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@fergusq thanks! I had hoped elementwise covered that but you are right
@fergusq done
@fergusq Now I will just wait to see if anyone actually likes the question :)
It's pretty good now, but it is possible that there are corner cases that should be explained. I think you should wait for few other reviews before posting it again.
It almost made my brain blow up
@MatthewRoh That comment earlier was entirely inappropriate. Deleting it doesn't excuse you from the consequences.
the one that got flagged?
I didn't see the flag
I believe the deletion was through them
It shows as being mod-deleted, so I'm not sure if it was deleted via flags or via an individual mod
hi @Mego
I would love some help with meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11745/9206 . I posted it as a question but it didn't get any love
btw, How does questions migrate to other sites?
@Lembik I know you would...
@Lembik I will look at it when/if I have time soon
@Lembik love ≠ helpful feedback though. helpful feedback can make your challenge better.
Speaking of sandbox: my own post hasn't received any feedback yet after two days. Should I do something about it?
@JanDvorak That's pretty par for the course, unfortunately. Some conservative advertising in here (maybe only one message per few days) during more-active times (but not disrupting other conversations) could help.
@fergusq I was just looking at the guide for Röda when I saw that röda filename.röd runs a Röda program. Is it just an alias for java -jar roda.jar?
I stopped using the sandbox entirely because of issues like that. I left a canary in a challenge once (an obvious issue intentionally inserted). After a week, it had one vote on it. I mentioned it in chat, and it very quickly got 4 more votes. Nobody commented on the canary.
Did you publish the question with the canary in to see if it would be caught then?
That was the nail in the coffin for me - so many times, I've posted stuff to the sandbox, and it either died in there with no feedback, or I got positive feedback and then got pretty blatant issues pointed out once it was posted to main. I've been burned by the sandbox too many times, but I still highly encourage its use by new users. Slow/little feedback is still better than less-experienced challenge authors posting problematic challenges straight to main.
@JanDvorak No, I pointed it out in chat, deleted my sandbox answer, polished the challenge, and posted it to main
@KritixiLithos I usually create a script for Röda interpreter (ie. java -jar röda.jar "$@") when I install Röda to a new system. I should have mentioned that in the guide. My script also initializes the Bilar system automatically.
I'm making a multipart challenge series. How should I title the various challenges? Right now it's "[Series Name] Episode [N]: [Challenge Name]"
@Mego thanks
Proposal: game-of-life challenges should be tagged
better yet,
I just set up bilar
@KritixiLithos I have some packages on my server. You can add http://kaivos.org/~iikka/bilar/index.pmf to the sources file if you want.
The sources file is .bilar/sources.pmf. The first line should be # sources[]: and the following lines must contain urls.
Q: Quandle Quandary Episode I: Identifying Finite Quandles

PhiNotPiWrite a program that will determine if a given matrix represents a quandle. A quandle is a set equipped with a single (non-commutative, non-associative) operation ◃ which obeys the following axioms: The operation is closed, meaning that a◃b = c is always an element of the set if a and b are el...

Q: Help with C++ sorting

Mike SchiniouSo i need a program that performs sorting in a list of characters and the program must take one argument for example as an array or as a string and then print the input (unsorted), then i have to sort it, and print it again (sorted). Can anyone give me an idea what to do?

@fergusq Will simply bilar update be enough after adding the sources.pmf?
Oh wait, I have to do bilar get <package>
My vim borks when I use ö in röda for röda.vim
It's unfortunate how many programs don't support unicode even these days. Do the file extensions work for you?
No, I can't seem to enable syntax highlighting for *.röd. It gives me an error saying "mark not set", weird.
You know what, never mind. My bad, I had to separate *.rod and *.röd with a comma. But still I can't get highlighting on .röd files
wait the file extension is unicode ? o.O
Wait, that's super weird. ~/test.röd has highlighting, but .bilar/path/to/case/case.röd doesn't
@ConorO'Brien Yup, it's a pain to support unicode extensions (by that I mean non-ASCII Unicode)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Martin EnderMagic the Gathering: Friends or Foes? code-golfgamecard-gamesdecision-problem In the card game Magic: the Gathering there are five different colours, which represent loose affiliations of cards, White (W), Blue (U), Black (B), Red (R) and Green (G). These are often arranged in a pentagon as fol...

@KritixiLithos For me opening any .röd file in vim works (after adding ,*.röd to the ftdetect plugin). Weird.
Q: Name the Brag Hand

IanF1Background Brag is a card game similar in concept to, but simpler than, poker. A hand in brag consists of three cards and is ranked as follows from highest to lowest: Three of a kind - all three cards the same rank. Named as "three Kings" etc. Running flush aka straight flush. All three cards ...

Yeah, in my latest commit, I added *.röd to ftdetect
Still the opening all *.röd files doesn't work?
The case.röd file in bilar has no highlighting. Yet a file I just created in my home directory called test.röd works
Is it possible that vim somehow "remembers" that when you last opened case.röd, it didn't have syntax highlighting?
I just installed http_server using bilar and still get the same result as case, no syntax highlighting
Does :set syntax=roda work?
I have never had problems with unicode file names, but this is of course not the case with everyone. Should I consider changing the file extension to something more practical? In a way I would like to use ö in the extension as most programs still support unicode nowadays.
@fergusq Yeah, but that's a temporary fix, closing the file and opening it again loses the highlighting
Okay, I don't really understand how Vim works. It now opens all files with Röda syntax highlighting.
Invoking repeatedly :syntax on seems to fix the problem. Have you tried .r?d in the ftdetect plugin?
That could work if vim somehow reads the ö character wrong.
It works \o/ Now to find out how vim reads the ö
I have a joke
Let me guess: Javascript's Date API
Why did the CCTV break up with his ex
He saw everything.
Was that boring
Q: Code golf for my real friends

ivzem ...and real golf for my code friends. This is a challenge based on a one year old XKCD comic which consists mostly of toasts (parodies of the first in the comic) following a distinct pattern, but with some slight variation. Your task is to write a program that takes the first half of any toa...

I got a new challenge idea
Delete all diacritics, put them all in the end with combining diacritic marks
Why the heck is ⃣ a diacritic mark?
@MatthewRoh Did you really need to ping me? ;)
C# 7.0 was released 5 days ago :D
And VS2017 too :D
@VoteToClose :P It's because of your name
@TuxCopter Fun fact: I am still using VS2015
@WheatWizard I haven't come up with any decent ideas for your language challenge.
@PhiNotPi I have one if you want it
might be a little late
but I thought of it last night
well what is it?
It is a conjecture that Rule 30 is Turing complete. If you can make a language that is equivalent to rule 30 it will fit all of the rules
you just have to make sure that it is equivalent to Rule 30 with an arbitrary background
retina fits the bill
I already thought of that idea, but the issue is that I would need to include some kind of customizable background, but not so customizable that all of the computation can be done in computing the background.
I simple tiling background would do
There's lots of way to potentially tile the background, and I would need a description language for it.
good old periodic will do
You can make the period as part of the program.
Q: Can you defeat the FORM?

TheMCProgrammerI have made a winform that I believe is mostly unclosable. The program is always top most, meaning that you cannot see other applications. It does not have circular protection, because if someone does manage to close it, then it won't open up again. WARNING: The only (currently) known way of ge...

1 hour later…
What's the term for an operator that takes two arguments?
binary operator?
Triple ninja'd
Yeah, but we didn't mess up i/y
No, thank you for letting this triple ninja'd to happen
I saw your answer before my attempt
@JanDvorak Ok fine then, semi triple-ninja'd
What's the term for someone who gets ninja'd thrice?
I'm writing a challenge to interpret FooBasic, which is a thing I made up earlier today.
@ivzem Sushi
no, sushy
I'd heard of "Dyad", but I thought it was just a thing that existed in the Jelly docs.
Q: How to count the question?

Amit MehtaI have mad the entrance exam program, in this I mad 4 radio button as a options. And I want to count the following things.. Like.. 1) how to show Number of questions attempt 2) how to show Number of questions are not attempt..

@NewMainPosts There needs to be a "VLQ" close-vote reason.
Very Low Quality is a valid flag reason for answers, but not questions.
VLQ can be used for questions, if they deserve deletion
A: If there is an old question and I have something to add how should I go about it?

user38742[2017-03-12 21:51:20] Sedang berjalan pada OPPO A33f (msm8916) OPPO, Android API 22 [2017-03-12 21:51:20] Versi Aplikasi: 4.1.1 Build 59 [2017-03-12 21:55:08] Menggunakan servis VPN [2017-03-12 21:55:08] [MULA] servis diminta [2017-03-12 21:55:08] Servis Penyuntik Dimulakan [2017-03-12 21:55:08] ...

smells of minced meat
But how does something like that happen?
beats me
CMC: Without running it, guess what this python snippet prints.
print a
[1,5] is my guess
but idk if python evals the right hand or left hand first
it could be [1,2]
It is neither of the two
Wait no, that's silly.
[3,1] ?
I don't think it would error.
It is [1,6]
That makes no sense.
It's equivalent to a[-1] = a[-1] + a.pop().
It is the same at this code:
print a
Not that that makes the result obvious.
It's not obvious because the left side is evaluated first.
There are two ways it could work.
a[-1] could evaluate to a 'pointer to the last element', or a 'pointer to the element at position 2'
The former is apparently what happens.
a[-1] is 'pointer to the last element'.
That's how python works
yeah, but it could have been done at different levels of laziness
I doubt your claim to have already understood this.
It's really not rocket science once you realize a[-1] = a[-1] + a.pop()
Anyway, I gtg
I think feersum is correct, there is a little more nuance to the problem.
It would also make perfect sense for a[-1] = a[-1] + a.pop() to assign a to [1,2,6]
Actually maybe it is not so hard, when recalling that __setitem__ is called, only -1 is evaluated before, and not a[-1].
Woo, I got accepted to an undergraduate research program this summer!
@PhiNotPi Cool! what are you researching?
The subject is computational neuroscience.
@Riker this
Warning: May be slightly NSFW
> 9gag
@Mendeleev what?
Never mind
A space shuttle from the ISS, with Marlborough, New Zealand in the background.
Interesting photo, how was it taken?
(same, but with my hometown in the background)
(not gonna say which :D)
@betseg Aren't space shuttles retired?
image is old
They are indeed.
@flawr *cough* reverse Google Images search *cough*
@KritixiLithos About half of switzerland is in this image, so good luck ...
(among others there is Zürich and Luzern)
aww, my eyes are closed!
Q: Is "vim + plugins" a valid language?

DJMcMayhemIt is probably not a shock to most of you, but I really enjoy answering code golf questions in Vim. There are many vim plugins that could greatly shorten some answers. For example, surround, subvert, easymotion, and many others could potentially save many bytes on the right challenge. I've been ...

hi all
Is there a reason I cannot offer a 50 rep bounty on this question? No I have not bountied it already.
On that question, you mean?
Not sure
Ok apparently you can't offer 50 rep on a question you have answered for reasons that escape me
That's stupid
@WheatWizard I have a distance 18 one...
Don't post it we will loose 3 parentheses /s
What language?
Befunge 98
I'm working on it
I essentially make the IP go down, and execute select characters from the preexisting code via white space
Even if you can get a distance 15 one I have a distance 0 solution that can be tacked onto literally any solution as long as I can answer the question.
Huh. in Befunge 98, {} changes the top x elements to 0
TIL goats are listed in the top 100 most invasive species
@WheatWizard imma guess cuz then you could gift the rep to yourself and abuse the bounty process
@TuxCopter to be fair humans are #1 and penguins stole all of Antarctica for themselves
You wouldn't even survive there.
If we have all the antarctica it's because nobody wants it
Excuse me I can stay in an oven
Goats make bleep, and ovens make beep. A match made in heaven.
@Downgoat yum I'm really sorry you have to do that
So I give apple a foreleg and a hindleg for developer subscription and now what's stopping me from making app is not able to click "agree" terms of service button :(
@TuxCopter At least in TNB they are certainly among the top 10.
@Downgoat There are few species in TNB, so take it as a compliment
scuttles off
@JanDvorak are you a bird or a human.
can't discern form avatar
He's both
Ah, same way you are part helicopter part penguin?
I also like to spray tiny droplets of water all around me. It's a mistery.
@TuxCopter I like your about blurb :)
I'm part A part Taco
@ATaco :O You are part letter??? Brb my world is falling apart
@Maltysen That is the "reason" they provide but in the post all three of the answers say that it doesn't do any harm to the community so idk why the implemented the restriction.
Cafeteriavirus. Seriously.
mobile wiki. Seriously.
@Maltysen You can't award a bounty to yourself.
@TuxCopter to be fair they named common cold after rhinoceroses
@WheatWizard SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'
@Downgoat Rhino means nose in latin IIRC
@Dennis But it's a python 2 script.
Says who?
Says Grigroii
@TuxCopter Now I have additional questions
@Downgoat What are your questions
@ГригорийПерельман Fedora 25 doesn't have Python 2 installed by default (although I did install it for TIO, obviously), so python on a clean install launches Python 3.
Oh, huh. On Ubuntu by default /usr/bin/env python is python 2
@TuxCopter 1) why is it called rhino as animal then 2) colds generally infect throat. 3) where did nose originate from then
@ГригорийПерельман same on mac
@Downgoat rhino-ceros = hard-nose
Hard, as in [fruit] core or cancer (AKA crab)
@Downgoat 1) I guess rhinoceros have something to do with their horns 2) Common cold causes infect the nose too 3) Uh what do you mean by that?
s/causes //
> From Middle English nose, from Old English nosu, from Proto-Germanic *nusō (compare Saterland Frisian Noose, West Frisian noas, Dutch neus, Swedish nos, Norwegian nos (“snout”), variant of *nasō (compare German Low German Nees, Nes, Näs, German Nase, Swedish näsa, Norwegian nese (“nose”)), old dual from Proto-Indo-European *néh₂s- ~ *nh₂es- ‘nose, nostril’ (compare Latin nāris (“nostril”), nāsus (“nose”), Lithuanian nósis, Russian нос (nos), Sanskrit नासा (nā́sā, “nostrils”)).
does anyone here run linux and is willing to help me test Kevin?
does wsl count
no idea
if it's bash without windows commands it should be fine
@WheatWizard I guessed [1,5], but I was very wrong.
WSL should yield the same results as a real linux machine
@ConorO'Brien Think wine but the other way around
That was a very fascinating riddle!
@ГригорийПерельман oh ok, it should work
@DJMcMayhem I stared at that thing for like five minutes. In my mind, "It must error, maybe some sort of reference error?" Nope.
@ConorO'Brien I don't think I've ever seen a project on GitHub with such an even distribution between multiple languages.
@ГригорийПерельман yup!
@DJMcMayhem I did too. It makes sense once you hear the explanation but its quite surprising at first.
@ConorO'Brien I think you need to add #!/bin/bash to the top of kevin.sh
linux programmers and their shebangs
Anyway, what exactly is Kevin? The README is not very clear.
the second line
> Kevin can accept any valid Java program as input. It also has a predefined header, and allows for #define statements in the code.
is this not clear? :/ I suppose "accept" might be a little so
@TuxCopter runny nose isn't usually from infection rather innate immune system acting up
Oh, so it's A golfy version of Java?
@TuxCopter I mean like where did word nose originate from
OT("Hello, World!")Mo(d)
That's your example program, right?
It looks nothing like Java.
@JanDvorak so crab = rhinocéros?
oh haha the test file got uploaded
How are you going to troll everyone with unnecessary dependencies if Dennis just puts it on TIO?
@feersum I'm not putting this thing on TIO for that reason. Besides, that reason is the main reason of the project.
No. A crab is a tough animal. A rhinoceros only has a tough nose.
@ConorO'Brien How do you plan to prevent that?
@feersum prevent what, exactly?
Kevin on TIO.
@MistahFiggins I'm quite surprised you have even made it this far. Good job and good luck.
Well, I'm pretty sure a language can't be put on TIO with the author's consent...
@JanDvorak crab also have really tough nose
@MistahFiggins Why is the slash at the bottom there?
@ConorO'Brien It's free, open source. You don't say anywhere that an online interpreter can't be made, so it's assumed that you can do that.
Oh never mind I got befunge and fish mixed up
@ГригорийПерельман ok. well, if someone wants to try to put on TIO, that's their problem. I don't care :P
I don't see any license so it's actually not free, but that hasn't stopped other languages with no license from being on TIO.
F Yeah! Distance 15, baby!

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