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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

lol i got tired of charcoal's letters not monospaced and not allowing me to eyeball the amount of spacing needed in an explanation
so i hacked a python script together but it still looks weird ;-;
Doesn't surrounding the text in ` force it to be monospaced?
no but fonts
A: Draw some ASCII stars

totallyhumanCharcoal, 20 17 bytes -3 bytes thanks to Neil. Nν↙ν↑↑ν↖ν ×_ν↗ν‖M Try it online! Link is to verbose version. I'm pretty happy with this golf so... Explanation Nν take a number as input and store in ν ↙ν print / ν times downwards to the left ↑ ...

the letters are not monospaced in whatever font i'm getting rn
Can someone post a look of disapproval? I'm on mobile and need to copy-paste it
I typed that from my phone
i literally use a text face app :P
Because I have my phone to autocorrect "disapproval" to ಠ_ಠ
I also have Lenny and shrug
(crap, I'm giving them bad ideas...)
ಠ_ಠ Game of Thrones is influencing my coding.
I'm transposing Python to JavaScript, and added in an error message that said Your code has errored, for the code is long and full of errors
oh hey i found a _much_ better ascii art star
   OOO'   'OOO
  O'         'O
@totallyhuman You have revealed your markdown style to us. You belong to the underscore faction. I belong to the asterisk faction. You are now my sworn enemy.
tacoscript uses underscore for italic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ಠ_ಠ I just noticed the "upload..." button by the chat box. I have officially failed chat.
Hey @tot when did you change your name back?
a while back
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's never useful for me because you can't upload from clipboard or url
because imgur is borked
clipboard or url barely work on imgur either
What are you talking about
Hasn't failed for me yet
it's much better with those slashes lol
Are those squares or just weird unicode
mathematical rising and falling diagonal
they're shallow slants
Does anyone here know Python and JS?
Lots of people, I'm sure :) Myself included
@ZachGates do you mind if I ask for a bit of help?
Sure thing
In Python functions can have options args like def func(*args, **kwargs). Is there a JS equivalent?
I believe JS already has the *args equivalent built in. You can access the arguments variable inside a function.
@ZachGates ah, ok. Is arguments basically an array of the arguments given?
Yeah, exactly
That helps me quite a lot, Thanks!
Hello caird
is scratch a valid golfing language?
@HusnainRaza yes
@HusnainRaza hey Husnain. Yes, but it's scoring system is weird, you'd have to check meta
@cairdcoinheringaahing: I don't have the time to read it all, but from the title, this post might interest you
Does ** let you splat a dictionary into a dictionary?
brb finding url
@Pavel it packs keyword arguments into a dictionary
How is it scored? Bytes?
@totallyhuman You put gtihub
@Pavel: No it does not. ** turns a dictionary into keyword arguments
Well you can use * as both *args and as an array splat
So I thought maybe ** would work as a dictionary splat.
f(**{'x': 4}) is equivalent to f(x=4)
so there's two different ways of using it lol
@Pavel * has so many different usages in Python it's unbelievable.
when you're calling a function, f(**{'x': 4}) is equivalent to f(x=4)
@totallyhuman Yes, but when would you?
when you're defining a function, def f(**kwargs): return kwargs
* is used to unpack iterables, ** is used to unpack keyword arguments. Typically in function definitions they look like this: f(*args, **kwargs) or **kw
and you call it with f(x = 4)
it'll return {'x': 4}
can you splat a dictionary into a dictionary?
what do you mean by that
Also, is there a way to iterate over a list in JS without creating an index variable? i.e. for(x in y)?
@Pavel: Yes, but only if all the keys are strings.
{**{'x': 4}} would be equivalent to {'x': 4} is that's what you mean
Yes, that is what I mean.
So what you're saying is I was right, ** does let you splat a dictionary into a dictionary?
Sorry, I was thinking of dict(**{'x': 4}). totallyhuman is right, too, though. :)
<insert contradictory confusing statement about syntax sugar here>
it's easy to grok if you use it :P
@totallyhuman 7/8 for English there. No idea what the hell grok is, but close enough :D
@cairdcoinheringaahing grok means to comprehend intuitively.
it's not really a real word :P
In other words, "it's intuitive if it's been explained to you" :P
oh wow i'm surprised google has a definition for grok
@totallyhuman It exists in the Oxford English Dictionary
I have no idea how it wouldn't be a real word
America really is weird. Between cheese-in-a-can and grok, I can't understand your country.
> coined by Robert Heinlein, American science fiction writer, in Stranger in a Strange Land
did not know that
Anyone up for another debate about gun law? :P
> bork: from the name of Robert Bork (1927–2012), an American judge whose nomination to the US Supreme Court (1987) was rejected following unfavorable publicity for his allegedly extreme views.
It is totally a real word.
@cairdcoinheringaahing 2EZ4RTZ isn't here, so no point
also it's a pretty lame conversation to have in a code golf chatroom :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing: Under which set of laws?
The rest of us can agree that guns are bad, I think.
@ZachGates The US ones
NO! I'm stopping this off-topic conversation before it starts up again.
@cairdcoinheringaahing you brought it up
@cairdcoinheringaahing you're the one who started it :P
@Pavel: According to the US Constitution, all weapons, of any type or power, should be legal to own/operate, with the sole condition that they're not injuring anyone. :)
Yeah, but just a joke, hence the :P. Some people can't read tone in messages sent over the Internet by people they've never met.
@Pavel guns are too easy to create at home though :/
you literally asked for it :P
anyways... wait i forgot what i was gonna say
dammit i blame the gunversation
@totallyhuman ಠ_ಠ I'm leaving now anyway.
@totallyhuman you bored?
@Stephen That requires a lot of planning and thinking ahead. You can't just get drunk, build a gun, and shoot and someone one day.
@cairdcoinheringaahing no, bad idea 0/10 only can result in sheep taking over world
how does VSL support so many syntaxes (syntices, syntaxis, idfk)
@Pavel but if/when you do build said gun, you know no one else is going to have one :P
@totallyhuman majick? (what speciifcally are you refer to)
@totallyhuman Because you should totally post an answer to this
@Stephen ...except the police
@Downgoat best example is how many syntax highlighting thingies you're using in the README :P
@Pavel not in the US?
Police carry guns
@Pavel what does that have to do with building a gun?
python, swift and haskell o0 weirdest combination lol
@totallyhuman :P I just chose language with closest syntax for each example
@Downgoat Well, Stephen mentioned no one else would have a gun if all guns were banned and you happened to build one, but I pointed out that no, police would still be allowed to have guns.
@Pavel If only the police (or military, hence government at a whole) had guns, we'd be in some trouble.
@Pavel hm, iirc a lot of stuff that goes down happens where there aren't any police - if you know everyone else could have a concealed weapon you'll be a bit more scared
aw man the gunversation's started
bye o/
I hate JS. (_=+[];_<+[]+[];_++){_--} is valid JS code.
@Stephen Everyone else can have a concealed weapon and I am scared.
@cairdcoinheringaahing this is (still) not true
@Pavel oh >_<
@Stephen Exactly. I think you'd be within the bounds of the law to build a nuclear weapon, too. Assuming that you're not harming anyone with radiation, and you own the land you want to bomb (if you even want to test it).
@ZachGates Not at all.
inb4 3d printed nukes
Possesing weapons-grade uranium or plutonium is illegal.
Doesn't even have to be made into a bomb.
@downgoat Better? And it is, I tried it
@ZachGates uhhhh possessing or even attempting to make WMDs is an uber-serious crime
I know, but within the bounds of the US Constitution.. not so much.
Still no.
@Pavel here
Cerain weapons classified as millitary-grade are illegal to posses.
IIRC US constitution doesn't explicitly declare murder a crime either
@Pavel ** splats or packs a dictionary. what you splat it or pack it into is up to you :P
shit spelt constitution wrong :| :P
@Pavel I get that, but "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Nuclear arms are indeed arms.
Hand grenades, fully-automatic rifles, and the like are all illegal to own in the US.
It fails to specify the grade of arms (or power, etc.).
@Pavel No they are not. You need a permit.
Arnold Schwarzenegger owns a tank. ;) I doubt he actively fires it, but I imagine he's allowed to use it as he pleases on his property.
@ZachGates That's hardly "not infringing".
And there is no license for frag grenades.
._. if 2nd amendment is for self-defence etc. why wouldn't a glock do the job for you
Actually 2nd amendment is for militia-forming.
@Downgoat slack pls
> A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I'd get rid of any restrictive laws regarding any weapons, honestly. IMO, the government should stay out of mandating what anyone can/cannot own.
Yeah I don't think people should be allowed to construct nuclear weapons.
What happens if you elect someone and they turn dictator? They have nukes are you don't; hand grenades and automatic weapons, too.
@ZachGates that's what checks and balances are for
The issue is that people are far more likely to use weapons against fellow citizens than in righteous rebelion.
@Pavel doesn't the state arm the national guard?
@Stephen Checks and balances are a sham in most cases at this time in human history. Part of the reason for a multi-party system is to prevent a single group from being the upper echelon of government, but all that's needed is a majority.
@Downgoat Well back when the amendment was written it didn't.
@Stephen checks and balances have been shown to not be too effective :P
@Pavel I don't think so. Why do you assume the worst? If you built a nuke, would you be tempted to take out a city?
@ZachGates no but there's someone out there who would be
Exactly. That's what good citizens would watch out for.
No, but if I was tempted to take out a city (and some people are) I would build a nuke.
@Downgoat :/ you disappeared
@ZachGates And do what to prevent it from happening?
Report it to the governing authority.. It takes some time to build a nuke.
Right, but in this hypothetical scenario, that's perfectly legal.
A good citizen would probably report any instance of someone increasing their level of armament.
So the governing authority wouldn't do anything.
@ZachGates So if my neighbor buys a pistol, I should call the police?
OK think about it like this: All weapons are legal to own. Most people own a pistol, shotgun, or rifle. You see your neighbor start buying/using an automatic weapon (or building a nuke, if you want to think about the extreme). You report it to the goverment. Not in a malicious "I think he's dangerous" way, but in a "I'm watching out for my safety and others" way.
@Pavel That's a false equivalency.
Fair enough.
Personally, I think that's the ideal system that the founding fathers of the USA envisioned.
But, again, that's just my opinion.
@ZachGates Ok, the government knows my neighbor has a nuke, and he's had it for a while. No one does anything, because it's legal. One day, he fires on a city, and no one is able to stop him.
My opinion is that the founding fathers were wrong >_>
^ 1776 was a verrryyy different time
If I see my neighbor has a nuke, I'm gonna make damn sure I have one, too. Also going to watch for any strange goings-on at his place ;)
Ok. You have a nuke, your neighbor has a nuke.
If someone holds a gun to my head, I'd rather have them put it down then I raise one to theirs
Neigbor launches nuke. What do you do.
I live in Memphis, and we have quite a high murder rate. Lots of people own guns simply because others do, and it makes sense to defend yourself with equal force.
@Pavel You're missing the point. If someone chooses to walk into Wal-Mart and shoot everyone with a pistol, what do you do?
gtfo and call the police
@ZachGates the only thing that could have stopped a bad guy with a gun is not always a good guy with a gun
I'm not saying that the government shouldn't also have a defense program. (which could take out the nuke if my neighbor decides he does, in fact, want to launch it)
I think a system where that someone doesn't have a pistol is better than a system where that someone does have a pistol and someone else who can shoot him also has a pistol.
Actually, that's exactly what would happen if anyone, anywhere launched a nuke.
No it wouldn't, we don't have systems in place to reliably take out nuclear weapons.
The technology isn't quite there yet.
In a world where people are allowed to have nukes, nuke-defense would be way better, I'd assume.
Didn't the government spend like literally all of it's money on exactly this during the cold war
Also, for all we know, a billionaire in the USA owns an underground lab and actively develops nukes for his personal collection. The fact is, we just don't know.
Same for our government, other countries, etc.
We can be pretty confident that there isn't such a billionaire.
To manufacture nuclear weapons, you need to have a nuclear electric plant. Those aren't exactly inconspicuous.
In fact, that's the reason we even have nuclear electric plants in the first place.
@Pavel That sort of proves my point. It'd be pretty obvious if you're building a nuke. Firstly because of your massive amount of wealth and resources, and secondly, that pesky nuclear power plant. You could also certainly build a nuke with no rocket/launching mechanism.
But no one can do anything once the nuke is activated.
If you can't have a nuke, no nuke is activated. If anyone can have a nuke, someone will detonate one.
If it was activated, it would destroy the activator.
Why would anyone build a nuke, only to destroy themselves along with it? You're arguing the corner cases.
Terrorists do it on a smaller scale all the time.
But generally with bomb vests, or planes in the extreme case.
Exactly. And look how good of a job we do stopping them (in relation to the volume).
Not a very great job.
But we do stop some of them.
Not a perfect job, no. But I think we take care of a large majority of threats.
We'd take care of 0 of the threats if wearing a bomb vest in public was legal.
And I'm not advocating that at all..
On your own property? Sure.
This is more off-topic for TNB than usual, and it's kind of dominating the room. Perhaps a separate chat room for your debate would be better?
Well, the debate is stupid, so no.
We can just stop
^ I'm not particularly interested in continuing it, either.
That's also a solution :) Thanks guys
If anyone can post an authoritative answer as to why or why not the problem addressed in this question can be solved, I'll happily award you the bounty: stackoverflow.com/q/45899959/3496038
There's only 3 days remaining and I'd prefer it go to somebody
@ZachGates Bounties not manually awarded will go to the highest-voted answer automatically when they expire.
Or to the accepted answer, if there is one.
Oh, that's good to know :)
@Pavel Assuming that there's a positively-scored answer
@ZachGates I'll do some research and see if I can find a solution for you
Which there is, in this case.
@Mego Awesome, I really appreciate that. If you need to know anything more than what's posted, here's the chatroom I've been using for extended discussion; you can ping me there any time
:O i did not know docs.python.org/3/library/shelve.html was a thing
@Downgoat ono u disaper again'
@totallyhuman Isn't that just passing a dict to pickle
Doesn't seem very special.
Summer's over now, eh? Paradoxically, PPCG should be expecting more activity.
The more work I have the more PPCG I do
I will continuously slack off throughout the year regardless, but as my workload increases I can no longer justify playing video games since they take up so much more time, so I start to PPCG instead.
I don't even know why, but I have the hghest activity on PPCG when I have big projects going on in school
Aug 7 '15 at 19:05, by Doorknob
room topic changed to The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for http://codegolf.stackexchange.com | abandon all work, ye who enter here —aditsu (no tags)
@Pavel 0/10 if video games take up more time than PPCG you're doing something wrong
You should balance them
99.95% PPCG + 0.05% games seems about right
@ASCII-only You misunderstand
Dota 2 match: entire hour block, which penalizes me for leaving.
PPCG: Can be done in arbitrary size chunks throughout the day, and starting/stopping work takes as much time as openning VS Code or TIO
@Pavel -1 playing dota 2
who would play a game that terrible
there are way better games :P
Do you play league of legends?
I will fight you.
<- terrible at LoL
Do I play? Sometimes. Do I have any clue how to play? No
Tangentially speaking of games: Does anyone play infinifactory?
Do I play (dota)? For at least a couple of hours a week. Do I have any clue how to play? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahano
@ASCII-only Anyway, Dota was an extreme example I used just because its games are so long, but really any kind of non-ppcg requires allocating a substantial amount of time.
@Pavel Nope
After clearing the front page of reddit, that is.
Just play SHENZHEN I/O or TIS-100 :P
I am stuck in TIS-100
@Pavel especitally TVTropes
Well I was
then I wiped my drive
<- no money to get anything else atm :/
What is TIS-100?
It is a assembly programming game
Zachtronics makes excellent games for code-golfers
@ASCII-only What would you buy if you did have money?
TIS-100 :P I forgot to get that one
Maybe I should get it tomorrow
Also, I'm always stuck in SHENZHEN I/O
when you're terrible at
I rarely play the fastest code modes
I have several WRs on Infinifactory for golf though
@ASCII-only hey, what's your steam account?
@Pavel somebody_cares
Is your profile private? Searching doesn't make anything come up.
Actually nevermind
@Pavel all lowercase?
@ASCII-only pls see slack
@ASCII-only obviously, since they asked
@DestructibleLemon yep
@ASCII-only Yeah
2 hours later…
Q: Generate strong primes

Zach Gates In number theory, a strong prime is a prime number that is greater than the arithmetic mean of the nearest prime above and below (in other words, it's closer to the following than to the preceding prime). Your task is to generate n strong primes, given an input integer, n, where n >= 0. For ...

2 hours later…
What are some good sources where I can find interesting python tkinter projects to work on ? (So that I learn tkinter on learn-as-you-need basis)
Favorable things are: Combinatorial games, physics simulations, but any other things are ok too.
GitHub search probably
@AlexKChen The module itself.
That's an interesting project to do with tkinter.
Does anyone know whether FLOPS is measured using multiplication, addition or division?
I use pygame instead of tkinter for most things
@muddyfish They have different use cases.
Tkinter is for when you want to make something with Windows Forms, but don't actually want to use Windows Forms.
Pygame is for pixel based stuff with an event loop
Starry night --->
@AlexKChen Yes, there are many stars.
Husk is the new Jelly confirmed :'-( - Now I have to learn a new language
2 hours later…
Q: Balanced and Centre-Free Sets of Points

J843136028Taking in Input Define a function f as follows: IF x < 0: f(x) = -√|x| ELSE: f(x) = √x In your programs/functions, each point (x, y) given as input will correspond to the point (f(x), f(y)). For example, if the points (4, -2) and (-1, 5) are given as input, your program will be dealin...

1 hour later…
Does anyone who was around in the 1960s or later remember any powerful processors or supercomputers?
High power over price is good.
I think everyone here was around in the 1960s or later.
@WheatWizard Iirc Downgoat wasn't.
*facepalm* OIC
My point is that now is later than the 1960s
I meant ~1960s to late 1990s. :-/
Ok, I was around in the late 1990s, but I was a child :P
@WheatWizard Do you remember any powerful animal noises from around that time?
I know Moo and Baa and Oink.
And Meow and Woof.
@H.PWiz Hello!
What does H.P stand for?
What is the difference between disputed and declined?
@wizzwizz4 Nothing, It's just a totally made-up name
@WheatWizard What context?
Moderator flags
@WheatWizard Declined means "not going to happen", "refused", "rejected (like edits)".
I need more context for disputed.
@H.PWiz I take it you aren't associated with a flights company?
A flag can be disputed, declined or helpful. I was wondering the difference between the first two.
No, I am not
@WheatWizard I don't see the option to mark a flag as disputed...
I presume it's used for when the action (to be) taken is unknown / disputed.
@wizzwizz4 you prefer ie to chrome? :o
@HelkaHomba Well, that's disputed now.
IE has not only fallen behind but has been actively nerfed since the introduction of Edge.
And Edge isn't that bad
@HelkaHomba It seems that, as soon as your computer is deemed "old", it's unsupported by lots of things.
Either the software's badly written or it's out to get me. :-p
Recently, my Bluetooth mouse stopped working. After the next sleep a program encountered an Access Violation, causing a (presumably) non-fatal error. The lock screen was still fully functional, but I didn't get a chance to finish typing my password before it automatically restarted.
In two and a half words: I'm biased.
I forgot to mention that the computer was working with no problems until Windows had finished downloading the update. Then stuff stopped working left, right and center but magically fixed itself after a restart.
Windows is that bad
@HelkaHomba If only my laptop didn't have this OS-specific management software!
The next machine I get is coming without Windows on it, so I don't feel obliged to use it after I've paid for it.
My Windows Defender has said it needs updates for days but fails to install them every time it tries.
(IMO Windows wasn't that bad until GWX.)
But again, I'm biased because I grew up on the OS.
Metaphorically speaking.
@WheatWizard Declined counts against your flagging record, disputed is ignored
@wizzwizz4 Are you, in fact, Microsoft Bob?
@HelkaHomba No.
I might've been (a fork of ~) had that not been closed-source.
@DJMcMayhem But what is the actual difference? What causes one vs the other.
@DJMcMayhem TIL. Thanks - I'll use that as soon as I work out how to.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fejfoGolf a Brainfuck compresser. The eso-lang Brainfuck only has 8 instructions that do something: +-><[]., so in theory you could represent them in 3 bits. You could store 8 instructions in 24 bits or 3 bytes. BrnFck This is compressed brainfuck an instruction will be represented by it's bits. ...

@WheatWizard I'm not really sure. I think disputed is more either The mods as a whole weren't sure how to act on the flag or The flag was partially wrong but you had the right intentions, so we don't want to punish you for flagging it
But I'm not entirely sure
Ok I'll bring the particular issue up on meta then.
@DJMcMayhem A use case for that seems to be "we don't want to penalise you for a bad flag because it's not a bad flag, but we don't want to put a black mark of having a spam post on this user because the post is better now and wasn't actually spam but looked like spam".
Does anyone know how to use a date as the x axis of a scatter plot in LibreOffice?
It keeps interpreting the date as POSIX time (or some similar numerical representation) then plotting it on the y axis.
@wizzwizz4 That's a much better way of putting it
@WheatWizard link?
A: One Ring to rule them all. One String to contain them all

Alistair BuxtonI don't have any code, but I thought someone might appreciate this intuitive proof that 999 characters is the lower bound to the length of the output: First, every 1- and 2-digit number is part of a 3-digit number, so ignore everything less than 100. 100-999 inclusive is 900 3-digit numbers. Th...

@WheatWizard, I must admit, I said that it looked okay. Only because I don't think that it deserved to be deleted
This was on the review page, to clarify
Oh, I meant to the meta, but now I understand what's going on
I haven't asked on the meta yet
I'll so so later
I'm pretty sure it was disputed because half of the reviewers said "recommend deletion" and the other half said "looks ok"
Not directly disputed by a mod
Oh so the mods were not involved
Maybe they were, it was just a guess
Only a mod could answer
Oh ok
@DJMcMayhem Aw... that would be a useful feature. :-(
But I think flags can become disputed because of the review queues
I don't think mods can do that to flags.
Can do what?
It think it was a VLQ flag, which automatically puts it in the queues
Close flags do too
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