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@HyperNeutrino Nicely spotted.
thanks :P usually I'm not that observant :D
@HyperNeutrino brainf**k
I was pretty sure that that was what you meant :P
^ worth learning for the next OEIS
@user202729 of course it is. that's basics
could someone start a goddamn regex challenge
you could make one yourself
CMC: Make a regex that matches all and only valid regexes
Q: Is there a regular expression to detect a valid regular expression?

psytekIs it possible to detect a valid regular expression with another regular expression? If so please give example code below.

Whatever regex flavor is up to you, but the regex flavor you're testing must be the same as the one that you use for the matcher
@user202729 oh
@HyperNeutrino this would be quite boring. basically define a Grammer for regex then escape correctly parts and join with |
meh I guess it wouldn't be particularly interesting
@HyperNeutrino For vanilla regex, I think that's worthy of a Zalgo rant
@user202729 on ppcg he wouldn't have more then a dozen UV :P
@Mego probably xD
It would be a little boring, that. But doable. The only thing you couldn't validate are numerical checks such as backreference indices, compiled pattern length limits... things like duplicate named subpatterns would be doable but likely require a whole new iteration of the string to validate
It's an interesting challenge. One day I'll make a monster regex to match all valid PCRE expressions, since I don't think that's been done satisfactorily
is there a better way to replace all words in a string?
@MarcusAndrews Better than what?
Words that start with vowels, and words that don't -- and simultaneously, words that start with a capital letter, and those that don't (so 4 permutations)
than my current approach in Python:
import re
for w in re.split(r"(\w+)",input()):
 if w.isalpha():
  if f==f.upper():O=O.capitalize()
Replace to what? (I don't know Python)
"ook" and "eek"
but capitalized if the underlying words are
so "This is a sentence. Another sentence." -> "Ook eek eek ook. Eek ook."
"This is some song lyrics." -> "Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang"
for w in input().split():a="oe"[w[0].lower()in"aeiouy"]*2+"k";print(a.title()if w[0].isupper()else a,end=' ')
@user202729 You need to end the program with (bye) or it will run forever.
@Mego This seems to generate a lot of extra text
ok chromebooks are actually trash I had to force restart my chromebook 8 times to get it to connect to the internet
I closed the lid for literally 1.5 minutes and then it forgot how to do the one thing it can do
and my cell phone is being dumb and giving me a slideshow at 1 frame every 30 seconds
And punctuation has to be left intact so the end cannot always be " "
I think my cell phone is out of memory
(this is why I went with the word regex thing)
down to 169
yay my phone is at 107% memory usage
@HyperNeutrino my tablet once was at -2 billion percent battery :p
@MarcusAndrews I don't know python, nor do I understand what it needs to do, but AFAICS re.sub works with the replacement part being a lambda. example
doesn't have to be python, could be ruby too
I just don't know it as well
@dzaima o_O wat
Question: What is the "jelly file extension"? (of course the jelly interpreter can accept all types)
ok now that my Chromebook apparently doesn't know how to stay connected to the Internet for more than 3 second it's now pretty much just an overpriced piece of plastic
@HyperNeutrino a week later I got the news that the motherboard was broken into two parts.
Don't mind me... just casually mentioning 5 liters of hidden valley ranch being for sale.
CMC: Given a string, detect if that is a (syntactically) valid expression in the programming language you use to answer this CMC. (Choose your language carefully!)
import re
print(re.sub("\w+",lambda w:[str,str.title][w[0][0].isupper()]("oe"[w[0][0].lower()in"aeiouy"]*2+"k"),input()))
@MarcusAndrews 121 bytes
what would an "expression" be?
@Adám BF: +.
@user202729 Returns 1, I presume.
"TypeError: '_sre.SRE_Match' object is not subscriptable"
dammit mobile chat doesn't do multiline
@Adám Python 2: input(). Output is exit code (0 for truthy, 1 for falsey).
@MarcusAndrews Works fine for me
Due to differences in programming languages, it will be hard to pin down. CMC, not main ;-)
huh, strange
Probably version differences
You can replace w[0][0] with w.group(0)[0] and it should work fine
@Mego Does that evaluate the input?
@Adám Yep ;P
@Mego can't the input set the exit code then?
definitely makes sense though
is there an equivalent to that array style access in ruby?
["a", "b"]["c" in u]
@dzaima That's fair
@MarcusAndrews I have no idea, I don't know ruby
You'd have to use ternaries
So like ["a", "b"][(u.include? "c") ? 1 : 0]
@HyperNeutrino why the indexing?
in which case it would've just been better to do (u.include? "c") ? "a" : "b"
@HyperNeutrino Silly languages, not having bools be ints
ikr!! :P
speaking of which, what bugs you most about the way languages handle variable types? specifically in weakly typed languages
what about all unique subsequences of length k from a string s?
is ruby or python better for this?
I can prob use recursion but hm
@ConorO'Brien Sometimes APL treats 1-element arrays as scalars, sometimes not.
@MarcusAndrews {s[i:i+k]for i in range(len(s)-k)} (thanks HN)
Python: lambda s,k:["".join(s[i:i+k])for i in range(len(s)-k)]
by subsequence I mean non-contiguous
i would do it that way through if it were
Use itertools :P
{s[i:i+k]for i in range(0,len(s)-k,k)}
Q: how to compute the best limited sums of given integers?

Hicham ZouarhiI'm looking for an algorithm that given a list of integers and a limit ( which is also an integer ) could generate the best sums of the elements of that list without exceeding the limit example : LIST = [1, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 8, 1, 3] LIMIT = 10 RESULT = [ [9 + 1], [10], ...

@HyperNeutrino Itertools is never the right answer for golf :P
good enough :P
Also I just realized that my set-based solution doesn't work because it doesn't preserve order of the subsequences
import itertools as i
for c in i.combinations(s,k):
speaking of which I think I can shorten my hydrocarbon challenge answer by elimination itertools but I might've done that already
(I know I can make the space more efficient, just showing the approach)
lambda s,k:list(map("".join,combinations(s,k)));from itertools import*
def f(s,k):a=set();return[s[i:i+k]for i in range(0,len(s)-k,k)if s[i:i+k]not in a and not a.add(s[i:i+k])] (stackoverflow.com/a/480227/2508324)
@MarcusAndrews Wouldn't that have overlapping subsequences?
I mean it works, so it seems to fit the criteria -- it's just taking all unique subsequences
import itertools as i
S=set(''.join(c)for c in i.combinations(input(),int(input())))
@MarcusAndrews print('\n'.join(set(map(''.join,combinations(s,k))))) (also use from itertools import* instead of import itertools as i)
f=lambda s,k:k>=0and(k==len(s)and[s]or[s[0]+S for S in f(s[1:],k-1)]+f(s[1:],k))or[]
Rule of thumb: if length of module name is > 7 or you use stuff from the module multiple times, use from module import* over import module as m
@Mego Itertools is still shorter :P
lambda s,k:list(map("".join,combinations(s,k)));from itertools import*
f=lambda s,k:k>=0and(k==len(s)and[s]or[s[0]+S for S in f(s[1:],k-1)]+f(s[1:],k))or[]
A: Tips for golfing in Python

xnorLength tradeoff reference I've think it would be useful to have a reference for the character count differences for some common alternative ways of doing things, so that I can know when to use which. I'll use _ to indicate an expression or piece of code. Assign to a variable: +4 x=_;x _ So...

Apparently the cutoff is 5, not 7
how about this (mini) brainf__k interpreter:
for c in input():
 if c==".":print(chr(s),end='')
 if c=="+":s+=1
 if c=="-":s-=1
I would normally consolidate the addition and subtraction into a one-liner boolean but there may be other chars in the input which should be ignored
exec("s=0;"+"".join(x for x in input()if x in".+-").replace(".","print(s);").replace("+","s+=1;").replace("-","s-=1;"))
that's actually longer
@HyperNeutrino you sure using re.sub for +- wouldn't be shorter?
interesting approach though -- reminds me of some of the bash tr tricks
maybe? idk
r=str.replace;exec("s=0;"+r(r(r("".join(x for x in input()if x in".+-"),".","print(s);"),"+","s+=1;"),"-","s-=1;"))
import re;exec("a=0;"+re.sub("[.+-]",lambda c:{'.':"print(chr(a),end='')",'+':"a+=1",'-':"a-=1"}[c[0]]+';',input()))
the exec approaches don't seem to work
and they're longer
oh right I'm forgetting the chr part
r=str.replace;exec("s=0;"+r(r(r("".join(x for x in input()if x in".+-"),".","print(chr(s),end='');"),"+","s+=1;"),"-","s-=1;"))
@HyperNeutrino Me too
which gets easily destroyed by Mego's
yeah that one works
import re;exec("s=0;"+re.sub("(\+|-)","s\\1=1;","".join(x for x in input()if x in".+-").replace(".","print(chr(s),'');")))
What is this you guys are working on? Brainflak transpiler or something?
Very basic bf interpreter - only +-.
codegolf mini challenges
trying to learn a bit more
@Mego oh, nice.
for c in input():
 if c==".":print(chr(s),end='')
 if c in"-+":s-=ord(c)-44
surprised this even worked
print(ord("+"), ord("-")) shows 43 and 45
so subtracting 44 makes them + and - one each
for i in input():print(chr(s)*(i=="."),end="");s+="-+".find(i)*2%3-1
conditionals are too long :D
CMC: Transliterate mini-brainfuck (+-.) into Python i.e. return a string that can then be execed which produces the same input as when the original is interpreted as brainfuck. Example: +++. => print(1+1+1)
will it only have +-.?
A better example: +++.+++. => print(1+1+1);print(1+1+1+1+1+1)
lambda k:"s=0;"+"".join(map(["s+=1;","s-=1;","print(chr(s),end='');"].__getitem__,map("+-‌​.".find,k)))
lambda k:"s=0;"+"".join(["s+=1","s-=1","print(chr(s),end='')"]["+-.".find(q)]+";"for q in k)
new version works
nvm mine doesn't work fully, h/o
oh I get it
@cairdcoinheringaahing there was a zero-width space in my code
@HyperNeutrino Where?
in the string where .find is called xD
so it wasn't a syntax error but it was just a hidden index offset
I rewrote the string and then it worked and I was like "huh wtf" and then I remembered that SE puts ZWSPs into code for no good reason because otherwise it won't line-wrap properly or something weird like that
CMP: element in list or list contains element?
Ignoring which one is obviously longer
list contains element
@HyperNeutrino 86 bytes
ooh, I'm almost at 3¹⁰ rep
@HyperNeutrino list ⊂ element
@HyperNeutrino element ∊ list
@Neil Two upvotes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I've got 89 in PowerShell
@HyperNeutrino list contains element
\o/ Python beats PowerShell
scissors beats Python?
PowerShell beats scissors
Does PowerShell have i++ and ++i?
Windows... gross
@HyperNeutrino I've added a lambda alternative for Pyon, but it's got really weird syntax :P
lambda a,b:a+b becomes =>a,b:a+b
88 using a switch instead of pseudo-ternary
is there a way to quickly convert ascii to character?
e.g. 72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 -> Hello World
map(chr, <string>)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, but you need a dollar sign obvs
and that means things like $i+++++$j are syntactically valid
It becomes ($i++) + (++$j)?
And what is the difference between ++i and i++?
I have
print(''.join(chr(int(k))for k in input().split()))
but does a shorter way exist?
@MarcusAndrews Not if the input has to be space separated.
it is
what about ruby?
lambda a:''.join(chr(int(i))for i in a.split())
If functions are allowed
@cairdcoinheringaahing The ++i does a pre-increment (i.e., increments i before it calculates the rest of the expression) while i++ does a post-increment
they are not unfortunately -- has to be from a print statement
So, i=2;++i+2 will return 5 with i=3, but i=2;i+++2 will return 4 with i=3
@MarcusAndrews That should be the shortest
trying to find a shorter ruby atm
@AdmBorkBork What does a post increment do?
Increments the variable after calculating the expression
Like my example above. Both result in i=3 at the end, but the pre-increment gives 5 while the post-increment gives 4
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

tfbninjaGolf This Question Your program should output to STDOUT the full text of this question as it appears on your screen, so no HTML. This includes the title and the body. Please do not edit this question whatsoever so-as to keep it the same for all programs. Sandbox Is this a good question? Is ther...

got one approach to work in ruby
gets.split(" ").each{|x| print x.to_i.chr}
no idea if this is shortest though
@NewSandboxedPosts You need to include expected output in the question. Can you?
@MarcusAndrews Can we assume input is split by newlines?
input is split by spaces
72 101 108 108 111 32 87 111 114 108 100 -> Hello World
@MarcusAndrews 0/10 challenge annoying i/o scheme
One of these days I'll stop getting notifications every 10 minutes... :P
Q: Display number of days in each months

AndoKarimI thought about a challenge : What about displaying number of days in each months, and taking into account the bissextils years? A very simple program displaying something like : 31 28 31 30 31 30 ... Good luck! :) EDIT: First post, it was already completed. My bad!

@Pavel that's the only i/o scheme possible for APL >.>
@J.Sallé Exactly. I/O should be flexible.
@Pavel I see your point.
@MarcusAndrews If input was split by newlines: $_=$_.to_i.chr with -p flag.
Actually no, that would print each resulting value on a new line.
$><<$_.to_i.chr with -n flag.
@MarcusAndrews You have an extra space after the second | and gets can be replaced by $_ and the -n flag.
@MarcusAndrews $_=gsub/\d( |$)/{|I|i.to_i.chr} with -p, input split on spaces.
@MarcusAndrews $_=gsub/\d+\b/{|i|i.to_i.chr} actually works and is shorter.
Where is it taking in the input?
I normally use gets and for this one I use print
(in this case the i/o part counts too)
@MarcusAndrews from -p
$_=gsub/\d+( |$)/{|i|i.to_i.chr} should actually work for real this time
@MarcusAndrews -p implicitly reads input and puts it into $_, executes you code, and prints $_. Gsub works on $_ when it isn't called on anything
CMC: Given n, return an empty array of depth n. Examples: 3 => [[[]]] 10 => [[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]
eval solutions aren't allowed
@cairdcoinheringaahing value taken as input or hard-coded?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Dyalog APL, 6 bytes: ⊃⊂⍣⎕⊢⍬
I'm not awake enough to do CMCs yet :)
def f n
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^
I don't know Ruby/Perl but would something like f->x,r=[]{x-1?f(x-1,[r]):[]} work?
@ConorO'Brien Out of curiosity, why doesn't it work when replacing () with []?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't do procs really. I'm a firm believer in stdout/in Ruby io
@cairdcoinheringaahing this generates a string of the form ((...()...)) where there are n braces. In Stacked, the array is represented by (). This string is then evaluated with #~, generating an actual array
@cairdcoinheringaahing i=eval$_;$_=?[*i+?]*i
I don't think I have a means to use flags on this platform
@MarcusAndrews sure you do
@ThomasWard more coffee is required of course
@MarcusAndrews just mention you're using it and pay a byte, everyone does it all the time
Support ticket -- Outlook is slow when opening X folder. The X folder has over 10,000 subfolders in it ....... /facepalm
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ The eval solution is 26 bytes
Is it a flag you pass into the script itself?
or can it be set internally
@MarcusAndrews I mean you can set it with #!ruby -p at the top of the file
you can also set it by running ruby -p filehere
I mean, all shebangs are is just another way to say 'run this with this interpreter'
Is the reading of shebangs an OS-specific thing? Where's the standardization maintained?
Q: Is the Shebang (#!) standardized?

jotikIs the Shebang #!, e.g. #!/bin/sh in front of script executables officially standardized in the Linux Standard Base or in any of The Open Group standards or elsewhere? If yes, please provide references and details. NOTE: I'm most interested in its meaning for shell scripts as well as for any ...

posix-specific, not OS specific looks like
> The shell reads its input from a file (see sh), from the -c option or from the system() and popen() functions defined in the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1-2008. If the first line of a file of shell commands starts with the characters "#!", the results are unspecified.
CMC: Given a nested array and a depth, d, return the elements at depth d. Examples: [1, [2, 2, [3, 3], 2], 1, 1] 3 => [3, 3] and [1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, [7], 6], 5], 4], 3], 2], 1] 4 => [4, [5, [6, [7], 6], 5], 4]
@Riker That twitter feed is by far the best ever :P
@MarcusAndrews @Riker #!ruby -p is an invalid POSIX #!, it would have to be #!/usr/bin/ruby -p. The ruby interpreter itself recognises the flag in #!ruby -p, so it works everywhere and you call it with ruby filename everywhere.
I know in Bash scripts I usually do #!/bin/bash and I think #!/usr/bin/python so ruby likely in the same vein
@cairdcoinheringaahing V, 9 bytes: Àñdt[%lD|
@MarcusAndrews Right, and #!/usr/bin/ruby -p work too.
0 indexed
good to know -- thanks!
@Pavel oh, didn't notice
@cairdcoinheringaahing $_=eval"eval(gets)"+?[*$_.to_i+?0+?]*$_.to_i. First line on input is the depth, second line of input is the array.
def f a,d
@cairdcoinheringaahing ^, I don't know which one is shorter and too lazy to count bytes.
@DJMcMayhem How does it work (and how does the io work)?
@cairdcoinheringaahing lambda i:"["*i+"]"*i
Or if you are picky lambda i:eval("["*i+"]"*i)
@Mr.Xcoder Eval specifically banned
Oh ok. I guess the first one stands
Just print the array from your first solution
And then boom, no eval and proper io for returning arrays
This returns one more nesting level, 36 bytes: f=lambda k,l=[]:l[k*2:]or f(k-1,[l])
Fixing it would be 38: f=lambda k,l=[]:l[~-k*2:]or f(k-1,[l])
29 bytes: f=lambda n:n>1and[f(n-1)]or[]
@Pavel Umm, good point. That would be lengthy though
@Dennis You should be banned for too much smartness :D
@Mr.Xcoder Shush, @Dennis is god since he runs tio.
CMMC: (Chat-Mini-Mini-Challenge): Given a list of integers, determine whether at least one of the elements appears more than once.
is using SQL valid :p
what do you want returned :P
"true" or "false"?
@Mr.Xcoder Python 3: lambda a:len(set(a))!=len(a)
which elements are duplicates?
Whatever you find suitable
@NieDzejkob You ninja'd me, how dare you.
@NieDzejkob set(a) -> {*a}.
throws pocket sand at @NieDzejkob
@ThomasWard Those that appear more than once.
@Mr.Xcoder APL: ∪≢⊢
Jelly: ⁻Q
For reference, I had lambda a:len({*a})<len(a)
@HyperNeutrino Inconsistent huh?
(that's fine, just asking)
how is that inconsistent?
it's 1 or 0
is non-vectorizing neq
@HyperNeutrino Yeah figured that
otherwise I would've just used nQ which would've saved me opening new tab and copy-pasting :P
I think Proton is a=>len(set(a))<len(a) because {*a} doesn't work
Pyon should in theory be lambda a:len({*a)<len(a
or if I can get revised lambda syntax to work, a=>len({*a)<len(a
@HyperNeutrino what's Q?
@Uriel stable deduplicate
@HyperNeutrino what does it return for [1, 2, 2, 3]?
[1, 2, 3] I think
sorted by first occurrence (hence stable)
Does anyone want to solve this collaboratively in Jelly‌​?
@Mr.Xcoder given [1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4] what would the expected output be?
for your cmmc
@ThomasWard A truthy value.
essentially lambda l:[x for i,x in enumerate(l)if l.index(x)==i]
@HyperNeutrino and neg compares with the original array?
@Uriel yes
It's a dyad-monad construct fH which acts like f(l, H(r))
@HyperNeutrino I'll never get Jelly's trains
I don't think they're that different from APL but I don't know APL
They are way more filling in the blanks than APL's
hm ok
I have begun to find it very intuitive but I've been using Jelly for a while
8 mins ago, by Uriel
@Mr.Xcoder APL: ∪≢⊢
Àñ          " Arg1 times...
  d         "   Delete
   t        "   unTil
    [       "   The next occurrence of '['
     %      "   Move the bracket that matches the character under the cursor
      l     "   Move one character to the right
       D    "   Delete everything after the cursor on this line
        |   "   Move to the first character on this line
@Pavel ^
@HyperNeutrino partial link sorry
hm ok interesting
Indeed that was a half-logo of SE.
@HyperNeutrino this is how an APL fork looks like
But it won't automatically fill the argument in the left side of the fork
As for the IO, everything in input is loaded into the buffer, and that's the text the program operates on. Arg1 is the depth to return, because it's loaded into register @a, and À == @a
@cairdcoinheringaahing V, 6 bytes: Àé[ÀÁ]
Just returns a string, but V has no arrays so it's valid xP
@HyperNeutrino Use my really weird Pyon lambda syntax: =>a:le({*a)<le(a
I'm still trying to figure out how to make it do a=>...
also string.replace is a bad idea because then strings get screwed up
My pull just replaces all instances of => with lambda . I'll rework it in a bit
How do you guys get to review stuff on PPCG? I always check but there's nothing.
pure luck
@DJMcMayhem TY
@HyperNeutrino aren't you parsing it? (though I doubt it is designed as a functional language)
@Mr.Xcoder Constant refreshing :P
@Uriel No, mostly just taking otherwise syntactically incorrect things and making them work
like unclosed/unopened brackets, unclosed quotes, etc
@HyperNeutrino oh so like pyth but with longer meaningfuler looks
What does that have to do with Pyth :c
not really
actually not at all watlol
pyth is a golfing language
pyon is just a superset of python
the way it's designed, all Python programs should work with Pyon
the way it's implemented, it probably breaks lol
@HyperNeutrino Hmm, my pull may change that.
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's why I rejected your pull lol
We'll run short of 4 byte 'python' subsets quite soon
we only have 10 lol
we've used 20% of all available
"y tho"
that should be a language definitely
as jsfuck is to js, "y tho" is to python
makes you question why you are coding in it
I'm not sure how far you can get with that
@HyperNeutrino all the places

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