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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@EriktheOutgolfer ??
I got immediately terrified by its sheer awesomeness, and that made me feel very nauseous :P
Of my profile picture?
I meant the "about me"...
Oh what about it?
tbh, it's hard to say "bless you" to your profile picture
I'm very confused.
"M∆Ÿ\†ÒY÷:bv"...that's inspirational
@EriktheOutgolfer Thanks! Funny thing was that I was online when it ticked over, so I had multiple tabs that still had 9992 on them. Kept thinking someone had removed their upvote and I had fallen again.
@user202729 I'm not sure what you mean by having 10k multiple times? I've given out a few 1k bounties, but I think this is the first time I've reached 10k
Q: Self-Identifying Coordinates

Jo KingWrite a program or function that, given an integer n where 1<n<10, construct an array with n dimensions of n length, where each element is an identifier of its own coordinates. That is, starting with one array, populate it with n arrays, where each of those contain n more arrays, up to a depth of...

@NewMainPosts this should be pretty easy in charcoal if i knew the standard way to do recursion (if it's possible at all)
(well, i guess eval-recursion wouldn't be that hard to do)
star this if you think @CatWizard's avatar is cute. we need a fair vote on this...
can't just poll one option on the starboard
@JoKing same JoKing at code-golf.io?
@Zacharý shift-enter + ctrl-v
@FreezePhoenix yeah. i see apply as more of a hack now that spread is a thing so i'd use spread + babel
@primo Yup. Been learning Perl 6 for it
I was thinking of doing the same ;)
@JoKing do you have any particularly good perl 6 references?
@primo github.com/AlexDaniel/6lang-golf-cheatsheet is good for char golfing tips
Other than that, it's good to have the Operator page up for reference
thanks for the link, the first tip alone just blew my mind
although i suppose it's only useful in an "any char counts as one" context
Yeah, my Christmas trees solution saves a byte by swapping out some arithmetic with a fraction cubed
I did the same with Perl 6. my phi solution has a superscript 8 :)
@JoKing *char?
or does it actually save a byte as well
code-golf.io ranks solutions by characters, not bytes
It usually doesn't save bytes, except for fractions or larger numbers like 𖭡 (1000000000000)
@JoKing yeah, i'm aware. sometimes it actually saves bytes though iirc (it's in the tips post here, i think?)
oops, I see what you mean. yeah, I meant char
Q: User posting answer of an unavailable tool

Steven PennyI have noticed a user making questionable answers. Here are some examples: http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/167924/-/167933 http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/167818/-/167819 http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/167337/-/167372 http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questi...

@Mr.Xcoder Now that avatar looks similar to Zacharý's ...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cat WizardExistential Golf Math has a lot of symbols. Some might say too many symbols. So lets do some math with pictures. Let's have letters be propositions. Any letter we write on the page is true. If we write multiple letters on the page we are asserting that they are all true. This allows us to ...

Is there any other instances (apart from this one) where Unary wins?
(occasionally they're the highest voted, but vote doesn't matter, because HNQ)
Yeah, I won a fizzbuzz challenge a while back with unary.
It was scored in length of longest line, and I used only newlines.
@CatWizard (random note) How did you make the pictures? Latex?
Very slowly.
(yes latex)
Q: COBOL Y2K redux

Yimin RongIn the 1990s, COBOL computer engineers worked out a way to extend six-digit date fields by converting them to YYYDDD where YYY is the year - 1900 and DDD is the day of the year [1-366]. This scheme could extend the maximum date to 2899-12-31. In the year 2898, the engineers started panicking be...

@dylnan Random idea: Because that challenge requires as many unique bytes as possible, try converting it to a Jelly -u program. (take input as UTF8) That way there are more bytes (so probably more unique bytes) and because Jelly is very error-resistant I think it should work.
beocming physically illl after seeing people say "jack in the box' tacos are good in the twitter replies (not mine thank fully)
What is a jack "in the box" taco?
Oh I see jack in the box is a fast food jointery not a type of taco.
@ASCII-only I've only seen French-style Perl 6 save bytes (not chars) like once in my entire life
I'd have to look for it, it was like 3 vs 4 bytes in UTF-8
Testing something.
$$ \require{enclose}
    &                     &   & \\
    & \enclose{circle}{P} &   & \\
    &                     & Q & \\
    &                     &   & \\
@CatWizard How does it look?
@user202729 I'm using tikz for my diagrams.
Is there a vanilla radiation hardened quine question? I can't find it.
@CatWizard i still don't know how 99% of tikz users are still sane...
last time I used tikz it took me like 2 hours to create a basic graph diagram
I've been trying to move away from tikz.
However the thing I'm moving towards is Haskell Diagrams, which is insane in its own way.
Man I don't think there is a vanilla radiation-hardened quine question.
when someone says "pursuing a __ degree" does that mean "actively taking courses that will directly result in a __ degree"
what alternative would there be?
@CatWizard Have you considered using an avatar from youtube.com/watch?v=jX3iLfcMDCw?
@CatWizard e.g. if its pursuring MS and you are currently pursuing BS but plan to MS
@Downgoat Ilike the idea of the project :). I'll look into it more thoroughly in the next few days and I'll let you know. Thanks for asking!
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tshHow many bytes This time, we want render the count of bytes in a proper way to user. Let's write a program (a full one or a function or other acceptable formats) to do this. Input An non-negative integer, in range \$0<n<2^{64}\$, which means n bytes. Output A string, the human friendly repre...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

l4m2Longest reference Write two code A and B, where len(A)<=1024, running A returns B and running B returns A. Longest B win. Proper quine rule and no rubbish rule(for code-bowling) apply. quine code-bowling busy-beaver Sandbox notes The "1024" may change

2 hours later…
Info: the sandbox challenge "Count the pips in a pair of dice" (currently highest voted) is moved to Secret Santa Sandbox 2 days ago.
2 hours later…
@Mr.Xcoder Nice, but the hat's corners gets cut off. (And imho, its style doesn't match the icon well.) Maybe scale down the icon? Oh, and btw, the /// background of the hat image can be seen.
Ugh I didn't notice the ///s
Bleh, I'll change it
@Adám I think this one looks better... Thoughts?
@Mr.Xcoder Yes, that's much better, and I like the gold's contrast to the silver. Obviously the perspective is all off (the hat should really be seen almost from straight above), but it's fine.
Ok ty, I'll make small modifications to it and I'll let you know when I'm done
@Adám Ok, how about this?
@Mr.Xcoder I like the old one better. More balanced.
Ok, I see. Anyway gtg now
CMC: show that the goldbach conjecture implies that 5 is prime
@LeakyNun But...? Of course 5 is a prime.
come on
where's the fun in that
it's a conjecture, I'm not sure if I can really "show" (i.e. prove) with it
@EriktheOutgolfer ......? I am not sure what you mean.
I mean, how can an unproven conjecture be used to prove something
@EriktheOutgolfer Yes it can...
You need to prove (X => Y), not X.
that’s why "implies"
Last time you had a problem with "prime factorization in polynomial time" right...
> So if the modularity theorem were found to be true, then by definition no solution contradicting Fermat's Last Theorem could exist, which would therefore have to be true as well.
Random quote from Wikipedia.
People could prove that a conjecture implies another conjecture, while both were unsolved at that time.
right, there are lots of conjecture on transcendental number theory
Schanuel conjectures implies that e and pi are algebraically independent over Q, that e^e is transcendental, etc
@LeakyNun Assuming that we know that 3 is prime?
you don't need that
What can be assumed?
Assume that we don't know the definition of a prime number?
well you can assume 3 is prime if you want
Well it needs to be the sum of 2 primes, and 7+1 doesn't work cause 1 ain't prime, 6+2 doesn't cause 6 is even, 4+4 doesn't because 4 is even, so it has to be 5+3 and so 5 is prime
(and 3 is prime too)
But I highly doubt we'll get a proof of the goldbach conjecture that doesn't make use of other theorems that themselves prove that 5 is prime :p
@LeakyNun just-as-valid a CMC: show that the negation of the goldbach conjecture implies that 5 is prime
do you have an answer though
@LeakyNun me?
5 is only divisible by 1 and itself so it's prime, knowing some numbers greater than 3 cannot be written as the sum of 2 primes :p
of course :) try dividing 5 by 2 3 4
statements of the kind "if false then x" and "if x then true" are trivial
so, the truth value of "5 is prime" is independent of the goldbach conjecture :)
23 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
where's the fun in that
@LeakyNun Let us take 12. Via the Goldbach theorem, twelve is the sum of two primes. If we subtract 2 we get 10 which is not prime, because it is divisible by 5. If we subtract 3 we get 9 which is divisible by 3. 6 gives us 6 which is divisible by 2. Thus 5 and 7 must be prime because they are the only pair left that add to 12.
Now I'm wondering if we could define primes by the goldbach conjecture. ...
For example if you say Every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of to xs. You can already show that 2 must be an x.
Oh wait no.
I forgot 1 was a number
wait isn't 1 a number anymore o_o
The ancient greeks didn't believe 1 was a number.
That's why it isn't prime.
That's not the reason why 1 isn't prime
There's a reason one isn't prime ... something to do with unique prime decomposition...
1 isn't prime because it's convenient for many theorems and definitions that it's not
@Fatalize Those theorems were made after the fact using the fact that 1 wasn't prime in the first place.
Now were just stuck with this tradition cause that's how the greeks did it.
That's incorrect
Many mathematicians considered 1 to be prime even relatively recently (19th century)
It's not necessarily a bad thing. I mean it's pretty arbitary what numbers end up being prime, someone had to make the descision as to whether 1 was prime eventually, could have gone either way.
Now 2, is a different story. whether 2 is prime still contentious to this day.
Why would that be contentious?
Because 2 is even.
EP voted against link tax and upload filters today \o/
@CatWizard How is that a problem?
Well the prevailing standard has been not to let even numbers be prime. 2 kindof got grandfathered in (ancient greeks once again), despite this fact. A lot of the more modern theorems use only odd primes, to avoid the problems with 2.
The fact that even numbers are not prime except is precisely a consequence of 2 being prime, so that makes no sense
If I made the definition of prime I'd probably include 1 (and maybe 9), leave out 2. Makes things a lot cleaner.
especially considering that the fundamental theorem of arithmetic doesn't work if 2 isn't prime
@CatWizard …9?
Hey, xcoder changed his logo!
He's trolling you
There are arguments to be had on each side, that's why it's so contentious.
@Zacharý I sure hope so
@CatWizard uh...what?
@CatWizard and 3 is threeven and 5 is feven and 7 is seeven...
@Zacharý I felt inspired.
@Zacharý ? (I don't wanna troll anyone, I just liked Adam's proposal)
@Mr.Xcoder @CatWizard is who I'm talking about
Ah I see now :)
I included a © to Adám in my about me :P
how does he © your picture
The idea is his, I decided to give credit :P
Profile picture idea © Adám
but... copyright?
@Mr.Xcoder © on an idea‽
Ok pedants, changed it to from
Q: Make a Radiation Hardened Quine

Cat WizardLast night I was looking for the Radiation Hardened Quine challenge, but I couldn't find it. Turns out no one has asked it yet! So here it is: Your task is to make a quine, that is a non-empty computer program that prints it's own source without reading it. In addition if you remove any one by...

@wastl I assume it's Turing-complete, but haven't tried to prove it yet ... Simple: l executes one step of Conway's Game of Life ∧ GoL is TC ∴ 2DFuck is TC ∎
@Adám How could I miss that????
@Adám It's not quite that simple. It needs to be able to repeatedly execute steps of GOL and halt conditionally.
@CatWizard What kind of halting conditions would be necessary for that? Just a simple "is this cell dead/alive"? Or something more complex?
I don't remember what the halting condition for GOL is, but I think it is something like, if the state is not different from the last, or something similar.
that's what I've seen as the halting condition most of the time, which I consider plain wrong
it should be "if the state is the same as a previous one"
GOL is not a very good way to prove something is TC.
Well, OK, I'll try to build a BF -> 2dfuck translation table
@quartata Good idea :-)
@CatWizard What...?
IIRC they did not consider 0 a number.
@user202729 That was a lot of cultures, no?
BF is the best way to prove something is TC
CMC: prove/disprove, for that x>2 and m,n>0, x^m-1 divides x^n-1 iff m divides n
@LeakyNun ← direction is obviously true
Well, it's true. Not too bad a CMC.
@user202729 One can think zero is not a number and also think 1 is not a number.
@LeakyNun uh, that's obviously false, x^m divides x^n if m < n, why should m divide n?
the -1 doesn't change the relationship between m and n
I said x^m-1 and x^n-1
I am pretty sure the statement is true.
as in
@LuisMendo Have you listened to his more recent songs? I think it has gotten better since he made the original rickroll video.
@Pavel Et tu (new avatar)?
@CatWizard No idea who would think that. [citation-needed]
@Adám Who else?
@user202729 The ancient greeks did.
Numbers don't exist.
@CatWizard I think α is 1.
A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. A natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called a composite number. For example, 5 is prime because the only ways of writing it as a product, 1 × 5 or 5 × 1, involve 5 itself. However, 6 is composite because it is the product of two numbers (2 × 3) that are both smaller than 6. Primes are central in number theory because of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic: every natural number greater than 1 is either a prime itself or can be factorized as a product...
@LeakyNun I tried but couldn't prove the → direction. Any hints?
@CatWizard "number' != 'prime number"...
@ngn My method involves division/remainder.
Did you read the first sentence!?
> Most early Greeks did not even consider 1 to be a number
@CatWizard Internet is too slow for me.
The URL is "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number%23Primality_of_one", so...
@flawr Hm actually I haven't
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LangeHaareRole reversal This is related to an old question, but is different enough that answers should be quite different to the older one. You are given a sentence referring to two different people. Return the sentence with the roles reversed. For example, for the input I will give you a kiss., you sh...

@flawr yep I'm planning on getting his new album when it comes out, if only to mess with people
@flawr This message has 3 stars
uh, why link to the results
Perl 6: ```EVAL("say 'hello world'")``` = ```WARNING: EVAL is evil. Bad.```

Perl 6: `"say 'hello world'".EVAL` = lol, you're fine, go ahead
@JoKing How do you show warnings in Perl 6, anyway
Side note, how do you do code blocks in chat?
@Pavel warn?
Markdown doesn't work in multiline comments, unless it's all code, in which case, prepend 4 spaces to each line.
@JoKing ctrl-k
I see
@JoKing How do you use that?
Oh, no, I mean interpreter warnings
Like Perl 5's use warnings;
Oh huh. I guess TIO has them off by default. I'm used to code-golf.io having them on. I don't know how to turn them on
are you joking?
Are you leaky?
no, he's jo king
and you're all punny
On Code-golf.io I'm GuyJoKing, yes
you mean GitHub ;-)
Well there's nothing of note on my Github, whereas I'm second overall on code-golf
λ  git diff .gitignore
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bf793ed..2bd9cfe 100644
Binary files a/.gitignore and b/.gitignore differ
did you already stage it to be committed
@Poke but why are they binary files
And no
@Riker yay, you've gotta let me know when you get it =P
@DJMcMayhem Stars do not exist either.
@Pavel lol maybe git doesn't know that the .gitignore file extension is text
So tempted to star that...
i think there's a .gitattributes file you can edit or something
@DJMcMayhem by not starring it you confirm my statement =P
@DJMcMayhem resist; starring that will cause unfair public humiliation of somebody saying that your temptation is moot ;)
@Zacharý 40 answers!
@FreezePhoenix Yep...
And I was only gone for 3 days!
It's mostly because me, NieDzejkob, and BMO just kept taking urns going back and forth... and a lot of funges.
Apparently funges are really good for polyglots
^ exactly
At least it's not haskell spam cough stasoid cough
Why are you surprised?
@Riker hello!
How are that many haskell extensions...
@Zacharý I think it's because Haskell folks are pretty conservative about extending the core language, preserving properties that might get lost otherwise (for example without any extensions the types are not ambiguous), so they'd rather have tons of awesome extensions.
Haskell's extensions are pretty awesome
@FreezePhoenix If there were more named funges, then that could go on for a LONG time.
Question: If I have code not associated with a github repo (and doesn't share a common history), how can I push it to a new branch of said repo?
^ 1. Clone an empty repo
2. Edit the git config files to set the origin to the repo you wish to push to
3. Open the terminal and use git to create desired new branch
4. Paste all files / code you want in the new branch into the branch you just made
5. Push to origin
(It's kinda hacky but it works)
The git config files are located here (Relative to root directory of git repo): ./.git/config
Oh. I forgot :P After pasting files, commit all files using:
git add *
git commit -m "New branch"
1 hour later…
@Pavel yeah you can set origin to github and git push origin <new-branch-name>
Can we formally declare React is new jQuery
it's a so-called library usedas a framework used by those who don't want to touch the DOM and does all things and has a ridiculous amount if plugins for abstraction of basic tasks
Also you probably don't actually need it for the whole three bits of dynamic content on your site.
I like the concept of React, anything that gets you closer to traditional GUI building is good, but implementation wise it's just so bad and slow and I really don't understand why
I prefer something simple and easy to modify, like Knockout, over something that's ideologically cleaner but bulky like React and Vue and Meteor etc etc
@Downgoat this sounds like most JS libraries, to be fair
I prefer JustJS
@flawr can do
@Pavel yes, you never need a framework/giant UI library. Axtell uses vanilla JS: github.com/Axtell/Axtell/blob/post-writing/js/template/… and it's really not that daunting
@LuisMendo re: wheat's avatar, it will change in less than 30 days anyway I assume
it's not the worst he's done and it's pretty funnt
@Downgoat that's still JSX?
@quartata JSX is not a framework or library
Hardly vanilla
it compiles down to normal DOM JS but it's a more concise for larger views
C + WebGL is better
C probably is not better
@quartata O_O
VSL has wasm support but no dom interaction yet
ive already told everyone this is what my website is in
it works for me
please link to this C/WebGL monstrosity website
Haven't put it up yet because there's a bug in emscripten...
follow my twitter for updates...
@Pavel its actually so good
There are definitely usecases for C
Yeah, C definitely has use in linking to other languages ... 'cuz it's C.
I think the most use that I've gotten out of my C knowledge is the ability to patch nethack
@quartata link to report?
@DJMcMayhem just finished talos (milton's ending, I chose to take him with me). 10/10, one regret is that during that ending upload the original tron music wasn't playing
Contrary to what The Person would have you believe, my followers are not actually subservient to me...in fact i Am substrvient to them... they have me completely by the balls over here
you didn't need to onebox that in here, but suffice to say its completely true
@mınxomaτ almost as good as storing password in localStorage for security
@Riker Noice
It's been so long I barely remember what happened in that ending
interacting with the brands and te followers are the only way i know whats going on out there
its a sad existence but it beats whats happened to someone else...
> Google: High Quality Photo Storage
> Google: 1080p Video
@Downgoat So?
1080p is not high quality
oh come off
@Downgoat Says who?
@Downgoat Google considers 720p to be HD on youtube
recording in 4K is not worth it
i think I've seen maybe two people in existence who do native 4K
and they have really high end shit
@quartata and 4K is what precisely?
@quartata I agree you don't need 4k but 1080p is this day and age is just "normal quality".
1080p60fps is an important distinction in terms of storage capacity
I can't handle 1080p60fps video personally
At least not in long durations
Guys... just use the XZ archive
I'd consider 1080p high quality. It's not exceptionally high-quality, but it's still high-quality
it's a random access memory archive format
(I have to render my demos in 720p60fps, cause it's all uncompressed)
@quartata 1080p is not 'low quality' but it's definitely not high quality. Not to mention google photos will probably re-encode the crap out of the uploaded videos
@quartata I think I'd rather see 1080p30fps than 720p60fps
60fps is great and all but powerpoints and presentation recordings do not need it
Honestly the next universal video format will be an extension of MP4 and XZ and EXE that simply is an inline XZ file unpacked using a builtin extractor and feeds the file explorer the result video #SoEasyAndTheDevsHateIt
@Pavel on gameplay?
demo = gameplay?
@Pavel Same.
@quartata Yeah. If I'm playing, I'd want 60fps, but if I'm watching, I want a higher resolution.
I should do the math on 1080p30fps
I think it's 2 GB/s
@quartata That's... silly.
@quartata uh, really?
still, point stands
@quartata 222MiB/s
Yeah checks out
Got it off by an order of magnitude
Still a nuisance but not too bad
Ah I remember where I got 2 GB/s
If I want to render at a higher frame rate for motion blur
Why would you want motion blur
~1 GB/s at host_framerate 180
hi all
@Pavel because it's cool and Freeman's mind does it
@quartata that's without any compression at all. Most video formats use high compression.
I know.
Can't here
Valve's h264 looks like hell frozen over
complete loss of colors
There are programs that use named pipes to keep the frames in memory one at a time but it's so slow
What's h264
another attempt at a fastest-algorithm question in sandbox
@quartata wait what
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnushHow quickly can you match two sets? Consider two sorted arrays of integers X and Y of size \$\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor\$ and n respectively. I define a matching to be a set of pairs with one integer from X and one from Y in each pair. A matching must have exactly \$\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor\$ pai...

Actually the one I used to use I think uses FUSE
just whatever to intercept the writing of the tga files
Q: Creating an If-Statement from Scratch

Lance PollardAn if-statement is typically a built-in construct in languages. However, I am wondering if there is a way to construct an if-statement from some other primitives. I am also wondering how to do this with Boolean algebra, and there is a link there to how to represent if/else statements with circuit...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Conor O'BrienQuine Relay! answer-chaining quine A quine relay of order \$n\$ is a series of programs \$P_1\dots P_n\$ in distinct languages such that each program \$P_i\$ outputs \$P_{i+1}\$ and \$P_n\$ outputs \$P_1\$. For example, a 2-quine relay can be seen here: Ruby → Perl 6: This Ruby program: $><<...

@ConorO'Brien Interesting
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Lance PollardCreating an If-Statement from Scratch An if-statement is typically a built-in construct in languages. However, I am wondering if there is a way to construct an if-statement from some other primitives. I am also wondering how to do this with Boolean algebra, and there is a link there to how to re...

@Riker I don't want to know the others that are worse than this :-D
Wait ... wut.
NMP then NSP...
"post your questions in sandbox, people"
happens a lot
@LeakyNun Uh... Was I supposed to?
you're supposed to post it before you post it to main
but the guy way above me seems to not have noticed that
Actually, it was deleted then reposted to Sandbox, I think
@LeakyNun well, that's how it should be, but people sometimes do the goof over main (first post), get a reference to the sandbox in the comments, and then decide to delete and post in the sandbox
and, if the main question has accumulated downvotes, they often decide to post the fixed version (if any) as a new one
that's, imho, simply shameless duplication of own deleted content due to former bad reviews, just live with it and move on
for the editing, you can very well do the edits in the Ask Question page, but not post a new question, and instead undelete and immediately apply the edit
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