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I just made my program a few million times slower to save two bytes
that feels like the real spirit of golfing just there :-D
@ATaco btw, that's a cool article about swear words in AUS
the one you linked on the chatiquette meta
@ais523 congrats lol
@ais523 efficiency has no place when going for the ultimate golf
Tell that to golf ball and club manufacturers :P
@Geobits I don't care how efficient my putt was as long as the ball got into the hole in the least number of strokes
preferably 0
I wonder if code-golfing will be more popular than "real" golf in the future
Q: There's no such thing as a free lunch

programmer5000...or is there? Your challenge is to parse my lunch bill, which contains the base price, tips, discounts, coupons, and extras and find out if my lunch was $0 or less. If this is the input: 12.34 15 tip 25 discount 1.5 extra 2 coupon Then the output might be false. Here's how it works: 12.34 ...

Q: Generate all Brain-Flak Snippets

Riley This question is the second of several Brain-flak Birthday challenges designed to celebrate Brain-Flak's first Birthday! You can find more information about Brain-Flak's Birthday here Challenge For this challenge you'll be generating all fully matched strings from a list of brackets. To bor...

Or if it will become an e-sport or something
only among nerds
\o/ Just cast my 2,000th flag across SE!
And how do you know?
elephants cats can remember
An elephant A cat never forgets
btw "elephants can remember" is a book by Agatha Christie
It's in the Poirot series
It seems that elephants cats may lie always tell the truth no matter what.
Q: Stack Exchange Global Flag Summary

Floern This is a userscript that provides a network wide flag summary for all Stack Exchange sites. If you are logged into the Stack Exchange network and you have this script installed, you can visit the new flags tab in your Stack Exchange profile: How does it work? The script scans your netw...

@HyperNeutrino can I assume the arrays won't have more than 1k elements?
or, can i output a 3 element array with the answer? i.e. if it's "True", [True True True] is the output
@KritixiLithos It already is. Ask anyone in this room.
the club-and-ball sport of golf arguably has negative popularity
I meant popularity worldwide
@DJMcMayhem golfier: "A n elephant cat"
because a subset of people see it as elitist and/or wasteful of resources
that said, it wouldn't surprise me if people looked down on codegolfers too
@KritixiLithos As my father used to say: never trust a statistic you haven't falsified yourself.
interestingly, a number of golf courses have converted to footgolf courses in order to try to attract more customers
(it's like golf, except the holes are much bigger, the ball is a soccer ball, and you have to try to kick it into the holes)
Sounds like fun. I've never tried real golf but I like minigolf.
Hmmmm minicodegolf?
@DJMcMayhem @WheatWizard @Riley @0' big thanks to the Brain-Flak crowd. This was one of three obtainable silver badges I was still missing:
Glad to help!
@MartinEnder Hey, I have a question too!
(And one more tomorrow)
What else are you missing?
Research Assistant and Archaeologist... those are both on me though :P
Justin is currently the only one with research assistant
Which one is Archaeologist?
@MartinEnder I suppose you can make a bunch of trivial edits
@WheatWizard I think he went out of his way to get it ;)
@Phoenix that would set a rather bad example, wouldn't it? ;)
I don't think anyone is going to get that tenacious badge
I've got like 10 silver badges missing
It doesn't get pushed to active or anything like that
It doesn't actually harm anyone
...and it wouldn't feel like I earned the badge.
Hey, I'm 2/5th of the way to Epic. That's pretty cool
@Riker For the first one, I think that that's a reasonable restriction, though specify if you're going to do that.
For the second one, would False output [False, False, ..., False]?
@MartinEnder on PPCG, Taxonomist should arguably be gold, it's pretty hard to get
whereas, say, Necromancer is really easy
I get a Necromancer badge basically every time I update the polyglot thread, despite the fact it's still active
Necromancer is probably my most common badge on meta... haven't checked though.
(I guess SE assumed that a question that was created 60 days ago wouldn't be actively continuously receiving answers)
But yeah I also regularly get them on main for the quine challenge or older "trivial" challenges with new languages.
My only gold badge is fanatic
I have no gold badges :( lol
I'm 44/100 for Fanatic
And 39.5% on Electorate
@MartinEnder but do you have the mythical Tumbleweed badge?
Is it sad if I've gotten fanatic 5 different times?
Wait, you can get fanatic multiple times?
On 5 different sites I meant
PPCG, PPCG meta, SO, ELL, and Vi/Vim
@Phoenix I doubt it's possible these days, and it's a bit of an anti-badge anyway. (I don't have Peer Pressure either.)
I've been intentionally avoiding Fanatic
I have a Fanatic progress display on my profile so that I can take a day off if it's getting too high
why? because I don't want it
Q: Shortest possible XKCD password generator

forthrinThe challenge: The shortest possible XKCD password generator. Example output: DevisesCreatorHideousTroops ShoutCasualPeanutLust RarerOceanAbnormalThou FiddleTreasureSkilledDishes BeardedPortraysChatVictory AidedFragmentSocketsLaughing LeakBricksWakeBlessed AmbientBeansBogging...

I've never looked at the Tour page either, specifically because you get a badge for that
avoiding bronze badges is a pain
you get a ton of them no matter what you do
and, well, why is having a badge better than not having a badge?
they don't do anything
huh, turns out I have more Good Answers on meta than Necromancers. wouldn't have expected that considering the sandbox.
@MartinEnder Can I get peer pressure if I flag it for removal? (Can't delete questions with answers)
@MartinEnder the assumption on Tumbleweed is that answering questions is a benefit to the person who asked, and thus paying attention to the 0-voted questions that nobody else cares about is a useful service
this assumption doesn't hold for PPCG
the PPCG equivalent would be a badge for asking a highly voted unanswered question
I have 12/5 for Curious but apparently my question record is negative.
@Phoenix I don't know
@MartinEnder getting a sandbox entry to +5 is really hard, a) people rarely vote on the sandbox, b) if the question is that good you're probably going to post it before the +5 threshold gets reached
Do you mind if I try right now?
also I thought peer pressure was for answers
like, you post an answer, it gets downvoted, you delete it
I might have that badge? often on PPCG you have no idea whether an answer will get massively upvoted or massively downvoted until you post it
@ais523 it works with questions too
> Delete own post with score of -3 or lower
I didn't realize it works for answers
Let me see if I have a negative answer
I do not
This answer is at +77/−1, but it really could have gone the other way
there's a comment at +14 that thinks it's invalid, but most of those users didn't downvote, likely because they're 101-rep users
I don't think I have had any answer downvotes yet. (I've had one but it got reverted after I actually bothered to golf my code)
(this says a lot about Stack Exchange's voting system, really)
@ais523 Same for this answer at +93/-1.
Online voting systems in general suck.
(also, about the "the implementation defines the language" rule, which makes the answer valid despite the fact that it really would be invalid in any sane ruleset)
@WheatWizard Slashdot's is the best I've seen, but it's still improvable
How does slashdot's work?
@Riley the only potential invalidation there is the program-or-function rule, surely? if you treat the I/O as valid, then it's a pretty simple use of a builtin
@HyperNeutrino So tempting...
not like this.....
@ais523 You have to assume the output cell is the right format.
I don't want to get downvoted by a downvote button.
Which it is by default. I think
Welp, time to downvote Geobits
@Riley I'm going to give you the bounty now if thats ok. I really hate having blue boxes on my user profile.
@Phoenix once you've been on the site for several months, you gain voting points over time, faster if you have average activity and if voting review has determined your votes are normally accurate; once you have enough points, you get a week to cast those votes, and can't cast them on a discussion you've participated in; every vote has to specify a reason, from a short drop-down list (like close reasons on SE)
@WheatWizard Sounds good :)
@Phoenix It would hardly be the first time :P
I gained a total of 3 rep from this question at +5/-11 here :P
@WheatWizard I accidentally click them sometimes...
also a post can't get voted above +5 (barring bugs which the Slashdot developers refused to admit to when I reported them), and defaults to −1…+2 depending on how the user's posts have been received in the past
@ais523 Seems needlessly complivated
it's complicated, but probably not needlessly
it makes it quite hard to push an agenda
Voting systems are hard, simple ones are never good
@HyperNeutrino now you reminded me of that question, I'm tempted to downvote :-P
I'm not really buying the vote reasons
I don't think it breaks any rules or anything, I just really dislike it for some reason
I'm guessing most people just pick the top one in the drop down half the time
nah, because the thing is
there's a vote review
Hey if you guys haven't seen Riley's Polyglot here you should check it out, it just won 300 rep for being the shortest Brian-Flak/Brain-Flueue polyglot, and believe me I tried my hardest to beat it. (And its also really cool)
and if the review says there's no reason behind your votes, you get votes less often in the future
the review picks votes at random, and you don't get to know who cast them
I see.
anyway, part of the reason I like it is because it actually does help get the best posts to the top (i.e. +5)
SE's system doesn't; a moderately good post at +30 is likely to stay above a very good post at +10 for a very long time
because people who upvote the second post are likely to upvote the first post too
Sort by activity should really be the default for everyone
(that's in terms of answers; the situation with questions is even harder)
or sort by random, perhaps
I agree that sort by vote is bad because then the top-voted answers keep getting upvoted.
Sort by random wouldn't make sense on every other SE site, where people are trying to get actual help
even then it'd make sense for voting
you'd present the answers in vote order by default, but require the sort order to be changed before you could vote
either that, or have separate ways to nominate "helpful answer" and "best answer"
IMO You shouldn't be able to vote if you are currently ordering by votes.
Makes sense
(and not the accepted answer tick, that's for the question asker and is often given to an early answer because that resolved the problem sufficiently)
Right, green tick shouldn't be top.
@WheatWizard That would simply result in people not voting. However, if there is no way to sort by votes...
anyway, I believe the problem of working out the best answer is actually mathematically unsolvable
Q: Could PPCG benefit from a new sorting mode for answers?

Martin EnderThe default sorting for answers (by votes) seems somewhat inappropriate here on PPCG. In any case it tends to put early answers over late answers, because once a few are there, few people scroll to the bottom to see newer answers and even fewer people sort by activity. If you consider that bette...

@Dennis we need a sort by votes for popcons
and I also find viewing the answers in vote order interesting sometimes (it's also useful to know what sort of content people like, so that I can try to post more of it)
@Dennis I'd happily take less votes if my votes were awarded more fairly
yes, it's so demoralizing when answers you put a lot of effort into don't get upvoted and answers you just threw off in a few seconds don't
Currntly my top answer is a shitty FGITW I did for a pretty trivial challenge
@MartinEnder Well you can see my stance on that there. It hasn't softened all that much :P
this question is one of the most interesting for looking at voting patterns, IMO
I wrote an answer once where it took me longer to click "Add Answer" and type it in than to think of it, and it's my most upvoted answer.
I have a Java answer that I'm quite proud of that has 0 upvotes. Actually, I have several such answers, back when I still used Java on this site.
Now I just use Python, and I'm going to start using Jelly on this site as well. :P
note that the top answer is incredibly lazy, that the highest-voted things on the page are the question itself and Dennis' comment that the top answer is incredibly lazy (Dennis' comment is higher-voted than every answer), and that a relatively late answer is currently in #4
further down, #6 is a Retina answer at +18, that has a considerably worse objective score than the Retina answer at +6 (which came somewhat later)
@ais523 Unary is not the top answer its just pinned
there are also invalid answers that are voted fairly high
The Haskell answer has more votes
oh right, it's the #2 answer
You should flag invalid answers
I did, but earlier today
when a) it looked like it wasn't going to get fixed any time soon and b) I remembered it existed
@HyperNeutrino which one
> A simpler explanation to explain FGITW could be that early answers get more page views, so have a better chance of getting an upvote. Even if every user scrolls to see every answer on every question, the early ones still get seen more.
what you could do is compare the upvote rate of new answers to that of old answers, while both are posted
If we wanted to enforce deadlines on challenges there could be an argument for hiding answers for a set period of time
before allowing people to vote
Reddit has apparently discovered a trend where having a higher displayed score makes people more likely to upvote a post, regardless of sort order
@ais523 I'm still not sure that's a fair measure. Most people probably look at the question more often when it's new (especially if it HNQs), so adding an answer later would still be less overall attention.
and has started hiding score for the first few hours after a post is posted in order to reduce the effect
Now hiding the score for a bit sounds like a good idea either way.
@Geobits well, if a good late answer can overtake an average early answer, I'd say the system is working
the posts can still be sorted in vote order, though; it's just that the scores don't display
I'm not even sure why we can see scores at all
@ais523 We don't. We also don't need sort-by-length if you ask me.
@WheatWizard Because gamification
seems like it should be a privilege if anything
SE wants people to be engaged, and there's no method better than fake points everyone can see. There really isn't.
@Dennis I mean, simply to determine who's winning
although hmm
@Geobits That is true
It's the same reason old arcade games let you put in your initials for the high score :P
are popcons a competition-per-language in the same way that golf is meant to be?
with a popcon it's hard to see it as anything other than just one big competition, but maybe it isn't
Popcons aren't a competition at all if you ask me...
like, can you compete to be the most popular with a different algorithm?
@Dennis well, it has "competition" in the name of the tag, and all non- non- posts are meant to be competitions here
can we leave popcons out of this discussion? It's just going to turn into the normal popcon-a-roo
Popcons are a competition focused on how well you can present your post imo. The code barely matters in most cases.
you can certainly argue that popcons shouldn't exist at all; that's something that PCPG will likely never agree on
You need pretty pictures, some writing ability, etc...
Seeing how broken the voting patterns in all other competitions are, scoring a competition by upvotes is only marginally better than picking the winner at random...
but under the assumption that they exist, it's hard to see how they're anything other than a single big competition for votes
this is why i don't accept answers on challenges
I still get votes every few days on years-old popcons that aren't very good.
oh, I don't accept answers because a) you can't accept multiple answers, meaning you stifle people's attempts to improve once there's a tick on the answer; b) it screws with sort order, which is relevant in
I will say that the existence of popcons is how I found out about PPCG in the first place
@ais523 Me too
I believe this is the first PPCG post I saw
Ha, that was my first answered.
meanwhile, this post is the one that convinced me that the site was the sort of site I wanted; it's , not
@ais523 Many have. I learned about PPCG through code trolling, the arguably worst kind of popcon. Unsurprisingly, popcons are popular.
@ais523 me too
btw, I really like the collaborative challenges
competitive challenges are in the spirit of "friendly competition" for me, i.e. the competition exists to push you to do better
but one person often can't do as much as everyone together
this is how the idea for the polyglot challenge came about
this challenge is probably my favorite on the site
at this point, I'm not sure anyone who's still left in even cares about the victory condition, I just put it there to prevent the challenge being closed
we're all just trying to keep the challenge going as long as possible
and produce the best polyglot ever (which we've probably already accomplished, to be fair, but you can always do better)
Q: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Dariusz WoźniakRecently, I've seen Hare Krishna people with their mantra on the emblem and I've found it may be a quite interesting to code golf it. The challenge Write the Hare Krishna mantra, i.e.: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare Winning criteri...

come to think of it, the postdates-the-challenge rule means that there must be a hard limit to how big it can get, but it's a limit we're unlikely to get near
Does anyone script in Fish?
1.1 + 0.1
js pls
this is not JS's fault. that's how floating-point numbers work.
possible duplicate of: is floating point math broken?
irb(main):002:0> "0.1".to_r + "1.1".to_r
=> (6/5)
AKA 0.1r + 1.1r
Ruby has literals for complex numbers, too :-D
@LeakyNun I am new here, but are you always this hostile? It's not like there are ton of unique ways to approach this. Even if he did port it, he still has the shorter answer. — Grayson Kent 5 hours ago
I agree @LeakyNun often comes across as hostile. I like to think it's a cultural thing. I'm pretty sure it's not on purpose.
@GraysonKent I apologize for my perceived hostility. — Leaky Nun 3 hours ago
Q: How do you correctly use CSS animation delays to create a collapsible HTML container?

BryanI am attempting to use CSS animation delays to make a accordion type of action happen when a user clicks on a arrow connected to a table without Javascript and only HTML/CSS. Seen here when you resize the screen to mobile: http://responsiveemailpatterns.com/patterns/accordions/full-to-accordion...

@LuisMendo He's very direct. Some people don't like it when people cut to the chase. Honestly, I find it refreshing, after dealing with clients all day who don't know what they want.
@Poke I was particularly proud of the bytewise operations thingy.
I can see how some people see Leaky Nun as kind of hostile. Personally, I don't find him (assuming gender from profile picture) to be very hostile, but I became active only a bit before he went on leave for exams, and I've gotten used to people being very direct with me (from Cadets)
@programmer5000 Stop deleting the content of people's answers in the Sandbox if the answers haven't been posted/deleted yet.
The OP says he's still waiting for votes, but you already deleted the content of the post.
That's straight-up vandalism
any Lua programmers here?
@NathanMerrill not really, but I read the Lua book once and used it a little bit. depending on the complexity of your question I might remember something :P
@Mego If you ask me, you also come up as a little hostile sometimes. Not as much as Leaky, though. (And I'm not saying it's a bad thing). So that may explain you like it in others too :-)
@WheatWizard You should delete this sandbox post that is now on main
@NathanMerrill I've used lua-based languages and frameworks, but not usually straight lua.
I can't figure out why this __tostring() method doesn't work
maybe its super obvious, but I'm guessing it has to do with lua internals or something
@mbomb007 Thanks, I probably have some more I've forgotten about
Does anyone know who user00001 is? The profile picture reminds me of ThisGuy.
@HyperNeutrino You have a link? You said you were proud of it so I want to look at it
Oh wait, never mind, I must have been thinking of another answer because this one has +6/-0: here
@HyperNeutrino yes
@HyperNeutrino so I can assume that it will be shorter than 1k?
cool, thanks
@NathanMerrill seems to be a problem with repl.it: tio.run/nexus/…
The v in that is redundant, also, I think it's a problem with the implementation of Repl.it
@HyperNeutrino I can't find ThisGuy under users. Maybe he changed his name.
he changed his name yes
he's user0001 iirc, and suspended
@MartinEnder huh
well, thanks
I think it's been changed to Soyoucanreplytomeinthecomments but his account is suspended up until 05-15
soyoucanreplytomeincomments is no longer a user
@HyperNeutrino yea, user00001 is definitely thisguy. found a comment reply with his old name
Q: Machine learning optimization. Grid search vs Gradient descent

NishantI wanted to know when is grid search optimization used to find hyper parameters over gradient descent. In my perspective, gradient descent is well suited if the problem is convex where as grid search restricts values to be discrete and can be used for any problems. It is not necessary for the p...

@NewMainPosts Hyper Parameters Hi Hyper Parameters! I'm Hyper Neutrino! :D
explodes Greetings TNB
@MartinEnder why is Generalist so hard to get?
@NathanMerrill it's not unlocked yet. Otherwise some users would already have it
What's generalist
score of 15+ on 20+ of the top 40 tags
ugh, why does SE not notify you about unupvotes
I like to keep track of how my posts are doing
and the only explanation for the rep changes I'm seeing is that a post I posted in the last few hours got unupvoted, but I don't think there's any way to figure out which one other than memorizing the scores they previously had, and it's kind-of frustrating that that information isn't available
Just assume the upvote never happened
Alright, I'm going to change the scoring for TeamSpirit slightly to make it more consistent across clients.
The bar on the bottom queries the current star distribution?
Howcome everyone on thestarboard appears blue?
I see many reds on the starboard myself, Such as Dennis and mbomb, it's just that blues have 27 stars in the top two alone.
I've updated TeamSpirit to only use the starboard, instead of messages.
This is because the starboard consistently loads 10 messages, regardless of if you can see them.
I know mbomb has a red star, but his name appears blue
(All names appear blue, they're just links)
That's just how the starboard looks.
I guess I didn't notice before
Q: Test if a string can be made with substrings!

Comrade SparklePonyGiven a string s and an array/list l, determine whether or not s can be made with parts from l. For example, if the string is "Hello, world!" and the list is [' world!', 'Hello,'], then the program/function should return a truthy value, because you can arrange the list to form the string. The fo...

Q: Print all decimals

programmer5000You must write a program or function that will output all decimals with the specified precision if run forever. Example: Input: 2 Output: 0.01, -0.01, 0.02, -0.02, 0.03, -0.03... The input is the number of decimal places to print. The output is all the numbers with the specified decimal pr...

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