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@user56656 The fact that you've been able to do 200 reviews without finding the rules of NAA, does highlight that there's a problem somewhere (don't think that I'm saying the problem is you)
also frankly I find it a little insulting that you seem to think the reviewers here are doing it for points. on something like SO Triage it might be true but all of the dedicated reviewers on this site are active and thoughtful
look at the review page, look at the faces
@Unicode-only being an internet fish composed of various ascii symbols talking to a goat and a cow that acts like a duck
are you honestly going to write them off as that
@quartata april fools name idea: balestra
you fence?
Ah, the name changes are for April Fool's Day
no they're for Easter obviously
@quartata no but I have some friends who do
I'd love to get into it but it's not a popular sport here :(
@quartata martin is review hunter confirmed
@Unicode-only do you have time to help work on VSL STL have a lot of STL documentation and classes that still need to be written
when I say a lot I mean like everything except integerrs
I'm also not sure on how we want to do arrays
Do we want to do a capacity thing like Java?
also how should we be hashing strings for dictionaries
@Downsheep maybe. but not rn (sorry)
ASCII is a subset of unicode... so ASCII-only must be Unicode-only...
How/when is RO transfership decided? I've heard it's the most active user, but how/when does SE decide who that is?
@Riker Picard
@Zacharý Check the room info, it has the most active users, but they only get auto-RO'ed when there is no existing RO
@cairdcoinheringaahing ty couldn't find a good one
@Downsheep dude like what happened. I leave a week and you become a trator sheep
and riker is now Picard
like wth happened
What determines when one is auto-RO'd?
Other than no existing RO's ?
most active user after like 2 wks
I know that the polyglot chat had no RO for quite a while. We had to get a mod to appoint one.
> If a reasonably active room has no owner, or none of the owners have been in the room for a certain time, a new owner may be automatically appointed, to ensure that there's somebody who can administrate.
@Picard refresh my profile or I'm uninstalling tf2
I think the key word must be "reasonably active"
perhaps polyglot room was not active enough to get one auto appointed
@passata ...
nice one tho
hello folks im new here and i just wanted to ask if anyone has ever made a brainfuck deriv-
It's my birthday/april 1st/easter. Get used to it for today.
@passata yes it's called bit.ly/defcon
this is the only other one I could think of that ends in -ta
Who hasn't made a bf derivative.
it's also kind of the opposite of in quartata
hey my suggestion was pretty good @passata
since its vertical rather than horizontal
@Picard but it didn't rhyme
that's true
/sa//s and then we're good!
this isn't town of salem
(only about 4 people on earth who will get that)
oh thanks I've been looking for fun games to go back to
I'd rather play tos than league rn
league of legends is garbage. you need to take a break and go play some donkey kong country sir.
who plays LoL
when Dota is a thing
i don't have that
@Picard think. 100+ heros all freeeeeeeee
he means DKC
What is SO triage again? SO, Math, and what else? Was it superuser?
@passata I haven't made one; I've made an Underload derivative (Underload is clearly superior). Z is kinda similar, but it's more of a strange ASM with 2 registers
@passata ?
oh nvm
league is pretty fun but yeah it's pretty garbage
@passata want to play tos w/ me?
not right now i need to eat, sorry
lmk if you do
@Picard ಠ_ಠ I was only half serious. Ah well, not the worst username :)
@EsolangingFruit wasn't me who said that insipid question. rest assured that i have arrested the person responsible and am now working with various Alphabet aGencies to delete it. thank for patience.
@Zacharý SO Triage is different. The original trilogy was SOUF (Super User/Server Fault)
Triage is a review queue
As in medical triage
I was going to read the spec of an esolang
but it was written on Google Docs
who does that?
colloquially known as "the trolls"
@Zacharý "It's a boy! Really? Nah, I'm just kidding. Or am I?"
(chefly British)
... I've had similar-style jokes made before
ok now I need to eat for real
Are you going to eat pas---sa---ta, passata
@passata What's British?
@Zacharý Spaces around the ---
@cairdcoinheringaahing made up by the canadians
@passata Now I'm even more confused
@Zacharý i dont eat hyphenated food
@cairdcoinheringaahing good. communication exists to confuse. we were better off in the trees.
We shouldn't be tree-ted that way though
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Esolanging FruitOutput a Random Bit random internet code-golf Your task is simple: print either 1 or 0. Chosen uniformly randomly every time. No, not your silly pseudorandom nonsense. No system calls. No reading /dev/urandom. The randomness has to be unpredictable (i.e. reliant on chaotic, impossible-to-reas...

@passata Agreement exists to express a person's thoughts regarding statements wherein an individual has remarked upon a conclusion they have come to understand and the agreeing party shares the beliefs expressed by the second individual, antecedent intra-contradictions notwithstanding. Naturally, many consider impoliteness to be exampled when one attempts to divulge information in consideration of themselves, therefore it is a necessity to circumvent such usages.
As we're talking about confusing communication :D
i'll read that later, right now i need help i am in physical pain from all the dijon mustard i put on my sandwich
one second i need to check to make sure i didnt put on horseradish by mistake or some shit
no, i just must not have been paying attention and put on like 3 cubic meters
flooding my house with whole grain mustard to collect on the insurance
walks out of the room slowly
i changed my name, what did you expect
bad things happen
...anyways, I did actually have a legitimate esolangs question from earlier: has anyone seen any other "quantum" variants of languages other than the one BF one (which is pretty nice)?
obviously register based stuff is an easy fit
not implemented
(dead implementation but maybe wayback machine)
Which is the BF one
@Picard ok that's actually clever
Essentially the two operations are Hadamard and CNOT
rest of the substitutions are just to make up for the fact that it's not all monadic anymore
e.g. Swapping cells
What determines "reasonably active"? Is it just activity in a specific timeframe? Or is it over the entirety of the room?
@passata up for salem?
well, I was
but turns out I actually don't have the stupid thing installed
jury is out on whether it'll even work on OS X, check back in 6-8 hours
what about browser?
ummm let me see
that did actually work
one moment
create a lobby?
.... why are 3 user-name-change today?
because it's Easter!
that's definitely why
too bad I don't know what is Easter
But I don't think so read the starboard
(actually at least 4.)
@user202729 Easter is a holiday that was originally celebrated as a pagan holiday (vernal equinox), but in modern times is usually celebrated as a Christian holiday (resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian faith)
This year, it happened to land on April 1 (April Fools Day)
Why does this only print 'B'?
echo A | tee /dev/stderr | echo B | tee /dev/stderr > /dev/null
I think I need -a.
@user202729 Because the stdout from the first tee (containing A) gets piped into echo B, which consumes it
@Mego Wait a minute...
$ echo A | echo B
echo A|tee /dev/stderr|echo B|tee /dev/stderr>/dev/null

             |                    |
             +--------------------+----------> /dev/stderr
I think it works like ^?
Then why does echo A | tee /dev/stderr | echo B > /dev/null print nothing while ( echo A >&2 ) | echo B > /dev/null prints A?
TIL the timestamp on a comment is a link to that comment
@user202729 echo b doesn't accept input, so tee gets SIGPIPEd when it tries to write to STDERR.
You want a cat before echo B
(or any command that will read from stdin)
That would only work up to the buffer of cat though, which will also exit on SIGPIPE.
echo A | tee /dev/stderr | cat | echo B | tee /dev/stderr > /dev/null
@Dennis Sure, but 1 byte won't fill up the buffer
... why isn't there any error messages ...
Well, 1 byte + newline. I guess it would depend on the buffering mode of cat
Or just use cat > /dev/null?
@user202729 Because SIGPIPE is business as usual. You don't want an error message every time you use head.
@user202729 The output there doesn't matter. You just need something to consume the STDOUT output of tee so that the /dev/stderr output doesn't fail
What are you trying to do anyway?
{ yes | tee /dev/stderr | cat | true; } |& wc -c produces between 8 and 128 KiB of output.
Is there a way to detect sigpipe?
From the Bash script? I don't think so.
Interesting: the starboard fails a basic voting system criteria: adding a star to the topmost item can change the order of other items on the starboard.
What? How?
You can check the exit code post execution though. SIGPIPE if signal 13, so the exit code would be 141.
When I added the 3rd star to the current top message, the 14-star message and quartata's 1-star message swapped places
If you remove it... does it revert?
@user202729 Too late now. The only way I could do that would be by removing all stars on it
Or is it just time effect?
Even mods are subject to the star timeout
(because naturally new messages are on the top, but as they get older the more-starred messages get to the top)
Feb 7 at 17:04, by PhiNotPi
Yes, I believe so.
I forgot to add -O2 to my program and I wonder why is it so slow...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

geokavelRadioactive Quine Sums code-challengequine Related: Radioactive Quines Challenge Write a program that takes an integer as input and.... When the program is run it outputs the input. When you split the program in half, each sub-program should take as input the output of the original program,...

Speaking of broken pipes, I just had dnf update crash with cat: write error: Broken pipe
@Mego I'd say that the modern Western holiday is an amalgamation of pagan and Jewish holidays with commemoration of events of Christian significance.
I was in Salt Lake City today, completely by coincidence with Easter. It was weird... The entire city in suits, religious music playing from speakers everywhere.
I just had a t-shirt and shorts and felt way out of place
Which religion are the Easter bunny and sacramental chocolate eggs?
@feersum Easter bunny: rabbit/hare superfetation ↔ hermaphroditism ↔ immaculate conception ↔ Christianity. Sacramental chocolate eggs: Jewish chagigah offering's commemoration by burned egg + red blood of Jesus → coloured eggs + commercialism → foil covered chocolate eggs.
@user202729 *-Ofast :P
@Unicode-only Why can I still read your "-"? Not Unicode-only.
@Unicode-only In my experience O3 and Ofast are not much faster than O2.
@user202729 :| SE limitations. i could have left out the dash but didn't think of that >_> (btw ASCII is a subset of Unicode anyway)
@Unicode-only Couldn't you have used –?
@Adám maybe. but i was rushing
@Pavel there was religious music playing publicly? Was this like from loudspeakers or like from people's personal iphones
@Picard What did you do to @Riker? (ps this @betseg)
@Unicode-only even in JS
looks like they just printed the string
@Cowsquack :| oh 0/10 too lazy
I see you've attempted fizz buzz, there are so many people with the same bytecount
@Cowsquack i attempted fizzbuzz a long time ago, just decided to try and golf it more
o_O how did you get 47 bytes on pangram grep
@Cowsquack spoiler: Set
and cheating
I did not know about Set
@Cowsquack protip: use latest features as much as possible because this is PPCG :P
"this is PPCG"?
@Cowsquack normally you don't want to be using the latest features because polyfills are slow
@Picard this is bad you should have linked to xdefconx
@EsolangingFruit Destructible Watermelon IIRC? (also Nathan Merrill did that for a practical lang IIRC)
Damnit. DigitalOcean outage already lasts more than 20h, and it's not an April fools joke >:(
@Unicode-only I seem to have found a new bug... F²«J⁰¦⁰FIθ«↷⊗ι*↶⊗ι≔‽²ι¿§KV⊕ι≦¬ι works fine as a solution to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/161027 but F²«J⁰¦⁰FIθ«¿ι*↓*≔‽²ι¿§KV⊕ι≦¬ι doesn't for some reason
@flawr wat
@betseg wat
1.21 GW
@Neil sorry for late reply, but: does this not work
@Neil also for some reason it's because for the latter directions are switched for some reason
yeah, seems to be working, but that's weird about the peek...
I mean it's weird that the directions are switched for some reason
@Neil not the fault of the peek, it's ¿ι*↓* vs ↷⊗ι*↶⊗ι
also J⁰0 works btw
what difference does that make?
@Neil for the former if i is 1 then it draws right, for the latter if i is 1 then it draws down? (i think)
of course, d'oh!
luckily this wasn't a bug or else it would have been one more thing i would risk forgetting before getting back to my laptop >_>
also: this works i think (✳±⊗ι*) although it's not shorter here
hang on
@Neil 28: F²«J⁰0FIθ«✳±⊗ι*≔‽²ι¿§KV⊕ι≦¬ι
already down to 26
sorry 25, deverbosifier added a ` before a * for some reason
sorry 24 for the unnecessary M
hmm since i don't really want to work on switching to gmpy2 atm i should probably branch that off
@Neil hang on. link?
@Unicode-only tio.run/…
@Neil btw you haven't changed to J⁰0 yet
@Neil hmm would move only be required after arguments that expect multidirectionals?
it's also needed before bare prints
also oops found another bug
@Neil should be fixed on GitHub.
What happened?
@totallyhuman Usernames? April Fools Day yesterday
12 hours ago, by quartata
no they're for Easter obviously
:| why does charcoal have to be the one golflang one of the very few golflangs that can't be turned into a practical language
@Unicode-only And Jelly can be?
@cairdcoinheringaahing sure, why not?
@Unicode-only Jelly is very slow.
(Downgoat -> Downsheep, ASCII-only -> Unicode-only, quartata -> passata, Riker -> Picard)
Is there an atom or a quick in Jelly to prepend to list?
oh i didnt notice Riker->Picard *facedesk*
also why is Unicode-only's dash an ASCII dash
@Soaku atom is the correct term
what do you mean? [b, c] (atom) a -> [a, b, c] or something else?
that's append, not prepend
@Mego thanks
@Soaku ;@ usually works
@EriktheOutgolfer It's concatenate, so switching the order of the args works
@EriktheOutgolfer Well, for me ; actually worked like a charm. idk.
oh you just wanted to concatenate?
Alternatively [b,c];@a like caird said
I thought you wanted something like ([b,c])(atom)(a) -> ([a,b,c]) or something
@EriktheOutgolfer I wanted to add 0 to beginning of [1,2,3] :v 0; worked
never mind
oh 1,2,3 0; works for a different reason
@EriktheOutgolfer What's that reason?
0; is what is called a "nilad-dyad pair", and, as its name implies, 0 and ; get paired
1,2,3 sets the return value to that list. ; needs a left and a right argument, and it's left argument is given as 0, therefore it's right argument must be the return value ([1,2,3])
(Long version of what Erik said)
there are many constructs like that, and it can be hard to learn them all at once, some of them are even specific to certain types of chains and some are specific "at the start of a chain"
@betseg It's fine, ASCII is still Unicode.
@EriktheOutgolfer Any one person who hasn't voted could be a tie-breaker. By voting.
"Any one person who hasn't voted" is an unobservable requirement
how do you know who has voted where, since not even mods can
You don't have to know. You just post in chat asking someone to break the tie.
oh that's what you mean
then two people respond, voting up both answers...
Then select one with PRNG, and do the other next.
maybe just go with "earliest posted" :P
@ASCII-only Improved sierpinski by a lot
sorry, he's not called that right now
@TonHospel They're @Unicode-only now
@Unicode-only ^^
pinged twice...
Yeah, I was wondering about that..
@betseg I just have to Google "U+01F914" ...
why so many Unicode? (and my browser hates Unicode)
Q: Please save my time!

nicaelIt's so annoying sometimes that you have to wait on the traffic lights! The goal is to turn off red and yellow signals on the traffic light and turn on the green one. As input you get a picture, containing at least one traffic light which tells you to wait (i.e., it could be red, yellow and r...

@user202729 thinking face
ASCII is enough for anyone (Bill Gates^WIsaac Newton)
Bill Isaac Newton?
wrong Vim keystroke?
Bill Gates closes tab Isaac Newton
euh damn. Yeah, Bill Isaac Newton, the famous writer !
Why isn't Doorknob listed here?
What do you mean?
maybe because he didn't vote to delete?
Should there be some notes in the sandbox ≃ "If you received help in the sandbox, consider helping other users too by reviewing their challenges"?
@user202729 Considering that the comment says I'm deleting this, I assume he forgot.
@user202729 I hope that people don't need such a reminder (although I'm not that confident in that statement, unfortunately)
> deleted Feb 12 '16 at 4:26, answered Feb 12 '16 at 2:46
@cairdcoinheringaahing I also hope people can deduce that, but a reminder won't hurt.
Nice coincidence :P
Also looking at the terrible lack-of-feedback in the sandbox, ...
I wouldn't want to give anyone the impression that it's mandatory. The people who need the sandbox the most are the least qualified to review others' posts.
that, especially newer users
How much rep is necessary to comment on meta? 50?
(is rep countable?)
@user202729 50, same as everywhere
I think that for private betas it's 1 rep, and Meta.SE doesn't restrict commenting at all
@user202729 Reputations points are, reputation isn't.
@EriktheOutgolfer Mother Meta requires 5 rep to comment everywhere.
@Dennis still a much lower amount of rep than most other sites
btw that 5 rep is what most site metas require to participate at all
Meta PPCG being the notable exception.
not sure if it's the notable exception, but I think rep requirements (or at least some of them) are adjustable by SE employees
so we're really talking about default rep requirements
Well, it's the most notable for us. And yes, this was a customization we requested.
A: Should we remove the reputation requirement for answering on meta?

Alex A.Remove both question and answer requirements Meta is a great way for new users to ask questions about the site, so there shouldn't be a rep restriction keeping them from doing so. New users should be able to use the Sandbox, so we should remove the answer requirement as well. Questions Rep re...

for us, sure :P
I am talking to us. :P
> moderators are immediately notified of new meta questions
As in inbox notifications, or you just see it on the home page?
Mod inbox
@Dennis that's kind of implied given that you're talking about it here ;P
Today's XKCD is crazy
Ah, I was going to check that out again on a computer.
@DJMcMayhem The Music > na > na > na ... is the best one :D
Requires Javascript support.
Isn't that universal by now?
CMC: mornington crescent HW in xkcd. screenshot needed
Q: Expand compressed brain-flak

DJMcMayhemThis challenge was posted as part of the April 2018 LotM challenge, as well as for Brain-flak's 2nd birthday I was thinking about what the most efficient way to encode brain-flak programs would be. The obvious thing to do, since there are only 8 valid characters, is to map each character to a ...

alias gcc=php
@Dennis ಠ__ಠ
rikermacbookpro:~ rikerw$ gcc
clang: error: no input files
Right, macOS already has gcc aliased to something nonsensical.
@DJMcMayhem The Advanced Utilities are glorious!
@Dennis Why do you have that? ...
@Picard HW? ("homework"?)
hello world
@user202729 It's in the XKCD
yesterday, by caird coinheringaahing
Suggestions for memory models for an esolang? Specifically for this
where have you gone caird?
my entire spring break came and went and you never replied to my messages
@SnivyDroid In the ALPHA room? Didn't realise there was anything to reply to, sorry
btw TIL about JS' console.table()
Can anyone take a look at this sandbox challenge?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AngsHail satin! It's time to create some silky smooth ascii graphics! Satin is a weave where each yarn goes repeatedly over four or more yarns and then under one. -||||-|||| |||-||||-| |-||||-||| ||||-||||- ||-||||-|| -||||-|||| |||-||||-| |-||||-||| Create a function or program that gets four in...

> TODO rewrite everything, it's a mess
Still applicable?
.. not really.
(although everytime I try to write anything it's a mess, I believe)
I hope it's much better now (than a previous revision).
Is this still applicable?
> Now the hard part: Quicks taking chains as input.
Yes. I will write that later.
@user202729 I understand it, but that's because I understand how chains work in Jelly, so I'm not sure if someone who doesn't would.
Jelly quiz. In the program ABð€CDµ€ called with arity 1, what is the arity of the ABð€CD part?
(re unposted NMP: please close it as "no objective winning criteria", as closing as "get help on Stack Overflow" is useless)
(at least in current form)
(also someone may want to comment, as close doesn't generate notification)
Q: Fill the Ship problem

Sandip KumarHan Solo is getting ready to battle Darth Vader's Army. As you all know , his primary weapon is 'Millenium Falcon' i.e. his battleship. He needs to estimate the number of refill of fuel that he will need to perform during battle. Han Solo knows that this battle can last for N hours . It takes him...

did you guys see this years reddit april fools thing
shoot need to release test cases
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ChristopherVariable change machine Given a dollar amount and a preference of: least change, lowest weight, smallest area, or highest density output the change to give. Descriptions: Least change: We have a challenge for this but you just give out the least amount of coinage possible Lowest weight: Giv...

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