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@AdmBorkBork it's IPA for if you want to figure out what word it is.
@ETHproductions Just wait; I'm likely to become CoolestVeto again
Well, it's not as bad if A) it's just an anagram and B) you've been on the site for a year already
@DJMcMayhem For users over 1000 rep the order is Lembik, NoOneIsHere, Mitch, lirtostat, VoteToClose, Trichoplax ...
@VoteToClose Not going for ClosetTeeVO?
@fəˈnɛtɪk Nah
Doesn't have the same ring to it. Plus, my name would still be relevant \o/
@fəˈnɛtɪk The only IPA I know is a beer, and I don't like beer. lol
@WheatWizard You forgot to include users who have earned 1000 rep and given some of it away
If someone deleted an invalid answer and I fix it up, should I wait a bit to give them time to fix it before I post?
@AdmBorkBork International Phonetic Alphabet
Thrax is #5
and yes that is the right word
@DJMcMayhem Speaking of bounties, did you ever finish that proof of your crack? I'll still bounty it if anyone finds the proof.
And Hosch250 is #3
@ETHproductions Oh hey I'm up there \o/
Q: Stolen homework

CarcigenicateThis was stolen from a "do my homework for me" question on StackOverflow. Your task is to produce this exact text: FFFFFFF U U NN NN FF U U NNN NN FFFFFFF U U NN N NN FF U U NN N NN FF UUU NN NNN Rules: Can be a function or full program. Will ta...

@fəˈnɛtɪk Oh yeah. I'm from the US, so we don't care about international pronunciation as a general rule. ;-)
@ETHproductions What is the last section with the bars representing?
@NewMainPosts that challenge really wasn't that bad. It wasn't incredibly unique sure, but it was clear enough
@DJMcMayhem Would've attracted lots of downvotes, and leaving it open encourages trivial kolmogorov-complexity challenges to future users.
@VoteToClose I think it's supposed to be like a bar graph. I just forked the query from another and made a couple small changes
I wouldn't have downvoted it
@WheatWizard Not really. I halfway understand it. What counts as a full proof?
@DJMcMayhem Eh, me neither, but I definitely know @Geobits would've.
I certainly wouldn't've upvoted it.
@DJMcMayhem It should present a strong argument but it need not be in First order logic or anything too rigorous. It should be more than just a couple of examples.
lol I was just reading this and apparently more people get 404'd than those who visit the jobs page.
However, filtering out automated requests, only 0.13% of pageviews are error/not-found pages.
Question: If I posted a formatted Pascal's triangle challenge (format in the vein of the aesthetically pleasing divisor tree with all the spacing rules) would that still be a duplicate?
Like, as soon as the triangle gets into double digits, you have to change the spacing somehow, leading spaces required, etc
Are the rows generally centered, or left-aligned, or right-aligned?
Generally centered, with the alignment when the digits are odd and the max is even (inputs 5 through 8, for example) to the answerer's discretion
Oh hang on
Let me draw up a test case
Didn't we have a challenge like that?
Huh, apparently not.
he'd be 20K, but he's only a 1.4K user
@Lembik Another realization I've just come across is that, at least for the n=3 cases, you can invert the second (middle) number of any vector and it won't affect whether it's in or out of the set Hamming distance arrays
@NathanMerrill ...wow
He'd be at 22K, actually (not that it matters)
hmmm...it appears that he pretty much bounties his own questions
he surely has the best gold medal to rep ratio
1.4K rep to 90 gold medals
(excluding any 1 rep users that visited every day for a year)
Hm, these test cases look weird
   1 1
  1 2 1
 1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

        1  1
       1  2  1
      1  3  3  1
     1  4  6  4  1
    1  5 10 10  5  1
   1  6 15 20 15  6  1
  1  7 21 35 35 21  7  1
 1  8 28 56 70 56 28  8  1

          1   1
         1   2   1
        1   3   3   1
       1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
     1   6  15  20  15   6   1
    1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1
   1   8  28  56  70  56  28   8   1
  1   9  36  84 126 126  84  36   9   1
 1  10  45 120 210 252 210 120  45  10   1
@MistahFiggins Is there any way to use whitespace inside of a token in Del|m|t?
The third case can be fixed, just double the leading spaces
@NathanMerrill 82 "Famous Question" dang
But the second one is a lost cause unless you increase all spacing by one
Something like this?
   1 1
  1 2 1
 1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

              1   1
            1   2   1
          1   3   3   1
        1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
    1   6  15  20  15   6   1
  1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1
1   8  28  56  70  56  28   8   1

                  1   1
                1   2   1
              1   3   3   1
            1   4   6   4   1
          1   5  10  10   5   1
        1   6  15  20  15   6   1
      1   7  21  35  35  21   7   1
Those are all right-aligned, I think
Yeah, those look right-aligned.
I guess it depends if you want the digits padded so they're centered relative to their parents or not.
That'd be a much more difficult problem, because how do you center an even-digit number?
We need half-width spaces :P
I wonder how much the padding will make it different from the regular Pascal Triangle challenge.
I think I could boil the algorithm down to just a few steps. Calculate the whole triangle; figure out the length of the largest number (just check the last row calculated); right-pad with n//2+1 spaces
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ivzemPlatonic solids for my real friends... and real solids for my platonic friends. stringregex As probably obvious from the title, this is a challenge based on a one year old xkcd comic which consists mostly of toasts following a distinct pattern. (1)(2) for my real friends and real (2) for my (...

Countably infinite versus uncountably infinite is weird.
> For example, the set of rational numbers—those numbers which can be written as a quotient of integers—contains the natural numbers as a subset, but is no bigger than the set of natural numbers since the rationals are countable.
Infinity is weird
Infinity / Infinity =
A bigger infinity.
@Riker that'll happen when connected to Xcode
I have 45 stars on the board right now. :D
I can only see 31, but zooming out reveals the other 14
@WheatWizard It should work. I think there is a small bug that I still need to look into though, not sure if it's related to that
@MistahFiggins It seems that tabs \x09 are not delimeted properly but I got around it for the time being
@WheatWizard The interpreter uses java's Scanner and it's useDelimiter() method, so I need to look into how that works internally and interacts with weird characters
@MistahFiggins Here is the answer I was working on btw.
Ooo, I have a nifty ASCII art challenge idea, but I won't get to it yet today.
I seem to be doing a lot of those.
hah, 15 of my 41 questions are ASCII art
@ETHproductions Hey, I was just looking through your golfing language list, and I don't think calling V "concatenative" is accurate
I think that was actually your suggestion :P
But anyway, what would you call it?
I'm not positive what it is. Every command modifies the same global state
Each command takes a certain number of arguments that modify how the command behaves
The arguments can be motions or other commands
@ETHproductions I guess you can't go wrong with imperative
I'm tracking with you so far, except for "motions"
@DJMcMayhem OK, will change
That's cause they're very unique to V
@ETHproductions A motion changes where a certain command happens. So compare Try it online! and Try it online!
j is the "down" motion
Oh, OK. So it's just a special modifier
But a motion can also be used as an argument. So d is the "delete command", so dj deletes one line down
@ETHproductions No, it's more just a command that moves the cursor
And commands always apply to where the cursor happens to be
So what would go in place of the j as more of a "real" argument?
That's... Kinda hard to answer
@ETHproductions It varies depending on the command. If the command is an operator, every argument will be a motion like 'j'. Some commands will take a character as an argument (for example, é<char> will insert 'char', and r<char> will replace the cursor with 'char'), and some commands take other commands as arguments (for example, Î<foo> will execute 'foo' on every line in the buffer, or ò<foo> will execute 'foo' until an error happens).
Interesting... I guess you don't have any form of literals other than a sort of "string", and no memory other than the buffer, so that forces the command style to be completely different than the typical stack-based language
This sounds pretty limiting
Q: [Br]eaking Code Golf [Ba]d

SnowmanConsider the following string: Tin Snips This string contains several atomic symbols on the periodic table. We could rewrite this string to identify several of them: [Ti][N] [Sn][I][P][S] Of course, we could also write it this way: T[In] [S][Ni][P][S] The rules for rewriting the input ar...

It has some memory other than the buffer. It has 30-ish variables (called registers)
Oh, I see
@ETHproductions I've actually recently started working on a tutorial
Let me know if anything in it is unclear
Cool, I'll have a look
That reminds me, I'd like to write a tutorial for Japt at some point
@DJM the middle line in the examples for each of d, y, and ä says "everyhting"
Haha, whoops
Other than that everything's beautiful :-)
I'd like to add one more section (registers) before going into examples
After that, I'll call it a new chapter and show each new feature with a new example
I guess one pro of a programming language based on a text editor is that there aren't any types to deal with, haha
I'm curious, do you think that the tutorial offers enough information that you could answer codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/88653/31716
Oh crap, I just realized I didn't say anything about leaving insert mode
Q: Let's play the boom-game!

Moshe9362back ground in my country we had a silly game as kids, called 7-BOOM! The rules are really simple. We counted 1,2,3... each time we had a number that one of his digit is 7 or it is a multiply of 7 we said "BOOM" instead of this number, otherwise we were out of the game! Lets create our version ...

@DJMcMayhem @WheatWizard It's really not a duplicate of that challenge. Look closely and you'll see the outputs are completely different
@ETHproductions But the problems are essentially the same
I don't really see how the approaches are going to be different
Q: Don't give me five!

ArasuvelQuestion : You will be given the starting and ending integers of a sequence and should return the number of integers within it which do not contain the digit 5. The start and end numbers should be included! Examples: 1,9 → 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9 → Result 8 4,17 → 4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14...

That one is probably closer
I was just going to post that
Q: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Shaggy

infinitezeroThis is my first code golf exercise for you: Your input is two integers n and k. You can assume n >= 1 and k >= 1 You have to output all numbers from 1 to n (inclusively) and replace every element that is a multiple of k or that contains k with "Shaggy". you can take the input in any convenient ...

much closer
There's a lot of them
@WheatWizard Not really, that's a near-exact dupe of the original
That and Play the "bzzt" game are both about outputting the result of the game
Don't give me five is an exact dupe of the challenge in question, but with 5 instead of 7 and without the divisiblity rule
I edited the dupe to the Don't give me five
The shaggy one takes input which was what I thought you were concerned about
I miss @RenderSettings.
@WheatWizard I was concerned about output, not input
The differences between the outputs are trivial its like printing all the primes less than n vs finding them. The answers are basically the same thing
Q: Create every combination of variable groups up to order n

user1873073SPECIFICATION Given m variables, create every combination up to order n. For example, The output of mapping two variables (a and b) to order 1 would be: a b a b The output of mapping two variables (a and b) to order 2 would be: a a2 b b2 a b a2 b a b2 a2 b2 The output of mapping two va...

in Language Design, 1 min ago, by Mistah Figgins
Language idea - Pseudocode-esc, but you can write it in different languages and change between them. You would use different languages for different tasks that they are good at describing succinctly
nope uhh that's pretty unanimous
Must... not... downvote...
@VoteToClose was someone trying to say it's controversial?
A: Network-wide HTTPS: It's time

Peter TurnerWhat I don't understand is why this site needs ssl. Is it just to avoid getting hassled by web browsers? I've been using stackoverflow for a long time, since the beta, has anyone been hacked? The personal details page is not much of a life-history, and aside from careers, it doesn't store en...

The critical part being
> I need more downvotes.
We'll, you've got plenty of them. On the wrong post :P
So on the Snake/Regex CnR, all the regexes can be edited to omit ^$ because the question now specifies "fully matches," right?
Oh, 8 Exabytes of storage. Neat. But why does a single 1GB file take up 1%?
it's a very FAT file, I guess
@mınxomaτ Ceiling maybe?
It's <.5%, why would it round up? It's ceiling at best.
Like how 106M/471M is only 22.5% not 24%
@mınxomaτ That's what rounding up means.
Welcome aboard :-)
What would you name a function that caches a list of items and then returns that cache? I'm thinking getFooCache, but that implies there's already a Foo cache and you're getting it, not creating a new cache
createFooCache maybe?
or newFooCache?
But that implies you're making it, not necessarily getting it
Is there a way to imply make and get?
new is the best way I can think of
myCache = newFooCache()
(what language are you using?)
I don't like new...
I'm writing a Python library in C++
new may not be a good option because it's a common keyword
Then why not just make FooCache a class
No need to. I'm returning a boost::python::list filled with foo
@Riker can you elaborate on this?
I'm using the same icon GitHub does for forks

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