@ASCII-only we are planning to have support for Integer which is basically public struct Integer { i1, (i32 | i8*) } and jos to support biginteger with near 0 overhead
Aliens have arrived, and they aren't friendly.
Turns out, they've been in the process of converting all matter in the universe into compute capability so they can have more fun in their VR simulations.
Our solar system is the last bit of space they haven't converted yet, and they're about to re...
@ConorO'Brien lambdas exist (adding functions soon), numbers obviously exist :P, rationals would be interesting, bigints wouldn't be necessary since Python supports pretty big ints, stacks are just arrays but I could add them as specific things, I was considering adding trees and I'd have to think of a good syntax, and classes would look something like Python class defs
@ConorO'Brien tries as in try/except? (exist) linked lists: interesting, would make a class for that. double-link-lists: same as link-lists. pointers.... probably not.
it wouldn't work for positron, since the difference between division and regex is defined by adjacency; 3/4/5 has data before the "regex", whereas 3 + /3/ has on operator before the regex; positron splits statements on data adjacency
The recent question, Polyglot the OEIS!, has been VTCed as a duplicate of The versatile integer printer, however the community has not reached consensus on whether it is a dupe.
Currently, it has been VTCed by the community, reopened, and is one vote from closing.
The question: Is it a dupe?
@ConorO'Brien oh actually that probably would work. Since / is neither a prefix nor a postfix operator, it wouldn't be matched after the binary_operator matching, so it might actually work if I check for /<expression>/. But then I need to prevent the things inside <expression> from getting tokenized...
@ConorO'Brien But I don't think that would work with the lexer then. It would get tokenized as division first, and if not, then division wouldn't be tokenized.
@Zacharý No big O notation ignores anything that isn't a term of the highest degree, and any constant coefficients
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/proton/proton", line 59, in <module>
lang = interpreter.include('lang')
File "/opt/proton/interpreter.py", line 14, in include
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'lang.proton'
@Zacharý 1st and 3rd examples are good and canon. 2nd example is a little dubious, since you wouldn't be able to replicate that as succinctly for other size lists. How about 1 2 3 + 1 2 => 1 2 3 + (1 2 1 2...).slice(0, 3) => 1 2 3 + 1 2 1 => 2 4 4, or, 1 2 3 + 1 2 => 1 2 3 + 1 2 0 => 2 4 3
@Challenger5 I think that's how CJam does vectorized operations