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@ConorO'Brien Is yup your language?
> wasn't actually that hard
eye twitches
@ConorO'Brien I knew you would say that, but 10/10 anyway
haha thanks
Well, I knew you would say that if it was your language, of course
Kinda like NTFJ in that it has a very limited instruction set?
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@MilletMage Did you change your name?
yup, it was actually the second incarnation of it
(I actually do say yup, that was not on purpose >_>)
@0 ' Felt appropriate, are you planning on changing yours
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@MilletMage I actually did recently
Hard to tell exactly what my name is because all the tabs get compressed
but thats how it goes
@ConorO'Brien Oh, interesting, do you have it on GitHub?
@ConorO'Brien Totally understand, I say it too :P
@ETHproductions yup github
Wait... narcissus was created by... mozilla?
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@MilletMage Did you change your profile pic too? looks different
@ConorO'Brien Hmm, I think I saw that repo a few months ago (I remember it because I said smth like, "You made a language that only uses flags?")
@0 ' Yeah, I figured that if I was going to change my username I might as well go the whole nine yards
hm, I think I did make a language like that
ah shucks it isn't published
I must've done a preview in the chat
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CMC: Take the bitwise nand of two numbers
NTFJ, 1 byte: |
Finally a challenge where NTFJ can dominate
Wise, 2 bytes: &~
@0 ' Ruby, way too many bytes: proc{|x,y|~(x&y)}
Also, would answer in ferNANDo, but have no ide how ferNANDo works.
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Pyhton 17 bytes: lambda x,y:~(x&y)
julia, 11 bytes: (a,b)->~a&b
@ГригорийПерельман github.com/ConorOBrien-Foxx/NTFJ
@MilletMage Did you finish the Wise thing?
@Qwerp-Derp What thing?
@MilletMage The thing that I asked you to do with the negative numbers
Like turn all 0s to -1 and have the amount of 0s at the end
I'm not even sure if that's possible
@Qwerp-Derp I don't seem to recall having such a conversation with you
@Riker Is the ~ run after the &?
@MilletMage Wait oh did you guys switch accounts
Come on
I think
@0 ' Did you do the thing
:( I got tricked
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@Qwerp-Derp I don't think it is possible
@0 ' Cause I was thinking of using that for my arbitrary-length adder
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What do you mean abitrary length?
So you provide an arbitrary amount of arguments, and the program adds them all together
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My program uses 0 as a placeholder for the end of the arguments, so if there's a 0 somewhere in the list of arguments my program doesn't work
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I think that can be done
but I don't think that the program you wanted to implement can be done
Actually I'm pretty sure an arbitrary length anything cannot be done
So @Conor, for my JS parser I think I'm just gonna do something similar to what I did with Japt, looping through each char and deciding what to do rather than just matching a set of regexes
Since we determined that parsing nested template strings is impossible otherwise
Can't believe I actually fell for SO's april fools blog post...
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@mbomb007 The DDA one?
@ConorO'Brien "naive way"?
My way is already pretty naive
Actually... I think I can still do it almost entirely with regexes, if I keep track of how many template strings I'm inside
@Riker Nah, basic logarithm arithmetic, learned it in HS
I'm disappointed at YouTube... they haven't even released an April Fool's video yet
Wait what time is it in the US?
On the east coast, it's 7:49, March 31
@ETHproductions that's probably the best idea
Oh, huh, it's already April 1 in parts of Europe
@Qwerp-Derp 4:50 p\m here
Google is based in California too where it's 4:50 March 31
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TheBitByteFibbonacci or Pi? code-golf Input: An integer from 1 to 99,999,999. If it's present somewhere in the decimal expansion of the first 10 million digits of Pi, output a truthy value. If it's present in the first 10 million Fibbonacci numbers (assuming they are grouped together without separators ...

@LegionMammal978 do you know about -cheat mode?
It's 10:51AM April here in Australia
@ConorO'Brien What does it do?
The spec said it ...s
it allows for command aliasing, e.g. |0~-e=L makes L do that sequence
So what was your solution?
@LegionMammal978 s/parts/all/
@ConorO'Brien With * and #, I presume?

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