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I'm sleeping bai
if I don't want to throw an error for sqrt of negative numbers and have no complex numbers, what should I do?
@ConorO'Brien wat
Does anyone know how IO works in Seriously?
Thing I just did in nethack: got mjollnir, killed a unicorn, first unihorn I ever got
also my stupid dog ate the corpse ;_;
@Mego I am trying to learn Seriously but I'm really confused. Could I ask you a few questions some time?
@WheatWizard Sure thing
@Mego I'm a little confused as to how the data works. I would expect to list divisors of the input but it seems to do nothing.
@DownChristopher you haven't memorized the url yet? :p
@WheatWizard , isn't necessary in 90% of cases
Oh ok
how does the ÷ work?
@DestructibleLemon good, don't eat it. bad things
@Riker You clicked it didn't you
@Mego Oh I was running in Seriously. All the things I was confused about are resolved now
Thanks. I feel real stupid now
@DownChristopher no
you dare to challenge me in my own domain, rickrolling?
@Riker I do
@DownChristopher whenever I see your username I feel that you're depressed :(
@ConorO'Brien lol nope.
@WheatWizard Yeah Seriously is/was hot garbage and isn't being developed anymore
@​mınxomaτ for the ppcg podcast?
I also can't change it for another month so i hope you get used to it
One last thing: is there a way to flatten an array? I tried O but it doesn't seem to do the trick
@Riker I clicked it and a soon as i noticed it was bitly i realized
@Riker opinions everybody?
@WheatWizard ♂i should work
@DownChristopher hahahaha
Cool thanks
I think there might be a shorter way, but idr right now
@Riker the risk
I'm going to start kicking for rickrolls. It's getting to be spammy.
@Mego i am not rickrolling
@DownChristopher nah I'm done busy with tf2
@Riker Bleh
aww yiss, Cheddar implicit newline work
@DownChristopher nice avatar
@Downgoat Thanks
We all need down___ avatars
Actually, we should probably wait or something
A bunch of people just changed their names
yeah, we don't want mod getting mad
(And I'm thinking about it too)
It would be near impossible to identify anyone
At least quickly
... I made an edit changing an offensive "Grammar Nazi" to "Grammar Critic" and OP has changed it back
they can't do anything. We are intitled to change stuff at will
they may get mad
It's just annoying at best
I have successfully listed my laptops on eBay!
you can still tell who i am '
@Downgoat on PPCG?
on Workplace
@MistahFiggins You should change your username
I agree
Use that anagram generator I guess.
I thought about changing it to Dino Saurs, because that's my steam name and all, but IDK
> Missing a Fight?
@Riker okay, open up GitGoat
and do pod install
now try doing the build
קיינמאָל געגאנגען צו געבן איר אַרויף coolest keyboard setting
@Downgoat what dir?
gitgoat ok
@MistahFiggins Good idea
Here are some that I liked/found interesting:
"Missing a Fight"
"Shifting Stigma"
"Sigma Fight ins"
"Sigma sin fight"
"Smith gains fig"
"Gas fish timing"
"Mantis fish gig"
Any thoughts, preferences?
I like Mistah Figgins, it's quite clear and I'm used to it
@ConorO'Brien I might keep it, not really sure yet
^^ Anagrams are like kicking a dead horse now
@MistahFiggins I think Shifting Stigma is cool
almost as bad as avocads
not really funny :/
Nothing stands out to me as interesting
I guess I'll keep it for now
@ConorO'Brien do you know if [] == "" is fastest way to check if empty array
Could I get someone to answer this so I can answer again. I'm having too much fun to stop right now.
@WheatWizard I'll try
@Downgoat fastest? probably not, i'd say ![].length is faster
I think he means shortest?
@ASCII-only actually likely is [].length|0 === 0 as it avoids implicit cast
¬ in RProgN 2 does just the task fine.
Question: should I add `variable name with spaces` to allow any identifier?
I feel we need a language design room.
Would this override keywords/keyword combos?
@ATaco probably, if one doesn't already exist
@Downgoat ascii is right I think
@Downgoat no plz lol
.length should be faster.
Let me run a test battery.
.length is about 3 times faster than ==""
@ATaco What about .length vs [].length|0 === 0
I get a slight decrease in performance.
@Riker I was gonna sacrifice it!
bad things happen
no they don't
sacrifice a cross aligned unicorn on a co-aligned altar and good stuff happens
also that game died from typo
oh, I thougth you said white unicorn
and lol
Ah, the lack of undoing, what makes these games so brutal
@Riker it was a white unicorn
I was not lawful
@MistahFiggins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just gotta practice
I accidentally hit a guard
@ATaco what browser are you running
51.0.1, in particular.
ah, that's it
I know V8 optimizes differently
If only I had enabled paranoid options
@Downgoat pls add non v8 performance to jsperf thing?
> fake asm.js
@ASCII-only what do you mean?
> 97% slower
@Downgoat just click run tests on like firefox/other non-v8 browser
:O South Korea impeached their president or something
¬ is not only RProgN's shortest, it's also its fastest.
wait hmm jsperf doesn't show other people's results now?
I just want to print it once! Gah!
I want to use !k at least twice, but it's borked, so I'm forced to use !!j for 1 more measly byte
@MistahFiggins same thing happens with every other number
@WheatWizard Darn, I don't think I can do it in befunge (98 or otherwise)
@MistahFiggins Ok thanks for trying
Maybe hexagony will be better
Does there exist an arbitrary code -> hexagon converter?
How does hexagony treat non-ASCII?
The same way as all other chars, iirc
does it separate things like into separate characters?
You know that add a language to a polyglot challenge?
The more recent posts have a link added with code to convert anything to a hexagon
Also, the code there gives me the same thing:
Is there a way to send a message in chat that is "too long" because of a link?
I guess it works that way, then.
@MistahFiggins tinyurl
@MistahFiggins url shorteners work
@ГригорийПерельман @MartinEnder can you confirm? Thanks!
@MistahFiggins multiline messages work too
But I don't think they format
@MistahFiggins only the plain url
oh, try quotes
> [link](http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/35939674#35939674)
> see
hm nvm
well, this is clearly different from this
Also looks like is treated as 1 character (The code would overflow to size 3, and end without printing)
Why it pushes 9577 I have no clue
@MistahFiggins That's its Unicode code point
anyone here familiar with ZSH (globbing specifically)?
@Downgoat I use zsh...
@Mendeleev do you know the zsh (w/ extglob) equivalent of !(a).b glob?
i think the only advantage of ZSH over Bash is that it looks pretty >_>
@Downgoat exclamation point is negation? I don't know what that is supposed to mean, I don't glob much
@Downgoat I really love the incremental history
(type part of a command, press up to get history only starting with that)
@Mendeleev to be fair bash has too
@Downgoat What? How?
but anyway zsh is just more powerful and has many, many usability improvements without being as insane as fish
@Mendeleev eh, I hear that but bash is just more well rounded
@Downgoat huh?
@Mendeleev add to input rc:
isn't zsh mostly bash compatible?
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
@Mendeleev it can read a bashrc but that's about it
Someone wrote an HTTP SERVER in zsh
Ksh goobbing doesn't really work
> goobbing
@Mendeleev TIO runs on bash
@Downgoat no dennis uses apache
@Mendeleev goddammit autocorrect :'(
and then invokes scripts to run the actual thing, because zsh is faster for running scripts
@Downgoat How does autocorrect get that?
@Mendeleev that might be for web server but I know backend is bash
@Mendeleev also bash has /dev/tcp
5 mins ago, by Mendeleev
and then invokes scripts to run the actual thing, because zsh is faster for running scripts
but zsh > bash
bash is just preinstalled, zsh is almost completely bash compatible
@ASCII-only opls don't believe everything you read on interbet
zsh looks pretty but pretty useless in terms of adv functionality
@ASCII-only see previous conversation
What's a good phrase for "over-optimizing" or "too much attention to detail"? Like, "Jimmy insists on holding umbrellas with the button facing forward but I think he's just being _____"
@HelkaHomba "I think he's just micro-optimizing"
It's like CS teacher saying Math.pow is slower than multiplication because function call
well i say Math.pow is less golfy
@HelkaHomba fastidious?
Yeah but golf is usually inversely proportional to speed
Going with "hypercritical"
the random cheddar program generator is greatest thing ever
@HelkaHomba perfectionist? painstaking? fastidious?
@Downgoat link?
Also please do not link this
actually, pedantic
@Mendeleev it's a script:
$ ./bin/rand
            	L.ax	;
2.79 [
      eqQ	.nS

                   . jW
                       ][-.9]. z
                                .			c

thanks I guess
@HelkaHomba yes, good word
@Downgoat wat
@ASCII-only it generates really random programs which is good to test compliancy of parser
just noticed ambiguity problem:
be parsed as:
  Expression { a.b },
  Array { 1 }
  Expression { a.b[1] }
@Downgoat depends on whether you want auto semicolons to be aggressive or not
@ASCII-only I can change precedence easy enough, this is matter of opinion
I could require [] to not be preceded by terminating whitespace (i.e. whitespaces excluding newline)
but in terms of how it reads i'd go for #1
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: write EPIPE
    at exports._errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
    at WriteWrap.afterWrite [as oncomplete] (net.js:804:14)
haha, I broke node
@Downgoat wait you're happy you broke node?
@ASCII-only no, I'm sad but I think it funnyy
though parser seems to be working pretty well:
$ echo "$(./bin/rand)" | tee /dev/tty | ./bin/test

         UK;	q
[ [ ExpressionStatement {
       PropertyExpression {
         head: NumberLiteral { value: '-33.9' },
         tail: [ Identifier { value: 'UK' } ] } },
    ExpressionStatement { expression: Identifier { value: 'q' } },
    ExpressionStatement { expression: NumberLiteral { value: '-.2' } },
    ExpressionStatement { expression: Identifier { value: 'CAzlh' } } ] ]
└Command chain
   └Property suffix

└Command chain
 │ └"-.2"
@Downgoat vsl can do it too
I am using an earley parser though which doesn't like making precedence easy
@Downgoat just turn your grammar into a jison grammar :P
jison is shit
it barely works, is not even maintained
and the owner refuses to add any collaborators
It's core parser is also broken
then port to c++?
LALR(1) is supposed to be == LALR(k)
@Downgoat but then how did someone manage to make a js parser with it
@ASCII-only C++ is hard
Hard things become less hard with practice :)
@Downgoat :(
@AlexA. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Wow Alex.
wait is alex back again
or has he been back for forever and i've just missed it
@AlexA. 🍆 Welcome 🍆
I see you welcome me bearing one of my favorite vegetables. How very generous of you!
How's life?
It's... a lot of things
How has everyone else been?
I am college.
@PhiNotPi TIL you are college
@AlexA. They've made like 20 new chat mods since you left
Only a few, I think.
I got a hat
Idea of the day: in order to pay for college, I can become a bank and loan myself money at a lower interest rate, since the federal reserve interest rate is a fraction of a percent, while the federal student loan rate is in the multiple percents.
@HelkaHomba I left?
(became noticeably less active than during certain times in the past)
This is accurate
It's accurate for me too.
I am in good company then
Quick poll for my next challenge topic: (1) 2-coloring overlapping circles (2) length of an arbitrary curve in an image (3) wives of Dr Watson. (I have ideas for all just not sure what to do first)
@HelkaHomba 1
In the order presented sounds good to me
Are there any good environments for testing/developing brainfuck? Its hard as hell when everything is done in goddamn character codes.
I believe there's an esolang IDE that supports Brainfuck
Timwi, a PPCG user, made it
there's also a brainfuck debugger online somewhere
Q: How much do I have to write?

tuskiomiWriting out numbers is among the Hello worlds of programming, often the numbers 1-10. I want to write out many numbers! Many, Many numbers. But how many numbers do I have to write? Task given a number input, give a number output that would give me the number of digits that would be in a strin...

@AlexA. o/
Yo @ГригорийПерельман, according to the transcript, we're basically neighbors
I do indeed
You two are now obliged to meet up IRL.
A wild Alex appears!
Congrats on your room ownership, @Mego!
@AlexA. Thanks, though consolations are probably more appropriate :P
Do you work for NOA?
No, but it's the most recognizable nearby landmark
But seriously, I will be disappointed if you don't meet up.
That isn't MS
Since MS is everywhere
@MistahFiggins Nintendo of America
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Helka HombaSimplify numbers while maintaining order When comparing two numbers it can sometimes be tricky to tell at instant glance which one is bigger. For example, it probably takes you longer to tell which one of these is bigger 6478093 6745021 than it does for these 6000000 6700000 Let's write s...

@ГригорийПерельман Ah. I live in North seattle, so pretty close too
^^ comments before I post (was just making sure it was tomorrow since I already posted today)
@HelkaHomba Hell froze over
@MistahFiggins Awesome, another local!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Helka HombaSimplify numbers while maintaining order When comparing two numbers it can sometimes be tricky to tell at instant glance which one is bigger. For example, it probably takes you longer to tell which one of these is bigger 6478093 6745021 than it does for these 6000000 6700000 Let's write s...

@Mego I feel so dirty. Do you know what cats like DJ and Riker do in sandboxes?
@HelkaHomba So keep the run of digits that match between the nubers from most to least significant, and replace the rest in the lower with 0, and keep 1 and only 1 digit of the higher?
Does anyone know how to use Brainduck? I can't even get it to run my code.
@WheatWizard screenshot?
@MistahFiggins No, the significance besides the front digit doesn't matter. Like 6000000 6000020 and 6000000 6700000 are both valid outputs for the first example
@ASCII-only Here
@WheatWizard run/debug doesn't work?
Yeah as far as I can tell it does nothing
@HelkaHomba For 6304709 and 6304589, you would keep 6304, and get 6304000 and something like 6304700 for outputs?
@MistahFiggins No. The point it to change as many digits to 0 as possible
So it would be 6000000 and 6004000 or something?
does the lower number always have only 1 non-0 digit?
@NewMainPosts Well, I wanted to answer this in V, but supporting negatives makes it like twenty times harder, so I'm just gonna post my partial answer: Try it online!
And scrolling up, it seems like a missed @AlexA. You still in here?
@MistahFiggins Well 6304709 and 6304589 -> 6300000 and 6000000 or 6040000 and 6000000 etc
@MistahFiggins I think so
@DJMcMayhem Yep. Hello and congrats to you too on your room ownership!
Still working on Julia a lot?
Nobody ever congratulates me on my room ownership... ;-; /s
@DJMcMayhem Indeed
@PhiNotPi Happy roomership Phi!
@HelkaHomba But something like 6000000 and 6900000 would not be valid?
@MistahFiggins No. The digits can only change to 0 (and do you mean those switched around?)
@AlexA. what are you working on regarding Julia?
Input order should equal output order
@HelkaHomba ok (and yes)
@PhiNotPi Developing and maintaining packages and working on the language itself
> C, 196 194 224 244 240 bytes
Why always 4s
@betseg Blame Verdana
Actually Times is not much better...
4 = 4
but which is which?
I mean, there are 10 digits except the first ones and they should be divided into 10 digits properly, yet the half of them are 4s
Confirmation bias. You're looking for 4s, so you're finding them.
There are a bunch of 2s too, but you're not pointing them out
I mean, there's 4 entire 2s
First 2s are acceptable, but tens and ones should be more randomish. Though as Ive just thought, as there are thousands of answers formation of patterns like that is more plausible
Benford's law * 4
@HelkaHomba 4 FTFY
@MistahFiggins That passed the obnoxious threshold a while ago
I like this challenge. There are at least 6 false answers, 4 of them are deleted :D
O_O I just saw a spider. brb burning down barn just to be safe
Huh apparently diamonds do not show on mobile chat... don't know if bug or if SE forgot about it
What are diamonds?
They indicate moderator status somewhere on SE
Oh that one
@Downgoat they probably forgot
@Downgoat Huh. they are if you click on the name to view the profile, but the name isn't blue for mods, and isn't italicized for room ownership
I have discovered that, while a mobile chat app would be pretty useful and convenient, That's basically what my internet app is anyways, plus a couple other tabs
Wikipedia app has tabs. Think how cool it would be if SE app had tabs+chat.
Thinking of making a HRM interpreter with GUI stuff
Is anyone interested in helping?
Horned Maio language?
Human Resource Machine

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