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I feel it can be reduced to a classic problem.. let me see if I can work out the details
\o/ dotnet core 2.1 is out and actually supports being updated by a package manager now
I don't have to install a new package with a new name each time I want to update anymore
oh nice! I'll actually install it now
That's the entire major update by the way. Package manager support.
Everything else that's changed is just some minor performance improvements on Linux and bugfixes.
@Mayube No, I don't think we did. It isn't really usable anyway though :P
it really isn't. I was gunna try and come up with a basic CMC that it could do, but I can't even get a cat program to work
Ping me if you do, it seems that any non-constant output program would be insanely difficult, if not impossible.
@user202729 given two binary strings of the same length, how can you compute the minimum number of bits b you need to add to each string (in any locations) to make them the same string?
@Anush Edit distance.
@user202729 without substitutions
or deletions
@Anush No, deletion should be allowed.
So compute the edit distance between two strings (allowed ops are insertion and deletion)
and for each insertion interpret it as insertion in the source string, for each deletion interpret it as deletion in the destination string.
ok so an idea is the following.. look at all 2^(n-b) binary strings, for each pair compute the modified edit distance and see if it is <= b.
we can now make a graph with the nodes are the 2^(n-b) strings and there is an edge if they are close enough to each other in edit distance
I don't think that can help with anything.
well.. we have an edge between two strings if they both could come from the same n bit strings with b deletions
I think I made a mistake.
It can be faster.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean like, ,. doesn't even work, which should read and output the first character of input
@user202729 I look forward to seeing your new idea!
Not idea, just programming mistake.
oh ok
Doesn't improve the runtime much.
I do need better algorithm.
ok so it is a hitting set problem
The set cover problem is a classical question in combinatorics, computer science and complexity theory. It is one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems shown to be NP-complete in 1972. It is a problem "whose study has led to the development of fundamental techniques for the entire field" of approximation algorithms. Given a set of elements { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } {\displaystyle \{1,2,...,n\}} (called the universe) and a collection S {\d...
we want to find the minimum sized set of (n-b) length strings which covers all of the 2^n strings
Knowing that it's an instance of a NP-complete problem doesn't help much in a ...
@user202729 well it does in the sense that 2^n would enable n ~ 30-40
which is much larger than 6
2^n what?
2^n time, sorry
I wasn't very clear
There are 2^(n-b) subsets and 2^n elements in the universe.
So it should be 2^(2^n).
I believe set cover can be solved much faster than that
(who say that NP-.* means 2^)
I've decided on the "fill"ing method that FrownyFrog suggested.
@user202729 it doesn't always you are right but set cover, vertex cover and hitting set have complexity at least as good as that I believe
I think I wil read some linked pages...
R.A.D is just a hacked-together-mess. I'm a bodging execution into the parser.
Q: Worst-case asymptotic-complexity of the Set-cover problem?

A TWhat's the worst-case asymptotic-complexity of the Set-cover problem in Big O notation? I've been developing some novel techniques to try and solve this problem but am having trouble finding the theoretical limits I need to surpass. Thanks for all information

@user202729 I fixed that
Thanks for the heads-up
Theoretical Comp Sci SE?
> Nevertheless, due to the structure of the real-world instances of the problem and to the
considerable e orts spent to derive algorithms which perform better and better on these
instances, the current state of the art on the problem is that instances with, say, a few
hundred rows and a few thousand columns can be solved to proven optimality
That's just... n=10~20.
Not bad.
But because superexponential.
@Anush Because instances with smaller b is harder than instances with larger b (except b=1) should you reverse the order?
Of course I'm not good at solving NP problems efficiently...
CMC: find the depth of an array without using anything that could solve the challenge in one byte
@Zacharý Jelly, 2 bytes (builtin)
(weird challenge. Good thing is Jelly builtin for depth is not 1 byte)
Well, can I SEE the builtin for depth
Anyone willing to answer in Python?'
f=lambda x:instanceof(x,list)and f(x[0])+1or 0
Why do I need or 0? Is False allowed result for non-list?
Because input is guaranteed to be array or 0 is not needed.
There should be better way to check if something is a list.
@Zacharý a rectangular array or any array?
@ngn Any
@user202729 x*0==[]
@ngn is it a hexagonal prism array?
Thanks, I just wanted a short solution for RAD's vectorization algorithm :D
@H.PWiz Not everything can be multiplied. At least work for int and float.
Taken from here
@user202729 what if f(x[1])>f(x[0])?
@ngn Then it doesn't have a depth?
Y'know what, screw it. I'm stealing from Jelly
Should I have separate functions for the vectorization of monadic and dyadic functions?
@user202729 I am not sure.. it's not a bad idea
@FreezePhoenix I mean "rectangular" as opposed to "jagged" (with subarrays of non-uniform length and possibly non-uniform depth)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Jared KShortest forkbomb in your language. This may seem basic but it hasn't been asked already. How short can you golf a fork-bomb in your favorite language? Your challenge is to saturate the operating systems process table like a traditional fork-bomb. This should cause the system to slow down and e...

Meta Chat Mini Challenge: Create a CMC, of difficultly your choice, and choose a suitably esoteric language, You may choose how esoteric. Next, challenge TNB to complete that CMC, using the language you have chosen. Aim to choose languages which aren't as commonly used, e.g. CSL rather than Python.
@Zacharý Dyalog APL: |≡ (or ⍴≢ if rank instead of depth)
@Adám The CMC said to not use any builtin which could solve the challenge in one byte. So would be disallowed. The main reason I posted that was a grab at a short python solution for R.A.D., but I ended up using Dennis's (from Jelly)
@Zacharý I instantly realised why you needed it, but doesn't solve it in one byte; you need | (⎕ML←1!)
Whoops, forgot about APL's weird negative thing.
@Zacharý Jelly without using a single one- or two-byte built-in: ŒJẈṀ
Might be a shorter way
Although, what should [1,[]] return? If two then that fails.
If I remember correctly, this CMC was an exercise in JHT, so a shorter solution may be found there
In the JHT chat room?
The depth of a list is a CMC in JHT? Really?
I think so, I may be misremembering though
in Jelly Hypertraining, Oct 5 '17 at 15:10, by HyperNeutrino
CMC: Get the depth of a list without the depth builtin
4 bytes: ẎÐĿL :D
3 bytes: ẎƬL ;)
._. didn't know
Yeah, the aliases have just popped up from nowhere :/
@dylnan Didn't Dennis want to unalias Ƭ?
Yes, but the behavior was only changed for dyads
Oh that makes sense
So does Ƭ behave differently from ÐĿ when the link is dyadic?
Yeah. Between iterations of <dyad>ÐĿ the right argument is discarded and the left argument is moved to the right argument
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes.
<dyad>Ƭ will repeatedly act on the left argument with the same right argument.
<dyad>Ƭ is a dyad so it's right argument is would be determined by the chain.
This is bad code, right?: list(map(list,list(zip(alpha, omega))))
@Zacharý Don't cast the zip to a list
yeah that one can for sure be eliminated
list(map(list, zip(alpha, omega))) if you need readability (of the final result, not the code)
[list(x) for x in zip(alpha, omega)] is better
why do you need lists instead of tuples
That way RAD doesn't goof up somewhere down the road when I'm doing A[1]←2
CMC: Given a list of positive integers, find the index of the first odd one.
APL 5 bytes: ⊃⍸2|⎕
@Mr.Xcoder MATL, 2 bytes: of
Do I win?
CMC: Given two strings, each of length n, find the minimum number of single character insertions into the two strings that makes them equal
@cairdcoinheringaahing That doesn't work: tio
> find the index
@Anush That sounds like something for main...
Oh, sorry
Then mine doesn't work
@Zacharý oh ok ... it's basically edit distance
You may assume there is one odd number, of course
@Anush Could also be a dupe.
@quartata yes
@Anush this is equivalent to finding the longest common subsequence
Javascript, 22 bytes.
@quartata That can't be right. Take 'zzz' and 'aaa'. The LCS is zero but the answer to my question is 6
Wait ... why on earth am I using map(...,list(...))? I can just use list comprehensions, right?
@Anush I don't mean numerically
I just mean in terms of how you solve it
I've seen it called LCS distance
@quartata ah yes.. just like edit distance too
@quartata How did you notice that?
@cairdcoinheringaahing how do you think I wouldn't notice that
the welcome message is usually a good place to hide your sinister acts :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing quartata reads the full TNB transcript every night before going to bed
Edits to chat messages don't make any notification/bump similar to main, and it's from 2011, so unless you're surveying the very old messages from time to time, I'm confused
is it really uncommon to just take a peek at what chat's first page looks like?
@DJMcMayhem Legend tells of a Pokemon trainer who hasn't slept a day in their life, and is still just staring at a computer screen :P
he's literally barry, might as well be barry allen
@Riker ?
his avatar is barry, he apparently reads fast, what else is there?
@Riker I can arrest people for saying tomato sauce instead of tomato gravy now
@Riker Nice, too bad he didn't get to read the blacked out parts:)
that's pretty significant IMO
@quartata you mean ketchup?
wait, does that mean tomato poutine == cheese fries with ketcup?
@Riker sorry I had that the wrong way around
thanks for proving your guilt
prepare to die
you killed my gravy
prepare to die
@flawr the stuff that goes on pasta
@quartata you mean mayo?? that doesn't have much ketchup in it
wait, have you not heard of tomato sauce
are you serious?
@flawr I need to submit a separate application for handling you people
you better not be, else I have to buy some pasta sauce and some swiss plane tickets
@Riker oh please come visit!
So yes, I'm dead serious :P
I do'nt have that kind of money tho
maybe if I go to college in the eu idk
@flawr Marinara?
What actually is marinara? I've heard it referred to on US TV, but never seen it used to describe something
@cairdcoinheringaahing The kind of sauce you would have with Spaghetti
So just tomato sauce? That's a letdown :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing the balance between keeping your pasta plain and making it taste like heaven
13 mins ago, by quartata
@Riker I can arrest people for saying tomato sauce instead of tomato gravy now
no, not tomato sauce
please choose your words carefully
we're not all that old here :P
Tomato gravy? Never heard that one before
Well, it's not just tomato sauce gravy. Tomato sauce gravy sounds like plain tomatoes to me, but marinara can have garlic and oregano and ground beef. mmmm
if it has meat in it it's a ragu
Tomato gravy almost always has garlic
@DJMcMayhem Aside from the beef, that sounds like tomato sauce
Jan 3 '16 at 22:07, by flawr
You know, when you make a pizza the most important thing is pineapple! You can forget the cheese, the dough, the tomato sauce, you can forget everything else, but you cannot leave out pineapple. Pineapple is the essence of pizza.
^ That
that was yet another time Dennis got the stars...
Ugh, caret reply is annoying
@cairdcoinheringaahing I mean... Pretty much yeah
that's why I don't use caret reply
@quartata Is this tomato gravy?
@cairdcoinheringaahing no
Pineapples on pizza. Ew...
it is what you call "tomato sauce". that's just the wrongthink way of saying it
Cooking With TNB is always fun, mainly cause I have totally different names to what you guys are talking about (tomato gravy for example)
@DJMcMayhem As long as they're separable.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I am 98% sure that Q is messing with you when he says "tomato gravy"
I mean, biscuits and gravy was mentioned once, and threw me completely, so I never know
Oh my gosh, biscuits and gravy are no joke basically my favorite food of all time.
If they're done right
@DJMcMayhem You may hate me then :P
Tomato sauce (also known as Neapolitan sauce, and Salsa di pomodoro in Italian) refers to a large number of sauces made primarily from tomatoes, usually to be served as part of a dish (rather than as a condiment). Tomato sauces are common for meat and vegetables, but they are perhaps best known as sauces for pasta dishes. Tomatoes have a rich flavor, high liquid content, very soft flesh which breaks down easily, and the right composition to thicken into a sauce when they are cooked (without the need of thickeners such as roux). All of these qualities make them ideal for simple and appealing sauces...
There's a section on tomato gravy.
@DJMcMayhem I'm really not
@cairdcoinheringaahing You're not entirely wrong :P
But it tastes incredible.
And then hashbrowns and coffee to complete the perfect trifecta
@Scrooble the important part is "...term as used by Italian Americans when referring to a type of tomato sauce particularly where tomatoes were a staple food"
Dang it, now I'm making myself hungry
the rest of that stuff is some random Southern garbage no one cares about
proof that, in TNB, everyone has a strong opinion regarding what they eat
It's jambalaya sauce!
I see.
I love jambalaya
It's also fun to type
And say
@DJMcMayhem Are hash browns those bread looking potato biscuits (to you)?
hm, I have bad news for you...
I tried getting a google image link, but something went wrong :/
Ah: these?
hint: hash browns contain potato
@cairdcoinheringaahing not really
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ehh, kind of. That's what I'd expect from McDonalds
@cairdcoinheringaahing Usually this, but sometimes this and occasionally even this
So what would you call hash browns?
@DJMcMayhem McDonalds, yuck
@EriktheOutgolfer Finally, someone else who hates McDonalds!
@EriktheOutgolfer Agreed
Although their pseudo-hashbrowns aren't bad
@DJMcMayhem Hash browns, hash patty, home fries.
my parents claim that, only one did I try a mac, and that was when I was a little boy (just a bit over toddler), and I immediately spat it out
I know DJ's from the US, but is anyone else here? I think Quartata is, but not sure
@DJMcMayhem The last one is what I call hash browns
@cairdcoinheringaahing Those are home fries
@cairdcoinheringaahing Q and I are.
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's actively talking? I don't think so
Have any of you guys ever had British food (stereotypical British food)?
What would you call stereotypical British food?
Fish and Chips?
@Riker better come to CH instead of EU
Fish and Chips, Crumpets and Tea, etc.
So chips = french fries?
Define "crumpet"
@flawr Yes, unless you're in the US and then chips = crisps
@DJMcMayhem yorkshire pudding
chips ≠ potato chips, though
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing looks like french fries to me:)
Yeah, I would definitely call those french fries too
@DJMcMayhem chips AE = crisps BE?
@DJMcMayhem Full english breakfast, and Marmite are two classics :P
@flawr AFAIK
I tried Marmite once.
Never again.
there's an important difference between french fries and air in a small yellow stick
@cairdcoinheringaahing you cannot directly use the links from wp, you have to click em and then copy their urls
@flawr I'd say french fries are more like the chips you get at mcdonalds
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah, I call that an English muffin.
I really like those
@flawr ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Click the image and it takes you to it :P
Not really a fan of tea though. Some sweet tea is good, the rest is meh IMO
@DJMcMayhem English muffins are a little thinner than crumpets
@cairdcoinheringaahing Marmite looks nasty from google images
No idea what it tastes like
@cairdcoinheringaahing don't you dare calling the stuff you get at macdonalds food
@DJMcMayhem Tar.
if something looks like mechanical oil, better not try it
@DJMcMayhem There isn't really a way to describe it
@DJMcMayhem very salty
@EriktheOutgolfer maple syrup?
As a general rule, if you didn't grow up eating marmite, you won't like it when you're 20
@flawr Nah, oil is much darker
But if you're [0-19, 21-100] then you're good :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing What is the drinking age across the pond?
Now I imagine marmite tasting like crude oil
Doesn't stop most people though
18 is only for buying drink
Isn't it 21 in the US?
Well I imagine it doesn't stop you from drinking it, just purchasing it
@cairdcoinheringaahing I first tasted marmite at 34, I love it, actually now I have a jar of marmite right here on my desk :)
Anyone know how to do a forward reference in Python files?
Yeah, and drinking it is perfectly leagal in most cases
@Zacharý What do you mean? Python doesn't really have forward reference the way C++ would...
Just make sure the name exists at runtime
I kinda have my files referencing each other in a circle.
Most convenience stores around here will sell you beer/cider at around 15
@cairdcoinheringaahing not necessarily. depends which one probably:)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Really? They don't card you?
@Zacharý this is not about food, please stay on topic.
@DJMcMayhem The local shops generally know you, and have for about 3-5 years, and will refuse to sell vodka/spirits to minors, but not really, no
I've gotten the impression that the US is waaaay more strict on underage drinking then other countries. Every other country I've been too seems to not really care, but in the US if a restaraunt/bar/liquor store/whatever sold to someone underage they would get shut down
like, even if just once by accident?
not even a fine?
Should've just switched it to APLJKs, that way it would've been on-topic /s
@DJMcMayhem Booze and sex seem to be way stricter in the US than everywhere else
@EriktheOutgolfer If it's "by accident" it means you didn't card someone. Which is a big no-no
@cairdcoinheringaahing It even used to be illegal
(Booze, not sex. That would be rather difficult to outlaw)
Which one? :D Ninja'd
@DJMcMayhem say that you're operating for 30 years, and, suddenly, an employee forgets to card one customer, does that mean immediate shut down?
@EriktheOutgolfer I guess it depends, but that was a little bit of an exxageration. But if the right (or wrong) people find out I think you can lose your liquor license.
@DJMcMayhem Which is odd, given that AFAIK some US states legalise weed, but half the rest of the world doesn't
Maybe not for one instance
there should really be a separate liquor stand, where you pay independently, and you always get carded
Yeah, USA's weird.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, but even that was somewhat controversial. I think the majority of people I know would rather it still be illegal (I'm in Colorado which along with Washington was the first to legalize it)
Now there's what, 4-5 states where it's legal?
@cairdcoinheringaahing guess how many protests happen...
And the weird thing is that it's still a federal crime technically
ok that's too much
can't states handle it themselves...
@EriktheOutgolfer That question is like the fundamental basis of every political issue since the creation of the United States
I think gun control may be more fundamental
@cairdcoinheringaahing The USA got it right though. Alcohol is way more dangerous than weed, both short term and long term.
(Just an outsider's point of view)
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's still states' rights. Who gets to regulate gun control and to what extent.
@Dennis Not to mention Tobacco/Nicotine...
tobacco smell is horrible anyway, although I guess that changes completely when you get trained to be addicted
I sometimes think all of them should be banned but then I remember that we tried and it didn't work at all.
@DJMcMayhem Tobacco is a lot worse long term, yes.
(for a minute I forgot that cigarettes are nicotine, not tobacco)
I think prohibition would work, it was just poorly implemented (not saying I could do better, but that someone could)]
(AFAIK nicotine is what addicts you, tobacco is what you "smoke")
@DJMcMayhem Well, nicotine kinda is tobacco
Nicotine is part of tobacco, rather
cigarettes have tobacco leaves that were washed from nicotine and sprayed with it again
@DJMcMayhem Of course, hand rolled cigarettes are much worse :/
so technically just tobacco leaves
Ah, OK. So it's like weed/cannabis
More like weed/THC
cannabis/coca/etc. plants, if used the right way, aren't really dangerous
@Pavel I thought cannabis was another name for THC
Weed is just a name for cannabis, which is the plant
@DJMcMayhem Nope, it's a genus of plant
"this is Northern lights cannabis indica"
In my psychology class last semester, we took a day to talk about drugs. I learned that nicotine withdrawals can last for up to 6 months. That's insane
Cannabis () is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae. The number of species within the genus is disputed. Three species may be recognized: Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica, and Cannabis ruderalis; C. ruderalis may be included within C. sativa; or all three may be treated as subspecies of a single species, C. sativa. The genus is indigenous to central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Cannabis has long been used for hemp fibre, for hemp oils, for medicinal purposes, and as a recreational drug. Industrial hemp products are made from cannabis plants selected to produce an abundance...
they reach their peak at two weeks
for two weeks, it only gets worse
It's weird how there's so many names for weed
Nothing else really has that

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