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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@EriktheOutgolfer There is no integer aside from 2 that satisfies 'all x'?
um, do you mean 2 <= x < n or 2 <= x <= n? 2 only satisfies "all x" if the former is true
then 2 doesn't satisfy "all x"...anyway
The only value for x in that case would be 2and... I just realised that 2 isn't square :/
btw I have 5 bytes in Jelly
that reverses the output?
that is, if we don't necessarily want 2 distinct T/F values
well then I have 0 bytes
looks like my version is invalid
@LeakyNun of course :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing can we assume n >= 2? otherwise Leaky's 0-byter is invalid
You can assume n >= 2 yes
@EriktheOutgolfer why?
@LeakyNun because it wouldn't work for 1 and negative integers
@EriktheOutgolfer why not?
negative integers aren't powers of positive integers :P
and, while 1 is the 0th power of every integer, the integer range [2, 1] is empty, so there isn't any such integer for which it would work
it would coincidentally work for 0 because that's a falsy value
I think my point is not getting across
11 mins ago, by Erik the Outgolfer
that is, if we don't necessarily want 2 distinct T/F values
it was an objection to this
blame consensus :P
i.e. "if you don't require 2 distinct T/F values, I can just say that the range of "truthy" values is those that satisfy the requirement"
Q: Tell my browser

Mega ManBackground Many people visit webpages, which require special browsers because of lack of compatibility. So you have to write a script (client sided or server sided), which just prints the name of the browser. Because not everyone has fast internet, the script has to be as short as possible. (Thi...

@NewMainPosts If that stays open, it'll be almost all JavaScript submissions
I want to create some kind of competition about space travel (satellites, spaceships, etc.).
@LeakyNun feel free to vote on the appropriate consensus then ;) (or, if a challenge which may suffer from this issue is sandboxed or has no answers and you see it, encourage restricting to 2 distinct T/F values)
oh, and if it were for 2 distinct T/F values, would work for 1 byte, so that wouldn't help much :P
Any feedback? Thinking about posting
I've made several sandbox proposals dealing with "customizable" robots and think something involving designing a spaceship (think KSP but simpler) would be fun.
But I'm missing an objective.
I guess to be more specific, sometime I want to make a KOTH that has both a really good "software" and really good "hardware" component to the design. Most KOTHs involve simply writing an AI for something, but I want one in which you get to design the robot itself and therefore get to specify the "hardware" that your AI gets to use.
uh, I don't think that's very feasible
one may say 1MHz CPU, then another says 999MHz CPU, a third one specifies 9999999999999MHz, the first one edits to 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000MHz, etc.
the same is true for many other hardware aspects such as HDD space, RAM space, CPU freq, network speed, monitor freq etc.
I wasn't really envisioning the design choices going down to that level of detail.
There'd be a couple choices for each element of the design, and there'd be several other restrictions to provide balance. There could be categories such as chassis, propulsion, etc. but then you'd get to choose, say, 2 out of 7 options for weapons.
The most comparable KOTH, as far as I can remember, was the Pokemon-themed KOTH where you got to design both your AI and choose your team/moveset beforehand.
Q: Codémon, I choose you!

Geobits Your kindly neighbour, Doctor Tree, just gave you three magical creatures called Codémon. There's a battle tournament in the nearby town of Colorville. Are you the very best, like no one ever was? Overview This is a battle tournament. Each player controls a team of three monsters, and the o...

... I finally managed to fix the problem with apt-get -f install not ever fixing broken/missing dependencies. Guess what the problem was...
From the starboard, I'm going to guess you forgot a semicolon? :P
wait what about the starboard D: ? but no it was because I set python to run python3 but all of the core programs on my version of Linux are python2...
@HyperNeutrino This
oh lol :P
I didn't even realize that that made the starboard
how to make sailors mad: put the starboard on the left
@HyperNeutrino wtf which distro/version
@betseg uname -a is Linux Alex-Acer-Aspire-E15 3.19.0-32-generic #37~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 22 09:41:40 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
14.04 oO
few months to EOL
end of life
you should update
lol ok
how do i do that
sudo do-release-upgrade, but it'll upgrade to 16.04 where you'll have to upgrade to 18.04 in 3 months
oh ok
so should i like wait 3 months then
switch to 16.04 then wait imo
@HeebyJeebyMan You couldn't have stuck with the cat?
Yeah, better do it before \n
hyper_neutrino@Alex-Acer-Aspire-E15 ~/D/e/minecraft> sudo do-release-upgrade
[sudo] password for hyper_neutrino:
Checking for a new Ubuntu release
No new release found
No people liked the cat
@HyperNeutrino wut
Yeah, it gave us the heeby jeebies
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk
what does the release bit in /etc/lsb-release say
i saw ubuntu in kernel name and i tohguht the distro was ubuntu
tohguht nice
also, mint using kernel 3.19? wtf
no wonder their website got hacked
linux mint
lol your kernel is probably like full of holes
> oct 22 2015
kernels dont age well
@betseg yeah I'd recommend waiting at least until 18.04.1...
@EriktheOutgolfer problem is its not ubuntu, but mint. with a kernel from 2015.
@betseg ...what? that's very vulnerable...
@HyperNeutrino IIRC mint had a kernel selection thingy, can you select a more recent LTS kernel?
current kernel is vulnerable to spectre and meltdown
and more i think?
yes I think you need a very, very recent kernel
> The following versions were patched: 3.13, 3.16, 4.4, 4.13
not 3.19
why patch an older version and not a newer one O_O
QFT isn't vulnerable
hyper uses 17.3, and 19 will be out in a few months
CAMP: how many of you do not use an IDE
i dont think 17.3->18.3 works (17.3->18.0->18.1->18.2->18.3), so a clean installation would be best if possible
i dont
Anybody program Java and not use an IDE
Q: Wait, what language is this?

Heeby Jeeby ManRecently I had the pleasure of writing a Haskell program that could detect if the NegativeLiterals extension was engaged. I came up with the following: data B=B{u::Integer} instance Num B where{fromInteger=B;negate _=B 1} main=print$1==u(-1) Try it online! This will print True normally and...

@Zacharý Chat ? Mini Poll?
@EriktheOutgolfer I thought that's the consensus for that you either 1. consistently output two distinct values or 2. output a truthy value for true and a falsey value for false
404 error: humor not found
1) should be specified in the challenge..
@NewMainPosts ಠ_ಠ Did a mod wipe the comments?
Is Riker Easterlyirk?
Presumably yes, why the ಠ_ಠ?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm in a disapproving mood
@Zacharý Yes
Alot happens after you've been kicked
Did you just get kicked?
No, I'm talking about earlier
That long suspension I had
AKA my PUNisment. (I'll stop, don't want to repeat that)
meta pun nice
@Zacharý how long was it?
Woah, you've META PUN? How was it? (Now I'll stop)
@LeakyNun too long
I can't remember exactly how long it was
@MDXF Thank you!
i am going to crack Seed
or at lest attempt to
You're going to need it
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ I think feersum found a way to crack it? iirc he posted to a few challenges within a short window of time (hello world, I think primality?)
Yeah he never shared
I mean if the RNG isn't cryptographically secure it shouldn't be too hard to do some analysis etc
yeah i found a way that can be used to crack it
but it doesn't seem like the right way
but do you know da wae?
Memes, really?!
just leave
I had to explain what "Man's not hot" is to my Maths teacher :P
Mine referenced Hee-Man
@ConorO'Brien np what did you need it for?
@MDXF my github.io, I'm making links look nice
Oh cool
the codeles i found are buggy :()
the problem with seed and cracking it is you need to know the first 624 values
so you turn befunge into ascii then you keyboard mash until values 624
But ... Befunge is ASCII
That's quite rude. I'm not sure myself what you're on about, so confusion I think is quite valid.
ASCII binary
That makes more sense
expected primary-expression before '>' token
great broken C++ code
and not even SO helps b/c the > is bitshifting
wait is >>> not valid bitshifting in C++?
Don't bother bitshifting
Q: Should I use ' or ; as a comment symbol?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've always liked ; , seems pretty cool
Pretty unanimous :P
Mostly for polyglots
Broken code that I don't understand
If you can use Add++ in a polyglot, I'll give you a +50 bounty
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ If you actually are, wait until I've written the indefinite bounties post to add a few ground rules
@cairdcoinheringaahing it will be ez
I want to see a massive polyglot involving D.
It's definitely possible, hence why it's only 50
@cairdcoinheringaahing comments in add++?
What I'm adding at the moment :P
CMP: What do you think is your most trivial challenge? (No link needed, just the title it ok)
well i have an answer if you have a comment
@Mr.Xcoder add 2 numbers
@Mr.Xcoder Hello World
@Mr.Xcoder um
Whoops, sorry
My bad
you didn't specify the "your" until after I replied
@MDXF Yeah, sorry
@cairdcoinheringaahing what will be the comment thingy
Although technically I did? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh, the carbon chain one
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ ; most likely
make sure it is ;
changes it to Ø :P
Anything becomes trivial when you find an OEIS sequence
Alright so tired of this code, if anyone can find me a sufficiently clear/optimized turncube I'll give you 50 or 100 rep on main site
@Zacharý especially Integral since it's going to have that OEIS builtin
Couldn't you just implement each turn individually
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ turncube is really inefficient
@Zacharý yes but I'd still be using the same methods just in more code
@Mr.Xcoder Probably either "Reconstruct an arithmetic sequence" or "Parse a list of signed unary numbers," although I don't consider either of them trivial--solutions were still golfable in interesting ways.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i have an answer once ; is comment in Add++
Would entire/entier be a good name? It's a pun on french for Integer
Nah, I've decided to stick with Integral (assuming ^ was directed towards me)
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ Bounty post posted, has a few conditions
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ deleted?
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ You'll have to wait a bit for a) Me to finish implementing comments and b) to get Dennis to pull it when that's done
@cairdcoinheringaahing ping me when you finished
A: Hello World in Multiple Languages

Christopher 2EZ 4RTZ3 languages 170 bytes ;-[------->+<]>-.-[->+++++<]>++.+++++++..+++.[--->+<]>-----.---[->+++<]>.++[--->++<]>++++.[-->+<]>---.-------------.+++++++.--------.-[--->+<]>. D,f,^,"ሰላም ልዑል!" $f O Prints ሰላም ልዑል! in Add++ (once comments are finished) Try it online! And Hello Wêreld! in brain-fuck Try...

Once you pull the version to TIO then it works
HQ9 isn't Turing complerte
HQ9+B is TC
runs input as BF
Ah yes, my most upvoted answer ever
A: List of bounties with no deadline

caird coinheringaahing50 rep for an Add++ polyglot This should be fairly basic, but I'd be interested in seeing it done. The program must satisfy the following four conditions though: It must be posted to an existing polyglot challenge It must be a polyglot with at least two other languages The other two languages ...

@Christopher2EZ4RTZ The TIO for Add++ links to the wrong code, FYI
> The program must work on the current version on Try It Online
So no comments in Add++ for the bounty :P
I could not add comments :P Make it a little harder
It shouldn't be too difficult without comments
@NewBountiesWithNoDeadlines :( Why the downvote?
'Cause no comments
(It wasn't me though)
Huh? Because comments aren't working on TIO yet?
I have no clue
Yeah... It doesn't really matter though :P
@CalculatorFeline, that name seems familiar. Have you been here before?
Conway's base-13 function is defined as follows:
Given a real number x, express it in base 13 using the digits 0123456789+-.
just like a base-10 expansion shouldn't have recurring 9, this expansion should not have recurring .
if the base 13 expansion matches xxx+yy.zzzzzzzzzz⋯ where x, y, z are digits from 0 to 9, then return +yy.zzzzzzzzzz⋯ as a base-10 real number
if the base 13 expansion matches xxx-yy.zzzzzzzzzz⋯, then return -yy.zzzzzzzzzz⋯ as a base-10 real number
otherwise, return 0
so f(3⋅1415+926.53589⋯[base 13]) = 926.53589...[base 10]
claim: for every open interval (a,b), the image of (a,b) under the function is the entirety of the reals
proof: firstly find integers p and q such that p*13^-q and (p+1)*13^-q are in (a,b)
then, if you want something that is mapped to +12.3465[base 10] for example, just append +12.3465[base 13] to the base 13 expansion of p*13^-q
@MDXF :)
> Bounty Ended with 250 reputation awarded by MD XF
occurred 1 hour ago
on which?
Clearly if an answer gets bountied it's intresting and we should know about it
@cairdcoinheringaahing where have you documented the " command on Add++? I looked at the wiki to no avail
@ConorO'Brien 1) It's not there 2) The docs need updating at some point adds it to list
can you explain it to me then?
It just toggles strings in Functional mode and is a no-op in Vanilla mode. D,f,@,"Hello" pushes "Hello" to the stack, then returns it
@DLosc Why doesn't this work?
I expect it to print 456 but it doesn't
@EsolangingFruit That’s a link to the hello, world?
^ ;)
@ConorO'Brien Nice abuse of undefined behaviour. I'll sort the bounty out when I'm at a computer.
(chris also answered, but his is about 3 times longer)
@ConorO'Brien I actually really like that abuse :P I think I'll keep that as a 'hidden feature'
which? the implicit string thing?
Yeah, the x:. That shouldn't happen.
@Mr.Xcoder Sorry, this. Whoops
@EsolangingFruit Hm. What are you trying to do? The first issue is that neither FD nor OD is a command or operator.
Ahhh, I think I see--are you trying to use D as a variable in a for loop?
Use d instead. FD scans as a single token.
General rule of thumb: lowercase letters all scan separately; uppercase letters clump together in twos. (More accurate explanation available upon request.)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Chas BrownSequentially Divisible Sometimes to fall asleep, I'll count as high as I can, whilst skipping numbers that are not square-free. I get a little thrill when I get to skip over several numbers in a row - for example, 48,49,50 are all NOT square-free (48 is divisible by 4=2^2, 49 by 7^2, and 50 by 5...

@DLosc FdaOd still doesn't work, because it looks like it thinks a is a string. Is there a better way to input an array than Va?
@MDXF I used to have some code for that but sadly it went offline. As I recall, I was able to simplify the code by having once cube be the top left corner for the front, top and left faces while the diametrically opposite cube was the top left corner for the back, bottom and right faces, but the only thing I can remember is that opposite faces always added to 5.
@EsolangingFruit Right, it does think a is a string. ;) Va is an option. My preferred way, if you just need to input one array of values, is to enter them as separate command-line arguments. The list of all cmdline args is stored in g.
Oh, OK.
If you have a long list and don't want to keep opening new fields on TIO, you can also use the -r flag, which instead populates g from lines of stdin.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Comrade SparklePonyEncode a String with Another String! Your task: Given two strings consisting of printable ASCII characters, encode one string with the other! To encode a string with another string (encoding "Hello, World!" with "key") Get input: "Hello, World!", "key" Make second input same length as first: "...

@DLosc And is there an operator to set an array element? (e.g. [1 2 3]?1 100 becomes [1 100 3])
Oh wait, nvm there's RA
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

flawrVoronoi Iteration code-golfmathgeometry Given a finite set of points in the plane, output the set vertices of the corresponding Voronoi diagram. Details A vertex of the voronoi diagram is a point of the plane that has the same distance to the three or more closest input points. As usual, you ...

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