@AdmBorkBork Only people who use calculators or other witchcraft devices talk about ln or make a distinction between different bases. But reasonable people know that there is only one true logarithm, so log is nothing but natural.
I have a TI-voyage200 which has a full keyboard, which is really nice for programming. (It is just quite slow, it would be cool if it had an up-to-date processor/memory)
@KritixiLithos I once did a monte carlo simulation to calculate pi and the program ran one full day until the batteries died. The result was 3.15something
Vim, 12, 11, 8 bytes
Try it online! in the backwards compatible V-interpreter.
This takes advantage of the ls output being sorted by default. TBH, I'm not sure if this is standard behavior, but it works for me on TIO and the vim + coreutils that comes with git-bash for windows.
I remember making a blackjack game. I think I helped with programming a (US) football kicker game, where the football was X yards away and at Y angle, and there was a little bar that went across the bottom to determine your angle of kick.
@MistahFiggins IDK either. None of the ports work, so I'm getting a new laptop at the surplus sale. The new laptop will be exactly the same model as the one I currently have.
I'll look for one with the same CPU, RAM amount, etc.
Last year they had entire stacks of the things, almost as tall as me. I'm 5'11"
@MitchSchwartz I know what you're referring too, but I'm not really sure how to respond to this whole conversation in general. On one hand, I absolutely agree with you. Most things about SE are not a good fit for a code-golf site, and PPCG has a dumb voting culture. That's completely true. But there are also some things about SE that have greatly benefited us, for example, the traffic from SO is a huge help.
I have noticed a common pattern of people coming to PPCG from other golfing sites and quickly getting frustrated and/or leaving because it seems like the points have nothing to do with golfing ability. The whole post not the poster thing comes from SO which is intended to be a repository of information, so we are awkwardly forced into its mold too.
But to be honest, you've pointed out a lot of the problems PPCG has, but I don't know what you want to see instead. What features do you want to change? What culture do you want to help establish? I know this is dredging up really old events, but I don't really see how bountying random posts can bring about changes or fix the ingrained cultural issues PPCG has.
@DJMcMayhem "dumb voting culture" I second that, it's annoying to see builtins get more upvotes than something clever implemented in a language that does not have such builtins
@CheckOutTomato Because I don't see the point of having a no with zero-context on the starboard while an important discussion about the site is happening.
@MitchSchwartz I am genuinely curious if you have any ideas about how to improve the site. (And I'm sorry about all the hostility last time this conversation happened)
@KritixiLithos That's true. It also got me Populist, btw. But I agree, it's a crap answer and I'm kinda sad that it is my highest-voted answer (by far, it has over twice the votes of my second-highest answer).
Yeah I'm reading and responding in between doing other things atm (and in case it's useful to know, I wrote my most recent message before i saw your most recent messages to me before that)
While it's true that I participated on other sites before I submitted anything here, it might be inaccurate or misleading (shrug emoji) to say that I came here from other site(s), as I supported this site when it was in Area 51 commitment phase
Battle of the Algorithms, Kruskal vs Prim
This will be a challenge similar to a cops-and-robbers challenge. There will be two threads each with a winner.
This challenge is about minimum spanning trees. I might include a introduction to the topic, but for now I am working under the assumption ...
@StewieGriffin Does the code we write output how many reversals it took? Can we used a built-in sort method to check/compare that the array is sorted (e.g., like a loop boundary)?
The challenge here is to make a computer virus only using 140 characters max(it should be able to be contained in a Twitter post). Any answer that contains more than 140 characters is disqualified. You will also need to explain how your virus works and tell how many characters it took you to writ...
@AdmBorkBork I'm not sure it's even possible to brute-force an optimal solution. But the purpose is to write an algorithm that minimizes the number of reversals, within the time limit of ~1 minute.
The number of possibilities is countless, so you would have to compare an insane amount of alternatives to find the optimal one.
OK, I think the wording in your first paragraph could use a bit of tweaking, then.
Maybe something like this instead:
> This is a code-challenge where the objective is to sort a vector into ascending order using the fewest operations. Your algorithm can only sort the vector using subvector reversals, but it can use other operations for comparing the vector, arithmetic operations, loops, etc. The number of subvector reversals your algorithm performs is its score.
I'm new to Python.
I want my code to open a file in gxl format (like xml format), and read lines and find < string> tag. After that, keep the first word and delete the other words until it meets < /string> tag. How can i do this? Here is an example:
< string>dummyMainClass void dummyMa...
> Once a post has been deleted, it will disappear for all users except developers, moderators, and users with over 2,000 reputation. Deleted questions will also always be visible to their authors, regardless of the author's reputation. source
Tl;dr: The minor improvements that takes an answer from 44 to 42 are often the most interesting and impressive feat. If you made the improvements, then you should post it as your answer.
I'll use Luis Mendo's comments on one of my most recent posts as an example.
I posted my original answer...
@AdmBorkBork If you want to post it as a comment, please do... But I feel there's very often only one answer in each language, but a lot of improvements from various users.
Random question: What would you call a Function translator, e.g. a function that simply changes up some types and passes the real call onto another function?
Woo, down to 80 on the Happy Birthday V challenge. Not sure I can catch Dennis' Python answer, but I'm now beating most other non-esolangs (Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, etc.). :D
If I say something like "I think people here tend to take reputation too seriously" for example, then there is a very obvious solution being suggested, namely to take reputation less seriously and promote that general attitude, or I guess to try to defend why you think it should be taken very seriously, or say why you think people aren't taking it as seriously as I seem to think they are taking it, etc
@Riker I have seen that before, it's pretty great. Have you seen this one? Intergalactic diplomacy: if it's stupid but it works, it ain't stupid. imgur.com/gallery/S82QF