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@Downgoat a one-argument function or operator: compare to nilad and dyad
@ConorO'Brien ok that makes a lot more sense than "A monad is created by defining a type constructor M and two operations, bind and return (where return is often also called unit):"
where was that from?
I mean its not wrong but wow is it obfuscatory
wikipedia >_<
CS class should totally do Haskell instead of Java
Java is much more commonplace now.
CS class should do C#
I think that if MS pushes .NET Core, it'll essentially replace Java.
@ckjbgames If you know Python well, Pyth is an option. I personally find stack-based languages (CJam, 05A1BE, Actually, etc.) easier to use, but others don't grok stacks at all.
Jelly is my favorite, of course, but it's not exactly easy to learn.
Verb: grok (third-person singular simple present groks, present participle grokking, simple past and past participle grokked)
  1. (transitive, slang) To understand (something) intuitively.
  2. To know (something) without having to think intellectually (such as knowing the number of objects in a collection without needing to count them: see subitize).
  3. (transitive, slang) To fully and completely understand something in all of its details and intricacies.
That doesn't seem to apply in context.
I understand Jelly, but I don't know Jelly.
@Phoenix How so? Some people are very comfortable with stacks and just know how to lay it out to solve the task at hand, others need drawings and wind up using a lot more variables than they should.
Oh, I though "others" was referring to other, non-stack based programming languages.
I mostly struggle with Jelly's chaining rules.
@ckjbgames There's also MATL, which probably has the best docs of all golfing languages. Being at least vaguely familiar with MATLAB/Octave would help though.
RProgN is still pretty weak for golfing, but it stands strongly mediocre!
@Dennis Can you say that you know Jelly?
CS class should Ruby ;)
Well, of course. I wrote it.
"Implement a sorting algorithm" "array.sort" "That's... not what I meant."
in Jelly, Apr 1 '16 at 18:42, by Dennis
I don't understand my language. ._.
Implement != reference
@Phoenix One well-golfed program by someone else... clears stars
I've been writing Jalapeño which is an attempt to make a proper Tacit language.
the results are, interesting...
I've been writing Tomato, halp pls
What do you need help with, exactly?
@ATaco tacit?
@HelkaHomba See: Jelly, J, APL
@Phoenix Parser
It seems like a really easy thing to parse. Just step through two at a time.
Point-free, i.e., without variable references. Stack-based languages are actually tacit as well.
loops brackets etc.
Can anyone here please rate my answer to the sorting question?
A: Sort an Integer List

MendeleevRuby, 22 bytes ->a{[*a.min..a.max]&a} Builds an array out of the range between the minimum and maximum elements of the input array. Returns the intersection between the two arrays.

hi. is the best way to change my mov file to a midi to just search for a mov to midi converter on the interenet, and use an online one?
@ATaco I tried learning J, but the terminology just screwed me up so much... ;-;
@Mendeleev what kind of parser are you writing?
> mov to midi
@DestructibleLemon You basically can't convert anything to MIDI
@Mendeleev lol
mov is quicktime video
ruby has a lot of parser tool kits
@Phoenix I will sound weird
Not even actual audio files
@NickClifford Hi
@Downgoat Parser for tomato
@ckjbgames Hello!
@NickClifford Hi
@Mendeleev quicktime player loves mov files, ok
But you can't convert to midi.
@Phoenix Well, there's a converter that basically does a FFT and converts it into piano at what's basically 128 hz sample rate.
I have to take a shower (I take them at night because I'm weird). See ya in a moment, TNB!
@ckjbgames ¡Hola!
@NickClifford Adios!
@Mendeleev that's not conversion. That's correlated noise.
@Mendeleev no but like what parser type are you making? (1. generator or engine 2. top-down or bottom-up 3. independent tokenizer or integrated)
No idea!!
@Mendeleev It's also a huge PITA to use and makes something that sounds remotely right only half the time.
Never written a parser before
@Mendeleev are you familiar with EBNF
@Phoenix Works really well with solo piano music
@Downgoat Kinda
ok that's 50% of it
Tomato is ruby right?
@Mendeleev nichest niches, and and even then I wouldn't trust it
@Mendeleev ok well a parser rule is basically anything along the lines of: name -> parts so like string -> " stringstuff* "
take that * 100 and you get a grammar, modify that and put it into parser generator
and then you have language :D
PEG is great because it can parse any CFG IIRC
if you need any help parsing expressions may I highly reccomend my blog :D
ok turns out I just need to convert it to wav or something
to get it to where I need it to be
@DestructibleLemon vlc can probably do that
luckily I already have that
@Downgoat Didn't you write a parser for cheddar?
@HelkaHomba how pls?
@Mendeleev yeah, and vsl
@Mendeleev *parsers, I made 4 >_<
only 2 of them ever worked
@HelkaHomba wait I found it
@Downgoat :O you made 4 parsers for cheddar?
@Downgoat show us the cheese grammar file
@HelkaHomba Can't, grammar is spread across multiple file
@DestructibleLemon open vlc, Media -> Convert/Save -> choose file and options etc
ok, so now I have the majesty of Trump's bing bong speech in lmms
O_o oh my how does one use chrome, that console....
Writing ebnf for tomato rn
@Downgoat I like Chrome's console...
opls crap compare to firefox or safari
Making a PEG parser for Clojure, I might need halp
I gotta say, Firefox's Style Editor is a wonderful tool.
CMC: Name the most embarrassing programming practice you used to have.
e.g. I used to write if (x == true) rather than if (x)
@HelkaHomba I can actually link some of my code from when I was 11-12.
@HelkaHomba Ditto to that
@HelkaHomba I suspect this is a lie
why aren't their good (i.e. real) CMC's?
CMC: Write a CMC
Embarrassing practice I still have: I don't comment ever
@WheatWizard Also ditto to that
@WheatWizard I'm getting slightly better
If you mean "there", there are...
@HelkaHomba I used to use int status return codes for basically every function. In Java.
but my turtlèd interpreter has ~2 comments
@HelkaHomba I use to put parens around ternary conditions
for example
Not an exception in sight :D
>_< I feel like absolute idiot for doing
@Downgoat why is that bad?
@DestructibleLemon because it's really pointless, if you're doing your ternaries right there should be 0 reason to have parens
also golf
OK: @HelkaHomba Here is a text adventure game: dropbox.com/s/jdrzib6nw8tpxwc/textadv.rb?dl=0
Or at least the beginning of one
@Downgoat um, there is also 0 reason to indent the code obv then
CMC: Given a string, concatenate all substrings first by length, than index and output. Eg, Given "abc", calculate "a, b, c, ab, bc, abc" and output "abcabbcabc"
I mean like (isGoat) ? "yes": "no"
@Downgoat I think you are trying to cover up something worse
@HelkaHomba When I first learned python I really didn't like that it didn't have GOTO so I wrote everything in a while loop and jumped to different places in the code with a bunch of if statements and a variable called label.
so that I could emulate GOTO
@WheatWizard Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I wanted GOTO
@WheatWizard I just used a whole bunch of breaks and continues
Does python not have switch sttements?
@ATaco Pyth, 3 bytes: s.:
no but I wouldn't have known at the time anyway
@WheatWizard Someone wrote a module for that
They made gotos
@ATaco Jelly, 1 byte:
Why does jelly have a 1 byte solution for that?
@LeakyNun Look ma, no unicode!
@ATaco implicit joining
(it doesn't output arrays using python-style notation)
(it just outputs everything in the array)
@Qwerp-Derp Pyth only uses printable characters (and newlines)
Actually everyone here have a Dropbox folder of my code from 2008-2012
Python does have GOTO, it's called execptions.
@LeakyNun There is still unicode in Pyth, though
@Qwerp-Derp only if you use compressor
You can even GOTO another function with them.
Check out this example of awesomeness:
#include <stdio.h>
int h = 1;
    printf("%d\n", h+1);
feigns awe
I mean I was like 9 years old
but still....
@Mendeleev gives 2 here, what's the problem?
@LeakyNun No real proble, just that it's so trivial and also global variables are evil
@Mendeleev lol
Or here, check out my calculator:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
long double n1, n2, answer;
char m;

int main() {
 cout << "method (+, -, *, /)? ";
 cin >> m;
 if (m == '+') {
  cout << "addend? ";
  cin >> n1;
  cout << "addend? ";
  cin >> n2;
  (answer = n1 + n2);
  cout << "sum = " << answer << "\n";
 else if (m == '-') {
  cout << "number? ";
  cin >> n1;
  cout << "number? ";
  cin >> n2;
  (answer = n1 - n2);
  cout << "answer = " << answer << "\n";
 else if (m == '*') {
  cout << "factor? ";
  cin >> n1;
You mean you did that when you were 9?
$h = 1 # look ma, I'm using global variables!
puts "%d" % $h + 1
The calculator was a year later
@LeakyNun yeah
@Mendeleev that's nice
@JanDvorak What language is that?
You can tell because of the puts
TIL ruby has printf style string interpolation
It's just a % operator on strings
Woo, new HDD.
I always used $h = 1; "#{$h+1}"
@Dennis yay
I'm getting an SSD soon
@Dennis Not SSD?
Wait, don't you have that ridiculously overpowered laptop?
@Phoenix I already have an SSD. Why would I need another one?
No such thing
@Dennis Why do you need an HDD?
@Phoenix F I L E S
To store stuff I'll never use again.
HDD are great for mass storage. I have a few TBs of them
@Mendeleev not similar enough to the C program. You might as well go for normal variables: h = 1; puts h+1
"Phoenix Files" sounds like a cool name for a TV show
@JanDvorak Or just puts 2
With this 6 TB disk, that makes 22 TB.
@Dennis what for?
@Mendeleev If by overpowered you mean it takes too much power, yes. I have a 250 Watt charger.
It's the size of an actual brick.
p 2
22TB does seem a bit excessive if it's just for personal use :P
@JanDvorak Song, pictures, videos, ISOs, backups...
@Phoenix I meant Dennis
@Dennis I see why you asked that question.
@Mendeleev touche
@Dennis I already said it can be 1-indexed, in which case the identity element is obviously 1
But I've edited the question anyway
@Geobits Well, the 16 TB I had before were full to the brim. >_>
CMC: Print 2
@LeakyNun Thanks for clarifying. :)
@Dennis In a laptop?? Wat
@Dennis Arrrr
@Mendeleev (in most languages) 2
Who's talking about a laptop?
> most
@Dennis Oh, I thought that you were the one with that ridiculously overpowered laptop
I have a pretty decent laptop, but hardly a ridiculously overpowered one. The 250 GB SSD is enough for that.
> Ruby: 2 outputs nothing
@Dennis Ah
I heard someone say that they ordered a laptop from a boutique(?) with a desktop 6700K etc.
I think that was Adm Bork Bork
@Mendeleev J: 2(1!:2)2
@ThomasWard I need help with a nginx config :(
Q: Pass Javascript Variables To CSS

lolzery wowzeryI am attempting to pass multiple javascript variables to css. I have found a way to pass a single variable: var i=128; while (i--){ document.write("<div id='divtoresize'></div>"); } var HTML = document.getElementsByTagName('HTML')[0]; (input.onchange = function(){ HTML.style.font...

@Mendeleev My 4770MQ isn't bad, but it's no 6700K. ._.
I have a 5600 I think
I have a 560M
@Dennis do you have bf debug?
I don't.
@Dennis does tio have abort?
Yeah, Press the run button again.
Also, are you using the nexus?
@Mendeleev Wise, ~<- (3 bytes)
@Dennis yea, that might be a bit too enthusiastic about high quality hardware
@MistahFiggins Also ~-<
43 mins ago, by ATaco
CMC: Given a string, concatenate all substrings first by length, than index and output. Eg, Given "abc", calculate "a, b, c, ab, bc, abc" and output "abcabbcabc"
I'm considering doing this using bf
both are better than the simple ~-~-
@Mendeleev Del|m|t, b x ? (5 bytes)
It's unclear where the language name ends and the program begins
@Svetlana hi
ends at the comma, the links should make it easier
Ruby, 3 bytes: p 2
@Mendeleev does printing the character with the char code of 2 count?
~:/ should work in NTFJ then
CMC: complex multiplication. Given a,b,c,d, output the real part and the imaginary part of (a+bi)(c+di) respectively.
@Downgoat Rate my ebnf
whitespace = ? white space characters ? ;
all characters = ? all visible characters ? ;
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;

unescaped string characters = all characters - '"' ;

unescaped literal characters = all characters - "'" ;

escape character = "\\" ;

string escape = escape character, '"' ;

character literal escape = escape character, "'" ;

string characters = unescaped string characters | string escape ;

character literal characters = unescaped literal characters | character literal escape ;
@Dennis TIO data on all of our use habits?
I'd have to comb though httpd's logs. Anything in particular you want to know?
how many times a day a specific IP visits TIO
not counting yours, and averaged
i.e. average number of visits per day per IP
And how exactly am I supposed to filter my IPs? o_O
Also, define visit.
page load
@Dennis Does one user just write goat goat goat over and over in a bunch of languages?
What % of requests is google bot
@HelkaHomba I promise It's not me doing it.
@Mendeleev What if the user switches languages without opening a new page? What if the browser loads the page from cache?
@HelkaHomba No, Downgoat had his own client.
Own client or not, it should still be in there, no?
True. The contents of requests aren't logged though.
For future traffic analysis, maybe you should add a field in your logs that records the number of times the word goat appears in the request.
Does anyone on here know any Factor?
Factor as in the language
You should use stacked :P
Nah, RProgN's where it's at.
@ConorO'Brien Link? :P
I'm currently rewriting it in C to be faster
@ConorO'Brien Stacked seems like a better version of Factor :P
yeah that's basically what it is
Based on This Challenge I made a userscript that arbitrarily assigns users to teams in the chat. And colors it!
ok that's cool
which team am I on?
There is no benefit to this. It just creates unnecessary compitition.
@MistahFiggins Blue.
oh no, they have dennis!
@ATaco Can we get the userscript somewhere
@ConorO'Brien do you know/have any good challenges? and how are your languages?
I'll be putting it on the Github soon.
@ConorO'Brien Is there a split function?
Full warning, this is horrible to look at, serves no practical purpose, and may actually create more dissent than it needs to.
@ATaco You could alter it so that it only works for specific chat rooms
For example, the "Team of the hill" chatrooms
@LeakyNun not many challenges, and I have more languages lol. Stacked is my main project atm
@Qwerp-Derp split
It's easy enough to change the match of the userscript.
we had a couple of polyglot challenges tho
Keep in mind, the Chat UserID is not the same as the codegolf userID, so teams are probably different to what they would be for that challenge.
@ConorO'Brien Your wiki is weird - when I want a function I can't find it (I can only find shortened versions of every function)
@Qwerp-Derp because documentation is sparse
RProgN2's documentation is literally non-existent.
@ConorO'Brien How do I get the nth element from a collection?
TacO is better documented.
@Qwerp-Derp (1 2 3) n # or (1 2 3) n get
@ConorO'Brien Comments?

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