesn’t work. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project(untitled) message(STATUS "start running cmake...") find_package(boost 1.68.0 COMPONENTS system thread regex filesystem REQUIRED) if(NOT Boost_FOUND) message(SEND_ERROR...

Ok so how does Github know this:
> The password you provided has been reported as compromised due to re-use of that password on another service by you or someone else. GitHub has not been compromised directly. To increase your security, please change your password as soon as possible.
I see, it uses haveibeenpwned.com
and it seems bitly had its passwords leaked :/
Good news for me: All 5 sites I use that have been compromised were compromised before I started using them
wtf github knows my new, replacement password has been breached
Actually, it knows my password has been reused on another site
That’s really freaky
My school email has been pwned apparantly
With plaintext passwords revealed
Fortunatly my school uses such ludicrous rules for password complexity I wouldn't dream of reusing that password anywhere else
Github’s making stuff up now. I tried a completely new password and it said “you’ve used your password somewhere else”
... we knew something was going to happen eventually
@BetaDecay it's a good guess
I’ve found what I think the problem is
> Please note that GitHub no longer supports old versions of Safari.
So Github screws with me just because I’m on Safari on a mobile device
Well you see
Safari is bad
I agree
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OMᗺ4B/5B Encoding Tags: code-golf, encode, kolmogorov-complexity, string To transmit data in binary there's a technique called NRZI where a transition from +V to -V or vice-versa encodes a 1 and the absence of such a transition a 0. In case there are a lot of 1 s this is a good method because t...

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