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@ConorO'Brien ^^^ if you're dealing with arbitrary-size integers as opposed to constant
oh interesting
(Alternatively you could assign memory just for the size of an int :P)
@MarcusAndrews eval gets.tr" ","*"
@ConorO'Brien that's a good idea
thank you
function reverseNumber(a){
	var b = 0;
	while(a > 0){
		b *= 10;
		b += a % 10;
		a //= 10;
@Adám I have no idea, I don't apl very well
That's constant memory (As Funky only uses Doubles)
@ATaco you need to hoist the temporaries out of the loop
otherwise they'll linger until GC and make it logarithmic memory
assuming you aren't doing escape analysis that is
@ConorO'Brien It inserts the function {⍞←⍺} between the digits. So you get '3'{⍞←⍺}'1'{⍞←⍺}'4'{⍞←⍺}'1'{⍞←⍺}'5'{⍞←⍺}'9'{⍞←⍺}0. APL evaluates from right to left, each function outputting (and returning) its left argument.
This is above my pay grade.
@Adám I think that's non-constant memory, since it sort of uses the program as a memory bank (which is more memory? I think? Idk)
(I assure you those 10's are recognized as constants and are only stored in memory once)
@FlipTack Why I hate online leaks. I just hope we don't have to do it again (and that we get our code back)
Yes, but b *= 10 -> b = b * 10, and b * 10 is probably stored in a temporary
To my knowledge, based on how Funky works, this shouldn't use additional memory for each iteration.
@Adám no stringification, that's O(log_10(n))
@ConorO'Brien But each function never holds more than two digits.
@StevenH. It takes string input from STDIN.
b*10 is stored temporariliy, and I'm not sure how that much is handled.
That's NodeJS's problem though.
@ConorO'Brien Wait, do you mean O(1) as opposed to O(n) or O(n) as opposed to O(2×n)?
@quartata aren't compound operations like that optimized? esp. by a constant
@Adám I mean O(1) basically
@ConorO'Brien This is Funky though
@Adám Regarding that issue on the Taco's Userscripts GH, I'm not sure how many people prefer the Colon after the Bytes for CMCs.
function reverseNumber(a){
    var b = 0;
    var c;
    while(a > 0){
        b = b * 10;
        c = a % 10;
        b = b + c;
        a = a// 10;
@ConorO'Brien I don't think that is possible, as each digit takes constant memory, and you need to hold them all before beginning output.
@ConorO'Brien yeah, this is what I meant
@Adám well, it has been demonstrated here it is possible
@ConorO'Brien I assure you due to how funky works that isn't more efficient.
6 mins ago, by Steven H.
@ATaco https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/41391573#41391573
@ConorO'Brien Doesn't 123456789 take more memory than 12?
I think @ConorO'Brien means O(1) excluding the input
since it's a number, and I'm disregarding number width
although tbf both fit in a 32 bit integer
And the *=, += and //= are syntatically equivalent to their a = a + counterparts.
@ConorO'Brien Well, then I think my code works too. It takes the number in as a string, then processes only two digits at any given time.
Hm or a shorter way to read in a sorted string in ruby other than gets.split("").sort ?
oh actually I didn't mean b = b * 10; though
@MarcusAndrews gets.chars.sort, perhaps?
need another temp outside of the loop for b * 10 most likely
@ATaco Hm, ok.
ah perfect!
thanks Conor
So although it's intended to not have a colon, if it's preferred to be with one it's an easy change.
@ATaco When you do b += a % 10;, there's a temporary being created for the a % 10. This is recreated each iteration
assuming no optimization is done and they're all on the heap
Hence "hoist out of the loop"
@Adám Does it store the other elements on the callstack then?
@Adám but does it store all of the digits in memory, no? the program state should still consist of those values, which is O(n) memory afaict
Storing the value in c in Funky isn't any more efficient, as Funky makes no effort to optimize the memory.
This isn't about runtime
This is about memory
c is only made once
it could have O(n!!) runtime but all it needs is O(1) memory
@StevenH. It has to keep the digits in memory, but then it chops one at a time from the end, until none are left.
What I'm saying is that funky doesn't care that you're assigning to c.
@ConorO'Brien although most of these are going to be O(log n)
The callstack looks like it'll be of depth O(n) though
@StevenH. I don't understand what you mean by callstack.
@quartata but Steven's should be O(1), disregarding the input width?
@ConorO'Brien I mean runtime
@StevenH. pretty sure it's tail recursive
Even though it ideally would store the variable only in the memory c holds, Funky does not use this, and storing it in c simply duplicates it from the value of this expression, much like evaluating b += would.
Tail recursion would make sense
@ATaco So you're saying it makes a temporary and then copies it into c?
@ConorO'Brien program state?
In that case it's impossible to make it constant memory
Correct. And sad.
@Adám the layout of all the memory the program has allocated to it, iirc
@StevenH. I can't really read the APL but it looks that way
I'm sure Dyalog APL does TCO
@quartata It does. Tail recursion is free forever.
I just read '3'{⍞←⍺}'1'{⍞←⍺}'4'{⍞←⍺}'1'{⍞←⍺}'5'{⍞←⍺}'9'{⍞←⍺}0 as ((((('3'){⍞←⍺}'1'){⍞←⍺}'4'){⍞←⍺}'1'){⍞←⍺}'5)'{⍞←⍺}'9'){⍞←⍺}0
@Adám then you're good, it's O(1)
because the previous stack frame is gone
kudos for probably having the shortest O(1) solution, I'm shocked :D
although if it takes string input then you could just reverse it in place
@quartata Yup, and that has been super-optimised. But where's the fun in that?
true, but that goes against the spirit of "constant memory" :P
and against numbers
@quartata As of the current version, we even do matrix transposes in place.
Most importantly, these solutions only work on numbers of constant size.
If you assume arbitrary ints, than memory becomes arbitrary as well.
that's why I said "of unspecified size", so it remains general to arbitrary ints, but without arbitrary memory
Hm is there a shorter way in bash to do a reverse range?
e.g. if I am doing tr 01234 98765 I can do tr 0-4 98765 but it doesn't like tr 0-4 9-5 because the 9-5 is in reverse order
seq 4 9|tac
does that work with my tr code?
oh, nvm, misunderstood
yeah, nothing shorter than hardcoding it
from what I can tell tr doesn't allow any reverse range workarounds without adding more chars anyway
I feel like taking in a *non-*integer is cheating... but if we're allowing string input, #pe~P
(Pyth, 5 bytes)
@ConorO'Brien Allowing only actual integer input is far more exciting
indeed it is!
What prompted this anyways
1 hour ago, by Conor O'Brien
CMC: Reverse the digits of an integer with constant memory. (I have no idea if this is possible but I feel like it is)
And, as it turns out, it's possible
@ConorO'Brien yeah but like why
1 hour ago, by Conor O'Brien
this would be helpful in many esoteric languages, all of which I see utilize linear memory for custom integer input, which becomes bothersome for further generalization for, say, brainfuck into higher level languages
Oh, OK
I've gone from implementing languages to implementing languages that compile to esolangs
I mean tbf assembly is the original esolang
compilers are fun
CMC: Solve the halting problem for a version of (technically-not-turing-complete) BF with finite-size wrapping memory
The M stands for Mega, and it's a theoretical computation
that's the original spec of BF
30,000 cells of 8-bit cells
Regardless, the halting problem is solvable under that original spec
Not within our universe, of course, but it's solvable
Assuming you're using a Turing complete language to do this; Just store every state that the BF program goes through, and if the BF program ever returns to this state, stop it and return non-halting. If it halts, well then it's halting.
not necessarily
There are some busy beavers, such as +[+>] which will take a ridiculous amount of time and memory, but assuming you're using a TC langauge, you will eventually solve it.
what about a program like -+- followed by some other stuff? You'll have encountered an already seen state, but no looping has occurred, and you will have concluded it does not halt
the Instruction Pointer is part of the state.
@ATaco I still don't see how the program cited does not produce wrong results
Pigeonhole principle but with arbitrarily large n basically
Because at the second - it's not in the same state.
The IP has moved.
oh, ip, right
I misread as the tape pointer
(But that's also important)
yeah oc, but I disregarded the IP
Enumerating every state of a bf program isn't that unreasonable - 30 KiB for the tape, 15 bits for the tape pointer, and ceil(log2(n)) bits for the IP (where the program is n bytes long), per state.
And that's an upper bound - if you can prove that the IP has a maximum < 30k, you can shrink the memory requirement for the tape
@Mego Only problem is that you could arbitrarily increase the program length
Although I guess it's growing logarithmically
@DJMcMayhem Well sure, but I'm talking about the memory requirements per program
@DJMcMayhem It actually grows factorially (that's totally a word), because every new instruction adds more permutations of the state
So what about input
@StevenH. Just make it a closed system. Replace each , with the appropriate number of +s, and discard .s.
@Mego So it's actually (30 KiB + 15b * n) + ceil(log2(n))?
Nope, that's not the challenge. Solving the halting problem requires input be taken into account

> the halting problem is the problem of determining, from a description of an arbitrary computer program **and an input**, whether the program will finish running or continue to run forever.
Input should be [-]++++... for the more standard approch.
@StevenH. Yes, and the input is part of the program. You preprocess it to an equivalent program with hard-coded input.
@StevenH. tbf it's basically the same problem with or without input really
.And input refers to starting state.
Which in this case, in the program.
ninja'd i guess
[.>+] can't be hardcoded
@ATaco Yeah that
@DJMcMayhem Why are you multiplying the 15 bits for the TP by n? The number of bits needed for the TP isn't affected by the length of the input. I think it should be a +.
the turing completeness of a language does not hinge on input; consider a subset of BF without IO. It is TC iff BF is TC, ergo input is spurious
@StevenH. Sure, but you can just consider the input for that. That program halts iff the input is finite.
And I'm assuming you meant , instead of .
A Turing machine doesn't require input (As the Turing Tape Machine has no method for input)
yeah, I did @Mego
Then input doesn't matter at all, because the input is never used
Oh I misread that message
Ignore my previous message
If input is finite, you can unroll the loop, and therefore it halts. If input is infinite, then the program doesn't halt.
Truth machine implementation?
Of course, because the halting problem is concerned with TMs, which have hardcoded input, you can't have infinite input anyway, so the problem is moot.
@StevenH. What about it?
Finite input, doesn't necessarily halt
But you're looking at whether the program + input combo halts
7 mins ago, by Steven H.

> the halting problem is the problem of determining, from a description of an arbitrary computer program **and an input**, whether the program will finish running or continue to run forever.
Once again, Input is just the initial state of the program.
@ATaco Exactly. You can take a BF program and an input, transform that into an equivalent BF program that does no I/O, and then reason about that program wrt the halting problem.
it seems like the input thing was just to help disprove the halting problem solvability or something
Even with infinite input there's only finitely many states so you can still reason about it
@StevenH. Well yes, but doing the transformation makes it much simpler to enumerate all of the states
isn't it simple enough to reduc 30k-cell BF to a tape with a 1-bit cell and claim they have the same computational class because they both have finite memories?
How do you transform infinite input, though?
@StevenH. Are you serious? I just explained that.
@Mego input in loops?
To the people who say cats>>dogs I say WRONG. cats>>1, (9
@DestructibleLemon THANK YOU.
@Christopher2EZ4RTZ maybe not >>... cats>dogs though
11 mins ago, by Mego
If input is finite, you can unroll the loop, and therefore it halts. If input is infinite, then the program doesn't halt.
@Mego what about infinite input to the program ,.?
Input can be infinite and still not be entirely read
@ConorO'Brien That one halts regardless of the input.
ok but wouldn't making the input when input is in loops be less trivial
but your statement seems to imply infinite input necessitates a program that doesn't halt
@StevenH. Sure, but you can prove that, and do the hardcoding input transformation
[,>+] halts on infinite input iff somewhere the input contains 255
how would you hardcode that
@ConorO'Brien No, it means that if a program has a loop whose ending condition is end of input, the program doesn't halt if the input is infinite.
(By 255 I mean 0xFF, of course)
Infinite Input really seems out of scope of the problem.
It's solvable though /shrug
@StevenH. You drop everything except the \0xff byte in the input (if it exists), and transform it to x[] (where x is + if \0xff exists in the input, else nothing).
Because, unless the program is very specifically talored, the only way to know if an infinite input (which may as well be random bytes) will halt or not is to determine if the infinite input contains the correct sequence to halt it. Which is predicting an impossible RnG.
How do you use that transformation to solve the halting problem? That's assuming knowledge of the answer already
@StevenH. Ok let me explain this as simply as I can
@ATaco This is a theoretical computation, you can view the powerset
@ATaco isn't that some theorem? given infinite time and a uniformly random RNG, it will eventually reproduce every subsequence?
Uniformly random is incorrect for user input, and once again, this is trying to solve the halting problem, not guess when it might halt.
You have your program [,>+] and your input. If the input contains 0xff, then the program can be translated into the equivalent program [] (or even the empty program), which is trivial to prove that it halts. If it doesn't, then you can translate it to +[], which is trivial to prove that it doesn't halt.
(sorry my question was significantly tangential)
How do you algorithmically create this transformation then?
Actually, by the original definition of BF, [,>+] always halts, because the program halts if the IP goes off the edge of the tape.
@StevenH. I don't care to try to develop it right now, but it is possible, because it is possible to prove whether or not a BF program (using the original BF definition) halts with a given input.
The original question referred to wrapping memory
@StevenH. Wrapping memory means that the 8-bit memory cells wrap on over/underflow
That was unclear then, I meant the memory pointer wrapping
that's my bad
Even if the tape pointer wraps, it's still possible to prove whether or not a program halts with a given input, because it's still not TC
i.e. <+[] doesn't halt because it wraps around to the 30,000th byte in memory
^^^ Yes, but I don't see how solving the transformation in a general case is easier than solving the halting problem in the first place
+[>+] in a TC variant of Brainfuck will never share a previous state, so (alteast via this method) cannot be solved for halting.
@StevenH. I never said it was easier to come up with a transformation. I said it was easier to reason about a I/O-less version of BF, and that it is possible to transform any BF program into an equivalent program with input hardcoded that does no I/O.
Throwing a complex Random Number Generator into the mix via the usage of Input just complicates things unnecessarily.
With an I/O-less version of BF, the input is part of the program, so you only have to reason about the program itself, rather than both the input and the program.
@Mego this is the problem I think you come across if you try to solve the transformation for a general case
And this discussion is no longer productive or meaningful. Goodbye.
Bye, I guess
I just don't believe that solving the transformation from infinite input+BF program -> inputless BF program is an easier problem than solving the halting problem the naive way
7 mins ago, by Mego
@StevenH. I never said it was easier to come up with a transformation. I said it was easier to reason about a I/O-less version of BF, and that it is possible to transform any BF program into an equivalent program with input hardcoded that does no I/O.
I don't believe he was arguing that it was easier. He was saying understanding was easier, and that the understanding is correct since there exists a translation.
I don't disagree with the understanding being easier, but it doesn't get any closer to a solution. Mego seemed to be trying to solve "prove that the halting problem is solvable for programs in this language" rather than "solve the halting program for programs in this language"
I guess I should have realized that before I chased him off.
@Mego I'm sorry, if you care to accept this apology
CMC: Given a number a, Determine if in base b all the digits are greater than c. Bonus points for a solution that doesn't rely on base conversion.
@ConorO'Brien Charcoal, 2 bytes: αβ
how succinct!
@ConorO'Brien RProgN 2, 3 bytes Aa.
If you're allowed a newline between the cases, you can alternatively do aA
@StevenH. Charcoal, 7 bytes: ✂γ³³¦⁹¹

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