@Downgoat yeah, that's the only issue, JS is still ugly from the core, and no amount of backwards-compatible syntatic sugar or feature additions is gonna fix that
The _ was agreed to as part of Stage 1 acceptance.
The following examples show numeric separators as they appear in other programming languages:
_ (Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Julia, Ada, C#)
' (C++)
For as long as programmers have been programming and as long as English teachers have been teaching, there's a controversy over the datasets called Arrays and Lists (or hashes).
Arrays have almost always had their first index at 0. Which, for the programmer, is understandable becau...
There is a function which is suggested by one of the user here. But i am little confused in using this function. Please tell me how to use this function like what should be the syntax or if i need to add more data.
Here is the function.
processData <- function (data) {
row.has.na <- apply(d...
Parse a C++14 integer literal codegolf
According to http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/integer_literal, integer literals consist of a decimal/hex/octal/binary literal and a optional integer suffix, that is obviously completely unnecessary and wastes precious bytes and is not used in this ...
Binning in time
The task in this challenge is to put elements of an array into time bins. The input will be a non-decreasing array of positive integers, and an integer which represents the size of each bin. Let us start with an example. We call the input array A and the output array O.
`A = [1...
The task in this challenge is to put elements of an array into time bins. The input will be a non-decreasing array of positive integers representing the time of events, and an integer which represents the size of each bin. Let us start with an example. We call the input array A and the output ar...
It's the post-apocalyptic age.
The fight between robots and human race has stopped. We won..
You are the only programmer left alive, and to rebuild the civilization you need the newest version of GCC.
You found the copy in a quantum storage device, however, all the binaries of all available comp...
@TheLethalCarrot the parser has been redone, so everything is 103% less hacky, and it's been rewritten in node, so I haven't ported it to the website yet. I'll try to make Carrot all ready for when you come back :P
Digit Occurrences
An list of integers (which will never contain a zero)
An list of the same size with counts based on the following:
If the current item is negative: Look at all items before this item, and count how many times the digits occurred in th...
This question is really trivial. Is it welcome here?
This question might depend a lot on compression. Any idea to improve it is welcome.
Maybe I should change the winning criteria?
Wa dan't naad athar vawels.
code-golf string
Could you read the title? Or... Caald yaa raad tha tat...
Poll: I'm working on a new iteration of Japt, which is based on similar concepts, but a majority of how it works has been completely redone. What should I name it?
Alphabet Histogram
code-golf ascii-art counting
Given an input sentence consisting of words [a-z]+ and spaces , output an ASCII-art histogram of the letter distribution of the input sentence.
The histogram must be laid out horizontally (i.e., the letter key along the bottom in alphabetical ord...
@El'endiaStarman For what it's worth, a few years ago before Force Awakens came out, my friends and I did a binge session of Machete order all in one day. It actually makes a lot of sense to watch the movies that way, and fills in a lot of the details between Empire and RotJ from a story-arc perspective. I really enjoyed it.
It's a lot to do in one day. We started shortly after lunch, and counting breaks in between movies and for dinner, it was almost 2:00am when we finished.
I wonder how the new trilogy and side-stories would best fit in. I know he addressed that and just said the order they came out in, but I wonder if there was a way to fit them all in
You need to generate a program that takes in a number, calculates the Fibonacci sequence in binary, concatenates it and converts it back to decimal, and then outputs the decimal.
For example
1 -> [0] -> 0 to dec outputs 0
3 -> [0, 1, 1] -> 011 to dec outputs 3
4 -> [0, 1, 1, 10] -> 0...
SO, the minimum score is 20 - 1 (for the two hello worlds) - 1 (for integer input) - 1 (for array input) - 1 (for string input?) - 3 (if some of the other no-inputers are quines)