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I'm really tempted to super-ping the user and ask them to join chat (using their Mathematics account)... but I won't.
super-ping-ing sounds scary...
@SocraticPhoenix It's like a ping, but you can never escape.
The system treats it as though the user has its hat.
It likes its hat.
I was going to say "Wait what" but I assume your referencing something... perhaps XKCD, perhaps not...
Do i get social points for recognizing a reference?
Not this time
@SocraticPhoenix We don't have those yet.
TODO: Give @SocraticPhoenix two social points when those are implemented.
I'm waiting eagerly :)
//TODO: Update the TODO-detecting regex to detect TODOs outside single-line comments.
Ooh we should have a Social Points system in TNB /s
that is such a good idea lol
And we have Social Mods who can give or take social points from people
Isn't that what stars are for?
well... kind of :P
(This reminds me of the Social Point system my friend created in grade 6 when he was really bored)
all of this sounds really Orwellian...
It lasted until the end of grade 8 :P
I don't know how many I have/had but I think I had around 16, while the most and least points held by individuals were around 150 and -45
CMP: What is the most boring thing you ever had to do in school?
school itself...? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing go to it
@cairdcoinheringaahing first day of school: dress code and rules shpeel that I heard the last 3 years -_-
Nah, school is alright if I've got maths or CS that day
@cairdcoinheringaahing go there
Most boring thing like subject or just anything we ever do/did?
@SocraticPhoenix Yeah, I'd agree. First day tends to be the most boring.
Subject or extra-curricular activity
Probably the entirety of Civics and Careers (I took it online)
@cairdcoinheringaahing For me even then school isn't 'alright'. Even fun stuff gets taught the most boring way possible
Subject? "Research Block" a.k.a. we have nothing for you to take in this period
@dzaima I guess I'm lucky... my CS teaching is awesome!
I would've said Geography but at least one of my friends was in that course and the teacher didn't care about if we talked as long as he wasn't teaching at the moment (which was like always)
For me, school CS is absolute hell. They haven't even started with actual programming yet.
Most boring subject for me would have been Trig. I don't think it was worth a whole semester.
@SocraticPhoenix Yeah, same here. They basically gave us a spec and 20 hours to code it
You had a whole semester of trig?
Or keyboarding class ... yeah, I'm old enough we had a keyboarding class to learn to type.
geez we had like 2 weeks and I almost died from boredom like how did you live lol
Yeah, nothing but trig for a semester
@HyperNeutrino well... the teacher was awesome because she supervised me learning more advanced topics than the classes I wasn't in xD... the advantages of being self taught...
I just wrote a program on my calculator to do it for me :P
trig. is. evil.
@cairdcoinheringaahing your calculator is a program to do that for you
I got penalized a lot on my grades in keyboarding class because I was (and still am) a fast typist. So, I wasn't "showing improvement." Sorry, but I figured typing at 90+ wpm was good enough.
I've never taken a keyboarding class...
@EricTressler Nah, as in you enter the type of triangle and the angles and it outputted all possible angles :P Not as good as using the simultaneous equation solver though :P
@AdmBorkBork don't stenographers typically need ~120wpm?
@SocraticPhoenix Those were a while ago :P
Stenograph machines =/= QWERTY
My typing speed is around 105 IIRC, though errors bring that down to about 95 - 100
I've never tested my typing but its always been fine for me...
@EricTressler Yeah. Stenotypes are more like typing in syllables rather than spelling out the words with letters.
Same here, I just type and correct spelling errors afterwards
@AdmBorkBork How'd you get there? I can't get >90
@DJMcMayhem Online gaming, lol
Well I do that too
I correct my errors inline.
Oh, you mean from chatting?
At what age did you first start typing decently long things?
(general question)
About when I discovered computers :P
@HyperNeutrino What sort of things?
@HyperNeutrino Probably 15-16 when I started learning python
testing very long word with out spell checking
:P That went alright
Ah ok
@wizzwizz4 Just anything like essays, research papers, etc
80 WPM according to free internet tests...
@DJMcMayhem Yeah. Had to type fast in Team Fortress.
I can peak at about 30 wpm...
Much faster on my calculator.
what typing speed tester are you using?
@HyperNeutrino when school started forcing me to. :p
^ me too
Raise your hand (on the chat room) if you're still in school
my typing has probably slowed down over time lol
Wait - define "school".
I'll be out in about 6(?) months though! And... then into college
@SocraticPhoenix Hmm, I've still got 6 months (and 2 years) left :P
lol I realized earlier today that I'm a senior now but I'll be a freshman next year... high school and college year names are weird...
96 WPM rip
I don't understand American school "names" (Senior, freshman etc.) Just use the year/grade :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing agreed
but what I if I forgot my grade... or age... or birthday... (all of which I have done at times)
@AdmBorkBork I assume the lefthand side represents the court shorthand?
CMP: Is the latest Transformers film in cinemas where you live? IIRC it's straight-to-video in the UK
@EricTressler Correct.
@cairdcoinheringaahing dawn of the I don't remember
@AdmBorkBork that looks really bizarre, but I'm sure someone thought that through carefully
Yeah. See what I mean about it being almost like typing in syllables? It's really weird. But, it gets the typing fast enough that they can type real-time compared to someone speaking.
@EricTressler It must be a fancy encoding... faster appears to take a lot of space...
Does anyone here know the proper notation for Tautology and Contradiction in boolean algebra? I suddenly forget lol
@HyperNeutrino when I learn Boolean Algebra, I'll tell ya
@HyperNeutrino Does Google count as "here"?
@HyperNeutrino Tautology is phi = 1, isn't it?
@AdmBorkBork not sure?
I remember it being T_0 and T_1 but that seems wrong
rip my score just dropped to 83 WPM
I had it like a dozen+ years ago
Who needs sorrynotsorry, Hyper has surenotsure :P
I had it like 2-3 years ago
@cairdcoinheringaahing ಠ_ಠ
A bit late :(
oh apparently it's just 1 and 0 lolol
@Dennis huh, String(typedArray) gives "1,2,3,4" in my current Firefox
Wait who here is in (Canadian) Grade 10 or lower?
@HyperNeutrino Wait, you forgot the numbers 1 and 0?
@HyperNeutrino What's that in age? (or UK years)
@HyperNeutrino I'm in not-Canadian grade 10 or higher...
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm 15 right now which is the standard age for grade 10; some people are 14 and the odd person will be 16 in a few weeks (or maybe even now, depending on circumstances)
UK Year 11
I'm in U.S. year 12, and I'm 17...
@HyperNeutrino Wait, there are 14yos in your year?
@SocraticPhoenix Same
They're the youngest ones in that year, with birthdays near the end of the year. I have one person in my grade whose birthday is in early November.
Usually age == grade + 5
@HyperNeutrino Isn't that early in the year?
@HyperNeutrino age = grade + 5 ± 1
I mean calendar year :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yes, that is true
Wouldn't August make you youngest in the year?
Only people with their birthday in the summer vacation will have their age perfectly aligned with their grade for the entirety of the school year (like me)
And me
@wizzwizz4 no because your grade aligns to the calendar year but the school year is not :P
Even better is being born in 2000. No need to remember year, just my age
@HyperNeutrino I thought you said UK. :-/
@HyperNeutrino Huh, that's different to ours. My birthday is late in the year, and I'm one of the youngest in my year
Australia aligns the school year to the year
@Scrooble except you also have to remember if your birthday has passed yet...
@wizzwizz4 I live in Canada but Grade 10 here is UK Year 11
All these grade numbers are confusing. Freshman / Sophomore, etc. is much easier. :p
Has anyone in here read the Book Outliers by Malcom Gladwell?
@Neil Well, that was in April and Firefox 50...
Probably because our summer is at the end of the year
This conversation reminds me of the first chapter of that
@DJMcMayhem I owned it once
@ATaco oh yeah that's true
@ATaco Do you have Christmas in the summer holidays?
Interestingly enough, being older than most people in your grade is a huge advantage that carries throughout your whole life
@Scrooble Hello millennial. Apparently you are the cause of all modern societal problems. Is this true? :-p
@DJMcMayhem How?
So he analyzed a bunch of professional Hockey players in Canada, and he noticed that a massive portion of them (like 40%) were born in January
@HyperNeutrino wiki claims it to be ⊨
huh interesting
And canadian hockey players are a representative sample?
@wizzwizz4 Not us collectively! Just me.
I prefer 1 and 0 because golfier in terms of UTF-8 bytes :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing yep
Because January is the cutoff birthdate for hockey tryouts, that small advantage of being a couple months older than your peers (when you're 9-10) is a massive advantage, so coaches see you as more talented, put you in better training, and encourage you more. After many years, that small age/size advantage adds up because of all the extra opportunities you've received
@ATaco That is almost beyond the limit of my imagination.
@SocraticPhoenix Not necessarily, but the concept extends to academics too
IIIIIIII'm dreaming... of a whiiiiiite Christmas...
And the same effect is noticeable in other sports too. Most Baseball players are born in August
That's an interesting concept, except in school there's no "better training" :P
@Scrooble If you're in Australia, keep dreaming :P
@HyperNeutrino yeah... I heard that some schools once had honors programs...
@HyperNeutrino No, but there are labels. Succeeding in school makes you enjoy it more, and try harder, repeatedly failing makes you doubt your own ability
Hmm. Should that have been "Iiiiiiiii'm" instead?
@DJMcMayhem What about golfing? Does your birthday affect that? hopes birthday is same as Dennis'
Scratch that.
And yeah, there are honors programs too
I suppose
@cairdcoinheringaahing No, because there are no tryouts or age limits for golfing
People only golf because they're weird nerds :P
@DJMcMayhem I prefer the term 'geek'
The older ones go to sports instead of golf...
@DJMcMayhem I'm sure Hyper knows about the age limits :P
I mean early on I guess; I was put into the enrichment class under "-Intellectual -Giftedness" (they look like flags but improper ones :P) but in high school there's just AP which is just more stuff that's still boring :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing ._. ne pas reminder me about le event
Anyway, all that to say, Outliers is a great book. Y'all should read it
@HyperNeutrino but... but... AP Computer Science...
@HyperNeutrino Ich werde nicht :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Je ne te comprends pas :|
no hablo mas linguas!
@HyperNeutrino Ich habe Deutsch sprechen, und ich muss gehen, es ist zu spa:t
@SocraticPhoenix Taking that class now. Had to explain string indices to my teacher. ಠ_ಠ
@Scrooble oh... oh my...
Actually, you can read part of the first chapter on amazon: amazon.com/Outliers-Story-Success-Malcolm-Gladwell-ebook/dp/…
I again thank the gods of CompSci for my teacher...
@Scrooble Someone in my CS class indexed into a list of single character strings to retrieve the character they wanted
@cairdcoinheringaahing applause
@cairdcoinheringaahing L'allemand, je ne le parle ni ne le comprends. Je parle seulement l'anglais et le français :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing depending on the language that could be the correct thing
@muddyfish Python
@cairdcoinheringaahing most people in my computer science class don't know how to use exceptions, have never seen a try block, and oftentimes try to write the (Java) code in the class body... (note: this is the class above AP CompSci A)
@cairdcoinheringaahing so list("acb")[0]?
wait @cairdcoinheringaahing how much french do you understand
@HyperNeutrino Quite a lot
@muddyfish ["a", "b", "c"][0]
@cairdcoinheringaahing ah ok. I don't understand any german :P
ಠ_ಠ I have to go knwn o/
except like one or two words that I'd be able to translate DE->EN if I saw them :P
@HyperNeutrino actually, english is based partly of german. just try to read any german wiki article, you'd realize you can understand more than you'd think
huh ok
wait what class of language is english?
oh right that's what the term was
help random article is giving random weird stuff about weird cities with like 2 sentences can someone link me to a german wiki article I might understand a bit lol
German can mean different things. Anything related to Germany German language Germans, people from Germany or one of the earlier countries in the same area Germanic peoples, people who speak Germanic languages, including German and some other languages the early people known as Franks Holy Roman Empire (843-1806) German Confederation (1815-1866) German Empire (1871-1918) Weimar Republic (1919-1933) German Democratic Republic or East Germany (1949-1990) When talking about a person, it can mean someone who lives in Germany, or someone who thinks of himself or herself as 'German'. == Related pages... ==
Ein Computer [kɔmˈpjuːtɐ] oder Rechner, auch elektronische Datenverarbeitungsanlage, ist ein Gerät, das mittels programmierbarer Rechenvorschriften Daten verarbeitet. Charles Babbage und Ada Lovelace gelten durch die von Babbage 1837 entworfene Rechenmaschine Analytical Engine als Vordenker des modernen universell programmierbaren Computers. Konrad Zuse (Z3, 1941 und Z4, 1945), John Presper Eckert und John William Mauchly (ENIAC, 1946) bauten die ersten funktionstüchtigen Geräte dieser Art. Bei der Klassifizierung eines Geräts als universell programmierbarer Computer spielt die Turing-Vollständigkeit…
(the title wasn't so hard lol I just needed to think about its pronunciation)
@Uriel cool thanks
I understood like two words in the first paragraph lol
@Uriel I'm very pleased about how much of that I understand
I mean other than things like <a> und <b> or Sie ist or like things lol
Words are ok I guess... but I can't get a sense of the grammatical structure..
(my problem is probably the fact that I don't know german)
The grammar doesn't look that much different from English but then again I have no idea what the words even mean anyway lol.
I wonder how well I'd be able to read a French wiki article
@HyperNeutrino you can try this de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantenmechanik and rest assured that most of german speakers would understand as much as you do
@Uriel well maybe true lol
> La mécanique quantique est la branche de la physique qui a pour objet d'étudier et de décrire les phénomènes fondamentaux à l'œuvre dans les systèmes physiques
Is it just me or should that be la branch qui _est_ pour objet d'étudier?
@SocraticPhoenix I write all of my code in the class body and I don't need exceptions because I write perfect code the first time.
@HyperNeutrino The only words I don't understand in that are nouns.
And really couldn't it just be la branch pour objet d'etudiér...?
@wizzwizz4 huh I see
@Poke Exceptions are for when other people's code breaks stuff.
I personally find French words closer to English but maybe that's because I actually have learned French :P
@HyperNeutrino I meant the verbs.
I understand the nouns.
@Poke well... I guess all code is in the class body... but I mean they just forget the main method -_- the procedural stuff just goes right there... then they ask me why its broken
@wizzwizz4 Nah I rewrite code from the ground up every time so that everything works and I'm the only one who knows how it works. It's an A+ system
@SocraticPhoenix Sounds okay to me :]
@Poke You will not get employed.
I mean most of them are a bit obvious like mécanique, branche, physique, objet, phénomène, système, lol
Except perhaps in OS design.
@wizzwizz4 It's a good thing I wrote all of the code already and no longer need a job.
@Poke You programmed yourself some food? Wow.
@wizzwizz4 I'm way past food at this point.
self.eat(new FoodItem())
self.vomit() # food poisoning
throw new NotHungryButThanksException();
wait huh we're not even speaking the same language
@HyperNeutrino How about this?
for food in self.stomach:
    raise food
@HyperNeutrino Huh?
I feel like you're speaking in a different language.
@Poke I used Python, you used Java or something like that :P
@HyperNeutrino Python has no new.
@HyperNeutrino Well as we all know Java is the best programming language.
dammit how could I forget that
@Poke 0/10 heresy
@HyperNeutrino Have you been using IronPython again?
does it have new?
@HyperNeutrino No, but it's like JavaScript in almost every other way.
oh huh
@HyperNeutrino But it does all of the things
@Poke in about 20 times more code
@HyperNeutrino Naw
Python: print("Hello, World!")
@HyperNeutrino open("path", "rb") returns unicode strings.
Java: interface M{static void main(String[]a){System.out.println("Hello, World!");}}
@wizzwizz4 weird ._.
@HyperNeutrino That's nothing.
C++: #include<iostream>int main(){std::cout<<"Hello, World!\n";}
They took Python, slapped .NET onto the backend then tried to patch it enough to be usable.
that sounds utterly confusing and horrible lol
That's nowhere near 20 times as much code
fine :P
print("Hello, "+input()+"!")
ciao for now
gotta run
CMP: I[A, B] or intersect <A, B> for intersection types in a general programming language...
I must leave too because reasons.
interface M{static void main(String[]a){System.out.println("Hello, "+new java.util.Scanner().nextLine()+"!");}}
cya too wizz :P o/
@SocraticPhoenix You mean make an intersection datatype?
like which notation...
fun fact: java has intersection types hidden away in their generics system
what ._.
public <T extends Number & Closeable> void doStuff(T val)... T must extend Number and implement Closeable
its weird
wait you can do <T extends A & B>? cool
Generics are great... also hell, but great!
anyway gtg o/
let's say some points continually oscillate between two boundaries, inclusive
e.g. a point is defined by [l, r]
and it starts at l at t=0
and moves towards r at 1 unit per time unit
when it reaches it it goes back to l, and back and forth forever
now if you have two such points [l, r] and [a, b], at which times do the points overlap?
CMC: Given a number, determine if it can be represented as continuous primes.
Eg. 10 -> 2 + 3 + 5 -> true
@ATaco sum of contiguous primes*
Are ASCII-art challenges boring now? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
@ATaco is 2+2+3+5 contiguous?
@ATaco Husk, 9 bytes: S€ömΣQfṗḣ
@ATaco Try it online! - 05AB1E 6 bytes
Push powerset of primes < input, sum all sets, is member of?
Lol, did anyone here actually go see the Emoji movie?
@MagicOctopusUrn Powerset is wrong, yours fails for 14.
@H.PWiz ['2', '5', '7']
Skips 3.
Contiguous... I'm a moron...
Confused it for "increasing".
This might make a good main question, if it's not already.
Subset is what I wanted, you're right.
@H.PWiz Try it online! - still 6 bytes.
@orlp where are a and b realtive to l and r?
or is it a general problem
folds space-time to make a,b overlap l,r
<T extends A & B & C> IS A THING?!?!
@Maltysen they can be anywhere
@Maltysen a, b, l, r are all nonnegative integers though
and obviously a < b and l < r
but a can be greater than r?
in which case its no solution?
it's possible that there are no solutions
Does the sandbox bot run everytime anyone says sandbox?
@MagicOctopusUrn Nope. It reads the RSS feeds, which are updated at least every quarter hour, on the quarter hour (unless something goes wrong, which happens more often than it should)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Magic Octopus UrnThe ASCII Deck There's never really been a definitive ASCII-cards challnge AFAIK. So, for this challenge, print this: .------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------..------. |2.--. ||3.--. ||4.--. ||5.--. ||6.--. ||7.--. ||8.--. ||9.--. ||J.--. ||Q.--. |...

@Maltysen and even if there is overlap
that doesn't mean that they'll cross
oh good point
e.g. [1, 3] and [2, 4] will never cross
because they're in perfect sync
@MagicOctopusUrn Unfortunately. My advice: don't.
Here’s the Python script I used to generate that vim animation (now slightly improved): gist.github.com/lynn/5f4f532ae1b87068049a23f7d88581c5
lookin' fancy!!
Neat, now make a webapp :P

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