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This one shouldn't, it is just inappropriate.
oh great he rolled back
@totallyhuman yeah... now it's weird again
does that mean "print( ... )" doesn't count?
i dunno
you know what
how bout we ignore him and just do what we always do
downvote and move on
@totallyhuman no need to downvote for someone who doesn't know what's up, the challenge is good and the Charcoal answer will come in sooner or later
> the challenge is good
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

N. P.Pascal's Particulars Pascal is feeling very particular today. He wants to get an element from his famous triangle without going through the work of generating all the prior elements. He'll provide you with a row number and an entry number and you'll provide him with the element at that location....

oh good he unrolledback
uh he is still allowing to print variations of it
Q: Is this a losing square?

Wheat WizardThere is a game called Get Home that is played on the a chess board. In this game there is a single piece that is moved by both players in turns. There are some rules to how the piece can be moved. On a turn a player may make any of the following moves for positive n. n spaces up n spaces to...

got my SOGL keyboard running :D
Hmm, 3 new challenges... cannot solve any
...this challenge looks super easy in charcoal but i can't get charcoal to work ;-;
I just realized that pure and <*> are the S and K combinators in Haskell
Is there a deeper meaning here?
most common line of @Mr.Xcoder: "You were quite short on tags."
@EriktheOutgolfer he only had 1 tag which was irrelevant anyway
yeah I removed that
it was a tag that didn't even exist...
@totallyhuman I got charcoal to work, but I'm sure it's twice as long as it needs to be
idek how to print a string of length two lol
@totallyhuman well the way I did it was I printed in the direction without moving, moved right, then printed in the direction with moving
> P↘¹²→↘¹²↑P↗⁵→↗⁵↓P↘⁵→↘⁵↑P↗¹⁰→↗¹⁰M¹¹↓M⁵←P↖¹²←↖¹²↓P↙¹⁰←↙¹⁰
although I think that way would be shorter
Yay, use all the superscripts!
@Mr.Xcoder I promise it's not optimal
that's how numbers are in charcoal
yeah ASCII is printed as-is
@StepHen It's longer than SOGL. You can do it in half those bytes, I promise
@Mr.Xcoder I can't, Neil could
Yeah or ASCII
@Mr.Xcoder wow that seems so ungolfed...
I know
@EriktheOutgolfer it is, I don't know Charcoal
it's just "move around and print stuff"
no fancy commands or nothin
if you golf it down post your own :P
heh I'll try
i out-golfed you by 5 bytes
hah :P
@totallyhuman s/5/⁵/
i use verbose mode so regular 5 for me :P
Too many s and superscripts
@totallyhuman I have one better :P
almost editing it in
wait no it's too many bytes
you're confused and you spread it to me
A: Walkers Join! - Alan Walker's logo

totallyhumanCharcoal, 50 bytes P↘¹²→↘¹²↑P↗⁵→↗⁵↓P↘⁵→↘⁵↑P↗⁹→↗⁹Mχ↓M⁴←P↖¹²←↖¹²↓P↙χ←↙χ Try it online! Link is to verbose version. I tried.

ah, i still out-golf you by a byte though
@totallyhuman yeah I spent like 25 bytes finishing the top left and bottom right 0.o
tip: use verbose version, it's waaay easier
Trying to outgolf you both :)
also charcoal could most definitely use a cool interactive IDE
@totallyhuman oh you literally only outgolfed me because I printed the extra tail 0.o
Once you printed something, how do you continue from there?
cc @StepHen @totallyhuman
^^^^^^ cc @ASCII-only
@Mr.Xcoder oh the cursor follows you
the M moves the cursor around
uh, what?
if you use P to print the cursor doesn't move though
arrow number moves the cursor and prints
P arrow number leaves the cursor where it started
Multiprint(:DownRight, 12)
Then I wanna print from there... Ah got it
P↘¹²→↘¹² is Print down right (leave cursor), move right, print down right (move cursor)
I use verbose
then you can't get satisfactory explanations from me :P
Q: Optimal path through a matrix

Stewie GriffinGiven a matrix consisting of positive integers, output the path with the lowest sum when traversing from the upper left element to the bottom right. You may move vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Note that it's possible to move both up/down, right/left and diagonally to all sides. Example...

@NewMainPosts I'm suddenly getting flashbacks of Dijkstra's algorithm...
I have this in 17:
\\                                  //
 \\                                //
  \\                              //
   \\                            //
    \\                          //
     \\                        //
      \\                      //
       \\        //\\        //
        \\      //  \\      //
         \\    //    \\    //
          \\  //      \\  //
           \\//        \\//
@Mr.Xcoder how'd you manage that?
oh wait me dumb, I have the top part too
I want to outgolf you. If I don't succeed I'll tell you
You use that anyway, duh
downright, upright, reflect?
@totallyhuman yup
ye but y'know...
only I did downright, upright, move up, downleft, move upright, reflect
and then took another 25 bytes to add the tails
@totallyhuman tied you with Jump though
(Proton) CMC: Make a function that will sum all of the arguments (not a list). (cc @Mr.Xcoder)
I am not sure what you mean.. Example?
For example, let's say there's a function f where f(1, 2, 3) returns 6.
(Any language) CMC: Make a function that will sum all of the arguments (not a list).
I VTC HyperNeutrino's challenge as a duplicate of this one
how do you take dynamic args that aren't in a list? same as python?
@StepHen yes
@HyperNeutrino *a=>sum(a)? or do I have that screwed up
args and kwargs?
No kwargs
@StepHen nice. It can be 4 bytes though.
(that's right)
@Challenger5 Python: lambda*a:sum(a)
or something
@HyperNeutrino why can't I find that in the wiki?
Yep *A=>sum(A)
@HyperNeutrino can't it just be sum?
@LeakyNun I haven't finished the wiki yet
Hi Leaky!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MD XFGolf Cubically code code-challenge fgitw Your task is to optimize Cubically source code using one or more optimizations presented in this question. How this challenge works: You will choose one or more optimizations below and write a program (in the language of your choice) that performs thos...

@LeakyNun no that takes a list as a single argument and also what happened to your profile pic :o
@HyperNeutrino not necessarily
In Proton it has to
Nice Identicon
It uses the same sum as Python.
Scheme, 1 byte: +
@HyperNeutrino I'm talking about your Python solution
In Python it has to as well I think
@HyperNeutrino Hints pls... No wiki on that
sum(a, b) sums a starting with b
@HyperNeutrino nvm then
@Challenger5 Brain-flak, 22 bytes: ([])({<{}>{}<([])>}{}) or ([])({[{}]{}([])()}{})
@Mr.Xcoder I just realized that you can't get the 4 byte solution without looking through the list of operators in the interpreter.py :I I don't think it's possible without being me because I just fixed its functionality
Or ({{}}) if we can assume the input will not contain 0
It also doesn't work on TIO yet
I'll just give the answer for Proton: &sum
@HyperNeutrino is it >>
@totallyhuman no
that was used for something... i don't quite remember what
///, 0 bytes. I/O is in Unary and input is done through insertion into the source code.
@HyperNeutrino so & makes a function then? :P
@HyperNeutrino nice +1. We don't really have proton installed, ya know
@StepHen I think & is args
@StepHen yes :P &func is equivalent to *a => func(a)
There's also !!, %%, and @ for functions
@HyperNeutrino so f=&sum; f(1,2,3,4)
@StepHen yes
I need to add my operators to the wiki :P
@HyperNeutrino what do those do
@HyperNeutrino I want to challenge you in a couple of proton CMCs. Can you please join me in the room for Proton?
I want in @Mr.Xcoder
@Challenger5 V, 9 bytes: ÎD@"éi\nØi
@StepHen ...it's public
@StepHen Come to Proton
!! will make the function return a partial function if not enough arguments are given
@ makes the function automatically cache its results
This is impossible in Haskell...
%% makes the function automatically splat the output if it's a list, which can be useful for chaining
$ deletes everything from the cache, and $$ turns off caching
Random question: What's the best way to get 4 additional upvotes without begging for votes?
Nobody will -1 for a bad joke
But you can get plenty of +1s
@DJMcMayhem outgolf us in Charcoal
@DJMcMayhem (([]){[{}]{}([])}{}) is shorter
@DJMcMayhem Answer something in Jelly.
Make your post a meme
But don't do the -15 meme
@WheatWizard Holy crap, that's genius. I wanted to do ([])({[{}]{}([])}{}) but that subtracts one per loop. But now it's so obvious to just add the stack height into the push command.
Its one of my tips :)
Yeah, the one I'm really bad at
Wait, is that push-pop redundancy, or something else? Because we don't really need to use the stack height normally, just if we're subtracting
@Challenger5 4 bytes, jq: add with -s flag
@Challenger5 I meant on a specific answer
@DJMcMayhem Its just its own tip. link
Yeah, I just found it
@DJMcMayhem I don't know, post it on TNB?
@totallyhuman CMC: Output that
> without begging for votes
Do it in a not vote-begging way. Ask for golfing tips or something.
Then at least people will see it, and if it's good they'll upvote
I'm slightly disappointed that my stack-height tip didn't get a whole lot of feedback
@totallyhuman ascii-only knows about it, he noticed bugs in charcoals compression when he wanted to steal SOGLs compression :p
but... but what compression?
and fudge neil came and out-golfed
@totallyhuman of course
@Challenger5 Nah. I don't like posting things in chat just for votes. And I was kinda kidding to begin with
It's just that I've got a post at 96, and I really really want that gold badge lol
@DJMcMayhem golf it more :P
oh he's golfed it from like 180 to 140
135 iirc
@DJMcMayhem Convince yourself it's genuinely because you want golfing advice or something
Yeah, 189 to 135
> V, 189, 179, 175, 164, 161, 157, 155, 149, 145, 141, 135 bytes
@DJMcMayhem right, golf another 5 bytes off and you'll get more upvotes
repeat until you have 100 votes :P
Or edit it (or some other answer) to bring the question to the homepage
@Challenger5 Yeah, cause other people will have V tips :P
Just fxi spellin gerrors or somehting
@totallyhuman 16 revisions
Did you know that Google will sometimes correct you if your hands are misaligned? For example, try searching eokiprdoa
Now I'm trying to intentionally type like that, and it's harder than you'd think.
Google can't recognize that; I tried it
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Andrew PiliserCase Matching Find Replace Take three inputs, a string of text, T; a string of characters to replace, F; and a string of characters to replace them with, R. For each substring of T with the same (case insensitive) characters as F, replace them with the characters in R. However, keep the same cas...

wolo[edoa works
@DJMcMayhem is this a challenge for main? Move all input right one on the keyboard
You may assume the input is composed solely of letters...
@Challenger5 nah, of printable ASCII
Then how do you handle = ' and /
Or move it to the left, and you'll have to handle a --> Caps lock also :P
= removes the previous char
' is newline
and / does nothing
@DJMcMayhem Then what does ~ do?
Nothing, maybe
so, should I post it? :P
Left or right version?
Q: Fix my Fat Fingers

Albert RenshawCode Golf Challenge I have an isdue, my fingrrs are fat and I freqintly jave an isdue of ty[ing one keystrpke to the right on my kryboard. I'm afraid the isdue is getyng worse anf worsr as time goes on. Sopn every keystrpke I make wil; be shiftrd pne to the right! Befpre then I'd like a prog...

@Challenger5 Screams of pains when you jam your pinky on the desk?
@dzaima boo for logic
although this is kinda different because of backspace and what not
@StepHen It sounds vaguely familiar, search for dupe first
@BusinessCat see linked post by @dzaima
@DJMcMayhem So the correct behavior is to write "oww f-" to the buffer?
@DJMcMayhem I'm on a laptop. what now?
I'm on a laptop that is sitting on the floor. But the boundary around the keyboard is big enough that my little finger would just hit the side.
@LeakyNun No clue. That's really weird
@DJMcMayhem that's a puzzle for you guys
Oh, so you know the answer?
@LeakyNun this might be a more helpful error message :P Try it online!
@DJMcMayhem yes, I made it
You jerk...
I see it now
Should I reveal the answer, or let someone else figure it out?
@LeakyNun but it does... Try it online!
@StepHen lol
@DJMcMayhem let someone else figure it out
I know what's going on, basically
TBH, the byte count kinda ruins it
@LeakyNun Is it a greek question mark?
@DJMcMayhem or the Python 2 error message: Non-ASCII character '\xcd' in file
Ah I see others have already figured it out
@WheatWizard bingo
for the most recent oeis, i found a relevant paper with an algorithm onlinelibrary.wiley.com.sci-hub.io/doi/10.1002/jcc.540110208/…
wait why does print("\xcd") print Í then
@LeakyNun Why are you doing this to us ;_;
@HyperNeutrino 0/10 why aren't you using the Greek question mark for the emoticon
@HyperNeutrino because is gone on main
@LeakyNun Ẉ̆h̯̆y̗̔ ̹̓ȧ̘r̖̓è̟ ̘͑y̛̰ọ̓ṵ́ ̘͋d̻̕o̦̓i̘͆n͎͂g̙̚ ̖͊ṱ̎h̖̾ī͓s̢̃ ̣̇t̡̐o̭̊ ̠͘u̜͘s̠̾?͈̃
Better? :P
@benzene_ring can you look at the paper?
who me?
why me?
because you do all of the hard oeis entries
soz m8
can we work on it together :o
we just need someone who has a different major version of Mathematica to post something real quick
Chat : This is the topic: I need some code that outputs the keys of a dictionary when the user inputs a dictionary.
Have fun and troll me
Never heard of a dictionary that needs keys
so like list in Python?
Where do you even buy a lock for a dictionary?
as in list({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) -> ['a', 'b']
@BusinessCat ಠ_ಠ
@Mr.Xcoder for (k in d) {console.log(k);} //guaranteed to be in order
i personally keep my dictionary locked as well
@HyperNeutrino ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Muahaha, I feel so trolled ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@StepHen but... that actually works...
@HyperNeutrino but it's not guaranteed to be in order :P
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
@StepHen ಠ_ಠ
Python 3:
def dict_keys(d):
    keys = []
    for p in d.items():
    return keys
@Challenger5 four spaces, just like on main
Ah thanks
It actually returns a list of (key, value) pairs.
Here's another one:
def dict_keys(d):
    return d.keys()
It actually returns a dict_keys object :P
could someone help me with a proof for codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/139468/63641?
I'm almost certain it works but I got to the answer halfway by intuition
so I'm a little stuck on how to determine it mathematically
Notice: I will award a +50 bounty to the shortest Proton quine that is not beaten for 1 week
@HyperNeutrino porting python is probably shortest
@HyperNeutrino function return quine, or print quine?
@HyperNeutrino spec link?
actually the exact python code works
welp rip my rep
A: Golf you a quine for great good!

totallyhumanProton, 32 bytes s='s=%r;print(s%%s)';print(s%s) Try it online!

you should've tested :P
@Mr.Xcoder Python:
def keys(d):
    for i in range(len(d)):
        yield d.nth_key(i)
@Challenger5 what
dict.nth_key is in no way a thing
Yeah, it's not a thing
It would have been more convincing if I'd used an ordereddict
what's the C flag that allows you to do a find/replace on the code?
Here's a really evil one:
def keys(d):
    # Return a set of keys
    keys = set()
    for key in d:
    return keys
It works for most cases.
CMC: Given n, return an ASCII art hashtag of size n.
 # #
 # #
 # #

  ##  ##
  ##  ##
  ##  ##
  ##  ##
  ##  ##
  ##  ##
I can post 3 too, but the onebox is pretty big, so I'd rather not
@DJMcMayhem nice
@NathanMerrill I understand the flags to be "this is the commandline required to run X program." We don't count the "python.exe" (or "java.exe" or whatever).
@DJMcMayhem they're wrong
Oh whoops
I screwed up 3, so then I screwed up the next ones too
VTC unclear
@DJMcMayhem CJam, 29 bytes: S3*'#*'#5*{1$}3*]ri_@\fe*e*N*
This is a full program, I might be able to golf it by making it a function
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 19 bytes: “ #“##”ŒBŒḄ$⁺x⁸x'⁸Y
28 bytes: {[{S3*'#*'#5*}3*;]1$fe*e*N*} (golfed more)
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 16 bytes: 5×þ5Ḃị“ #”x⁸x'⁸Y
Àé#ÀÉ |3ä$wDÀÄyGGpVGr#H3äGGÀkjdG, definitely some room for improvement
27 bytes: {S3*'#*'#5*}3*;]ri_@fe*e*N* (back to a full program again)
@DJMcMayhem go main
Haven't we had one like that?
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a dupe
@StepHen Done
Let's see if I can get some upvotes for FGITW...
Someone who doesn't know Proton tell me why this outputs what it does: link
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

fireflame241Slice, Slice, Maybe code-golf python Everyone loves slicing in python, as in array[5] to access the fifth element or array[:5] to access the zero through fourth element or array[::-1] to reverse an array. However, these all have seemingly distinct notations. When and where should the colons a...

@DJMcMayhem I didn't know you do MATL...
Yeah, that was the first golfing language I learned
didn't @ConorO'Brien just figure out that 35* was the builtin needed like last week?
@DJMcMayhem wow!
you didn't catch my other 1-byte golf though
@StepHen I ain't Conor O'Brien
@StepHen 35*c builtin but yeah
speak of the devil
in MATL CHATL, yesterday, by Luis Mendo
* Circular convolution (`cconv`) implemented as `Z+` with 3 inputs; including Octave compatibility
* `Zc` with a single, non-cell input replaces nonzeros by 35 (ASCII for '#') and converts to char. Thanks to Conor O'Brien for the idea!
* Octave compatibility: `Zd` (`gcd`) and `Zm` (`lcm`) now allow char inputs
* Extended `Zs` with skewness and kurtosis
* Correction for set functions in Octave. The bug afffected Octave's compatibility functions for `setxor`, `setdiff`, `union` and `intersect`. Thanks to Sanchises for noticing!
@ConorO'Brien well it got used: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/139483/65836
@DJMcMayhem wow!
@LeakyNun I like the 21B trick
Q: #OctothorpeAsciiArt

DJMcMayhemAn Octothorpe, (also called number sign, hash or hashtag, or pound sign) is the following ASCII character: # Isn't that a fun shape? Lets make bigger versions of it! So here is your challenge: Given a positive integer N, output an ASCII hashtag of size N. For example, an ASCII hashtag of...

23 mins ago, by Leaky Nun
@DJMcMayhem Jelly, 16 bytes: 5×þ5Ḃị“ #”x⁸x'⁸Y
Now I've out-golfed Jelly
Oh you changed your picture. I didn't recognize you.
lol ... I like how the Perl and PowerShell #octothorpe answers are both super readable
CMC: hashtag fractal (examples)
@dzaima that's cool - something go wrong in a SOGL program? :P
@StepHen surprisingly, no. Just an idea I had :p
@StepHen for things that did go wrong in SOGL programs, see this
I got a lifetime licence for Logger Pro (with upgrades) for free because I am in physics at my school 10/10 would take again
It is 250 USD for a copy normally
@2EZ4RTZ my school's buying me Mathematica...
or at least paying for a subscription
I got 1 year Mathematica for free for $400
@HyperNeutrino For free for 400?
@HyperNeutrino why don't you golf in it
I paid $400 to go to the ARML competition (Pennsylvania Division) and ARML gives free 1 year license :P
ohh lol
@StepHen because I have not been able to download it. My wifi always gets cut off halfway in between
it takes so long to download that my wifi cutoff rate is too high for it to download
@HyperNeutrino plug in an ethernet cable
I'll try again sometime
I have to try to download 457 megs in one go
My internet does that

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