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OK, maybe not the best example.
A: Shortest Longest Common Subsequence Code

aditsuCJam, 31 q~L{_:&\f{_2$f#:).>j+}{,}$W>s}j Try it online 9 bytes golfed thanks to Dennis! Explanation: This algorithm tries every possible character for the first position of the subsequence, replaces each string with the substring after the first occurrence of that character, and then calls ...

@WheatWizard well there are some challenges which are outright impossible, e.g. "count from 10 down to 1, waiting a second between each output" (Brain-Flak has no time-related builtins)
That is true, even the truth machine is impossible
Just so you know, the "guess the program" one was written in Hi\n.
oh, so the program was actually keyboard mashing? that makes sense, it didn't look random
It actually was random. It was generated by a CJam program I wrote, but I just forgot to remove my debug, so the string was quoted by accident.
I think it would be difficult to type C\8|8 by keyboard mashing (relevant xkcd)
I use my smart TV for chat
@betseg Does that use the desktop or mobile chat interface?
I was joking :(
Mobile, but with the desktop interface
Since the mobile interface borks for me
I chat using my car-mounted A.I., of course. Who doesn't?
I don't. I use my smart TV.
My chat interface is Python requests.
I'm actually a spambot who decided he hated spam.
Yup. We've gone full xkcd.
I rigged up an irc client to connect to ChatExchange
Anyone uses the mobile app instead of the site?
@betseg well i use mobile when i can't access the computer
Whoops, infinite loop
@LeakyNun me too, but I asked about that time period. App or site?
@Challenger5 what have you done
@betseg Exactly the point of befunge - it's hard to do static analysis. What have I done?
iirc the point of Befunge was to be a PITA to compile.
@WheatWizard this swaps the stack in Wise, as long as there are no 0s in it.
I'm pretty sure one can shave off a couple bytes, but it works
Also, how can I add to the wiki? I forked the project on github, but the wiki doesn't seem to transfer...
Q: Snooker scoring

MichthanI was watching the world snooker championship and I got me wondering.. Snooker scoring In the game of snooker there are certain rules that you must adhere too: When there are red balls on the table, during your turn you must first pot a red ball After each red ball, you must pot a colored bal...

Phew I just wrote a longish explanation for my answer, if there's anything that seems confusing please tell me
Isn't it just Clojure?
@Phoenix Nope
It's slightly different, Clojure compiles to Java, whereas ClojureScript compiles to JS
It's basically Clojure for the web
Was there a particular reason that you chose ClojureScript?
@Phoenix In some cases it's golfier than Clojure, because CLJS is based off JS
I chose it for that reason
And because it's a lisp, which makes it infinitely cooler
Your answer doesn't seem to implement any fancy builtins and such.
@Phoenix (int (apply str ...)) turns an array of integers into a number, that's cool
In other languages it would probably be harder
Regular Clojure doesn't have that?
I would love golfing suggestions, if you have any BTW
@Phoenix It kind of has that, except int would have to be replaced by read-string
Wait, your solution doesn't have (int (apply str ...))
@MistahFiggins Actually, the part in the loop reverses the stack that is before the last 0 and after the last 0, but the first part just puts 2 0s at the beginning
@Phoenix It technically does, it's just split over two parts
I see.
@MistahFiggins except for the top of the stack
@Phoenix Wait did you change your name
that will be directly after the last 0
@Qwerp-Derp I think he was pavel
@MistahFiggins That's what I suspected after seeing their profile
And my suspicions were confirmed
Plz stop changing names weekly
I don't
Not just you
I can change back
Q: Found the answer myself for one of my questions - how to award bounty?

Henrik BergYesterday I started a bounty for a question I posted on Stack Overflow. I received a couple of answers, none of them solved my problem, but one of them gave suggestions that pushed me in the right direction, leading me to eventually find the answer myself. I posted the answer myself to my quest...

@betseg I stopped and I'm keeping my name as Mendeleev until at least 2018
@Mendeleev I'll hold you to that
I've mentioned it a few times before
@betseg Welcome to the "Not-Changing-Names" club
Apr 14 at 19:15, by Mendeleev
This is my final username for a while (i.e. I will avoid changing it until 2018 at least)
@Mego do you have any good questions? Pyth seems to be inactive these days
@LeakyNun I've been in an inspirational rut lately for challenges
@Mego I don't necessarily mean challenges from you
TBH I haven't been keeping up with recent challenges very well. My nose has been buried in code.
Q: Generate Pyramid Scheme code

PhoenixPyramid Scheme is a language being developed by @ConorO'Brien. In Pyramid Scheme, the code that you write looks like this: ^ ^ / \ /3\ / \ --- / + \ ^-------^ /9\ /3\ /123\ --- ----- Now, that code has two obvious qualities: It's difficult to ...

@Phoenix seems interesting
Also difficult
If you want something easier, you can try codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/111758/disconnect-4-bits
oh that's easy
Restricted source
oh, never mind
Though a Pyth solution exists, score 41.
There's only one penalty-free solution, you can change that.
lol my current code has 8 penalties
Still better than Java
now 12+40 = 52
That's not much worse than the leading pyth answer.
11+30 = 41
now it's equal
14+20 = 34
I should probably sleep... I'll see how you did tomorrow.
@LeakyNun :O I just realized you're back
@ASCII-only hi
@Mego Mobile, since I have a nasty habit of using chat at all times even when I'm busy.
@DJMcMayhem "even" is a strange way to spell "especially"
"What? The seat is empty?!"
(ps i took the photo)
Some context would be nice
It looks like :O
Ooh I see it now
I've been having the weirdest problem for the last week that had the stupidest cause
Every so often, my computer would completely freeze up. After about a minute, it would unfreeze, drop my internet connection and show my wifi adapter as disabled, then the adapter would come back and reconnect.
I finally solved the problem: my computer's power settings had "allow computer to power off USB devices" enabled. My wifi adapter is a USB adapter.
It's completely ridiculous that having that one option (unintentionally) enabled can completely lock up my computer
Apparently it's a common problem with AMD chipsets
I've been having almost the same problem
Except my computer crashed fully
My solution was reinstalling the OS.
2 hours later…
Is it possible to find something like a parser generator, but instead of giving you some code for a particular language X, it returns something like a list of the 'primitive operations' the parser should perform?
I want a parser generator that lets me generate the parser code in an arbitrary language.
So, you want to generate the language from the language?
@feersum maybe?
UniCC is technically a target language independent parser generator, which means that it is not bound to a special programming language. Currently, only support of the C programming language is given due the UniCC Standard C Parser Template.
That's nice
Now I just need to find one I can use in Python.
Apparently that one is in C, so I could use it in Python if I wanted to badly enough.
SWIG it up :P
I'm too lazy for SWIG, I would probably just ctypes haha
Q: some question on something it is not clear to me

RosLuPWhat does it mean "Standard loopholes"? What does it mean "Quality standard"? All Your micro languages have something can not be ok... What do you think the automatic choose of function, based on return type and overload, choose in the case of error found? f(g(a)) g mistakes computation and it ...

@Riker So many cute cats
Riker you better watch out, I may or may not hunt you down and take your cats
@NewMetaPosts I'm trying to understand what's being asked here, without much success
@Qwerp-Derp All of that user's posts on meta are confusing, poorly-worded, rambling rants about site policies.
@Mego I wholeheartedly agree
I could sympathize if the problem was just that they weren't a native English speaker. But there is a clear difference between translation difficulties and whatever that is. It reads like a stream of consciousness.
I honestly have no idea what's being asked because (if I'm going to be perfectly honest) the English is really bad. It just seems like a stream of words as opposed to sentences.
@Geobits Teach me the ways of punning
the worst computer program behavior...
computers are obviously naughty and must be punished
@Qwerp-Derp It's easy. Just build up your vocabulary and wit, and they come naturally :D
@Qwerp-Derp It's not even the English being bad that's a problem. I can read broken English with only minor difficulties. It's the missing logical progression of thoughts that makes it unreadable.
Yeah, and like you said, it's all of them, not just this post.
It's a consistent problem with this user
@Mego The words don't make sense, and the "sentences" don't make sense
If I wasn't the type of person to give the benefit of the doubt, I'd suspect the posts were generated via Markov chains.
I can pretty much grasp the first paragraph, given that a couple assumptions I'm making are true. The second... no clue.
I thought he was complaining that his challenge got closed, but after the first two sentences I don't think that's the case
@Mego Is there an internet law similar to Poe's regarding this? :P
@NewMetaPosts That looks like something Zalgo would output
@Geobits If there isn't, dibs on having it named after me
Mego's Law? I like it.
I wouldn't want it named after me anyway, because it seems nobody can correctly apostrophe Geobits.
Factor seems like a cool language
Mego's Law: As the number of participants in a conversation increases, the probability that at least one participant's output is word salad increases.
Does anyone here know any Factor? I might want to learn it
I know how to factor, but not how to Factor. Maybe Bill O'Reilly can help?
@Qwerp-Derp link?
@Mego Fine. Have a star.
Challenge idea: Given a string, decide whether it is real speech or word salad.
Difficulty for humans: Hard. Difficulty for robots: 15 years R&D.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

OkxMultipolyquine quine polyglot Your task is to write a quine. The quine that runs successfully, according to our standard quine rules, in the most languages wins.

Better version: use TNB messages for a Markov chain word salad generator. The challenge could be whether the string is a TNB message or word salad.
C# is stupid
I spent 30 minutes trying to debug a bug caused because I'm in France >_>
sure it's the C# to blame...
That's cute
There is a problem called the Turkish problem
C# floats are localized, and in French decimal numbers use commas
@Mego So.... I should get Marky out?
Not a Markov chain, but salad-y enough most of the time.
@TuxCopter They're localized in almost all langs
Czechs do that too
We do it too
I'm glad we don't use chevrons for quotations
@Geobits Haha, Marky could be the source of the word salad, and the challenge could be Marky or Not?
We took decimal commas from you, and I blame the French for the Turkish problem :p
@Mego if you manage to get a decent solution to the challenge, please leave a memo in the Charcoal room. We could use your services.
@JanDvorak Lol, you guys already have my flags :P
Not just the Charcoal room, but the internet as a whole would thank you.
It could give rise to a new version of Captcha, more annoying but also vastly more useful.
I kinda like the newer "just click the checkbox" kind. Has it been widely broken yet?
@Geobits Not that I'm aware of. If anything, it gets a lot of false positives.
> to prove you are a human, please write a short sentence in English.
> I <3 U, Google!!!11!1
> I'm sorry, that does not appear to be a valid English sentence. Please retry.
my solution:
> to prove you are a human, please write a short sentence in English.
> To prove you are a human, please write a short (approx 500 word) essay debating the pros and cons of <insert topic here>
That's how you sort out the salad.
Well, and piss people off enough to not come back.
If they pass, they're either pliable humans or smart robots. Win-win indeed.
> to prove you are a human, please write a short sentence in English.
to prove you are a human, please write a short sentence in English.
> go
that's a valid sentence
When I read Jelly code, I can guess who wrote it.
To prove you are a human, please read the following:

A) Statement B is true
B) Statement A is false

Upon reading these, make a logical conclusion. If the paradox breaks your code, then you are not a human.
׀ЀS€€Z ZWẋ;@³W¤Ṗç/
@EriktheOutgolfer who wrote this?
(The space is a newline)
@HyperNeutrino I'm a human and it broke my code anyways
Oh :(
@JanDvorak Are you sure you're a human? ;)
My genetic code, that is
@LeakyNun Special case here (actually looks like my code-writing tendencies), so I pick Dennis.
@EriktheOutgolfer I wrote this
Oh, I didn't know you do Jelly!
@LeakyNun He just said he could guess. Not guess right.
@EriktheOutgolfer I posted 77 Jelly answers
@Geobits never expected 100% accuracy.
@Geobits Yeah, I've actually done this multiple times when seeing Jelly code before seeing the poster.
What does the code do?
A: Find the Matrix Power

Leaky NunJelly, 20 bytes ׀ЀS€€Z ZWẋ;@³W¤Ṗç/

Ooh cool
Who wrote this code?
looks like line noise
@HyperNeutrino test cases should be valid inputs really - it implies necessary coverage.
That jelly code has 5 boxes
@JonathanAllan Should I just simply delete it then?
@EriktheOutgolfer I have no idea
@HyperNeutrino up to you, just might confuse someone.
@LeakyNun It has specific patterns that pertain to a specific user.
Alright. I'll just take it out then.
@betseg install better fonts :)
@EriktheOutgolfer sure, but that doesn't mean I can recognize it
You haven't got enough experience reading others' Jelly answers then :)
@JonathanAllan can't on mobile
I should learn Jelly sometime.
@HyperNeutrino why not now?
Me too
Yeah you should.
@betseg why not now?
I need a simple programming task to try to do
Addition :D
@LeakyNun Am in hospital :'(
Nah, probably too easy...
@EriktheOutgolfer hmm isn't a used byte :/
@JonathanAllan maybe some old version
@betseg take care then
No is part of string literal syntax, so it doesn't count.
@LeakyNun I dont think so.
@LeakyNun ty
Ah >_< it's in a string literal
@HyperNeutrino try to generate a+a*b given left input a and right input b (the inputs are the arguments)
@HyperNeutrino You can do it in 1 byte.
Alright, I'll try to do it in as many bytes as I need first, then try to get the one-byte version.
You can't in 1 byte.
@HyperNeutrino here is your template. It contains no spoiler. 15 should be your output. 2 bytes are needed.
Alright. Thanks.
@EriktheOutgolfer what was your username when I left?
"Erik the Golfer" in smallcaps.
I see
I was suspended then :(
what for?
I suppose we all have that
@HyperNeutrino nice
@HyperNeutrino Congratulations!
First Jelly program :D
@HyperNeutrino try to do Fibonacci without the built-in
@LeakyNun APL, 7 bytes: {α+α×ω}
Was a pita on mobile
The built-in is ÆḞ for your reference @HyperNeutrino
Ooh okay. Thanks.
So given X, find the X-th fibonacci number?
Yeah, I suppose.
The answer should be 4 bytes, @EriktheOutgolfer right?
Oh wait ÆḞ takes the argument, not the input?
Jelly uses command-line arguments by default.
@HyperNeutrino honestly, I don't expect you to be able to do it in 4 bytes
Me neither :D
Am I supposed to do this in the recursive method?
@LeakyNun I don't think anybody can do it in 4 bytes or less, without ÆḞ.
@EriktheOutgolfer I did it in 4 bytes. (but obviously it isn't me who came up with the code)
@HyperNeutrino I suppose so
Either that or the method with the Golden Ratio
Pretty proud I found the 4 byte version despite not knowing Jelly :)
Can someone give me a hint? I can't seem to figure out where to start.
@Emigna how?
@HyperNeutrino you already know the essential components... you just have to arrange them till it works
I probably shouldn't post it if Hyper wants to solve it himself
@Emigna no, I mean how you found it
I shouldn't be looking in the dyads section since I only have 1 argument :P
That's not a reason not to look in the dyads section.
wait, true.
It's easy to figure out the 2 basic components from knowing the recursive method. Then I just needed to figure out how to seed the start values
@HyperNeutrino take ^ as a hint
Alright. Thanks @Emigna
@HyperNeutrino oh, and a more straight-forward method I just tried has 10 bytes
I've tried to write a Jelly program before using 1 of these components and failed. It seems weird to me that this actually works so I don't really have the correct thinking for Jelly it seems :)
So pretty much I want to have two variables, then add them, move the sum to the second and the second to the first. (Maybe overthinking this?)
@HyperNeutrino tell me the 4 essential components
sum? i think that's one of them @LeakyNun
removing 1 byte turns it into the Les Marvin sequence which is kind of interesting.
@HyperNeutrino yes it is
but there is + which sums two numbers and S which sums a list
If anyone on knows Factor: why can't I do this?
: decr ( in -- out )
  1 - ;
: pow ( base power -- final )
    { [ zero? ] [ 1 ] }
    [ dupd decr pow * ]
  } cond ;
@Qwerp-Derp can you provide a link to Factor?
Is iteration another of the essential components?
@LeakyNun factorcode.org
@HyperNeutrino yes
It's a weird language, to say the least
So summation, and iteration. Hm.
2 more.
@LeakyNun You got the link?
@Qwerp-Derp you sent me it
Let me see how I'd do it with Python or Java (my main languages), and see if I can find the other two.
Q: Factorials and never ending cycles!

Antoine DAs you may know it, the factorial of a positive integer n is the product of all the positive integers which are equal or smaller to n. For instance : 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720. 0! = 1. We will now define a special operation with an irrelevant name like sumFac: Given a positive integer n, sumF...

1 def fib(i):
2   a = 0
3   b = 1
4   c = 0
5   for j in range(i):
6       c = a + b
7       a = b
8       b = c
9   return a
Clojure is much easier to wrap my head around than Factor...
This is both a good thing (it's a challenge) and a bad thing (it's super annoying) about Factor
Summation in line 6
Iteration in line 5 (6 7 8)
@LeakyNun Does the third (or fourth) essential component have to do with initializing those two variables?
1 def fib(i):
2   a = 0
3   b = 1
4   for j in range(i):
5       a, b = b, a+b
6   return a
Yay \o/
lol Okay
The only thing I see left is the return statement on line 6
Jelly has implicit return, so it isn't essential
You already have 4 components
Summation, initialization, iteration?
two initializations

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